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A Comparison of Fixed- and Variable-Airflow

Series Fan-Powered Terminal Units

Dennis L. O’Neal, PhD, PE Peng Yin, PhD Di Lu

Fellow/Life Member ASHRAE Associate Member ASHRAE

ABSTRACT handling unit (AHU) is typically delivered by the central

primary (supply) fan through the duct system to VAV terminal
The annual energy use of fixed- and variable-airflow
units. If the terminal unit has a fan in it, it is called a fan-
series fan-powered terminal units (FPTUs) in a small office
powered terminal unit (FPTU). FPTUs mix secondary with
building was evaluated and compared using the hourly
primary air, provide additional pressurization to the air, and
weather data from five cities: Houston, TX; Phoenix, AZ; San
add supplemental heating (when needed) to the air before the
Francisco, CA; New York, NY; and Chicago, IL. Annual energy
air is delivered to the zone the FPTU is serving. FPTUs also
use was estimated by implementing a previously developed
make it possible to reduce the central AHU’s operating pres-
(O’Neal et al. 2016) mass and energy balance model in Engi-
sure and reduce its energy consumption (ASHRAE 2016).
neering Equation Solver (EES 2016). A fixed-airflow series
FPTU with a permanent split capacitor motor controlled by a FPTUs come in two configurations: series and parallel.
silicon-controlled rectifier was assumed to be the baseline. When the fan in the FPTU is in series with the primary supply
Other fixed-airflow FPTUs included three with electronically fan, the configuration is called a series FPTU. In a series
commutated motors with capacity factors of 0%, 25%, and FPTU, all primary and secondary (induced) air passes through
50%. The capacity factor, as defined in this paper, is a measure the FPTU fan, which operates continuously during the normal
of how large the maximum airflow of the FPTU is compared operating hours of the HVAC system. In a parallel FPTU, the
to the design airflow of the zone. The variable-airflow FPTUs fan operates intermittently, is located in the secondary
also used electronically commutated motors with three capac- airstream, and is in parallel with the primary airstream. The
ity factors relative to the design load (0%, 25%, and 50%). The fan is used to induce air into the FPTU during heating and dead
results demonstrated the energy savings potential of electron- band operations.
ically commutated motors whether applied in fixed- or vari-
Manufacturers used permanent split capacitor (PSC)
able-airflow applications. Because FPTUs are applied in a
motors with silicon-controlled rectifiers (SCRs) and electron-
wide range of building types and sizes, the savings for a small
ically commutated motors (ECMs) to drive the fans in FPTUs.
office building may differ from the savings estimates for a
PSC motors are applied in situations where the airflow
larger building or for a building designed for a different
provided by the FPTU fan is fixed. The speed of an ECM is
purpose (healthcare, retail, etc.), where the internal loads may
varied with the use of a direct current (DC) voltage controller.
be different from those of the small office building modeled in
ECMs in series FPTUs can be used to either run the fan at a
this paper.
fixed airflow, or their speed can be varied so the airflow from
the FPTU matches the required load in the zone. For fixed-
airflow applications with either a PSC/SCR or ECM FPTU,
Variable-air-volume (VAV) systems are designed to the field technician sets the controller to supply the design
maintain comfort in a zone by varying the amount of condi- airflow during installation and/or commissioning of the
tioned air delivered to the zone. Conditioned air from an air- FPTU. For variable-airflow applications, the ECM can be tied

Dennis L. O’Neal is the dean of the School of Engineering and Computer Science and Di Lu is a graduate student in the Department of
Mechanical Engineering at Baylor University, Waco, TX. Peng Yin is an assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at
the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette, LA.

AT THE 2018 ASHRAE WINTER CONFERENCE. The archival version of this paper along with comments and author responses will be published in ASHRAE
Transactions, Volume 124, Part 1. ASHRAE must receive written questions or comments regarding this paper by February 12, 2018, for them to be included in

into a building automation system and the airflow can be (2008) performed laboratory measurements on a series ECM
varied to provide the desired amount of airflow to just meet the FPTU and developed a set of equations for modeling its
thermal load requirement of the zone. performance. Edmondson et al. (2011a, 2011b) conducted
The fan motors in FPTUs are matched with the fans and detailed measurements and developed performance models of
come as an integrated assembly. While the fan motors in ECM-controlled series and parallel FPTUs from three manu-
FPTUs are small, typically 1 hp (746 W) or less, there may be facturers. The experimental studies of Cramlet (2008) and
many of these in a building, so their contribution to the total Edmondson et al. (2011a, 2011b) treated the FPTU as an
energy use may be significant. input-output or “black box” system. Performance of individ-
Figure 1 shows a simple diagram of a series FPTU with ual components in the FPTU were not measured. Semi-empir-
the major components (mixer, fan, and heating coil) and the ical relationships were developed from the experimental data
inputs and outputs to each component and the FPTU. Mass and that could be used to estimate the electrical, pressure, and
energy balances can be performed on each component to esti- airflow performance of a FPTU as a system. As demonstrated
mate performance of the FPTU. by Davis et al (2012a, 2012b), the models developed from the
Models of both fixed-airflow and variable-airflow series experimental work of Cramlet (2008) and Edmondson, et al
FPTUs were recently developed by Reid et al. (2016) and (2011a, 2011b) allow a modeler to use the sets of equations to
O’Neal et al. (2016). These models used a mass and energy simulate the hourly performance of a particular FPTU in a
balance approach to modeling the components shown in building if the static pressures inside the duct system are
Figure 1 as well as the with fan/motor performance models for known. Some building energy simulation programs such as
PSC motors controlled by SCRs and ECMs. EnergyPlus (LBNL 2016) utilized a much simpler model of
The purpose of this paper is to use the previously devel- FPTUs that relies on energy and mass balances of the FPTU
oped fixed- and variable-airflow models of series FPTUs to to estimate performance. Using the data from Cramlet (2008)
evaluate the potential energy savings of using ECMs in both and Edmondson et al. (2011a, 2011b) would require a different
fixed- and variable-airflow applications. The comparison was approach to modeling air-side systems than was commonly
done for a small, five-zone office building using Engineering found in some building simulation programs.
Equation Solver (EES 2016) as the simulation tool. The Yin and O’Neal (2014a, 2014b) measured the performance
comparisons were made by utilizing the PSC/SCR and ECM of the individual components (fan/motor combination, the
models developed by O’Neal et al. (2015a, 2015b) and O’Neal damper, and cabinet) of several series ECM-controlled FPTUs.
(2015) and combining them with the fixed- and variable- Their strategy was to determine if the individual component
airflow FPTU models developed by Reid et al (2016) and models could be combined to predict overall system perfor-
O’Neal et al (2016). EES provides a ready simulation platform mance. The system performance predicted with this approach
to model a small office building because it can easily handle was compared to the measured system performance of the
hourly weather data and psychrometric relations. FPTU collected by Edmondson et al. (2011a). There was
general agreement in the trends, and the agreement demon-
PREVIOUS WORK strated that a component approach could be used if the perfor-
Cramlet (2008), Edmondson et al. (2011a, 2011b) and mance of the fan/motor/controller, damper, and housing were
Yin and O’Neal (2014a, 2014b) characterized the steady-state known. Some of the differences in performance between the
and part-load performance of FPTUs using ECMs. Cramlet component and measured system performance focused on the

Figure 1 Components and energy and mass flows in the simulation of a series fan-powered terminal unit.

