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CUBE AND DICE INTRODUCTION cupes amors. Al the 6ég03 of @ cub A culbo is.a three dimensional sob having 6 faces, 12 edges and ® equal ang nence ai the faces are square I shi ‘The questions on cuss may belong to anyone ofthe folowing categories: [A cube fs cul by making certain speciied number of cuts. The dlrections in which the cuts are made may or may not Be given We are to find th number of identical pieces resulting out ofthe ven cut |The number of identical pieces, into which o cube Is cut, 's given and we need to find the number of cute INL Aeude could be painted on all of some of ts faces with the same colour or diferent colours and ‘hen eat inte certain specified number of identical pieces. The questions of the forrn — “How ‘mary small cubes have 2 faces painted?” ‘How many Smaller cubes have only one face painted?” etc, coud then be framed. Comer Edge Surface ‘Te sak the questions related to cubes you shoud cently falow the oven res The gan els el you to memories the shortcuts useful in solving the questions. ie 7 —* 11 a cube is painted on oll eix suriaces and cut ino x numiver ef identical cubes then, Nunes with three aurtaces painte {Cubes wnh one surfaces painted { ]oubes with two surface painted [Number of cubes having no surtace pointed = (7 = 2)" Number of cubes having one surface paint [Number of cubes naving two surfaces painted Number of cabes having three surfaces painted = 8 ‘There cannot be a cube which has more than three suraces painted NNote:- a cube of side's’ cm is ext into pieces such that each sige of the smaller cude is of D' cm then 9 Fotowing are ihe two postions of 8 ci BS Rule 1: H a die is shown in two ciffeweet positions such that inBir one f&ce has @ gommmen number er symbol, say Ts and 72 are same, then Lis opposite to L: and (@) Reis opposite t0 Re ‘ie. chagram neutically representing & we heve go ™ Rule 2: This rule isa sud— part of aie 1, ITsays That the hidden face is opposite tothe top (T) ie R Ls Hidden face Rule 3; iftwo different postions ofa dl are shown such that two faces are in common then the ‘Sianing faces oe opposteosachheri® [Vrs and tr Re sre same] @ Rule 4: Iftwo different positions of a aie are shown such thot no face bs Mv cumninon then be s] 4 i) Leis opposite to Rs and (i) Rs opposite to Le Rute 5: In the figures, the arrows denote the opposite faces of a de, (In figure (a) 1 and 3 are opposite to each ather. 2and 4 are opposite to each other. 5 and 8 are opposite fo each other. (i) In figure (0) 1 and 4 are opposite 10 each other. 2 and 6 are opposite to each other 3 and 5 are opposite to each other. cw Intigure (2) 1 and 6 are opposite 10 each other. 2 and 4 are opposite to each other. 3 and § are opposite to each other. Rule 6: is advised to always be careful ofthe movements (clockwise oF anti clock wise) of a cle when Folated, In order fo emember the movements follow the diagram. {In tis clagram of 3is on the top, 6 is at the bottomed and 1, 2, 5 and 4 are on adjacent faces of 3 which Gan be seen if the dle iS rotated in anti clock wise direction the figure of a die obtained by this diagramis obtained as, 4 S & Hltustrationa 1 Fhe si Face8 OF 8 Cube Are COICUTEG Bibch, brown grown red wits ared biuw eurt tae (9 ed is opposite black {in Green is between red and block (a) Bue is adjacent to white (nj Brown is adjacent to blue {w) Red & a the Bottom laaswer the folowing question based on this information 1 Which colour is opposite brown? (A) White (8) Rea (C) Green (0) Bue 2 The thee adjacent cofours are (A) Black, Blue, Red (2) Bios, Brown White (©) Black, Blve, White (0) Brown Rea. white 3. Which ofthe following can be deduced trom (7) 18 (v7? (A) Black ison the top (©) Biue ison te 0p (©) Brown s on he top (0) Bron is opposte Biot Solution: 1, (A) Fromthe figure tis clea that White i opposite Brown 2. (G) Since, out ofthe toe colours Biock. Blue and Wate, ne two colours le on opposite faces, hence these three are adjacent! coiours 3. (A) From (v) tis Gear that Red colour Kes at the bottom face ans trom ( Serived that since Red is oppose Black hence Black bes on the 100 Illustration 2: Directions (@. 