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Bangladesh Bank
Assistant Director - 2024
1) The Tatar tribe lives in -
A) Russia√ B) China C) Belgium D) Greece
2) Which country is known as the land of cakes -
A) Belgium B) France C) Scotland√ D) Italy
3) What is the term for the area where the river meets the ocean -
A) Delta B) Estuary√ C) Inlet D) Fjord
4) What are the two most abundant elements in the universe-
A) Carbon and Oxygen B) Nitrogen and Oxygen
C) Helium and Lithium D) Hydrogen and Helium√
5) Who was the British Prime Minister during the partition of India-
A) Benjamin Disraeli B) Winston Churchill
C) Clement Attlee√ D) William E. Gladstone
6) World's first budget was presented in -
A) UK√ B) Finland C) USA D) Germany
7) What is the name of the inventor of the Virus -
A) Louis pateur B) Dmitri Ivonvosky√ C) Robert Mendel D) Antoni von .
8) Which strait separates Australia and Tasmania-
A) Bass√ B) Bab-el- Mandeb C) Palk D) Berring
9) Which of the following vitamins helps in blood clotting -
A) Vitamin A B) Vitamin D C) Vitamin K√ D) Vitamin C
10) The largest part of the human brain is -
A) Cerebrum B) Cere bellum C) Medula oblongata D) None of these
11) Who is the writer of the book titled "The Cruel Birth of Bangladesh-"
A) Richard Nixon B) Archer Kent Blood C) Simon Dring D) Mark Tally√
12) What is the signature rate of Bangladesh as per the Housing and Population Census 2022-
A) 74.66% B) 76.74% C) 68.76% D) 75.79%
13) "White color job" means-
A) a job without any work B) a job without manual labor√
C) a thankless job D) a job with much hardship
14) Which of the following is used in pencil -
A) Silicon B) Charcol C) Graphait√ D) phosphorus
15) The first tribal Academy of Bangladesh is located in -
A) Netrokona√ B) Rangpur C) Rangamati D) Chattogram
16) The national symbol of Bangladesh was approved by the cabinet on –
A) 25 February 1972 B) 28 February 1972√
C) 18 January 1972 D) 21 January 1972
17) "The Great Wall of Gorgon" is located in


A) Iran√ B) Scotland C) china D) Britain

18) On a peacekeeping mission, Bangladesh police first went to –
A) Ethiopia B) Namibia√ C) Congo D) Kenya
19) Who is called the father of modern education-
A) Horace mann B) John Amos Comenius√
C) Henry Fisched D) Greg Barclay
Explanation: John Amos Comenius is considered to be the 'Father of Modern
Education,' establishing modern educational methods and promoting universal education.
20) Which is following revolution is related to Egg production -
A) Round revolution B) Yellow revolution
C) Red revolution D) Silver revolution√
Pubali Bank PLC
Probationary Senior Officer – 2023
51) Which desert is the largest in the world and spans multiple African countries?
A) Sahara Desert√ B) Atacama Desert C) Kalahari Desert D) Namib Desert
52) Which global organization focuses on protecting and promoting children‟s rights,
including the right of education and healthcare?
53) The concept of „cultural appropriation‟ is primarily concerned with….
A) Protecting indigenous languages
B) Promoting cultural exchange
C) Preventing the spread of culture
D) The inappropriate use of elements from one culture by members of another culture√
54) What international agreement, entered into force in 2016, aims to limit global warming
to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, with an aspirational target of 1.5
degrees Celsius?
A) Paris Agreement√ B) Kyoto Protocol
C) Montreal Protocol D) Copenhagen Accord
55) Which historic site, dating back to the 8th century, is known for its ancient Buddhist
Vihara and is considered a UNESCO World Heritage site In Bangladesh?
A) Sompur Mahavihara√ B) Odantapura Mahavihara
C) Mahasthangarh D) Jagaddalahant
56) Which modern invention, popularized by companies like Airbnb and Uber, enables
peer-to-peer sharing of resources such as accommodations and transportation?
A) Gig economy B) Sharing economy√
C) Subscription economy D) Barter system
57) Which European country is known for its fjords? a type of long, narrow inlet with steep
cliffs or mountains on either side?
A) Switzerland B) Norway√ C) Belgium D) Australia


58) Which economic theory suggests that government spending and tax cuts can stimulate
economic growth during a recession?
A) Austerity economics B) Monetarism
C) Supply-side economics√ D) Keynesian economics
59) What was the name of the military campaign undertaken by Pakistan in 1971, which
resulted in widespread atrocities and ultimately led to the Bangladesh Liberation War?
A) Operation Trident B) Operation Jackpot
C) Operation Searchlight√ D) Operation Vijay
60) Which of the following countries does not have a coasting along the Mediterranean Sea?
A) Spain B) Syria C) Libya D) Portugal√
61) What technology allows wireless communication between devices in close proximity,
often used for file sharing and wireless payments?
A) Near Field Communication B) Bluetooth
C) Wireless Fidelity D) Radio Frequency Identification
62) What technological innovation developed by SpaceX revolutionized the space industry?
A) Solar sails B) Space tourism C) Reusable rockets√ D) Warp drive
63) The Large Hardon Collider (LHC), the world‟s largest and most powerful particle
accelerator, is located in which research facility?
A) Fermilab (USA) B) CERN(Switzerland/France)√
C) JINR(RussiA) D) KEK(Japan)
64) Which technology, often used in virtual reality (VR) and arguments reality (AR)
applications, provides a sense of touch and texture in the virtual world?
A) Holography B) Tactile Feedback √
C) Augmented Audio D) Quantum Computing
65) What technology, often associated with gaming, immerses users in a digital environment
using specialized headsets and motion tracking?
A) Virtual Reality (VR)√ B) Augmented Reality (AR)
C) Holography D) 3D Printing
66) Which critically endangered species of Asian rhinoceros is known for its two horns?
A) White rhinoceros B) Black rhinoceros
C) Sumatran rhinoceros√ D) Indian rhinoceros
67) The Nobel Prize in Physiology Medicine in 2020 was awarded for the discovery of which
hepatitis virus, leading to the development of blood tests and vaccines.
A) Hepatitis A Virus B) Hepatitis B virus
C) Hepatitis C Virus√ D) Hepatitis D virus
Pubali Bank PLC
Junior Probationary Officer – 2023