2 CH-18-012
airflow effects on the fan performance within the FPTU. Specif- The value of C2 was found to be 0.372 W/(ft3/min) (788
ically, Yin and O’Neal (2014b) found that when the perfor- W/[m3/s]). Thus, if the airflow of a PSC/SCR FPTU is known,
mance of the fan/motor combination tested outside the FPTU then the power can be directly calculated using Equation 1.
differed from the measured performance of the fan/motor However, estimating the performance for ECM fan/
combination when tested inside the case. The most likely cause motor combinations is more complicated. As developed by
of these differences was due to fan system effects that occurred O’Neal et al. (2015b) and O’Neal (2015), ECM power
because of the constrained space within the housing of the depended on knowledge of the design airflow for the zone,
FPTU. the maximum FPTU airflow, and the part-load power curve
Recently, Reid et al. (2016) and Yin et al (2016) published of the ECM fan/motor combination. Because the equations
models of fixed-airflow parallel and series FPTUs that used for the part-load performance of ECM fan/motor combina-
mass and energy balances on each of the FPTU components. tions in FPTUs were developed and described in detail by
They used the PSC/SCR and ECM fan/motor models of O’Neal O’Neal et al. (2015b), O’Neal (2015), and Reid et al. (2016),
et al. (2015a, 2015b). More recently, O’Neal et al. (2016) they are not repeated here. However, it is important to under-
presented a variable-airflow series ECM FPTU model that was stand how sizing of the FPTU relative to the design load in
based on mass and energy balances of the components in the the zone can significantly affect ECM performance. Reid et
FPTU. These models were used in EES to estimate the annual al (2016) defines the capacity factor Cf as:
energy performance of both the fixed- and variable-airflow
series FPTUs reported in this paper. Maximum ECM FPU Airflow
C f = ------------------------------------------------------------------------ – 1
Zone Design Airflow
Cf was also called the excess capacity factor in Reid et
Both PSC/SCR motors and ECMs can be used to drive the al. (2016) and fractional oversizing in O’Neal et al. (2015b)
fan in the FPTU. Because the fan and motor are mated together because it expressed how much excess capacity, or oversiz-
into an integral system, the motors are generally tested with ing, a FPTU had relative to the design airflow requirement in
the fans with the result being a combined fan/motor perfor- zone. As defined in the original derivation of Equation 2, the
mance curve. O’Neal et al (2015a) evaluated PSC/SCR fan/ maximum airflow of the FPTU was determined by the
motor combinations from several manufacturers and found airflow at the maximum setting of the ECM (O’Neal et al.
that they could be easily modeled with a simple relationship: 2015b). ECM controllers typically go from a setting of 0 to
10 V, or 0 to 100%. The value at 10 V, or 100%, would
Pow fan = C 2  Q tot (1) provide the maximum airflow capacity.

Figure 2 Fan power versus fan motor airflow for ECM FPTU A sized to just meet the zone design airflow.

CH-18-012 3
Calculating the fan/motor performance of ECM FPTUs maximum airflow than needed to satisfy the zone design
requires knowledge of Cf and whether the FPTU was used airflow.
in a fixed- or variable-airflow application. Figure 2 shows Figure 3 shows ECM FPTU A and a second FPTU desig-
the fan/motor airflow and power for an ECM FPTU. Based nated as “ECM FPTU B.” ECM FPTU B had a larger airflow
on data from approximately three dozen ECM fan/motor capacity than ECM FPTU A at its maximum setting. It also
units from four manufacturers, the power at the maximum had an airflow capacity at its maximum setting that was larger
ECM setting could be approximated by a simple line than the zone design airflow. The difference between the
marked “power at the maximum ECM setting” in Figure 2 airflow at the maximum ECM setting for FPTU B and the
(O’Neal et al. 2015b). The line showed that power at maxi- airflow required to meet the design load in the zone is labeled
mum ECM could be modeled as increasing linearly as the “Excess Capacity” and was the difference between the
capacity of the FPTUs increased. Based on the evaluation FPTU’s maximum capacity and the zone design airflow:
of the data by O’Neal et al. (2015b), the slope of the line of
Airflow of ECM FPTU B at Maximum Setting
the power at maximum ECM setting was found to be Excess Capacity =
0.38 W/(ft3/s)(805 W/[m3/s]). At their maximum airflow – Zone Design Airflow
setting, the slope of power versus airflow for the ECM units
at their maximum airflow setting was 2.1% higher than the (3)
slope C2 value for the PSC/SCR units in Equation 1. Thus, 3
The units of excess capacity would normally be in ft /min
at their maximum power setting, ECM fan/motors used (m3/s). The capacity factor Cf can be defined as:
comparable power to the PSC/SCR fan/motors provided by
these manufacturers. Excess Capacity
C f = --------------------------------------------------- (4)
Zone Design Airflow
As shown in Figure 2, the part-load performance curve
of ECM FPTU A, shown as a dashed line, drops down from The capacity factor provides a fractional measure of the
the line of maximum ECM setting. If ECM FPTU A were additional airflow (and capacity) that the FPTU provides over
sized so its maximum capacity just met the zone design the design airflow. For example, assuming ECM FPTU B had
airflow, then the power for ECM FPTU A could be deter- a maximum airflow of 800 ft3/min (0.38 m3/s) and the zone
mined on the y-axis by finding where the part-load curve of design airflow was 600 ft3/min (0.28 m3/s), then the excess
ECM FPTU A intersected the “zone design airflow” on the capacity would be 200 ft3/min (0.09 m3/s) and the capacity
x-axis and the line for “power at the maximum ECM factor would be:
setting.” If the ECM FPTU A was a fixed-airflow ECM, it 200
would be set at the design airflow for the zone and remain C f = --------- = 0.33 (5)
at that airflow while the system was operating. At its maxi-
mum controller setting, ECM FPTU A used a marginally The role that capacity factor plays in estimating the part-
larger amount of power than its PSC/SCR counterpart. It load performance of ECM FPTUs was discussed by O’Neal et
would also be expected to use slightly more energy as a al. (2015b) and O’Neal (2015). Once the capacity factor
fixed-airflow FPTU. If this FPTU were set up for variable- exceeded about one (which equals twice the design airflow),
airflow operations, then as the airflow requirements in the there was little power reduction from increasing the size of the
zone decreased, the controller would lower the airflow of FPTU. In a specific application, there would be first costs,
the FPTU and there would be power (and energy) savings space constraints, and other variables that would limit the
based on the part-load curve of ECM FPTU A. The vari- amount of excess capacity that would be feasible for installing
able-airflow ECM FPTU A would be expected to spend a a FPTU with capacity larger than needed to satisfy the design
considerable amount of time at lower airflows along the airflow.
dashed curve, which represents the part-load curve of ECM It may seem counterintuitive that a FPTU with a larger
FPTU A. At part load, the FPTU would take advantage of capacity than needed to satisfy the design load in the zone
the lower power use to satisfy the lower airflow require- would provide reduced power at design conditions. In looking
ments in the zone and, integrated over the whole year, could at Figure 3, when ECM FPTU B operated at its maximum
save considerable fan energy compared to the variable controller setting, it used more power than the smaller ECM
FPTU A did when it operated at its maximum setting.
airflow applications of ECM FPTU A.
However, as shown in Figure 3, in following the part-load
In looking at the part-load curve of ECM FPTU A in curve of ECM FPTU B to where it intersects with the zone
Figure 2, if the FPTU could be operated along the part-load design airflow, then ECM FPTU B would use lower power
curve, then it would be possible to reduce the power and than would ECM FPTU A. This lower power requirement is
energy use of the FPTU fan/motor compared to fixed-airflow shown in Figure 4 as the horizontal dashed line that proceeded
operations. However, it would also be possible to achieve from the intersection of the part-load curve of ECM FPTU B
considerable power and energy savings in fixed airflow oper- and the zone design airflow. Not only can ECM FPTU B
ations with an ECM FPTU by installing one with a larger provide power savings over ECM FPTU A when both are