1 to 6); A cube 1s Git Ti two aqua parts alang a plane paral te ane off faces Ore ‘piece Is then Coloured red on the twa larger faces and green on the remaining while the other is kre (een on two smaller adjecert taoes and fed on the remaining. Eact is men Cu ri 32 cubres of Same size The 04 cubes are then mixed up. asad upon the above information, answer the folowing questions 1. Hawmany cubes have no coloured face at ai? ate es (os (0 2 How many cubes have only one coloured face? ae (e)18 (0) 20 (O26 How many cube 1 nave two red arnt one green face? ise ee O16 4 Howwmnn utms nae ono faco red ater eon? wae ina ors d Sarena? atthe nue ofcves witht ast eno ean 5 (A) 45 (6) 38 (38 (oe Solution: ‘Illustration 9: {(D) In bath the stacks, there is no cube which has no coloured face at all (0) Four cubes (in coloums as, aa, sand as) n each of the hwo layers A and Ay in tack & and similarly four cubes (in colunins bs. bs, bs and bs) in each ofthe two layers B: and Bs in slack B have only one coloured face hus, there are (42) + (#2) = 8+ B= 18 such cubes, (A) There is no cube in stack A which has two red faces. Two cubes (in columas by and bi) in layer Bs and two cubes (in columns b: and bs) in layer Bein stack 8 have two red and one green faca. ‘Thus, mere ave (2+ 2) 4 such cubes, {B) Four cubes (in columns 2s, 24, a: and ae) in each of the two layers As and As and four cubes (in columns ar. a2, 37 and 23) in each of the two layers As and Ac in Slack Anave one face red and another face green. Four cubes (in colurnns bo, bs, bs and bs) in layer By and two cubes (in columns sand by) in each of the Mo layers B: 2rd Bs in stack & have one face ted and another face green, Thus, there are (4 « 2)+(4*2)+4+ Qx2eO+Or4r4 24 Such cubes, (B) Eight cubes (in coluins ar, 9, 23, a4. a5, as, a and ak) in each ofthe twe layers Ar and A and four cubes (in columns ar, a, a7 and a2) in each of the two layers fg and As in stack A have at leaet one green face. ont cubes (in columns bs. Bo be, ba, Bs, bs, br, bs) in layer By and two cubes fin ‘Columns b: end ta) in each of the tee layers B:, Bs and Bs in sack B have at least one green face, “Thus. there are (Bx 2)+ (4x 2) +8 x2)= 1648484 6=98 such cudss. ‘Select fram the afernatves, the box that Can be Tormed by TG the sheet down in Figure (X) a) ww e © 0) Solution: (D) The figure (X) is similar to Form it, Hon: hoot in figure 0%) |s folded to s milar to Form it, Hence wh 01 In figure 06 ‘ a 160 when tho sheo! in figure (X) is folded 1 The num and the menor SBP te number he number 1 wi ie oppste he number 8 ayaa humbe § wile cpposte me rum 3.Fguo (A) hes tho numbers 1 an 8 on the nor oats ite () has numbers 3 and § on adjacent faces and ine gure (C) nes nenumbe ‘onthe adjacent inces, So, these trae atematves are not possible Since, the numer 1,34 cn appear on cjacan es, 0s () posse lence, only he box shown in figure (D) can be formed by folding igure (X) > Iilustration 4: ‘A dice is thrown three times and is tivee differant postion: r on the ke Ale roi Hse ee POSTONE are given below. Find the number on the face 2 Z| 3 LY oo 2 “ “ ay at (ot (os 6. Solution: _(D) The number 3 occurs most often in he given three fgures. From these three figures & is clear that 1, 2, 5 and 4 le adjacent fo 3. Clearly, 6 lies opposite the faces showing 2. '& Illustration 5: Gaunt the number of cubes in the fofowing fgures. Solution: _Infigure, there are 21 columns containing 3 cubes each, 12 columns cantaining 2 cubes each and & cclumns containing 1 cube each. Therefore Total number of cubes = (213) + (1242) + (6 x1) = 69 + 24 + 8= 95. Ilustration 6: Directions (2.1 10.4) Theso questions aro hasacl athe given dota A large cube is painted on at six laces and dion cut iso 0 certain nuanber of smaller but doniices cutest was found that among the smetor cubes, there were eight cubos wich had no face patted ot ai How many smater cubes was the orignal fargo cube cut info? (aye? (8) 48 (c) 64 (0) 125 2 How mony small cubes have exactly one face painted? (ay (8) 24 (0) 16 (0) 22 3 How many smati cubes naves exactly two foovs peintod? ae (@) 12 wie (0) 24 4 How many small cubos have three faces pointed? ayo (ee (c)27 (0) 64 Solution: (C) When @ cubs is painted and cut into n number of smaller pioses along each ecge, ne otal number of smaller cubes that we get will be n xx n. From bese, Wwe remove the complato outer layer of the cubes on all faces, wo will have al smaller cubes with aint on them removed and we will be lef with {v= 2) x (n= 2) x (9~ 2) cubes. In this case, ifthe number of cubes that do not havo any feco painiod is 8 itis a 2 x 2 x 2 cube; <0 before painting, it must have een a4 x 4x4 cube, So, ihe orginal cube was cut into 64 Smaller cubes, 2 (B) On each face of the original large cube, if we remove the outer row of cubes ‘along all the four edges, the remaining 2 x 2 (= 4) cubes vill nave exactly one face painied. On all six faces together, there will be 24 cubes that wil have cexaally one face painted 3, {O) Along each edge, ifwe remove the comer cubes, the remaining cubes have ‘wo faces painted; since the original cube is cut into 4 x 4 x 4 cubes, on each Ihave 2 cubes wilh