1) Which African country is known as the ‘Rainbow Nation’ due to its diverse population
and history of apartheid?
A) Kenya B) Nigeria C) South Africa√ D) Ethiopia
2) Which term is used to describe the situation where people are trapped in poverty due to a
lack of access to credit and other resources?
A) Poverty Line B) Poverty trap C) Poverty cycle√ D) Poverty reduction
3) What is the name of the international trade agreement that entered into force in 2022,
creating the world‟s largest free trade area by population?
A) NAFT (North American Free Trade Agreement)
B) CETA (Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement)
C) RCEP (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership) √
D) TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership)
4) Which telescope array was used to capture a black hole‟s first-ever image?
A) Hubble Space Telescope B) Event Horizon Telescope√
C) James Web Space Telescope D) Chandra X-ray Observatory
5) What innovative device, introduced in 2007 by Apple, combined a phone, music player
and internet communicator, changing how we communicate?
A) iPhone√ B) iPod C) iPad D) iMac
6) In which sea can you find the Galápagos Islands, known for their unique wildlife and
Charles Darwin's research?
A) Caribbean Sea B) Mediterranean Sea
C) Arabian Sea D) Pacific Ocean√
7) Which digital currency, introduced in 2009 by an anonymous person or group of people
using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, is often called „digital gold‟?
A) Ethereum B) Litecoin C) Bitcoin√ D) Ripple (XRP)
8) What is the term for a sustained increase in the aggregate price level?
A) Recession B) Stagflation C) Depression√ D) Inflation
9) Which global initiative, launched in 2000, focuses on reducing extreme poverty,
improving healthcare, and promoting gender equality?
A) Global Initiative for Territorial Entities
B) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
C) Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)√
D) Universal Declaration of Human Rights
10) In 2021, which country‟s space agency successfully landed its rover, Perseverance, on
Mars, to search for signs of ancient life?
A) China B) Russia C) United States√ D) India
11) Which term describes the process of creating genetically identical copies of an organism,
often using advanced biotechnology techniques?
A) Cloning√ B) Mutation C) Hybridization D) Evolution
12) Which Nobel laureate was awarded their second Nobel prize in chemistry in December 2022?
A) K. Barry Sharpless√ B) William Bradford Shockley
C) John Bardeen D) Walter Houser Brattain


13) What environmental issue involves the excessive use of fertilizers run-off chemicals into
bodies of water, causing oxygen depletion and harm to aquatic ecosystems?
A) Acid rain B) Eutrophication√ C) Desertification D) Deforestation
14) What term is used to describe outsourcing business processes to companies in
Bangladesh, which has become a key driver of the country‟s economic growth?
A) Insourcing B) Offshoring√ C) Onshoring D) Home shoring
15) Who served as the Prime Minister of Bangladesh from 12 Jam, 1972 to 25 January 1975?
A) Tajuddin Ahmad B) Sheikh Mujibur Rahman√
C) Muhammad Mansur Ali D) Abu Sayeed Chowdhury
16) What term describes integrating digital information with the user's environment, in
real-time, enhancing their perception of the physical world?
A) Artificial Intelligence B) Virtual Reality
C) Augmented Reality√ D) Mixed Reality
17) What is a traditional Bengali sweet made from chana (cottage cheese) and often flavored
with cardamom, which is a popular dessert in Bangladesh?
A) Rasgulla B) Gulab Jamun C) Jalebi D) Sandesh√
18) As of 2022, which country was the world’s largest importer of goods and services?
A) China B) Japan C) USA√ D) India
Pubali Bank PLC
Probationary Officer – 2023
1) During British colonial rule, what was the region that comprises modern Bangladesh known as -
A) East Pakistan B) Bengal presidency√ C) West Bengal D) Assam Bengal
2) What is the world's largest landlocked country by land area -
A) Kazakhstan √ B) Mongolia C) Afghanistan D) Chad
3) What is the name of the world's largest river delta, of which the southern part is located
in Bangladesh -
A) Ganges - Brahmaputra delta√ B) Bengal delta
C) Sundarbans delta D) All of the above
4) In 2021, Bangladesh celebrated its 50th anniversary of independence. What significant
economic milestone has the country achieved during this period -
A) Becoming a high-income nation
B) Achieving self-efficiency in food production√
C) Becoming the world's largest rice exporter D) Rapid industrialization and export growt
5) Which is the busiest port in Bangladesh and the third in South Asia serving as a key hub for the
country's imports and exports -
A) Mongla seaport B) Tamabil land port
C) Chittagong seaport√ D) Benapole land port
6) Which mountain range separates Europe from Asia -
A) Andes B) Alps C) Ural mountains√ D) Carpathian mountains
7) Which river is the longest river in the world-
A) Mississippi river B) Nile river√ C) Amazon river D) Yangtze river
8) Which continent is known as the" Land Down Under"-
A) Africa B) South America C) Australia D) Europe