4 CH-18-012
Figure 3 Fan power and fan motor airflow for ECM FPTU A and ECM FPTU B.

Figure 4 Comparison of the power requirements for ECM FPTU A and ECM FPTU B operating at the zone design airflow.

operated as fixed-airflow FPTUs serving the same design part-load performance of variable-airflow ECM FPTUs were
airflow, but the larger FPTU could also provide power savings derived by O’Neal (2015) and were used to model ECM
over the smaller FPTU in variable-airflow operations. These FPTUs in this paper.
savings can be seen by comparing the part-load curves of ECM
FPTUs A and B for airflows below the zone design airflow. BUILDING AND HVAC SYSTEM MODELS
The part-load curve of ECM FPTU B was always less than that Figure 5 shows the geometric model of a small office
of ECM FPTU A except for very low airflows where the two building. The building dimensions are 100 × 50 × 8 ft (30.5 ×
curves crossed each other. The equations needed to model the 15.2 × 2.4 m) with a conditioned floor area of 5000 ft2

CH-18-012 5
Figure 5 Five-zone, single-story office building modeled in EnergyPlus.

Table 1. Building Modeling Design Parameters

Houston, TX Phoenix, AZ San Francisco, CA New York, NY Chicago, IL

Climate Zone 2A Climate Zone 2B Climate Zone 3C Climate Zone 4A Climate Zone 5A

Exterior wall insulation R-value,

9.1(1.6) 9.1 (1.6) 9.1 (1.6) 13.5 (2.4) 17.4 (3.1)
ft2·F·h/Btu (m2·C/W)

Exterior roof insulation R-value,

35.4 (6.2) 35.4 (6.2) 35.4 (6.2) 46 (8.1) 46 (8.1)
ft2·F·h/Btu (m2·C/W)

Exterior window U-factor,

0.6 (3.4) 0.6 (3.4) 0.55 (3.1) 0.42 (2.4) 0.42 (2.4)
Btu/h·ft2·F (m2·C/W)

Exterior window SHGC 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.4 0.4

(464 m2). The building was split into five zones with four Table 2. Internal Heat Gain and Infiltration/
exterior zones and one interior zone. The exterior zone depth Ventilation Design Parameters
is 12 ft (3.7 m), and the window-to-wall ratio is 0.29. The
properties of building materials and structure of building Item Value
envelops are directly adopted from one of the commercial
178 ft2/person (16.5 m2/person) and 120
prototype building models developed by Pacific Northwest Occupancy
W/person with schedules
National Laboratory (PNNL). It complies with ASHRAE
Standard 90.1-2013 (ASHRAE 2013). Table 1 lists the R- Lighting 0.84 W/ft2 (9.2 W/m2) with schedules
values for exterior wall and roof as well as U-factors and
Equipment 0.63 W/ft2 (6.8 W/m2) with schedules
solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) values for exterior
windows that were used in this building model. 0.15 ft3/min per ft2 (2.74 m3/h per m2)of
Table 2 provides the internal heat gains from occupancy, Infiltration and exterior wall area
lighting, and equipment as well as infiltration and ventila- ventilation 400 ft3/min (0.19 m3/s) for space 1-1 and
tion. Thermostat settings of 75°F (23.9°C) for cooling and space 3-1 for door opening with schedules
73°F (22.8°C) for heating were used for the calculation of
75°F (23.9°C) cooling constant
peak design load and hourly load. The 2°F (1.1°C) difference Thermostat
73°F (22.8°C) heating constant
between the cooling and heating set point was considered the
dead band. Representative schedules for occupancy, light-
ing, and equipment were added to capture the variation of amount of primary air allowed in a specific zone was
internal loads with time. assumed to be 0.2, or 20%, of the design airflow. While lower
Basic temperatures and airflow minimums for the single minimum primary airflows have been used in buildings
duct VAV system are provided in Table 3. The minimum (Hydeman and Eubanks 2014; Zhang et al. 2014), 20% is a