exactly two faces painted on all tweive edges we 24 cubes, 4B) Four (comer) cubes i the fop layer and four (comer) cubes in the botom layer have thre sides painted. There are no such cubes in the midcle layer. Hence there are 8 such cubes. ‘> Illustration 7: 1 was found that @ cube can be cut info certain number of Werdical cubokds each measuring fom x 20mx § om. What is tho side of the smallest such cube? How much euboids can be formed em such # cube? Solution: Side of the cube= LCMof 1, 25= 10 cms. 10410410 _ 1000 “EES "10 ‘Number of cuboids = 100. © Mitustration 8: if cube is cut by free pianos paral t6 tio facos to yioks the maxinurn pumbor of Honical places, thon whet isthe percentage increase inthe fota! surface area? When a cubo is cut by three planes, we will Qol a maximum of 8 Hdontical pivces. The ‘edg0 of each of these cubes is half the width of tho origina! cubs, Surface ares of the Sven ge cube is Ga? and tat ofeach smal cube is Of 2) Hence, or 8 sm cubes, Solution that is 8<6(2) = 420? yee ‘The ration of 6a" 128? Le, 1-2 Hence a 100% increase. > Miustration 9. [343 smaler Bur GENUCRT CUBES are pu togetnar fo Tor 0 Targe cube. A kates passed tirough Oni sb [AB of fop face RECD 10 the clagonaly appasito edge of the Bottom face. The Kafe i hen again passed {trough the side CD of top fece to the agonaly Cppostie edge ofthe bottom face. How many of tho ssmaler cubes are not cut by the krife a! af?” Solution: 343 cubes, when put together, we will gives us 7 x7 x7 configuration Now it a knife is passed, the first cut will passthrough 7 x7 of 49 cubes. ‘Simalamy, te second cul by the krife also passes through 49 cubes. But, out of ths, one line of 7 cubes is commen to both the cuts. Hence, the total numbers of cubes cutis 49+ 49-7 = 01. ‘So, 343 ~ 1 = 252 of the smaller cubes will not be cut by tne kale. ASSIGNMENT LeveL+ Directions (@, 4 40 2): A cube is painted biue on ail faces and is then cul Into 125 cubes of equal size, Answer the following questions based oa this statement 1. How many cubes are not painted on any fa00? we (8) 10 (27 (0) 36 2 How many cubes are painted on one face only? wie (e)s2 (O84 4s Directions (@. 3 to 6): A cube 's coloured fed on all face. It's cut into 64 smaller cubes of equal size. "Now, answer te following questions based on this statement 3. How many cubes have no face coloured? as 1 8 m0 + How many cubes are here which nave only one face coloured? as @e Sits O24 5 Hom many cubes have two red oppeste foes? ae es Ore 24 sown es nave thes ees cure? 16 a Os % Court the number of Cubes inte foownng foures ae ee Or Os & —Sounttve nanoar of cubes 5 otovng fous ed 8)20 ERs (042 : , Directions (0. $1043): A seh cane of Otecton (0 Soha abe of eah ie Bes, has ben pled ied, la a tac Sop faces Ws then cul ia cube ocks wench wie ond nt MACK on aes 10 ” 12. 3 Rea Jeu lace How many cubes have two faces painted red and black and all other faces unpainted? we 2) Be oe Hou may bes nye epee aa rs ee? 6)6 (C12 O16 Hom many ove neve two f2es painted Hack? 2 @4 (ye (D) None son many eb nave one face painted Hue an one face patedrea? che ote aces maybe pais orunpainted) te ar 1 Oe How many cubes are ther in a? oer (ce) 32 Directions (@. 14 to 18): Acube is coloured rec on ane face, green onthe opposite face, yetow 09 nether face and blve on a face adjacent tothe yel fon face. The ethertwo faces are leN uncoloured. tis then cut into 125 smaller cubes of equal Sze. 14, 45. 7 How many cubes are uncoloured on al the faces? we ae ox 27 How many cubes have at least two coloured faces? BB 2 ot O68 How many cubes are coloured ed on one face and nave the remairing faves uncaloure? wie (O12 (©)20 8 How many cubes have at least one green face? ws. 16 Oz 2s 10 red or grace on acoHner fice ANE Nave fou 18 Mow many cues ain coloured tive @n ne 46 uincatowina £0008? ae ie (0) 10 piwctans (a. xb to 24: Benue shown tow or ae 27 cubes mnie aM 11027, Anmigy 19. Number of cubes which have manimum numberof faces touching the other cubes at (2 3 (a 20 Number of eubes which have minum number of faces touching the ether cubes is: et (2 oes me 21 Which ofthe cubes 3, 8,20.0r27 touches the maximum numberof cubes? a 8 (20 27 22 Which ofthe cubes 6, 12, 19 6°25 touches maximum rumber of cubes? we 13 19 (25 23. Wich ofthe eutes 7, 21, 220723 touches minimum numberof cubes? yr 21 oz 2 24. Whateube is hidden under cude 197 wis (9)20 ou (28 25. What cube is hieden under cube 137 ws, @r 15 O18 26. How many cubes ae hidden and so could not be numbered? we @6 5 4 27. How many cubes have their faces touching four other cubas? ‘wo @ 10 (or 19 28. The cubes having their fives faces touching ether cubes ar (A) 7,14, 20 (C)13, 48,22 8/13, 14,20 (©) 43. 