9) Who was the first president of Bangladesh serving from 17 April 1971 to 12 January 1972-
A) Syed Nazrul Islam B) Mohammad Mahmudullah
C) Sheikh Mujibur Rahman√ D) Abu Sayeed Chowdhury
10) In 2018, the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded for combating sexual violence as a weapon
of war, primarily associated with-
A) Syrian civil war B) Rwandan C) Bosnian War D) Congolese civil war√
11)What economic indicator measures the total value and goods and services produced in a
country -
A) GDP (Gross Domestic Product)√ B) GNP Gross National Product
C) CPI Consumer Price Index D) Inflation Rate
12) Which international organization provides financial assistance to countries facing
balance of payment problems and offers policy advice on economic issues?
13) In 2020, Astronomers observed the first direct image of a black hole. which black hole
was the subject of this historic image -
A) Sagittarius A B) Cygnus X-I
C) Messier 87 (M87)√ D) V 404 Cygni
14) What term is used to describe the symbolic discrimination against individuals or groups
based on their age, typically against older people -
A) Racism B) Ageism√ C) Sexism D) Homophobia
Janata Bank PLC
Rural Credit Officer – 2023
1) The Final of FIFA World Cup 2022 was played at.... Stadium
A) Lusail√ B) Ahmad bin Ali C) Al Bayt D) None of these
2) Who formulates 'Monetary Policy' in Bangladesh and how many times in a year?
A) Bangladesh Bank, once a year B) Ministry of Finance, once a year
C) Bangladesh Bank, twice a year√ D) Ministry of Finance, twice a year
3) "Capitalism" refers to-
A) The use of market B) Government ownership of capital goods
C) Private ownership of capital goods√ D) Private ownership of homes and cars
4) RTGS stands for-
A) Real Time Goods Settlement B) Real Time Gross Standardize
C) Real Time Gross Settlement√ D) Real Time Goods Standardize
5) MICR refers to
A) Magnetic Information Character Recognition
B) Magnetic Ink Character Recognition√
C) Magnetic Icon Character Recognition
D) Magnetic Ink Code Recognition
6)'Capital punishment' means -
A) Death penalty√ B) Misery C) Financial penalty D) Imprisonment
7) Recently Bangladesh Bank has increased its policy rate by.
A) 50 Basis points B) 75 basis points√
C) 100 basis points D) None of these


8) The name of the current Chief of Army Staff of Bangladesh is-

A) SM Shafiuddin Ahmed√ B) Aziz Ahmed
C) SM Saifuddin Ahmed D) Kazi Habibul Awal
9) Moungi Bawendi, Louis Brus, and Alexei Ekimov won the Nobel in Chemistry in 2023 in
the area of-
A) Development of click chemistry and bioorthogonal chemistry
B) The discovery and synthesis of quantum dots√
C) Development bioorthogonal chemistry
D) None of these
9) The name of the designer of the three -story Third Terminal of Hazrat Shahjalal
International Airport is---
A) Zaha Hadid B) Frank Lloyd Wright
C) Rohani Baharin√ D) None of them
10) The names of trio who won Nobel prize in physics for creating ultra-short pulse of light are
A) Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser and Anton Zeilinger
B) Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz and Anne L'Huillier√
C) Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz and Anton Zeilinger
D) None of them.
11) In Asian Games 2023, Bangladesh did win how many medals?
A) One Silver and One Bronze B) Two Bronzes√
C) Two Silvers D) One Gold and One silver
12) Which one of the following books is written by Syed Mujtaba Ali?
A) Chacha Kahini B) Badhon Hara
C) Deshe Bideshe D) a & c√
13) Amar Sonar Bangla "My Golden Bengal" is the national anthem of Bangladesh, written
by Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore in which year?
A) 1913 B) 1911 C) 1905√ D) None of these
14) How many woman freedom fighters received the "Bir Protik" award for their
contribution to the liberation war of Bangladesh?
A) 5 B) 3 C) 2√ D) 6
15) Poet and politician Pablo Neruda was born in which country?
A) Argentina B) Chile√ C) Mexico D) None of these
16) In which year, Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman received
the Julio-Curie award?
A) 1972 B) 1973√ C) 1974 D) None of these
17) The National Seed Board has recently approved two new rice varieties developed by the
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute. These are –
A) Brri 103 and 104 B) Brri-104 & Brri 105
C) Brri-105 & Brri 106√ D) None of these
18) The name of Bangladeshi who got the Ramon Magsaysay Award 2023 is ---
A) Korvi Rakshand√ B) Syeda Rizwana Hasan
C) Firdausi Qadri D) Noman Khan
19) The name of the first Bangladeshi Vice president of the Asian Development Bank is


A) Fatima Yasmin√ B) Dr. Fahmida Khatun

C) Dr. Fahmida Nabi D) None of them
Combined Senior Officer
2021 Based
1. Russia launched a special military operation in Ukraine on-
a) February 24, 2022√ b) January 24, 2021 c) March 23, 2022 d) March 21, 2021
2. Which one of the following is correct?
a) Queen Elizabeth II died of old age on September 18, 2022 in Scotland
b) King Charles III succeeded Queen Elizabeth. √
c) King Charles II succeeded Queen Elizabeth
d) None of these
3. Elon Musk has bought Twitter in 2022 with –
a) USD 42 billion b) USD 34 billion c) USD 44 billion√ d) None of these
4. In 2024, the total number of days is -
a) 365 days b) 366 days√ c) 364 days d) None of these
5. Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman got the Noble Prize in 2023 in-
a) Economics b) Medicine√ c) Literature d) None of the these
6. Name of the National Professor of Bangladesh is –
a) Prof AK Azad Khan
b) Prof. Alamgir Mohammad Sirajuddin
c) Professor Mahmud Hassan
d) All of them √
7. The famous book titled "Jaddapi Amar Guru' was written by –
a) Rangalal Sen b) Humayun Ahmed c) Abdur Razzaq d) Ahmed Sofa√
8. The 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup took place from 20 July to 20 August 2023, was jointly
hosted by –
a) Australia and New Zealand √ b) Australia and France
c) France and Germany d) France and New Zealand
9. The 2023 ICC Cricket World Cup is an international cricket tournament which is hosted by
India. This is-
a) 11th edition of World Cup Cricket b) 12th edition of World Cup Cricket
c) 13th edition of World Cup Cricket√ d) 14th edition of World Cup Cricket
10. The name of Asia's fastest male and female athlete as per Asian Games 2023 is –
a) China's Xie Zhenye and GE Manqi√
b) China's Xie Zhenye and Sri Lankan Devindya Oshini Gunawardene
c) China's Xie Zhenye and Indian Dhanalakshmi
d) None of them
11. One horse power is equal to –
a) 746 watts√ b) 748 watts c) 756 watts d) 736 watts
12. Bangladesh became a member of the United Nations in-
a) 1972 b) 1973 c) 1974√ d) 1976
13. The world's largest international organization and a successor to the League of Nations is
a) UNESCO b) UNO√ c) UNICEF d) None of these


