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Research is not principally about gathering _______ that lends itself to easy collection
or analysis, but rather about using/choosing the right methodological tools for addressing
'relevant' questions.

2. What is the difference between scholarly and everyday research?

Historians focus on economic, political and social considerations.
Scholarly research is more systematic, more objective, more careful, and more
concerned about correctness and truthfulness than everyday research.
Scholarly research is finding out things.
Scholarly research is theory based.

3. What were three kinds of signs according to Peirce's Trichotomy?

Icons; Indexes; and Images
Icons; Ideas; and Symbols
Icons; Indexes; and Symbols
Figures; Indexes; and Symbols

4. Aristotle suggested three modes of persuasion in rhetoric.

Which of the following is NOT one of these modes?
Ego: Level of your ability and intelligence
Ethos: Personal character of speaker
Pathos: Speaker stirring emotions in listeners
Logos: Logical argument in speech
5. Which Rhetorical Device does following explanation refer to?
Using a number of words in a passage that start with the same letter or that repeat some

6. Which Rhetorical Device does the following explanation refer to?

______ praises a thing (or a person) by dealing with its inherent qualities. An example is
the advertising slogan “tastes great, less filling”.

7. Freud suggested that the ego uses a number of defense mechanisms to help people
ward off anxieties and maintain psychological equilibrium.
Which of the following is NOT one of the defense mechanisms?
All of the above are defense mechanisms

8. According to Carl Jung, there are universal themes found in dreams, myths, religions,
and works of art. He called these universal themes as ______.

9. According to McGowan, Freud's ideas endure and have led to a new field,
neuropsychoanalysis, which exists in the overlap between ______.
the conscious and unconscious
fiction and non-fiction
psychoanalysis and neuroscience
body and neuroscience

10. According to Jungian Theory, ______ refers to the dark side of the human psyche—
the side we generally keep hidden from our consciousness.
the Shadow
the Hero
the Anima
the Animus

11. Jung (1968) made an analogy with instincts in explaining the ______. Like the
instincts, the collective thought patterns of the human mind are innate and are inherited.
This explains why certain themes and motifs are found in works of art all through history
and everywhere in the world.
individual acquisition
the Conscious
the Collective Unconscious
12. According to Sigmund Freud, the psyche has three parts: the Id, the Ego, and the
Superego. Which of the following statements is NOT a characteristic of the Ego?
It can be described as chaos, a cauldron of seething excitement.
It mediates between the other two parts (of the psyche).
It stands for reason and good sense.
It is charged with helping us relate to the environment and helping us preserve ourselves.

13. Quantitative researchers are sometimes accused of being too narrow, basing their
research on what they can count, _______, and observe and neglecting other matters
ask the right questions
inform by existing research, knowledge and theory.
address the issue or problem at hand.

14. Qualitative researchers are often accused of “reading into” texts things are not there
or of have opinions or making_______ that seem old, excessive, or even idiosyncratic.
research questions
frameworks to draw on
interpretations: sự diễn giải

15. In his book “Ways of Seeing” (1972), British Marxist writer John Berger wrote that:
Advertising uses the power of ________ that we have of ourselves and that others have
of us after we've been transformed by purchasing this or that product.
Envy- ghen tỵ (the feeling that you wish you had something that someone else has)
Fear (an unpleasant emotion or thought that you have when you are frightened or
worried by something dangerous, painful, or bad that is happening or might happen)
Persuasion (a particular set of beliefs, especially religious or political ones
None of the above are correct.

16. The linguist Roman Jakobson offered the well-known model for the communication
process with the five focal points, which are:
Who? Says what? In which channel? To whom? With what effect?
Who? What? Where? When? Why?
the artist, the work of art, the audience, the medium and America (or any society).
Sender, Message, Contact, Receiver, Meaning

17. “Find a subject you are interested in that can be researched in the time available to
you” is content belongs to the checklist for planning research and writing reports
Designing your research project
Organizing your data for presentation
Choosing your research topic: chọn chủ đề nghiên cứu
Determining the appropriate method for your project