14.18, 20,22 Directions (@. 29 t0 40): Which dice among (j, (i), (i) and (v) can be formed fiom the net pattern (x)? 2 ° or GEae o © ™ w (0 ang. only 8) 0), il) ere (9 only (©) ly only ©) dl and (only 30. F ale 8 eo = BF e e|9 Ot oO} “ Ww HO ony (8) Q) only (©) and can only (0) Allabove a1 OC 0) (A) 0 and (i) only (©) Allan (IV) only am Ww, B) i) and @v) only (©) and (I) only 12 (&) a) ana aun only (8) (), (i) and (IV) only peed Be (7 (EF, Oo ) .. 5 mm 0) only © (I) and ¢0) ony (C) @ and (ut) onty (©) (). () ane (IV) only: * Eee 9 only (8) QW and tt only (©) (and (it) only (©) €), (A) and (IV) _—_——_ 19 Hs a 2A 0 ” om ™ A) 0) only aes (©)00nd op only {B10 9nd 4) ony 2» ° e]+ ~ es, +14 wy ah ay Ww) A) (0) ony @) (, (WD and (HH) only ty and ai only ONisbove a 2} a a BORG Woes eny "0,9 a4 04 ony {© aa yoy (©), and (i) onty 3 ™ 8) th, 0h 9003 84) ont on A , ey (©) 0), 9h 300 8 oy » “| ‘| Ee | x] Rak @) oO 40. & Se ce o 7a 7 4a 42, a The faces of a cico have been marked with numbers 1, 2, 3,4, 5 and 6 respectively. This dice is rolled down three tes. The tnree positions are given in the figure Below. Choose the figure that willbe formed when the dice is unfolded S i 3 4 2 al a | 0 = w : @ : _ | ale als a IE; o ° 2|« aa 5 . zfs] =] e] ‘Two positions of acice are shawn below. identify the number at the Detiom when the top is 3°? wr et ©s 2 ‘Vihiat number of dots wil be there on the face opposite to the face that contains 2 dots? aya @s (4 Os nici eS nSiatN 6 + J aft sf w 4 3 16 a (Nee mambaee os He 7 Vv Count the martes rts 6 Tm vee FeguTA Ae et meer) suntare 6 ae “1 a Os heen te folwteg figure aes ta tar 2 alo, ae earings? wr es Hom many dats Ite ooganite the face heving theee dots, when the given figures folded to forma 7 arta! pi ta Mm TeHCAtY 4 $ tha 0d Bt (Ha @2 Os cca ali Directton (Q. 60 40 61}: nau of the fsowing qvostioNs, wolnet thn eoWoKt CHAON fOr Male the ‘qunetion sod. by oben the fo potions glen ef Hite op ep Which number wll come opponto to number 27 ws (a St Which numbor will coms opposite to numbor 0? wy ws «4 (09 52. Observe the ols on aw dico (one 10 six dots) Mv tho folowing guros. How many dots aro ‘contained ow tho face opposte to that containing four dota? Ge ww (aye (89 (oe {0} Cannot bo determined 59. Throo different positlans of a dice are shown below, How many dots He opposite 2 dots? w aa aw ws (@)3 os oe 54. The sbx faces of a cice have boon marked wth alphabets A, B, C, D, E and F respectively. This dice fs rolled down three limes. The three positions are shown as: o oo wo Fing the alphabet opposite (A) ac 0 (hE (VF om thn find ut WICH NMDA 8 oud opens % >) Q Qe Qe ; os (o)1 ur mes and is four aferent postions are shown below Find the numer gg 56. A dive is thrown fo the face opposite the face showing 2. oO 6 8 a a ww) ws @4 (Os os Directions (@. §7 to 64): A cube painted red on two adjacent faces and black on the faces opposte ty the red faces and green on the remaining faces is cut into 64 smaller cubes of equal size. 57, How many cubes have no face painted 7 wo @4 os O16 58 How many cubes have only one face painted ? we (B24 (c28 (yaa 59, How many cubes have less than three faces painted ? ae (8) 24 C28 (0) 56 60. How many cubes are there with the three faces painted ? ws 8 () 16 (0) 24 Cl i many cubes have one face green and at least one of the adjacent faces black or red? B) 16 (24 a 28 18 Directions (0. 62 t0 66): Tha f cmv Tho cube nas been shaded a4 shew Ces Og 02. Mow many cubes wil nave no faces shaded 7 owe @2 Or Om 53 How many cubes will have thee faces shaded? we we 32 Ore 64. How many cubes will have onty two faces shaded? ay 12 @) 18 oz O32 65. How many cubes will have only ane face shaded? we Be (22 20 66. How many cubes will have one face shaded with Ines and another shaded with dots (atl omer faces are un-shaded) ? a 16 @w2 ce ms Directions (@. 67 to 74): Select the correct alernative trom ine given cnolees 87, inal the maximum number of dential pieces a cube can be cutinto by 3 outs? we we 7 me 68 What is the maximum number of identical leces @ cube can be cut into by 4 cuts? @ 10 12 (O16 Ds 68. What is the maximum number of identical pieces a cube can be cut into by 13.cuts? 120 ® 140 © 180 © 150 70, Whats the maximum number of identical pieces a cube can be cut into by 7 cuts? A) 36 es (0)25 Os 20 1 Wm Cine tame number of cote rminnies (os ibiesin cute nla 120 sential meme ws me 12 {What ic the mmebruim numberof Hetil peer en st wench @ cu CAN Dm HAIN By 12 expe (my saa (ay to (01 180) (by 128 72 What ts the maximum number of Hinntical pieces a cube can be cut into by 8 eas? yt? (0) ys (b) 27 74 Whats the maximum number