6 CH-18-012
Table 3. VAV Systems Assumptions the performance of fixed-airflow PSC/SCR and ECM series
units. As demonstrated by O’Neal et al. (2016), the EES fixed
Item Value airflow model provided comparable results to the fixed-
airflow FPTU model in EnergyPlus (LBNL 2016). When this
Primary supply air minimum
0.2 paper was written, EnergyPlus did not have the capability to
flow fraction
model variable-airflow FPTUs.
Zone cooling design supply air The zone calculations of airflow and temperature were
55°F (12.8°C)
then merged to solve for the return air loop of the complete
Zone heating design supply air VAV system. The mixing temperature of the return air and
90°F (32.2°C)
temperature outdoor air was used to determine whether preheating was
required. If the temperature was below the primary air
temperature of 55°F (12.8°C), then the preheating coil was
commonly used value. The primary air temperature was used to heat the mixed air to the primary air temperature. The
assumed to be 55°F (12.8°C) while the heating discharge procedure then calculated the power consumption of the
temperature was assumed to be 90°F (32.2°C). primary fan and proceeded to calculate the cooling energy
The design load of each zone and the hourly load profile required at the primary cooling coil. If there was another hour,
throughout a year in five cities were generated using Energy- then the procedure looped back to the start; otherwise, the
Plus (LBNL 2016). EnergyPlus provided the zone peak loads procedure was completed.
and hourly loads throughout a year, both of which were
In the model, the preheat coil was located downstream of
required as input by the EES models of both fixed- and vari-
the mixing of return and outdoor air. At this location, the cold
able-airflow FPTUs.
outdoor air was tempered with the return air before entering
After the building model was developed, the data for heat- the preheat coil. This location was chosen to match the simu-
ing and cooling design days for five U.S. cities (Houston, TX; lations by Davis (2010). The model assumed a simple COP for
Phoenix, AZ; San Francisco, CA; New York City, NY; and the chiller and a fixed primary air temperature, both of which
Chicago, IL) were obtained from ASHRAE Handbook of were independent of outdoor air temperature. The EES model
Fundamentals (ASHRAE 2013b) as shown in Table 4. Janu- calculated the outdoor air as a percentage of the supply air to
ary 21st was used as the heating design day and July 21st was each zone. The sum of the required outdoor air in each zone
the cooling design day. With the information shown in Tables was equal to the total amount that was introduced into the VAV
1 through 4, the peak zone load was calculated using Energy- system. Because the zone supply air was constant in the fixed-
Plus. The design cooling sensible loads are summarized in airflow operation, the outdoor air was also constant in the EES
Table 5. There is a wide variation in design loads for the five calculation approach.
zones in each city shown in this table. The largest cooling
loads are in Phoenix for all five zones.
The design airflows corresponding to the sensible design
cooling loads were calculated in EnergyPlus (2016) and are Table 7 shows the results of the simulations for Houston
shown in Table 6. These values were used to size the FPTUs for all fixed- and variable-airflow FPTU options. The fixed-
in the EES models. In addition to the peak design loads shown airflow PSC/SCR was assumed to be the baseline in all the
in Table 5, the hourly heating and cooling loads throughout a cities. Three fixed-airflow and three variable-airflow ECM
year were determined for each of the cities and were used as FPTUs were simulated with capacity factors Cf of 0%, 25%,
input by the EES models to estimate the energy consumption and 50%. This provided a range in Cf from FPTUs that just
of VAV systems with series FPTUs. matched the design airflow (Cf = 0%) to ones that had as much
The local climate conditions, zone peak design load, and as 50% more airflow capacity than needed to meet the design
hourly zone loads were imported into the EES FPTU fixed- airflow. While ECM FPTUs with larger Cf could have been
and variable-airflow models. The zone design cooling load chosen, the ones in Table 7 illustrates the potential savings for
was used to determine the airflow requirement in each zone using ECM FPTUs with capacities larger than the design
and provide the reference for the airflow capacity of each airflow. The capacity factor was expressed as a percent in all
terminal unit. For the ECM units with a capacity factor above the tables. It is the authors’ understanding that FPTUs with
zero, the capacity was found using the capacity factor to esti- larger capacities than needed to meet the design load are
mate the maximum airflow of the FPTU. The hourly zone driven by factors such as those noted in ASHRAE 90.1
loads were used to determine the hourly energy consumption (ASHRAE 2013a) and the need to provide enough built in
of terminal unit fans, heating coils, preheat coils, primary cooling capacity in a zone for the building owner to have the
cooling coils, and primary supply fans. The zone hourly loads flexibility to build out space for future tenants.
determined by the EnergyPlus model and hourly weather data The annual energy use (kWh) of the FPTU fan, the FPTU
for each city were used as input into the EES model. The FPTU heating coil, the primary fan (AHU), the chiller, the preheat
model developed by Reid et al. (2016) was used to characterize coil, and total plant are listed in Table 7. The percentage differ-

CH-18-012 7
Table 4. Summary of Heating and Cooling Design Day Data

Design Temperatures
Houston, TX Phoenix, AZ San Francisco, CA New York, NY Chicago, IL

33.8°F dry-bulb 38.7°F dry-bulb 38.8°F dry-bulb 13.8°F dry-bulb –1.5°F dry-bulb
Heating design day
(1.0oC dry-bulb) (3.7oC dry-bulb) (3.8oC dry-bulb) (–10.1oC dry-bulb) (–18.6°C dry-bulb)

95.2°F dry-bulb 110.1°F dry-bulb 82.9°F dry-bulb 89.8°F dry-bulb 91.9°F dry-bulb
76.6°F wet-bulb 70°F wet-bulb 63°F wet-bulb 72.9°F wet-bulb 74.7°F wet-bulb
Cooling design day
(35.1°C dry-bulb (43.4°C dry-bulb (28.3 °C dry-bulb (32.1°C dry-bulb (32.3°C dry-bulb
24.8°C wet-bulb) 21.1°C wet-bulb) 17.2 °C wet-bulb) 22.7 °C wet-bulb) 23.7°C wet-bulb)

Table 5. Design Sensible Cooling Loads in Each Zone and City

Sensible Cooling Load, Btu/h (kW)

Space 1-1 Space 2-1 Space 3-1 Space 4-1 Space 5-1

Houston, TX 22,493 (6.6) 7419 (2.2) 20,294 (5.90) 8484 (2.5) 12,143 (3.6)

Phoenix, AZ 27,943 (8.2) 8579 (2.5) 25,129 (7.4) 9706 (2.8) 12,849 (3.8)

San Francisco, CA 15,397 (4.5) 6189 (1.8) 11,010 (3.2) 6065 (1.8) 10,453 (3.1)

New York, NY 21,602 (6.3) 8355 (2.4) 18,677 (5.5) 8056 (2.4) 11,023 (3.2)

Chicago, IL 20,743 (6.1) 7920 (2.3) 16,945 (5.0) 8020 (2.4) 11,025 (3.2)

Table 6. Design Airflows for Each Zone and City

Design Airflow, ft3/min (m3/s)

Space 1-1 Space 2-1 Space 3-1 Space 4-1 Space 5-1

Houston, TX 1037 (0.49) 342 (0.16) 935 (0.25) 391 (0.18) 560 (0.29)

Phoenix, AZ 1288 (0.61) 395 (0.19) 1158 (0.55) 447 (0.21) 592 (0.28)

San Francisco, CA 710 (0.33) 285 (0.13) 507 (0.24) 280 (0.13) 482 (0.23)

New York, NY 996 (0.47) 385 (0.18) 861 (0.41) 371 (0.18) 508 (0.24)