14. The headquarter of the UNESCO is at –

a) Rome b) Geneva c) New York d) Paris√
15. The "Matarbari Island" is in –
a) Maheshkhali√ b) Sandwip c) Khulna d) Barisal
16. The instrument used to measure electric current is-
a) Ammeter √ b) Electrometer c) Galvanometer d) spectrometer
17. The name of a submersible belonging to U.S. company Ocean Gate has recently missed in the
Atlantic Ocean during an expedition & view the shipwreck of the Titanic is-
a) Diane b) Berenice c) Titanic d) The Titan√
18. Bangladesh Bank has approved the Digital Bank guideline keeping provision for paid-up
capital at –
a) Tk. 500 crore b) Tk. 125 crore√ c) Tk 100 crore d) None
19. The 8th five year plan of Bangladesh has been formulated for the period of –
a) 2019-2024 b) 2020-2024 c) 2021-2026 d) 2020-2025√
20. Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) is a benchmark interest rate for –
a) Dollar-denominated derivatives b) Dollar-denominated loans
c) Dollar-denominated investments d) Both a) and b) √
First Security Islami Bank Ltd
Probationary Officer
1) Who was the first woman to win Nobel Prize?
A. Marie Curie √ B. Rosalind Franklin
C. Barbara Mc Clintock D. Doehy Chua foot Hodgkin
2) Who hold the record for the most Olympic Medals in the history?
A. Michel Phelps√ B. Usain Bolt C. Carl Lewise D. Simone Ides
3) In which year did the Titanic sink after hitting an iceberg in the North Atlantic Ocean?
A. 1912√ B. 1921 C. 1917 D. 1915
4) Which planet is known as the "Morning Sea” and the "Evening Star” because of its
visibility in the sky?
A. Venus√ B. Mars C. San D. Jupiter
5) Who painted the famous “The Starry Night”?
A. Pablo Picasso B. Vincent van Gogh √
C. Leonardo da Vinci D. Al Salvador Dali
6) Who in the author of “War and Peace”?
A. Fyodor Dostoevsky B. Charles Dickens
C. Junes Jajce D. Leo Tolstoy√
7) What is the largest landlocked country in the world?
A. Kazakhstan√ B. Mongolia C. Chad D. Afghanistan
8) Which African country is known as the "Land of the Thousand Hills”?
A Tanzania B. Kenya C. Rwanda√ D. Uganda
9) What is the currency of Vietnam?
A. Manat B. Ringgit C. Dong√ D. Won
10) Who holds the record for the highest individual’s score in One Day international (ODI) cricket match?


A. Sachin Tendulkar B. Ricky Ponting C. Shakib Al Hasan D. Rohit Sharma √

Security Printing Corporation Bangladesh Ltd
Post: Assistant Manager
01. Out of the following countries which country first reorganized Bangladesh?
a) Senegal b) Iraq c) Iran d) Poland√
02. “Borobudur” the UNESCO World Heritage Site, is located in - the world's largest Buddhist temple
a) South Korea b) South Africa c) Indonesia√ d) Egypt
03. The hottest month ever recorded on Earth was-
a) July 2023√ b) June 1968 c) June 2023 d) July 1963
04. The 2024 Summer Olympics will be hosted in.
a) UK b) France√ c) China d) United States
05. For the first time in football history, which country initiated a 'white card' in a match?
a) Argentina b) Brazil c) UK d) Portugal√
06. Which region of the Moon is known as the "far side of the Moon".
a) Great Spot b) Equator c) South Pole√ d) North Pole
07. The Orange River flows in –
a) Mexico b) Indonesia c) Egypt d) South Africa√
08. Which tribe endures as one of the last Indigenous bastions found deep within the
Amazon rainforest?
a) Chiquitano b) Cira Larga c) Piripkura√ d) Yanonami
09. Which organization urged to ban the worldwide use of smart phones in schools in order
to curtail classroom disruption and encourage better learning outcomes?
a) UNICEF b) UNESCO√ a) United Nations d) None of these
10. The famous Satire Gulliver's Travel' was written by
a) William Shakespeare b) Jane Austen c) Jonathan Swift√ d) J. K Rowling
11. What is the name of the deepest lake in the world?
a) Hakaluki b) Lake Vostok c) Baikal√ d) Tancanyika
12. The book titled "Memories Never Die” was launched as a tribute to
a) Atal Bihari Vajpayee b) Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam√
c) Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman d) None
13. Which country's written constitution is the longest one?
a) Monaco b) Germany c) France d) India√
14. In which year Bangladesh became a member of INTERPOL?
a) 1972 b) 1974 c) 1975 d) 1976√
15. Which country is cooperating to implement the "Bangladesh Delta Plan, 2100"
a) Netherlands√ b) Denmark c) Belgium d) USA
16. "All parties state language movement committee" was formed on
a) 31 January, 1952√ b) 2 February, 1952 c) 18 February. 1952 d) 20 February, 1952
17. In which year, Kabadi was adopted as the National Game of Bangladesh?
a) 1976 b) 1974 c) 1972√ d) 1971
18. What is the date of birth of the national poet of Bangladesh?
a) August 29, 1999 b) May 24, 1888 c) August 29, 1888 d) May 24, 1899√