of Ktontical races a cube CAN De Cul Ino by § cute? 2s (B) 20 (eye (0) 16 Directions (Q. 78 to 78); These questions are based on the following data, 128 smal but hentia! cubes are pu gether to form a lame cute THs larger cube sow pated sis tres 7S Mow many of the smaller cubes have no face painted at a? war (B) 04 @e (0) 36 76 How many of the smaller cubes have exactly one face painted? wae (B) 54 (©) 64 O72 77 How many of the smatier cubes have exactly two faces painted? oy 28 (@) 16 © (0) 64 T& How many of the smalior cubes have exactly three faces painted? wa @)8 os (27 Directions (Q. 79 to 81): These questions are based on the following dat A large cube painted on all six faces is cut into 27 smaller but identical cubes. 78 How many of the smatier cubes have no faces painted at alt? wo (8) ©s O4 80 How many of the smaller cubes have exactly one faces painted? ws 8) 6 (12 (0) 15 61 How many of the smaller cubes have exactly two faces painted? (A) 36 8) 6 (2 () 18 a (heat ou the ran ‘numbers of pieces into which a cubs can be cuts by 14 cuts? (8) 174 (C) 180 (D) 195, 2 Directions (@. 83 40 87) A sou cutm of enc skt9 NcITH hs nn alte te. H tappnste TacMs Ie thee exh ive cubical loess et wach kin 2s 89. How many cubes ave no face pa wo wo wea on £4 Mow many cubes have only one fe pated? wre (o) 16 oe 18S How many cubes have only two face pointed? we @) 16 (20 (O24 86 How many cubes hava throe faces pointed? wo @6 oa oe 67, How many cubes have Ihveo faces palnted with a8 diferont colours? ao @4 os O12 88 A dice has six diferent symbols drawn over fs six (aces, The symbols are dat, crc, thang 3Ua"e, I0SS and ariow Thive diferontposilons of th dice ace shown In igure X. ¥ and 2 Which symbols oppaste to he dot? (a) Gree ©) Triangle (©) Arrow () Cross Direction (2. 89 to $0): There ere 12€ cubes with me which are coloured eccording to wo Schemes viz o ® , 0, 1 6s cubes each having two red adjacent laces end one yellow and other blue on thee ‘opposite faces wile green onthe rest. 54 cubes each having Mo adjacent blue faces and one res and other green on their 2pp0SIe aces, while red en tho res, They are thon miced upp How many cubes have at loast two ccloured sed faces exch? wo (8) 32 Ou (0) 128 What isthe total number of rea faces? ao (es (©) 320 (0) 120 Yih he maximum number of cuts required to Cu a cube Into $0 pieces? A) s0 49 (48 oar 2 92 A lonn maida Nn 248 nn Ng ry fey (ep wa (ey (cy (D) Directions (Q. 94 to 97}: The folloning questions are baved in ine inforiration grven below, There '9 9 cuboid whose dimensions are 4 x 2420 ‘The opposite face of dimensions £ 72 are coinuted yeAlzu ‘The opposite laces of other dimensions & x 2 are Cowie 13 ‘The opposite faces of dimensions 2 £2 are cofouted green Now the cuboid is cut into small cubes of vide $c 84, 95, or. How many small cubes will have only two faves coloured Ay 12 en (16 (42 How mony small cubes have three faces coloured 7 (A) 24 ©) 20 O68 Oe How many small cubes wall have no face coloured 7 wr wz os oe How many small asbes wil have only one face coloured 7 10 @w ou Ow LEVEL Count the number of Cubes in the folowing figures: (A) 100 . 7 (©) 105 C1 ou (121 2 2 Count the number of Cubes nthe fotewingSowes “ oer (88 89 3. Sou ne uber of Canes inte ftovng A S7 = ©) 58 je me Directions (Q. 4 to 8): A cube of side 10 mis coloured red with @ 2 am wide green strip along all the ‘sidos on all the faces. The cube is cut into 125 smaller cubes of equal so. Answer the folowing {questions based on this statement: 4. How meny cubes have three green faces each? ao es (oe Or» 5. Howmeny cubes have one face red and an adjacent face green” ao @s oe 15 & —_Howmany cubes have atleast one face coloured? 78 oe Os © 102 7. How many cubes have atleast two green faces each? we 27 jae Os & How many cubes are without any colour? aot @27 or oo Directions (Q. $ to 18): A solid cube has been painted yellow, blue and black on pairs of opposite faces. ‘The cube is then cut into 36 smaller cubes such that 32 cubes are of the seme size while 4 others are of bigger size. Also no face of any ofthe bigger cubes is painted blue. ® How many cubes have at least one face painted blue? ao @s ow Ox 10. How many cues nave only one face painted? wo at oe 2 14 18 18 19 How many cubes have only two faces painted? ze @2 1) 16 8 How many cubes have two or more faces painted? as es ©28 @z How many cubes have only tnree faces painted? ws @4 ©2 oe How many cubes do not nave any of their faces painted yellow @o @4 os or How many cubes have at least one of their faces painted black? wo @s 16 (0) 20 How many cubes have at least one of thei faces painted yellow or blue? ws ©) 22 16 Oo How many cubes