Chicago, IL 956 (0.45) 365 (0.17) 781 (0.37) 370 (0.17) 508 (0.24)

ence in the far right column is the difference in total plant counter to common understanding that EC motors always
energy use for a specific FPTU option compared to the fixed- provide an energy efficient alternative to PSC motors driving a
airflow PSC/SCR FPTU. FPTU fan. However, if the ECM is operating at full power, its W/
Fixed-airflow ECM FPTUs provided reduced energy use (ft3/min) (W/[m3/s]) maybe similar to or even larger than that for
compared to the baseline PSC/SCR as long as the capacity factor a PSC motor. In the example above, the EC motor operating at its
Cf was either 25% or 50%. Larger capacity factors would corre- full power setting used 0.38 W/(ft3/min) [805 W/(m3/s)]
spond to the situation shown in Figure 4 with ECM FPTU B. With compared to the PSC motor which used 0.372 W/(ft3/min)
larger capacity factor ECM FPTUs, the speed of the ECM could (788 W/[m3/s]). As discussed below, EC motors can provide
be reduced until the FPTU just met the design airflow. With the significant reductions in energy use when their speed is reduced
reduction in speed, the power of the ECM would be reduced from the full power setting. For a fixed-airflow application, this is
compared to the baseline PSC/SCR or to the ECM with a Cf of done by using an ECM fan/motor combination with an airflow
0%. The ECM FPTU with a Cf of 0% showed a slight increase in capacity that is larger than its design, and then reducing its speed
plant energy use over the baseline primarily because the fan to meet the design airflow requirement.
energy for this FPTU was 10,934 kWh compared to 10,705 kWh The large fan energy savings for the two fixed-airflow
for the PSC/SCR FPTU. The results for the 0% Cf case may go ECMs with capacity factors of 25% and 50% can be seen in

8 CH-18-012
Table 7. Annual Energy Use for the Five Zone Building with Different Fixed- and Variable-Airflow Options in

FPTU FPTU Primary Preheat
Chiller, Plant Percentage
FPTU Fan, Coil, Fan, Coil,
kWh Energy, Difference
kWh kWh kWh kWh

Fixed-airflow PSC/SCR 10,705 11,481 1435 73,300 1139 98061 N/A

Fixed-airflow ECM—0% capacity factor 10,934 11,435 1437 73,388 1139 98333 0.3%

Fixed-airflow ECM—25% capacity factor 7573 12,143 1411 72,304 1142 94573 –3.6%

Fixed-airflow ECM—50% capacity factor 5855 12,504 1398 71,747 1143 92647 –5.5%

Variable-airflow ECM—0% capacity factor 2648 15,887 1361 69,634 1093 90623 –7.6%

Variable-airflow ECM—25% capacity factor 2009 15,861 1347 69,018 1094 89328 –8.9%

Variable-airflow ECM—50% capacity factor 1840 15,808 1340 68,754 1094 88837 –9.4%

Table 7 which shows they used 7573 and 5855 kWh, respec- 2009 kWh. Going from 25% to 50% capacity factor provided
tively, compared to the baseline of 10,705 kWh. The large only a 8.4% reduction in fan energy. As discussed by O’Neal
reduction in fan energy use translated into reductions of 3.6% (2015), further increases in sizing of the ECM FPTU should
and 5.5%, respectively, in total plant energy for the 25% and provide even smaller incremental reductions in fan energy use.
50% capacity factor fixed-airflow ECM FPTUs. Because the Figure 7provides a way to visualize how variable-airflow
fan in series FPTUs is located in the airstream, the savings in ECM FPTUs can be beneficial in reducing fan energy use in
fan energy in Table 7 for the 25% and 50% capacity factor cooling operations. This figure shows the distribution of
fixed airflow ECM FPTUs resulted in an increase in supple- hourly cooling loads relative to the maximum cooling load in
mental heating for the FPTU coil compared to the baseline each of the five zones for the year. On the x-axis is the hour
PSC/SCR FPTU. This increase is the result of less fan energy zone cooling load divided by the zone maximum cooling load.
being introduced into the airstream. To provide the same heat- Each zone has a different maximum cooling load, so plotting
ing energy to the zone, the amount of supplemental heating the data in this way normalizes the hourly cooling loads in
from the FPTU coil had to be increased to maintain tempera- each zone to its maximum load so each zone in the plot goes
ture conditions in the zone. In cooling mode, reduced fan from 0 to 1. A value of 1 represents the maximum cooling load
energy use was beneficial and resulted in a smaller energy use in that particular zone. The design cooling load for each zone
of the chiller. calculated by EnergyPlus typically averaged about 70% of the
Variable-airflow ECM FPTUs offered the potential for maximum hourly cooling load in the zone for the year. This
even larger energy savings than fixed-airflow ECM FPTUs, line was represented by the vertical dashed line labeled
both in fan energy and in total plant energy. A variable-airflow “approximate zone design cooling load” in Figure 7. At cool-
ECM FPTU with 0% capacity factor saved 7.6% in plant ing loads larger than the design load, the FPTU would be oper-
energy, which was more than the 5.5% savings with the best ating at full cooling and would not meet the cooling load in the
fixed-airflow (50% capacity factor) ECM FPTU. The savings zone during these hours of operation. However, as shown in
in energy for the best variable-airflow ECM was 9.4%. Figure 7, there were relatively few hours in the year where the
Figure 6 shows the FPTU fan energy savings possible cooling load exceeded the design load in most of the zones.
with both fixed- and variable-airflow ECMs. The base fan The potential for savings for a variable-airflow ECM can
power for the PSC/SCR unit was 10,705 kWh. The variable- be seen in the middle of Figure 7 in the part labeled “ECM
airflow ECM FPTU just sized to meet the design load in the FPTU increases airflow to satisfy increasing cooling load.” In
space provided a 75.2% reduction in annual fan energy use this region of the plot, the FPTU would be operating between
compared to the baseline. Increasing the capacity factors to the design cooling load and the lower limit of the primary air
25% and 50% provided 81.2% and 82.7% reductions in fan (20% of full primary air). In this middle region of the plot, the
energy when compared to the baseline. As the capacity factors controllers for the ECM FPTUs in each of the zones would
were increased from 0% to 25% and then to 50%, smaller adjust airflow to just meet the airflow requirements in each
incremental savings in fan power for the variable-airflow zone to satisfy the cooling load. Given the large number of
ECMs were achieved. For example, with the variable-airflow hours represented in this middle region, particularly toward
ECM FPTUs, increasing the capacity factor from 0 to 25% the lower end, there is the potential for large savings in fan
provided a 24.1% reduction in fan energy, from 2648 to energy use compared to a fixed-airflow FPTU, which would

CH-18-012 9
Figure 6 Annual FPTU fan energy use in Houston for fixed- and variable-airflow series FPTU option.

