Plotting The PAR - DLP Science 8

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Teacher SARAH MAY L. SERNA Learning Area SCIENCE

Teaching Date January 8, 2024
& Time 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Quarter SECOND
Yr. & Section 8 - Piety

The learner demonstrate an understanding of the formation of typhoons and their movement within
A. Content Standards
the PAR.
B. Performance
The learners shall be able to participate in activities that lessen the risks brought by typhoons.
S8ES-IIf-21: Trace the path of typhoons that enter the Philippine Area of Responsibility using a map
and tracking data.

C. Learning
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
a. Explain what is meant when a typhoon has entered the Philippine Area of Responsibility
Write the LC code for each
b. Determine if the tropical cyclone has entered the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR)
given the latitude and longitude of it.
c. Display sense of awareness and preparedness in times of calamity.
A. Main Topic Understanding Typhoon
B. Specific Topic for
Plotting the PAR
C. Learning Resources
Science 8 Teacher’s Guide
a. Book Title Science 8 Learner’s Material
Science and Technology 8 by Liza A. Alvarez, EdD.
pp. 89 - 102
b. Textbook pages pp. 137 - 152
Pp. 137 - 152
Curriculum Guide, Smart TV, Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Philippine Map, and other materials
c. Materials
for the activity
d. Online Sources
D. Science Concepts
E. Strategies Cooperative learning, Constructivist Approach
F. Values Integration Displaying sense of awareness and preparedness in times of calamity.
A. Preparation
a. Prayer Everyone in class will pray. (Our father…)
b. Putting Class into Picking up of pieces of dirt under the chairs and arranging the seats properly
c. Checking of The teacher will ask the class secretary of who among them is/are absent for the day.
d. Health Check
- How are you today? We’re fine Ma’am
- Is there anyone who
is not feeling well None Ma’am
Very good. Always keep
a healthy body by
observing healthy
lifestyle. This way, we will
stay healthy in this time
of pandemic.
e. Review
 The teacher will ask
Student 1: Ma’am in our last meeting we discussed about typhoon. That typhoon is a very strong
the students (any
storm that is accompanied by strong wind and heavy rains that causes huge damage to the area
volunteer) to give a short
but also leads to the death of some organisms.
review of the last topic.
Student 2: Aside from what ___________ (name of the student) said, tropical cyclone is classified
into 5 categories, namely: Tropical Depression (TD), Tropical Storm (TS), Severe Tropical Storm
(STS), Typhoon (TY), and Super Typhoon (STY).
Very good! Today, we will
study how to track typhoon.
B. Motivation Let the students look at the following pictures
and get their attention by answering some

Picture 1

Picture 2
Guide Questions: Expected answer:
1. What is shown in the picture 1? 1. The picture shows the eye of a typhoon.
2. How about picture 2? 2. Kuya Kim broadcasting the weather
condition in Mindanao.
C. Lesson Proper Teacher’s Activity Students Activity
1. The teacher will ask the class to read the
letter sent by Kuya Kim.

Dear students

I’m Kuya Kim from “Weather Weather Lang Read by the class
station”. I’ve heard from PAGASA that they
are monitoring a tropical cyclone in the
Pacific Ocean. Can you please help me
plot the Philippine area of responsibility on
the map so that I can trace the path of the
tropical cyclone.

Truly yours,
Kuya Kim
2. After reading the letter, ask the students the
following questions:

“Class have you remembered in your grade 7 Yes maam

lesson that you were able to describe the
location of the Philippines using latitude and
Expected answer:

1. Describe the lines of latitude. 1. Latitudes are horizontal lines that measure
distance north or south of the equator. The
starting point for latitude is the equator.The
equator is at latitude 0°. At the North Pole, the
latitude is 90° N. At the South Pole ,the latitude is

2. How about longitude? 2. Longitudes are vertical lines that measure

east or west of the meridian in Greenwich,
England. The starting point for longitude is the
Prime Meridian.The Prime Meridian is at
longitude 0°.

Activity/Application 3. This time you will work by group (same Students will plot the points in the map.
group). Plot the following points on the map. I
will give you only 2 minutes to finish this task. Sample answer:


A 5° N, 115° E
B 15° N, 115° E
C 21° N, 120° E
D 25° N, 135° E
E 25° N, 135° E
F 5° N, 135° E

4. The students will present their output using

the rubric below in grading them.
Rubric Satisfactor Developing Beginning
y (3) ( 2) ( 1)
CONTENT All points Some of No points
were plotted points were were plotted

DELIVERY The The The answer

answers are answers is not
completely are complete and
and well complete the
explained. but the explanation is
explanation not clear.
is not clear.
COLLABO All of the Most of the Some of the
RATION members members members
participated participated participated
and and and
contributed contributed contributed
idea. idea. idea.
NEATNESS The visual The visual The visual
aids/Map is aids/Map is aids/Map is
readable readable not readable
and clean. but has and not
some clean.