have no face painted? ws @4 1 m0 How many cubes have two faces painted yellow and black respectively? wo Be (12 O16 AA cube & cut paralei to one face by making 10 cuts [such that all the resuting pieces ‘entical] What is the maximum number of klentical that = iercal Wha Sibe mann pieces that can be obtained by now matey ws @ 40 (©) 55 (0) 44 a ok ce eae 0 out athe eto 24 fence eco 4 os Be ‘What is the least number of entical cuboids, ie emnaene? . each of dimensions 2 an x 4am x § om tut at &) 160 O20 ©) 203 128 smal but identical cubes have been put together to form a large cube. How many more Si smal cues wi Be rogue io cover Ns lage Sabe ComteN? ) ® 212 © 28 ©) 224 2 (64 sinalios ul Wortcal Cubes wre placed on o tabla to form w lage cube. How many more such ‘rnalley cabs ave nw routed 19 enctose his large cube pluced on the table complotaly7 (A) 125 (6) 110 (©) 100 (0) 432 24 126 small but identical cubes ure pul together of a table (0 fom ane tarye cube, & brite Is passed though this cutie stating along one edye of the top face ta the dlagonaly opposite edge ‘80 v6 botiean ace, How many ofthe smal cubes are cul fp his hnile? a) 25 (8) 36 (6) 64 (O16 25. Wha ave the minirum numbers of cus requlied to cul @ cube ino 7A pieces? a7 835 (cy 20 (O)44 Directions (Q. 26 to 30); These questions are based on the following deta There ie @ cube in which one pair of opposite faces Is painted red, the Second pair's opposite (aces 1s Painted lve and ethic par of opposite faces Is panied green. This cube is row cut into 246 smater Foal identical cubes 2% How many small cubes ave with 10 ed paint ot a? (a) 921 (B) 144 (©) $60 ©) 100 27 How many small cubes ave tnere with at least two diferent colours on their faces? a) 40 (8) 64 (C) 56 (O81 26 Haw many smell cubes are there without any face panied? (A) 64 (8) 48 Cm (0) 56 29. How many een cubes are there vith only red and green on thelr faces” wo (e) 12 a (0) 16 20. How many smell cubes are there showing only green or only Diue on tneir faces? wo (6) 64 (©) 125 (0) 100 Directions (2. 31 to 36): Thess questions are based on the folowing dat: There Is a cube in which one pal of adjacent faces is painted red, the Second pair of adjacent faces Is peinted blue and thied palt of adjacent faces Is palnted green. This cube Is now cut inlo 219 smaller bu ‘entical cubes, 31, How many emoll cubes are there vith no red pal at al? A 144 (e) 150 (125 (0) 120 32. How many senall cubes are there with at least two diferent colours on their faces”? (A) 04 © 4 (22 om 23, How many snail cubes are there vatn one face painted rea? (A) 64 ee (60 (0) 100 20 een on their faces? a uth both red and green on 4. How many small cubes are wi ol a on (0) 22 (16 sere showing enly green of Only BILE Cn tel aces 4s, tow many sma cubes are there snowna OMY FE Be (0 ist 110 form a tig cube. How ica cubes are placed together | ra 35,12 sates and ena, cues oe free faces ofthe CUD 87e already coverag fin are required 10 Cov . we (9) 98 Oe Bie ‘ -re folowing questions are based on the information given belay: Dirwctions (2. 37 t0 391: eet rakancute ora cube are coloured with Six ink, purple, ora All the bc 046 ot jow face oppose to he pink face. Orange face is between yellow ana pei geen a vc yey golden ace, Purple face is adjacent 10 violet face, Yolow face is inthe hag 31. The upperface is__— (A) Golden (B) Pink ah (©) Purple {D) None of these 38. Which ofthe following is adjacent to orange ? (A) Pink, golden, purple, yellow (8) Violet, pink. yellow, purput (©) yellow, pink, golden, violet (O) None of these 39 Which face is opposite te orange 7 (A) yellow (C) violet (®) golden (0) purple Directions (@. 40 to 44): The following questions are based on the information given below: ‘A cuboid shaped wooden block has 6 cm length, 4 cm breadth and 1 cm height Two faces measuring 4 om x 1 cm are coloured in black. Two faces measuring 6 om x 1 cm are coloured in red. Two faces measuring 6 cm x 4 cm are coloured in green The block is divided into 6 equal cubes of side 1 cm (from 6 cm side), 4 equal cubes of side 1 em (tent em side) faces coloured with different colours? 