be operating at the design airflow for a given zone. Both many of the heating hours during the year would be spent at rela-
Table 7 and Figure 6 show large fan energy savings for all of tively low heating loads (and airflows). For example, over 90%
the variable-airflow ECM FPTUs. of the hours in Zones 1 and 3 were below 20% (or 0.2) of the
The minimum primary air is approximately represented by maximum heating load for those two zones. While there would
the vertical dashed line in the left portion of Figure 7. At this load, be considerable FPTU fan energy savings with the variable-
each FPTU would be operating at its minimum primary airflow. airflow FPTU, much of the savings would be offset with addi-
The variable-airflow ECM controller would be operating the tional supplemental heating to maintain temperature conditions
FPTU fan at this low airflow, saving considerable fan energy in each zone. This increase in supplemental heating is shown in
compared to the fixed-airflow PSC/SCR or ECM FPTUs, which Table 7, with the variable-airflow ECM FPTUs using more
would be operating at the airflow set to meet the design cooling supplemental heating than the baseline PSC/SCR FPTU.
load. At the hours shown below this minimum primary air value, Table 8 shows the annual energy use for the five-zone build-
the system would typically be operating in the dead-band region. ing for the more heating-dominated climate of Chicago. While
Figure 8 shows that the distribution of heating loads in the percentage of overall plant energy savings were smaller than
Houston was concentrated toward the smaller heating loads for it was for Houston, the trends are similar. With the exception of
all zones in a was similar to how the cooling loads were distrib- the 0% capacity factor fixed-airflow ECM FPTU, all of the ECM
uted. There are two vertical dashed lines in this figure. The verti- FPTUs provided significant reductions in fan energy compared
cal dashed line in the left portion of the figure represents the to the baseline PSC/SCR FPTU. The largest energy savings for
approximate lower limit of the airflow provided by the ECM fan any of the series FPTUs was for the variable-airflow series ECM
in each zone. To the left of this dashed line, the ECM FPTU FPTUs with a 50% capacity factor. They showed as large as a
would be operating at the minimum airflow. The vertical dashed 6.1% reduction in total plant energy compared to the baseline
line on the right approximately corresponded to the airflow that PSC/SCR series FPTU. The energy savings for variable airflow
was set by the design cooling load. It was assumed that the cool- ECM FPTUs was primarily in cooling where the reduction in fan
ing load was used to set the design airflow in the space. To the energy had a direct effect on reducing chiller energy. The 50%
right of this vertical dashed line, the ECM FPTU would operate capacity factor variable airflow ECM FPTU used nearly 8000
at maximum airflow with maximum heating capacity. In this kWh fan energy and 2000 kWh chiller energy than the baseline
case, the heating load would exceed the heating capacity of the PSC/SCR FPTU in the simulations. Some of these savings were
FPTU. As seen in the figure, there were few hours (less than offset by approximately 5700 kWh more in supplemental heat-
0.5%) when this condition occurred. In the middle region of ing. In Houston, the 50% capacity factor variable-airflow ECM
Figure 8, the ECM FPTU could adjust airflow to meet the heat- FPTU only used about 4300 kWh additional power in supple-
ing load in each zone. As with the distribution of cooling loads, mental heating compared to the baseline but saved a total of over

10 CH-18-012
Figure 7 Distribution of zone hourly cooling loads in Houston for each zone relative to the maximum zone load in each zone.

Figure 8 Distribution of zone hourly heating loads in Houston for each zone relative to the maximum zone load in each zone.

13,000 kWh combined in fan and chiller energy. Thus, the total than Chicago for this FPTU, the percentage savings was also
plant energy savings for the 50% capacity factor variable-airflow larger.
ECM FPTU was larger in Houston than in Chicago. In addition, The distribution of cooling loads in Chicago (see Figure 9)
even though the total baseline plant energy was larger in Houston has similarities and differences to those shown in Figure 7 for
Houston. For example, both plots have the same limit on the y-

CH-18-012 11
Table 8. Annual Energy Use for the Five-Zone Building with Different Fixed- and Variable-Airflow Options in

FPTU Primary Primary Preheat
FPTU Fan, Plant Percent
FPTU Option Coil, Fan, Chiller, Coil,
kWh Energy, Difference
kWh kWh kWh kWh

Fixed-airflow PSC/SCR 9709 25917 1172 30391 9595 76785 n.a.

Fixed-airflow ECM—0% capacity factor 9917 25830 1173 30421 9592 76933 0.2%

Fixed-airflow ECM—25% capacity factor 6868 27074 1157 29805 9642 74547 -2.9%

Fixed-airflow ECM—50% capacity factor 5311 27710 1149 29483 9665 73318 -4.5%

Variable-airflow ECM—0% capacity factor 2438 31502 1120 28941 9282 73282 -4.6%

Variable-airflow ECM—25% capacity factor 1861 31626 1110 28554 9305 72456 -5.6%

Variable-airflow ECM—50% capacity factor 1712 31611 1106 28393 9317 72138 -6.1%

axis, so in comparing them, it was possible to see that Chicago use compared to 11.7% in Houston for the PSC/SCR FPTU
had fewer hours of cooling loads in all the zones than the same baseline.
building in Houston. As with Houston, there were a substantial
The hourly distribution of cooling loads as shown in
number of hours in the region between the vertical dashed lines
Figure 10 in each of the five zones in San Francisco looked
representing the minimum primary air and the zone design cool-
different than for either Houston (see Figure 7) or Chicago (see
ing load. The variable-airflow ECM FPTU would take advan-
Figure 9). The number of hours of cooling was much less than
tage of the reduced airflows needed to meet the loads in this
region of the plot and would provide reduced fan energy use for either Chicago or Houston. For example, in the 0.1 to 0.2
compared to a fixed-airflow ECM FPTU. This reduced fan cooling loads fraction in Houston, each zone operated over
energy use can be seen in Table 8 for all of the variable airflow 1000 h each year. By contrast, in San Francisco, two of the
ECM FPTUs. With this reduced fan power for the variable- zones barely operated 600 h, two operated over 400 h, and one
airflow ECM FPTUs, there was also a corresponding decrease about 300 h in the 0.1 to 0.2 cooling-loads fraction. In both
in chiller energy use. As with Houston, the reduced fan energy Chicago and Houston, there was a general trend of increasing
use would contribute to an increase in the supplemental heating hours of operation as the loads decreased from the design cool-
at the FPTU coil. In Chicago, the cooling hours were more ing load to the minimum primary air load. In San Francisco,
distributed across the cooling loads compared to Houston. For there did not appear to be a consistent trend. Zones 2 and 5 had
example, in Chicago, the zone cooling loads below 0.2 for their maximum number of cooling hours in the 0.2 to 0.3 and 0.3
Zones 1 and 3 represented only 45.9% and 55.4% of the total to 0.4 cooling-loads fractions, respectively. Zone 3 barely had
cooling hours compared to over 90% in Houston. Table 9 shows any cooling hours until getting down to the 0.2 to 0.3 cooling-
the detailed energy use for the FPTU options in San Francisco, load fraction. Even with the difference in the distribution of
which provided a milder climate for both heating and cooling cooling-load hours, the plot clearly shows that most of the cool-
than either Houston or Chicago. The percentage savings in total ing hours fell within the range where the FPTU would operate
plant energy use for the variable-airflow ECM FPTUs fell at part-load cooling and a variable-airflow ECM FPTU could
between the percentages for Houston and Chicago. For exam- save significant fan energy.
ple, the 50% capacity factor variable-airflow ECM series FPTU
saved 7.1% over the PSC/SCR FPTU, which was less than the Tables 10 and 11 show the savings for the PSC/SCR and
9.4% savings in Houston and more than the 6.1% savings in ECM FPTU options for both Phoenix and New York City. The
Chicago. The total chiller energy use in San Francisco for the trends in these cities were comparable to those in Houston,
baseline PSC/SCR FPTU was about a third less than Chicago Chicago, and San Francisco. Phoenix showed the largest total
and over two-thirds less than Houston. Chiller energy use repre- plant energy savings (9.7%) of any of the cities for the 50%
sented only 42.1% of the total plant energy use in San Francisco capacity factor variable-airflow ECM series FPTU. This
versus 74.8% in Houston for the PSC/SCR FPTU baseline. The outcome could be expected because Phoenix had the highest
supplemental heating energy use in the FPTU coil was higher cooling energy use for the baseline PSC/SCR FPTU. The reduc-
than in Houston and lower than in Chicago. In San Francisco, tions with the variable-airflow FPTUs were primarily in FPTU
heating energy use represented 38.6% of the total plant energy fan energy use and chiller energy use.