19. According to the scientists, how many galaxies are there in the universe?
a) 200 billion√ b) 10 billion c) 100 million d) 10 million
20) The driving force of an ecosystem is-
a) Carbon dioxide b) Carbon Mono oxide c) Biogas d) Solar Energy √
Combined Banks
Officer (Cash) – 2020
1. The previous name of Nijhum Dwip was-
(a) Sea Island (b) Banga Drahir (c) Burdwan Char (d) Char Osman√
2. The largest pyramid in the world is located in-
(a) Peru (b) Egyp (c) Mexico√ (d) Nigeria
3. A centimeter is equal to
(a) 1 mm (b) 10 mm (c) 100 mm√ (d) 1000mm
4. World population day is observed on –
(a) July 10 (b) September 27 (c) September 28 (d) July 11√
5. Who is the Chief Economist of the World?
(a) Stanley Fischer (b) Indermit Gill√ (c) Hollis B Cheney (d) Ajoy Banga
6. Which sector has the largest share of the GDP of Bangladesh?
(a) Industry (b) Service√ (c) Agriculture (d) None of the above


7. The famous novel "A Tale of Two Cities" is written by-

(a) JK Rowling (b) George Eliot (c) Jane Auster (d) Charles Dickens√
8. The designer of the National Martyrs' Monument is-
(a) Syed Mainul Hossain√ (b) Hamidur Rahman
(c) Shaymol Chowdhury (d) Syed Abdullah Khalid
9. Which of the following is not in Asia?
(a) Israil (b) Saudi Arabia (c) Libya√ (d) Lebanon
10. Which country has the largest population in the world in 2023?
(a) USA (b) India (c) China√ (d) Russia
11. What is the name of the central bank of China?
(a) The People's Bank of China√ (b) Central Bank of China
(c) Reserve Bank of China (d) Bank of China
12. DNA stands for-
(a) Dioxyribosnucleic acid (b) Deoxyribonucleic acid √
(c) Dihydralnucleic acid (d) Disacchrideic acid
13. Rajbondir Jobanbondi was written by-
(a) Kazi Nazrul Islam√ (b) Rabindranath Tagore
(c) Sikandar Abu Zafar (d) MunierChoudhury
14. Which country first recognized Bangladesh as an independent nation?
(a) India (b) Poland (c) Bhutan√ (d) Sri Lanka
15. Rupiah is the currency of-
(a) India (b) Pakistan (c) Nepal (d) Indonesia√
16. In 1997, UNESCO declared the „Sundarbans‟ as the-
(a) 798th World Heritage Site√ (b) 997thWorld Heritage Site
(c) 879th World Heritage Site (d) 789thWorld Heritage Site
17. The first floating solar power project of Bangladesh has been undertaken in
(a) Kapasia, Gazipur (b) Mongla, Bagerhat√
(c) Keshobpur, Jashore (d) Hakimpur, Dinajpur
18. What is the length of the first Expressway of Bangladesh?
(a) 50 km (b) 53 km (c) 55 km√ (d) 65 km
19. ECNEC stands for-
(a) Executive Committee of the National Economic Council √
(b) Executive Committee of the National Economical Council
(c) Executive Nationwide Committee for Economic Council
(d) Executive Committee of the National Economic Council
20. Which country launched E-passport as the first country in South Asia?
(a) Bangladesh√ (b) India (c) Sri Lanka (d) Nepal
Combined Officer – 2020
1) The old name of RAJUK is-
A) BIIT B) DIT√ C) BAT D) None of these
2) USA film industry Hollywood is located in-
3) A) Maryland B) Virginia C) California√ D) New York


4) What is the name of the largest cotton-producing country as of 2022?

A) Pakistan B) France C) China√ D) USA
5) Martin Cooper is known for his invention of-
A) Digital Camera B) X-ray C) Solar Energy D) Mobile Phone√
6) What is the name of the data center that EU unveils to probe crimes in Ukraine?
A) Tulip B) Metro C) Game Changer√ D) None of these
7) The designer of the National Martyrs' Monument is –
A) Syed Mainul Hossain√ B) Shaymol Chowdhury
C) Hamidur Rahman D) Syed Abdullah Khalid
8) Time difference of Bangladesh with 'Greenwich Mean Time is-
A) 6 hours √ B) 18 hours C) 12 hours D) 24 hours
9) Which of the following is not in Asia?
A) Israel B) Libya√ C) Saudi Arabia D) Lebanon
10) What is the capital of Australia?
A) Melbourne B) Sydney C) Adelaide D) Canberra√
11) The highest densely populated country in the world is-
A) Bangladesh B) China C) Monaco√ D) Indonesia
12) Which country has launchd the Commercial Arms Transfer (CAT) policy?
A) Russia B) China C) USA√ D) Iran
13) In August 2021, China inaugurated a new trade route via ship, road, and rail through-
A) India B) Myanmar√ C) Sri Lanka D) Pakistan
14) Russia launched a war against Ukraine on-
A) 22 February 2022 B) 24 February 2022 √
C) 20 February 2022 D) None of these
15) Who is the first chief election commissioner of Bangladesh?
A) Justice Mohammed Idris √ B) Md. AbdurRouf
C) A. K. M. Nurul Islam D) Sultan Hossain Khan
16) What is the name of the river that does not cross by any bridges?
A) Yangtze B) Amazon√ C) Nile D) Mwogo
17) JANA is the news agency of which country?
A) Libya√ B) South Africa C) Syria D) Pakistan

18) The name of the digital financial service by the Bangladesh Post Office is –
A) Post Cash B) eCash C) PostPay D) Nagad√
19) The famous novel A Tale of Two Cities is written by-
A) JK Rowling B) Charles Dickens√ C) Jane Austen D) George Eliot
Combined Senior Officer - 2020
1) Which country in the world shares its border with most countries? Ans: Russia
2) Which of the following desert is located in Mongolia? Ans: Gobi Desert
3) Shakib Al Hasan has recently been selected as the best athlete in the history of Bangladesh
by- Ans: BSPA [Bangladesh Sports Press Association = BSPA]
4) Which of the following has the highest number of green apparel factories in the world?
Ans: Bangladesh