40. How many smaller cube have atleast three of th 18 @e (10 Os 4 How many small cubes will be formed 7 as @12 (C} 16 (0) 24 @. ey many cubes will have 4 faces coloured faces and two non-coloured faces ? (0) 16 eS Hy 2 42 Hove num cation wall ave gues cate ony tv ae mutt Hn oF Hh Hoe alin taza fi ese 7 wie ayn woe nA 44 HMw any oubon wl voryaty ihe oui nyhny black math yinen coloured an conned was ino wou [by 10) avecthons (0, 48 4 48) THe foostay quesltons arn Boaned cn the laornalion ylven below ‘Accolia orton Mack his ca engl, 9 61n Bawa ad 8 01 Hog NH kn AC ve Car WY nity A.C #9 8 ACH HO We ncving 6 C2" #3 ON ALO cided ure blook fe dived ls srival eubios of ade tom enc 4 How mien sini cubes wl have wll have [lvoe (nove coloured ? wa ayn © (wile 40, How mien ene oul wnt ave onty one fee cokoied wy (0) 20 © doy 16 AZ Hose many eivellcuboe wll have no Tacs colonied 7 (4) None we A Oo 4 How many sanell cubes vil tiave only two tacos eolouted wll rod and toon covets 7 we wo ©) 10 «20 Leveum + Aoube of ako 6 ow hws been cut into O4 emallor but Mntical eubos, Hit was estimated that Quoulid take 4 fies te paint all tho fabes of the original euibo, ten how much patil ts roquied to Ppa all Hao fac oF al hie eanaltoy cuties? (4) 16 Hien. (b) 12 tres: (©) 20 Nes: (0) 4 tis ‘Eau face of a cuba te palntod either white or black. In how many alforent ways can the oube be alate? we (@) 19 © 18 oO) 0 Directions (@, 340 0}: Those questions aro basad on tho following dota Tiniee diferent {acs oF a cube 46 painted in Uhien diferent colours ~ rod, groow and blue, This ovbo Is owe cut iio 296 anvalee bat [dentioal culos, Whale the lonet aumnbor of tho smater cubos that will have exactly three faves pointed? wy 0 a (0) None of these 20 How many oF the anvatior cubes have exactly Wo faces paliied? tA) 12 iB) 15) (oie {D) Euthar (A) oF @) iat ave te lowst andthe largest fuunber of smal cubes thal have exacty one 4 (a) 7 and 00 (8) 64 and 81 960 Painteay (€) 04 and 72 (D) 75 and 84 What ts the maximum number of sina cubes that have one face painted gre fand na other face painted? FeEN ANd One face ty A? (8) 4 8 ws {1 a cubo Is 10 be painted with Red and Blue colour in such @ way tt 1 a 1 Oe vinaey nye ( euDS Onn Oe palneg?” ne no 8 Sng We (6 (Cyd (0) 10 28 ceeg SBSRIAPBRIIB BE ome 2 21 33, 37. at 48. >POD0000>000000B00000>O>0 Boeno>cUrO>0 o> KEY AND ANSWERS TO ASSIGNMENT 10 “4 18 6 30, 38. 42. 58, 62, 70. 74 7. 82 90, BHSLSBRERSTN 900000>0>a0000>00>000000 ee>rorBon0000 oe LEVEL! 3 7 11 15, 19, 23 ar, 31 36, 38, a a. 31 58. 58. 63 6, 1 75, 78. 83, 87. a 98. LEVEL! 11. 6 19. 2. a 36, 20. 43, 47. LEVEL 30 voousrcamor>orEarO00R000 vooenenocwem co 2. 16. 20, 2, 2 32 40, 48. 2 58. 60. 68. 7 78, 0, 28. 2. 2 6 SSBRB 40. Brose T0TO TOSCO BO meBe>Doo >eonurrorone PexanPLt 1. Acubeds painted blue om all faces is eut into 125 cubes of equal size, Now, answer the following, question : Hows many cubes face? not painted on any Sol. Since, there are 125 smaller cubes of equal size, therefore, n= number of divisions on the face of undivided cube = 5. Number of cubes with no face painted =(n 28 (8-29 =27 DICE Hh, Introduction A diceis three-dimensiong),. es. Il may be in the a cuboid, ‘ TYPES OF DICE STANDARD DICE ofnumbers on opposite faces is not 7 butth> icent sides are seven. Ordinary Dice ORDINARY DICE L OrdinaryDice: In thistype of dice, the surm of numbers on two adja 2 {8 such type of di numbers on adjuc 4357 thi . ae Sum Of numbers an opposite tices i> Kt faces is not 7 Here, “@ Hans \ @) ais ® 15-6 St adard Dice Opposite of | O(sinee 116-7 Opposite of $2 (since 542-7) Opposite of 1 A (since $647) “ sQRTANT RULES Hence, non Two Positionsof a Single 2and 1 are opposite 3 and 4 are opposite eeare Given oer: Digits are different in both 5 and 6 are opposite ! Case 111: When one digitis common in both positions but not at same face a5 <> Ko follows sicionas follow. w (ii) such case any digit in position (i) can j tre (i) (ii) se opposite to any of the three digits in tion (ii) and vice-versa as given In this case list the numbers on both the dices in cither clockwise or anti-clockwise starting from common digit, on comparing the numbers obtained from both dices will give you the digit on opposite faces on two position. In the above figures, number 4 is common in both positions, Now writting the digits in both position in clock-wise starting from 4, we get 7 436 {Position (ii)] Can be opposite to 4, 5 or 6 2 Can be opposite to 4, 5 or 6 } Can be opposite to 4, 5 or 6 4 Can be opposite to 1, 2 or 3 5 Can be opposite to 1, 2 or 3 6 Can be opposite to 1, 2 or 3 Case II: When one digit is common in both position and at the same face as falows, Go rl osite to} Jn this case, except the common — Thus Lis oppo i « iit, the digits on the other fitces. 