18. What is a solution for students who have chosen a fashionable-sounding research
topic and they find that they have little or no idea about how to design a research project
or that they are unable to find a relevant theoretical framework or any other
research/studies relevant to their topic?
getting very frustrated
identifying and reviewing relevant literature: xác định và xem xét các tài liệu liên quan
considering the most appropriate research design and methodology
attempting to narrow down and focus the research question

19. All research must start by _______ .

'asking the right questions', duly informed by existing research, knowledge and theory,
and only then consider: (xem xét) which method or methods might be most suitable for
addressing the issue or problem at hand.
'asking the right questions', duly informed by existing research and only then consider
which method or methods might be most suitable for addressing the issue or problem at
'asking the right questions', duly informed by existing research, knowledge and theory.
method or methods might be most suitable for addressing the issue or problem at hand.

20. Under quantitative methodologies, the author A.A.Berger include ______- techniques
that lend themselves to statistical manipulations to gain information.
experiments, content analysis: thí nghiệm và phân tích nội dung
surveys and questionnaires
A and B are correct
None are correct

21. Organizational aspect: khịa cạnh of communication __________ .

deals with how organization communicate to members of the organization.
deals with how organization communicate to other interested parties.
deals with how organization communicate to members of the organization and to other
interested parties
None of the above are correct.

22. How does qualitative: định tính research differ from quantitative: định lượng
Qualitative research evaluates, uses concepts to explicate, focuses on aesthetics in text,
theoretical, interprets, leads to evaluation, interpretation can be attacked.
Quantitative research counts measures, processes data collected, focuses on incidences
of X in texts, statistical, describes, explains and predicts, leads to a hypothesis or theory,
methodology can be attacked.
All the above.
None of the above.
23. For Saussure, the important thing to remember about signs is that they are made up
of sounds and images, what he called ___1___, and the concepts these sounds and
images bring to mind, what he called ___2___.

1-Signifieds ...2-Signifiers
1- Signifiers...2-Signifieds: người kí hiệu – người dc kí hiệu

24. _______ refers to the notion that ideological dominations: sự thống trị về mặt ý thức
is invisible: vô hình because it is all-pervasive: lan tràn khắp nơi. Accordingly, the media
are used to manipulating the masses into accepting the status quo economically and in
many other areas as well.
Hegemony: quyền lãnh đạo

25. According to Marxist Criticism, there are different classes in bourgeois societies: xã
hội tư sản. Which of following statements is true?
The bourgeoisie are working class; and Thethe proletariat are ruling class. Class conflict is
a basic force in history.
The bourgeoisie are ruling class; and Thethe proletariat are working class. Class conflict
is a basic force in history.
The bourgeoisie are ruling class; and The proletariat are working class. Class conflict is
NOT a basic force in history.
The bourgeoisie are working class; and The proletariat are ruling class. Class conflict is
NOT a basic force in history.
26. According to Marxist Criticism, the globalization of the media and economic
institutions allows the ruling classes to spread their bourgeois ideology and export
problems to the third world. Marxists call this phenomenon as ______ .
cultural impersonalism
cultural imperialism; chủ nghĩa đế quốc văn hóa
media impersonalism
media imperialism

27. Which of the following is a common Rhetorical Device?


28. The English social anthropologist Mary Douglas argued that the variability of an
individual's involvement in social life can be adequately captured by two dimensions of
sociality, which are ______ .
Group and Grid
Collectivism and Individualism
Conformity and Nonconformity
Cultures and Politics

29. The American political scientist, Wildavsky in “Conditions for a Pluralist Democracy, or
Cultural Pluralism Means More Than One Political Culture in a Country” (1982), wrote
that there are four political cultures in groups.
The four different political cultures are all of the following, EXCEPT _______________.
Averagelists: Group boundaries medium, prescriptions average
Fatalists: Group boundaries weak, prescriptions numerous
Elitists: Group boundaries strong, prescriptions numerous
Egalitarians: Group boundaries strong, prescriptions few
Individualists: Group boundaries weak, prescriptions few

30. The American political scientist, Wildavsky suggested that the best way to understand
politics is to recognize the importance of political cultures, which ________ .
are tied to people's values
shape a great deal of the decision making and voting by people who often know little
about the issues they vote on.
Both of the above answers are correct
None of the above answers are correct.

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