5) A Chronometer is used to measure- Ans: Time

6) The 7th March speech of Bangabandhu was recognized as part of the world‘s documentary
heritage by- Ans: UNESCO
7) The third largest economy in the world is - Ans: Japan
8) Which one is the second-highest mountain on the earth? Ans: K2 [Mount Godwin Austen]
9) Which one is the top country in terms of per capita greenhouse gas emission? Ans: China
10) What was the capacity of the crane ship to install the span of the Padma Bridge?
Ans: 3,600 tons
11) What is the extreme poverty rate of Bangladesh as per the Economics Index, 2022?
Ans: 10.50%
12) Who is the founder of ‗SpaceX‘? Ans: Elon Musk
13) The southernmost town of the world resides in- Ans: Chile [Puerto Williams]
14) Who is the World‘s first wicketkeeper to score a double century in test cricket?
Ans: Mushfiqur Rahim
15) Who has written the famous novel ‗Pather Panchali‘? Ans: Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay
16) What is the name of the country where no prime minister has ever served a full term?
Ans: Pakistan
17) How many districts are touched by the Sundarbans? Ans: 5 [Lyjbv, mvZ¶xiv, ev‡MinvU, cUzqvLvwj I ei¸bv]
18) The documentary film, based on the liberation war ‗Rupali Shoikot‘ was directed by -
Ans: Alamgir Kabir
Post: Assistant Manager
1) Gatwick Airport is located in? Ans: UK
2) What is the capital of Canada? Ans: Ottowa
3) India-Bangladesh Friendship Pipeline (IBFPL) will transport diesel from India to the BPC
depot in – Ans: Parbatipur
4) In the digital world, loT stands for – Ans: Internet of Things
5) Which country's population has dropped for the first time since 1961? Ans: China
6) Keane Bridge is located in –Ans: Sylhet
7) The military operation carried out by the Pakistan Army in the erstwhile East Pakistan in
March 1971 was named Operation – Ans: Searchlight
8) Who won the Golden Boot Award in 2022? Ans: Kylian Mbappe
9) Who was the player of the tournament in the ICC T20 World Cup 2022? Ans: Sam Curran
10) The strait that runs between Asia and Europe is known as – Ans: Bosphorus
11) Historical Panam City is located in – Ans: Narayangonj
12) Rabindra University is located at – Ans: Shahzadpur
13) Biontech, the company that invented the COVID vaccine along with Pfizer, is a ___
Company –Ans: German
14) Bhasanchar is in the district of –Ans: Noakhali
15) The SDG goals are intended to be achieved by the year? Ans: 2030
16) Who is the new Prime Minister of New Zealand? Ans: Chris Hipkins


Bangladesh Bank
Post: Assistant Director -2023
1) Double Fault' is associated with which of the following games? Ans: Lawn Tennis
2) Which of the following is the first published Novel of Kazi Nazrul Islam?
Ans: Badhon Hara
3) Thalassemia 15 a hereditary disease affecting- Ans: Blood
4) For millions of years, which of the following has not changed much due to evolution?
Ans: Shark
5) When will Bangladesh exit from the LDC category? Ans: 2026
6) What is the literacy rate of Bangladesh as per the first Digital Population and Housing Census
2022? Ans: 74.66%
7) The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Science has been introduced in memory of-
Ans: Alfred Nobel
8) COP-26 is related to Ans: Global climate change
9) Who is the person of the Year of Time magazine in 2021? Ans: Elon Musk
10) The historic 7th March Speech of Bangabandhu was given at the Ramna Race Course which
is now?Ans: Suhrawardy Udyan
11) Who was the first governor of Bangladesh Bank? Ans: ANM Hamidullah
12) Which of the following ecosystem covers the largest area of the earth's surface?
Ans: Marine Ecosystem
13) Which of the following is not the official language of the United Nations Organisation?
Ans: Portuguese
14) Which countries are separated by Mac Mohan Line? Ans: India and China
15) Elizabeth II was the Queen of the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth realms from the
year - Ans: 1952
16) Milk is poor source of – Ans: Iron
17) Which of the following agreement is related to Intellectual Property? Ans: TRIPS
18) All parties state language movement committee' was formed on- Ans: 31 January, 1952
19) Which country lost to Bangladesh in the SAFF Women's Football Final 2022? Ans: Nepal
20) Which country is cooperating to implement Bangladesh Delta Plan, 2100?
Ans: Netherlands
Bangladesh Bank
Post: Officer-2023
1) Which of the following countries is the closest competitor of Bangladesh in the global
RMG business? Ans: Vietnam
2) Which one is the second-highest mountain on the earth? Ans: K2
3) 1 Kilogram is equal in – Ans: 2.21 lbs
4) According to the 'Global Zero Campaign'. All nuclear weapons will be dismantled by? Ans: 2030
5) What is the name of the currency of Ukraine? Ans: Ukrainian Hyvina
6) How many times has the SAARC Summit been held in Bangladesh?Ans: 3
7) Which country/countries are separated by the Radcliffe Line?