2is opposite to 6 are oppasite to each other and the face opposite fo the common digit Will have that digit which isinvisible and 4is opposite to 140___— $ Nate ta git common digits ae couse in the Wo positions. seen opt Case TV: When twodigits are comm b t VS. inboth the positions as follow wp Pf (i) ase digit OpPes ich are not In this case, {i Thore is 2 probability of coming digits on the faces opposite to the faces having common digits are ‘ncommon digits in each dice are opposite to each other. Hence 3 is opposite to 2 or 4 5 is opposite to 2 or 4 2 is opposite to 3 or 4 is opposite to 3 or 5 1 is opposite to.6 UNFOLDED DICE When a dice is unfolded, then the following four presentation of the unfolded dice can be possible. Ww Top fy [Left | Front[Right [Botton Back c— Back Top iy [Lett [rom | Rigas Botton Top ii) ft |From| Right lwo Back] Opposite Faces of Untolg, + Top face and Botton, opposite faces " + Left face and Right opposite faces + Front face and Bac, opposite faces ed How to Fill Unfolded Fac, Digits? When the unfolded f diceis filled up with digi yuo, question based on dice solved very easily. Tivo pos of a dice are given below a; the help of these dit eS with ¢ unfo| faces have been filled up bythedps 3/4 OSs @ i) Now we will fill faces of te following unfolded dice with di with the help of the twoe of a dice shown below @ Now, write the commes'® the front face. a anti-clockwise direction the digits from the jigit 4 in position (i), We nd oa None prot mmond and Lin order. Write 2 folded dice in anti-clockwise aad mount sction as Shown 11 the cow going anti-clockwise direction shrough the digits from the smnmon digits 4 in position (ii). We seid, 6and 3 inorder. Write 6 and 3 " unfolded in anti-clockwise direction as shown in the figure. 3 I 4 | 2 Le Fill the remaining blank face with thehidden digit S ee “4 Dice Formation 4 A Dice is formed by folding a sheet of Paper, These forms may be in he following form Number 1 is opposite to Number 2 is opposite to 4. Number 3 is opposite to 6 Number | is opposite to 6. Number 2 is opposite to 4. Number 3 is opposite to 5. Number 1 is opposite to 3 Number 2 1s opposite 10 5 Number 4 is opposite (6 wa uM PRUNC TN KOE IENOON CH: gaiee is thrown four times and its four diferent pos 4 f nee psitions ye ihe amber on the E16 opposite the fice showing > 8 ali 4 (b) 8 a (a) 3 Alcrent positions of dice are as shown below, What number is ‘opposite are jtiven below 5 Tour di a4 ) 3 2 i) G Which one ofthe following be: can be created by folding the given key design? Question Figure : | | | Answer Figures : 4) (b) © «Which ofthe following cubes can be created by folding the given figure? Question Figure. Answer Figures. wy @) Two ted of adice are wen Which number would §, bottom is 2? @ 4 (b) 1 3 (@) 6 §. Which one of the four boxes given below is created by folding ( design in the question figure? Question figures: Answer figures: 2 \e|e) ® © © 7. Two positions sl willbe on on dice are shown below. If | is at the bottom fa) 4 (b) 3 © & @ 5 sid so formed by joming anit cubes is rot ated (0 obtain differ ve which ofthese cant be the shape sie invited wi it has turned? eek. ¢ 5 Lap ib) LL 5 i @ cane ¢ given on the le hand sideis folded to form a box. Choose fom the aves (1) (2) )and (4) the boxes that is similar to the box formed, 2 POD O 2 6) a Q)and(3) only (b) (1), (3) and (4) only «) (Qand(@)only — (d) (1) and (4) only 4. Inthe given cubes, which colour is opposite to purple? [A i |) Viotet (b) Red Yellow (d) Blue 3 6 ) @ o @ © 1. 3,4 and 6 are adjacent 2 Therefore number 5 on the face opposite t0 2. Thenumbers 1,2, 5 and 6 are on the adjacent faces of the number 3. So, the number 4 ies opposite 3. The shaded parts are narow. So. answer figure (b) is invalid. The white part is larger. So, answer figure (c} 1s invalid, 1f dot is on the top surface, then the visible surface can not be white. So, answer figure (a) is invalid, ‘When folded in the form ofa cube, then 'F’ appears opposite 'B', 'E' appears opposite ‘C’ and ‘A’ appears opposite Dh In option (a) ‘Fis adjacent to B In option (c)'E' is adjacent to c In option (d)'E'is adjacent to WY ‘The numbers 1,2, 5 and 6 are on the adjacent faces of number 3. Therefore. the number 4 lies opposite 3. The numbers 3, 4 and 6 can not be on the faces opposite to 1. Therefore, $ lies opposite 1 Now, 2 lies opposite 6. ro epnans ON. 1. % 10. UNIMLOINES < () Bylooking, the dice,, we can say that 2, Pei, (a) ) ©) are adjacent 4... Mr therefore, if 1 nie 9 bottom then 3 will be th top. Om th Option (a) is coreg, The given figure numbered like this; 6 In this figure: 1 lies opposite 3: 2 fies opposite 5; 4 lies opposite 6. When the sheet of question figure is folded to form 2 cube, then the face bearinga dot lies opposite to one of the shaded faces. Therefore, figure (2) which has both the shaded faces adjacent to the face bearing the dot, cannot be form: Hence, the cubes shown figures (1), (3) and (4) canbe formed. Purple > Red, Blue. Green, Orange Green, Orange, Ret. Blues® adjacent to purple

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