Analysis 3. After performing the activity let the students

share what they observe by answering the
questions enclosed in the activity given.

Guide questions: Expected answer:

1. If a typhoon is located at 15° N, 138° E, is 1. No
it within the PAR?
2. How about if the typhoon is at 19° N, 2. No
117° E, is it inside the PAR?
3. Where did the tropical cyclones form? On 3. Ocean
land or in the Ocean?
Abstraction 4. Based on the activity, what can you say Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) is an
about the Philippine Area of Responsibility? area defined by the World Meteorological
Organization in which PAGASA is mandated to
monitor the weather events.
5. Ask the students if they have other Misunderstandings will be clarified.
questions in plotting the PAR. If there’s none,
then proceed in playing the video clip, a mini
documentary of the recent Super Typhoon
6. While the video clip is playing, let the
students fill in their emergency kits on what
should be included if there’s a calamity like this
occurs again.
7. Ask again if there’s any question, if none The students will answer the evaluation provided
proceed to the evaluation part of the lesson. for the lesson.
IV. EVALUATION Multiple Choice.

Direction: Read the following questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write
your answer in your paper.

1. From what bodies of water do typhoons originates?

A. Oceans C. Rivers
B. Lakes D. Streams

2. What is the name of the agency of the government that monitors typhoon in the Philippines?

3. What do you call a rotating storm system characterized by a low-pressure center, strong
winds, and a spiral arrangement of thunderstorms that produce heavy rain?
A. Rain C. Tropical cyclone
B. Snow D. Sand storm
4. Which of the following should be done after a typhoon?
A. Store sufficient amount of food.
B. Always ready with the emergency kit.
C. Keep monitoring the typhoon’s movement.
D. Boil water before drinking as it may be contaminated.

5. What is the name of the tropical cyclone formed in the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean?
A. Hurricane C. Tsunami
B. Tornado D. Typhoon

For items number 6 -10. Use the figure below.

Figure 1. Movement of a Tropical Cyclone

6. Which points are NOT within the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR)?
A. 8°N, 1300° E C. 11° N, 130° E
B. 8°N, 1350° E D. 11° N, 136° E

7. Using the map, which is the coverage area of the Philippine Area of Responsibility?
A. 35° N, 115° E C. 15° N, 145° E
B. 30° N, 103° E D. 11° N, 120° E

8. Based on the map above, which of the following coordinates of a typhoon has already entered
the PAR?
A. 16° N, 115° E C. 11° N, 0°
B. 10° N, 137° E D. 7° N, 134° E

9. When did tropical depression Irma enter the PAR?

A. October 5, 5:10 AM C. October 8, 1:06 PM
B. Ocotber 5, 11:13 AM D. October 8, 9:25 PM

10. When did tropical depression Irma exits the PAR?

A. October 5, 5:10 AM C. October 8, 1:06 PM
B. Ocotber 5, 11:13 AM D. October 8, 9:25 PM
V. REFLECTION a. No. of learners who earned 80% on the
formative assessment. ____________
b. No. of learners who require additional
activities fro remediation. __________
c. Did the remedial lessons work? No. Of
learners who have caught up with the
lesson. ___________
d. No. of learners who continue to require
remediation. ____________
e. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did these work? __________
f. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
g. What innovation or localized materials did
use/discover which I wish to share with
other teachers? ______________
VI. ANNOTATION I incorporated Science 7 topics in my lesson,
where students recall what is latitude and
longitude as it was discussed to them by their
Science 7 teacher. Mathematics was also
integrated where students plot the coordinates
applying their learning about Cartesian plane.
Disaster Risk Reduction Management (DRRM)
was also included where students apply
important practices during calamities.

My Windy Reflection through a Poster

Direction: Draw a reflection in a 1/4 illustration

board about the situation below.


When a typhoon visits your place, it brings a lot

of damages depending on its strength. As a
Grade 8 student, what can you do to protect
yourself and your family from this natural

Prepared by: Recommending Approval: Approved by:


SST – I/Ratee MT- III/Rater School Principal II

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