A) Bangladesh-India B) India-Pakistan
C) Bangladesh-Myanmar D) All of these √
8) Qatar is located in- Ans: Western Asia
9) The first all - Indian Emperor of ancient India was- Ans: Chandragupta Maurya
10) Which of the following is/are Breton Woods's institution / Institutions?
A) IMF√ B) World Bank√ C) WTO D) Both a and b
11) Headquarters of IDA is located in- Ans: Washington DC
12) Which of the following is the hardest rock? Ans: Diamond
13) Which one is the top country in terms of per capita greenhouse gas emission? Ans: USA
14) The first Indigo Revolt was introduced in which district of Bangladesh? Ans: Jashore
15) Who wins Ballon d'or 2022? Ans: Karim Benzema
16) The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) consist of goals. Ans: 17
17) The 7th March speech of Bangabandhu, the father of nations, was recognized as part of the
world's documentary Heritage by – Ans: UNESCO
18) The famous Satire 'Gulliver's Travel' was written by- Ans: Jonathan Swift
19) COP-27 was held in- Ans: Sharm El-Sheikh
Bangladesh Bank
Post: Assistant Director – 2022
1) What is the capital of Estonia? Ans: Tallinn
2) Broadcasting rights of BCB for the next 2 years are given to? Ans: Ban Tech
3) Which country has introduced a new currency with six fewer zeros recently?
Ans: Venezuela (Venezuela on October 1, 2021).
4) Manat is the currency of which country? Ans: Azerbaijan
5) Mexico is a member of which of the following regional agreement?
Ans: NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement]
6) Which African country first recognized Bangladesh after the liberation war? Ans: Senegal
7) Suez Canal is owned by which country? Ans: Egypt
8) Which of the following is not a function of the central bank of Bangladesh?
Ans: Formulating fiscal policy
9) Who won the Nobel Prize 2022 in Economics?
Ans: Ben Bernanke, Douglas Diamond and Philip Dybvig,
1) Which of the following organization is responsible for certifying quality standards of goods
produced in Bangladesh?
Ans: BSTI [BSTI = Bangladesh Standards & Testing Institution]
11) What does GSP stand for? Ans: Generalized System of Preferences
12) Where will the next FIFA World Cup take place?
Ans: Canada, Mexico, and the United States [2026]
13) How many European Union member countries have adopted Euro as their official currency?
Ans: 20 (Last: Croatia).
14) According to the latest BBS data, the per capita income of Bangladesh is?
Ans: $2554 (Present: $2765 Economic Review 2023)
15) Who is the current foreign minister of Germany? Ans: Heiko Maas


16) Government of a country usually gives which of the following incentive to promote the
agriculture sector of a country? Ans: subsidy
17) Which of the following stock markets is located at New York City? Ans: NASDAQ
18) Value Added Tax (VAT) is an example of what type of tax? Ans: Indirect Tax
19) Which of the following is not a central Bank? Ans: State Bank of India

Bangladesh Bank
Post: Officer - 2019
1) The banknote of Bangladesh which has the impression of Central Shaheed Minar is- Ans: tk. 2 note
2) Before nationalization in 1972, the former name of the present Janata Bank Ltd-
Ans: United Bank Ltd
3) The proposed 'Exclusive Tourist Zone will be at ___ beach- Ans: Sabrong
4) The founder of the Brac Fazle Hasan Abed was recently awarded the highly prestigious-
Ans: Yidan Prize
5) 'Sohrai' is the Festival of the ethnic community named- Ans: Santal
6) The Parki beach of Bangladesh is located at- Ans: Chattaogram
7) Sumerian civilization is a part of ____ civilization? Ans: Mesopotamian
8) Recently expired renowned personality Rawshan Ara Bacchu was a- Ans: Language Hero
9) 'Mujib Borsho' is going to be celebrated by ___ countries? Ans: 195 countries
10) A London-based group that took humanitarian aid during the Liberation War of Bangladesh
in known as- Ans: Operation Omega
11) Who led the Gambian delegation at the ICJ in hearing the case of genocide against Myanmar?
Ans: Abubacarr Marrie Tambadou
12) The 52nd convocation Speaker of the University of Dhaka is- Ans: Takaaka Kajita
13) The national helpline for Violence against women and Children is- Ans: 109
14) ‗Bangla Bond‘ will make debut on the London Stock Exchange through-
Ans: International Finance Corporation.
Bank Asia Ltd
Post: Trainee Officer
1) Which of the following book is written by Rabindranath Tagore? Ans: Rakta Karobi
2) Which of the following is the currency of Thailand? Ans: Bath
3) NNP stands for- Ans: Net National Product
4) Where the ―Statue of Liberty‖ is located? Ans: New York
5) Which organization does regulate the Banking Industry of Bangladesh? Ans: BB
6) Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) are supposed to be achieved by---Ans: 2030
7) Milk is poor source of – Ans: Iron
8) Dengue fever is caused by- Ans: Virus
9) The name of the capital of Finland is.... Ans: Helsinki
wegvb evsjv‡`k Gqvi jvBÝ
 m¤úÕwZ †Kvb evsjv‡`wk RvwZms‡Ni AvÛvi †m‡µUvwi †Rbv‡ij wbhy³ nb? — iveve dvwZgv|
 me©‡kl †Kvb †`‡k wegvb hvÎx cwienb ïiæ K‡i? — Pxb|
 we‡k¦i me©e…nr gy³ evwYR¨ Pyw³ RCEP-‡Z AšÍf©y³ Gwkqvi †`k KqwU? — 10wU|