12 CH-18-012
Figure 9 Distribution of zone hourly cooling loads in Chicago for each zone relative to the maximum zone load in each zone.

Table 9. Annual Energy Use for the Five-Zone Building with Different Fixed- and Variable-Airflow Options in
San Francisco

FPTU FPTU Primary Primary Preheat
Plant Percent
FPTU Option Fan, Coil, Fan, Chiller, Coil,
Energy, Difference
kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh

Fixed-airflow PSC/SCR 7375 17,043 900 18,622 237 44,177 N/A

Fixed-airflow ECM—0% Capacity Factor 7535 16,971 900 18,657 237 44,300 0.3%

Fixed-airflow ECM—25% Capacity Factor 5218 17,962 888 18,144 238 42,450 –3.9%

Fixed-airflow ECM—50% Capacity Factor 4034 18,463 882 17,886 238 41,503 –6.1%

Variable-airflow ECM—0% Capacity Factor 1599 21,282 866 17,942 229 41,917 –5.1%

Variable-airflow ECM—25% Capacity Factor 1278 21,274 859 17,660 229 41,301 –6.5%

Variable-airflow ECM—50% Capacity Factor 1217 21,217 856 17,540 229 41,060 –7.1%

SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION preheat coil, primary cooling coil, primary supply fan, terminal
unit fan, and supplemental heating coil were estimated with
A simple single-story, five-zone office building having a EES for both fixed- and variable-airflow series FPTUs.
VAV system with each zone served by a series FPTU was simu- A summary of the percentage plant energy savings is
lated in EES. Hourly and design load data were generated with provided in Table 12 for all of the series FPTU options. These
EnergyPlus. While EnergyPlus can be used to simulate fixed- results shows that to obtain energy savings with application of
airflow FPTUs, it cannot model variable-airflow FPTUs. There- fixed-airflow ECM FPTUs, capacity factors larger than 0%
fore, the simulations were completed with EES. The EES need to be used. Both 25% and 50% capacity factor fixed-
models developed here had previously been shown to provide airflow ECM FPTUs provided energy savings when compared
comparable results to those from EnergyPlus for fixed-airflow to the PSC/SCR series FPTU. The largest energy savings were
FPTUs (O’Neal et al. 2016). The annual energy use of the realized with the 50% capacity factor variable-airflow ECM

CH-18-012 13
Figure 10 Distribution of zone hourly cooling loads in San Francisco for each zone relative to the maximum zone load in
each zone.

Table 10. Annual Energy Use for the Five-Zone Building with Different Fixed- and Variable-Airflow Options in

FPTU FPTU Primary Primary Preheat
Plant Percent
FPTU Option Fan, Coil, Fan, Chiller, Coil,
Energy, Difference
kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh

Fixed-airflow PSC/SCR 12646 10,275 1848 77,019 389 102,177 N/A

Fixed-airflow ECM—0% capacity factor 12918 10,226 1851 77,107 388 102,490 0.3%

Fixed-airflow ECM—25% capacity factor 8946 10,959 1814 75,642 390 97,751 –4.3%

Fixed-airflow ECM—50% capacity factor 6916 11,334 1796 74,909 391 95,346 –6.7%

Variable-airflow ECM—0% capacity factor 3404 15,995 1757 73,238 376 94,770 –7.2%

Variable-airflow ECM—25% capacity factor 2506 15,916 1737 72,418 377 92,953 –9.0%

Variable-airflow ECM—50% capacity factor 2241 15,828 1728 72,066 377 92,240 –9.7%

FPTUs in all cities. In general, variable-airflow ECM FPTUs Francisco had a much smaller number of cooling hours, mean-
outperformed fixed-airflow ECM FPTUs. The one exception ing that the savings in fan energy would have had a smaller
was in San Francisco where the 50% capacity fixed-airflow overall percentage impact on total plant energy use.
ECM FPTU outperformed the 0% capacity variable-airflow
ECM FPTU and had comparable performance to the 25% The more cooling-dominated climates (Houston and
capacity factor variable-airflow ECM FPTU. The results in Phoenix) had the largest percentage energy savings with the
San Francisco may have been affected by the different hourly variable-airflow FPTUs. Because series FPTU fans operate
distribution of cooling loads in that climate as compared to the directly in the airstream, the lower power usage of the ECM
distributions in either Houston or Phoenix. In addition, San fan motors operating at part-load conditions not only saved

14 CH-18-012
Table 11. Annual Energy Use for the Five-Zone Building with Different Fixed- and Variable-Airflow Options in
New York City

FPTU FPTU Primary Primary Preheat
Plant Percent
FPTU Option Fan, Coil, Fan, Chiller, Coil,
Energy, Difference
kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh

Fixed-airflow PSC/SCR 10,169 23,217 1234 35,520 5615 75,756 N/A

Fixed-airflow ECM—0% capacity factor 10,388 23,133 1236 35,579 5615 75,951 0.3%

Fixed-airflow ECM—25% capacity factor 7193 24,340 1218 34,875 5650 73,278 –3.3%

Fixed-airflow ECM—50% capacity factor 5561 24,957 1209 34,524 5671 71,922 –5.1%

Variable-airflow ECM—0% capacity factor 2313 24,796 1178 33,850 5442 71,868 –5.1%

Variable-airflow ECM—25% capacity factor 1822 29,111 1168 33,410 5460 70,971 –6.3%

Variable-airflow ECM—50% capacity factor 1715 29,056 1164 33,234 5469 70,638 –6.8%