 15Zg Gwkqv Kvc wµ‡KU †Kv_vqAbywôZ n‡e? — mshy³ Avie AvwgivZ|

 lô Rbïgvwi I M…nMYbv 2022 †gvZv‡eK evsjv‡`‡ki †gvU mv‣iZvi nvi KZ? — 74.66% |
 ivwkqv I BD‡µ‡bi wbivc` km¨ ißvwb Pyw³‡Z ga¨¯’Zv K‡i †Kvb †`k? — Zyi¯‹|
cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK
 †fØMwjK wb‡`©kK (GI) cY¨ wn‡m‡e K‡e evsjv‡`‡ki Bwjk mb`cÕvß nq? — 17 AvM÷ 2017|
 e¨enviKvixi msL¨v we‡ePbvqevsjv fvlv we‡k¦i KZZg cÕavb fvlv? — mßg|
 wb‡Pi †Kvb ¸”QwU gvbbxq cªavbgš¿x †kL nvwmbvi `kwU D‡`¨v‡Mi AšÍf©y³? — Avkªqb I wk¶v mnvqZv|
 evsjv‡`‡k eZ©gv‡b KZZg cÂevwl©K cwiKíbv ev¯Íevqbvaxb? — Aóg| 2q ch©vq
 Ô†Mv‡ìb Rywewj evsjv‡`k KbmvU©' †Kv_vq AbywôZ n‡q‡Q? — wbDBqK©
 wkïi mnvqZvqnU jvBb b¤^iwU KZ? —1098
 evsjv‡`‡ki †cÕw‣Z cwiKíbvi †gqv` — 2021-2041
evsjv‡`k †ijI‡q
 `y‡h©vM e¨e¯’vcbvqmvd‡j¨i Rb¨ cÕavbgš¿x †kL nvwmbv‡K †Kvb ms¯’v cyi¯‹…Z K‡i? — IFRC
 2026 mv‡j wddv wek¦Kvc dyUej †Kv_vqAbywôZ n‡e? — hy³ivóÖ- KvbvWv-‡gw•‡Kv
 DËiv †_‡K gwZwSj ch©šÍ †g‡UÕv‡i‡ji ‰`N¨© KZ? — 20.10 wKwg
 ‡Kvb †Kv¤úvwb e½f¨v• wUKv D™¢veb K‡i‡Q? — †Møve e‡qvv‡UK|
 ¯^‡cœi cÝv †mZy KZ Zvwi‡L D‡Øvab Kiv nq? - 25 Ryb, 2022
 gywRe kZe‡l©i †jv‡Mvi wWRvBbvi †K? — me¨mvPx nvRiv
 e½gvZv †kL dwRjvZy‡bœQv gywR‡ei Rb¥w`b K‡e? — 8 AvM÷
 Pv‡li gvQ Drcv`‡b we‡k¦ evsjv‡`‡ki Ae¯’vb KZ? — 3q|
 cÝv †mZy‡Z †Kvb ai‡bi †ij jvB‡bi ms¯’vb Av‡Q? — eªW‡MR wm‡½j jvBb (Broad-gauge single line)
wewfbœ gš¿Yvjq
 ‡Kvb †`‡ki cÕwZôvb Ôe½eÜy-1× m¨v‡UjvBU ‰Zwi K‡i‡Q? — dÕv‡Þi|
 _¨vwjm A¨v‡jwbqv †¯úm e½eÜy-1 m¨v‡UjvBU ‰Zwi K‡i‡Q|
 2031 mv‡j evsjv‡`k I fvi‡Z KZZg Iqvb‡W wek¦Kvc AbywôZ n‡e? — 15
 c…w_exi cÕavb avb Drcv`bKvix †`k †KvbwU? — Pxb|
 cÝv †mZyi D‡Øvab nq KZ ZvwiL? 25 Ryb 2022
 ÖevDj Mvb‡KÓ †nwi‡UR Ae wnDg¨vwbwU, e‡j ¯^xK…wZ w`‡q‡Q — BD‡b‡¯‹v
 ‡kL iv‡mj‡K wb‡q †kL nvwmbvi †jLv eB †KvbwU? — Avgv‡`i †QvU bvg iv‡mj †mvbv|
 DËiv †_‡K gwZwSj ch©šÍ Dovjc‡_ †g‡UÕv‡i‡ji `~iZ¡ KZ wK. wg.? - 20.10 wK. wg. (DËiv †_‡K Kgjvcyi 21.26 wKwg)
 RvwZmsN kvwšÍi‣v wgk‡b †Kvb †`‡ki kvwšÍi‣x me‡P‡q †ewk wb‡qvwRZ? — evsjv‡`k|
 'dy‡ivbv' Kx‡mi bvg? — dyj I K‡ivbvfvBiv‡mi mw¤§wjZ j‣Y |
 BD‡µ‡bi ivRavbxi eZ©gvb bvg Kx? — wK‡qf|
 mv‡K©i mvs¯‹…wZK ivRavbx †KvbwU? — gnv¯’vbMo, evsjv‡`k|
 ‡gvnv¤§` mvjvn †Kvb †`‡ki dyUej †L‡jvqvo? — wgki
Combined 9 Banks
 The new Facebook company name 'Meta' is a — Greek word.


 What is the length (in kilometers) of the Padma Bridge? — 6.15

 How many members does the Commonwealth Association have? — 56.
 Omicron was first detected in — South Africa.
 The current vice president of the United States is — Kamala Harris.
 At present, which country has the highest inflation rate? — Venezuela.
 Who is the current prime minister of Italy? — Giorgia Meloni.

Jamuna Bank MTO-2023

1) Bangabandhu Satellite -1 was launched in 2018 from the
A) Kennedy Space Center, Florida, USA  B) Russian space center Kazakhstan
C) None D) Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), Kerala
2) The 8th five-year plan,of Bangladesh has been formulated for the period -
A) 2020-2025  B) 2019-2024 C) 2021-2026 D) 2020-2024
3) Name the veins that carry oxygenated blood from the heart to other parts of the body?
A) Arteries  B) Kidney C) Lungs D) None
4) Which of the following statements is correct?
A) China and Bangladesh are already set to launch trade in the Chinese Yuan.
B) Malaysia and Bangladesh are already set to launch trade in the Malaysian Ringgit.
C) India and Bangladesh are already set to launch trade in the Indian Rupee 
D) None
5) The name of the first Bangladeshi Vice president of the Asian Development Bank is
A) Dr. Fahmida Khatun B) Dr. Fahmida Nabi C) None D) Fatima Yasmin 
6) Bangladesh Bank has approved the Digital Bank guideline keeping provision for paid-up
capital at
A) Tk. 500 crore B) None C) Tk l00 crore D) Tk. 125 crore 
7) The name of the director of the film "Hawa" selected for nomination into the Best
International Feature Film category of the 95th Academy Awards, by the Oscar Committee,
Bangladesh is-
A) Mejbaur Rahman Supon  B) Chanchal Chowdhury
C) Tareque Masud D) None
8) What is the current men‘s world record timing in 100-meter sprint?
A) 9.69 seconds B) 9.58 seconds  C) 9.75 seconds D) 9.60 seconds
9) The novel 'The Brothers Karamazov' is written by-
A) Ernest Hemingway B) William Faulkner
C) Honore de Balzac D) Fyodor Dostoevsky 
10) Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) is a benchmark interest rate for -
A) dollar-denominated derivatives B) dollar-denominated loans
C) dollar-denominated investments D) both (a) and (b) 


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