Table 12. Summary of Percentage Total Plant Energy Savings for All Series FPTUs

Change in Annual Energy Use

Series FPTU
Option Houston, Phoenix, San Francisco, New York, Chicago,

Fixed-airflow PSC/SCR Baseline Scenario

Fixed-airflow ECM—0% capacity factor 0.3% 0.3% 0.3% 0.3% 0.2%

Fixed-airflow ECM—25% capacity factor –3.6% –4.3% –3.9% –3.3% –2.9%

Fixed-airflow ECM—50% capacity factor –5.5% –6.7% –6.1% –5.1% –4.5%

Variable-airflow ECM—0% capacity factor –7.6% –7.2% –5.1% –5.1% –4.6%

Variable-airflow ECM—25% capacity factor –8.9% –9.0% –6.5% –6.3% –5.6%

Variable-airflow ECM—50% capacity factor –9.4% –9.7% –7.1% –6.8% –6.1%

power input to the fan but also introduced less heat energy into 2012b). It provided a convenient platform for evaluating
the airstream from the fan motor, which reduced the amount of energy use with the different series FPTUs. However, we
cooling that had to be provided. Thus, it was not unexpected recommend that future studies be conducted on other types of
that the largest savings were in the cooling-dominated buildings to assess whether the savings calculated here are
climates. The smallest percentage energy savings with the typical of other building types that may have dramatically
variable-airflow FPTUs were in Chicago, which had the high- different operation schedules or internal loads.
est heating energy use.
The data show that increasing the capacity factor for ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
either fixed- or variable-airflow ECM FPTUs increased the
We wish to thank the Air Conditioning, Heating, and
savings. However, there was a decreasing marginal benefit in
Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) for their support of this project.
total plant energy savings as the capacity factor was increased.
In particular, we wish to thank all the members of the Air
This was not unexpected because, as shown in Figure 6, there
Control and Distribution Devices Committee for their input
were decreasing benefits in the energy use of the FPTU fan
and advice.
with increasing capacity factors. Smaller decreases in fan
energy use would translate into smaller impacts on the cooling
and supplemental heating energy use of the FPTU.
The energy savings were estimated with a simple five- ASHRAE. 2013a. ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2013,
zone office building. This office building was chosen to be Energy standard for buildings except low-rise residen-
consistent with other studies of FPTUs (Davis et al. 2012a, tial buildings. Atlanta: ASHRAE.

CH-18-012 15
ASHRAE. 2013b. Chapter 14, Climatic design data. In controlled series fan powered terminal units, HVAC&R
ASHRAE handbook—fundamentals. Atlanta: ASHRAE. Research 20(2): 194–202.
ASHRAE. 2016. Chapter 20, Room Air Distribution Equip- O’Neal, D. L., D. Ingram, and C. Reid. 2015a. Modeling fan
ment. In ASHRAE handbook—HVAC systems and power terminal unit fan/motor combinations controlled
equipment. Atlanta: ASHRAE. by silicon controlled rectifiers. ASHRAE Transactions
Cramlet, A. 2008. Performance of ECM controlled VAV fan 121(1).
power terminal units. Master’s thesis, Texas A&M Uni- O’Neal, D.L., D. Ingram, and C. Reid. 2015b. Simplified
versity, College Station, TX. model of the fan/motor performance of fan powered ter-
Davis, M.A. 2010. Development of a laboratory verified sin- minal units that utilize electronically commutated
gle-duct VAV system model with fan powered terminal motors. ASHRAE Transactions 121(2).
units optimized using computational fluid dynamics. O’Neal, D.L. 2015. Development of Models to simulate the
PhD dissertation, Texas A&M University, College Sta- part-load performance of oversized ECM fan-powered
tion, TX. terminal units. ASHRAE Transactions 121(2).
Davis, M.A., J.A. Bryant, and D.L. O’Neal. 2012a. Model- O’Neal, D.L, and J. L. Edmondson. 2016. Characterizing air
ing the performance of ECM and SCR parallel fan-pow- leakage in parallel fan-powered terminal units. ASHRAE
ered terminal units in single-duct VAV systems. Transactions 122 (1).
ASHRAE Transactions 118(1):908–18. O’Neal, D.L, Reid, C., Ingram, D., Li, D, Bryant, J. A.,
Gupta S., Kanaan, B., Bryant, S., and Yin, P. 2016.
Davis, M.A., J.A. Bryant, and D.L. O’Neal. 2012b. Model-
Developing Fan Power Terminal Unit Performance Data
ing the performance of ECM and SCR series fan-pow-
and Models Compatible with EnergyPlus, Report No.
ered terminal units in single-duct VAV systems.
8012, Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration
ASHRAE Transactions 118(1).
Institute, Arlington, Virginia. November.
Edmondson, J., D. L. O’Neal, J. A. Bryant, and M. A. Davis.
Reid, C.L., D. L. O’Neal, and P. Yin. 2016. Characterizing
2011a. Performance of series fan-powered terminal
the performance of fixed-airflow series fan-powered ter-
units with electronically commutated motors. ASHRAE
minal units using a mass and energy balance approach.
Transactions 117 (2).
ASHRAE Transactions 122(2).
Edmondson, J., D. L. O’Neal, J. A. Bryant, and M. A. Davis. Yin, P., and D. L. O’Neal. 2014a. Characterizing airflow and
2011b. Performance of parallel fan-powered terminal
power of VAV series fan-powered terminal units from
units with electronically commutated motors. ASHRAE
component data—Part I. ASHRAE Transactions. 120(1).
Transactions117 (2): 885–93.
Yin, P., and D. L. O’Neal.2014b. Characterizing airflow and
EnergyPlus. 2016. Engineering reference: the reference to power of VAV series fan-powered terminal units from
EnergyPlus calculations. Berkeley: Lawrence Berkeley component data—Part II. ASHRAE Transactions 120(1).
National Laboratory. Yin, P., C. L. Reid, and D. L. O’Neal. 2016. Using a mass
EES. 2016. Engineering Equation Solver. F-Chart Software. and energy balance approach to model the performance
Madison, WI. of parallel fan-powered terminal units with fixed-airflow
Hydeman, M. and B. Eubanks. 2014. Advanced Control fans. ASHRAE Transactions 120(2):253–269.
Sequences for HVAC Systems—Phase I Air Distribu- Zhang, H., T. Hoyt, S. Kaam, J. Goins, F. Bauman, Y. Zhai,
tion and Terminal Systems ASHRAE Research Project T. Webster, B. West, G. Paliaga, J. Stein, R. Seidl, B.
Report 1455-RP. Atlanta: ASHRAE. Tullym, J. Rimmer, and J. Torftum. 2014. Thermal and
Nailor Industries, Inc., 2014. Sizing Fan Powered Terminals Air Quality Acceptability in Buildings that Reduce
in Engineering Guide and Index, Houston, TX. Energy by Reducing Minimum Airflow from Overhead
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16 CH-18-012

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