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UTHMAN, Habeeb Olamilekan








UTHMAN, Habeeb Olamilekan



All Right Reserved


This is to certify that the study entitled “Relationship Among Senior Secondary School

Students’ Cognitive Capacity, Comprehension Process And Performance In Mathematics

In Ilorin Metropolis, Kwara State, Nigeria” was carried out by UTHMAN, Habeeb

Olamilekan with the matriculation number 18/25PD035 has been read and approved, being a

part of the requirements of the Department of Science Education, Faculty of Education,

University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria for the award of Bachelor of Science Education Degree

(B.Sc. Ed) in Mathematics.

………………………... ……………………...
Project Supervisor

…………………………. ……………………..
Dr. Khadijat S. AMEEN DATE
Head of Department

…………………………. …………………….
Dean, Faculty of Education

………………………… ………………………
External Supervisor DATE


I dedicate this project to Allah; the Mighty Creator of the worlds and all that exist−the one

whose existence has no point of reference nor would it have a point of termination. By His

insurmountable guide, I reach the concluding point of this work, and so far, His existence in my

life facilitates the exit and extinction of negativities. In extension, I dedicate this work to my

infrangible mirror and my irreplaceable gold−my parents (Engr. Aliu Akeem Kehinde and Mrs.

Bola Uthman).


My gratitude firstly goes to God, the creator of the universe who has never ceased

making things fall in place for me. I get all my needs, be it physically, mentally, spiritually and I

cannot think of a time I had any deficiency during this long program; all things as always fall in

its right place. AlhamduliLlah!

My profound appreciation goes to my powerful, hyper-intelligently smart mentor, Dr. M.

A. Akanmu. It was a rare privilege to be one of his supervisees. I must confess it wasn’t on a

platter of gold, but the experience was worth it at the end. None would have worked under him

without sincerely appreciating him. As a plus, I have acquired beyond this skill of research

writing, I latently learnt how to upgrade some soft skills like communication, interpersonal,

mentoring, organization, problem and conflict resolution, leadership, management skills, and

what not? I wouldn’t be able to mention it all. I ask God Almigty to ease his affairs and write the

best of success for him. I also appreciate the Dean, Faculty of Education, Prof. L. A. Yahaya,

Head of Department of Science Education, Dr. (Mrs.) S.K. Ameen and other academic staff in

Faculty of Education.

Undiluted gratitude to my parents, Mr. and Mrs. Uthman. They have been the backbone

of my entire studies. They provide unconditional support, love, care, inspiration and motivation

needed to claim the success of this programme. I appreciate them for being dutiful and up to

task. May God provide them with their heartfelt and desires.

My gratitude extends to my younger ones Iswat; Uthman; Habeebat, My Ilorin family

now in the UK (The Tijanis), My business Teacher; Mr. Moshood (MDOT), My sheikh and

mentor; Alh.Al-hariry, the Muslim Student Society for creating an enabling space to protect our

deen from fragility, the most reserved and intelligent lady I meet here; Zaynab Suleimon, my

beloved Sister Zaynab Ajidele in the US, thanks for being so amazing. Beyond is all the great

people Unilorin gave me−from my cliques Talha Ibrahim, Ibrahim Jamiu, Abdulmuis

Abdulrahim, Ustaadh Nasirudeen, − to everyone that has inspired me one way or the other. I

have learnt a lot from you and you have helped me in your best ways, the journey wouldn’t have

been this fine if you aint part of it. Thank you!


Title Page

Title Page i

Copyright Page ii

Certification iii

Dedication iv

Acknowledgments v

Table of Contents vii

Abstract x



Background to the Study 1

Statement of the Problem 6

Purpose of the Study 8

Research Questions 8

Research Hypothesis 8

Scope of the Study 9

Significance of the Study 10





Nature and Contents of the Nigeria Secondary schools

Mathematics curriculum 13

Theoretical Framework on Cognitive Capacity, Comprehension Process

and Students’ Academic Performance 18

Empirical studies on Cognitive Capacity, Comprehension Process 21

and Students’ Performance in Mathematics in Secondary schools

Studies on Cognitive Capacity, Comprehension Process and Gender

factor in Mathematics 25

Appraisal of the Literature Reviewed 28



Research Design 30

Population, Sample, and Sampling Techniques 31

Research Instrument 32

Validation of Research Instrument 32

Procedure for Data Collection 32

Data Analysis Techniques 33



Research Questions 34

Summary of Finding 40



Discussions 42

Conclusions 44

Recommendations 45




This study investigated into the intricate relationship among senior secondary school
students’ cognitive capacity, comprehension processes, and their performance in mathematics.
The study considered gender, school type, in drawing from extensive literature reviews and
empirical research, the research examines whether cognitive capacity and comprehension
processes significantly influence mathematics performance across genders and school types. A
random sampling technique was used to select ten (10) public senior secondary school and ten
(10) private senior secondary school for this study. The sample for this study comprised two
hundred (150) senior secondary students from these secondary school. A questionnaire was used
for the collection of data from the respondents.

A descriptive survey design was employed, gathering data from a representative sample
of secondary school students in Ilorin metropolis, Kwara State. Findings revealed that cognitive
capacity and comprehension processes do not exhibit significant gender-based or school type-
based differences in their impact on mathematics performance. This underscores the potential
for equitable mathematics education for all students, irrespective of gender or school type.

The study advocates for inclusive mathematics education, tailored support for individual
needs, and a comprehensive evaluation of educational quality beyond school type. The research
contributes to the evolving discourse on factors influencing mathematics performance and
emphasizes the need for continued research to inform evidence-based policies and practices in
mathematics education.



Background to the Study

Education is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, and values through formal

learning institutions or informal experiences. In Nigeria's society, education plays a crucial role

in fostering personal and societal development. It equips individuals with the necessary tools to

lead fulfilling lives and contribute meaningfully to their communities and the nation at large.

Education opens doors to opportunities, improves employment prospects, and promotes social

mobility. Moreover, an educated population enhances the country's capacity for innovation,

economic growth, and sustainable development. By investing in education, it is without doubt

that Nigeria can build a skilled workforce, foster informed citizens, and address various

challenges, thereby fostering progress and prosperity for the entire nation.

Numerous scholars such as Falaye and Ogunkola (2016), Oyaziwo and Imhonde (2017)

among others have highlighted the significance of education in Nigeria's society. For instance, a

study by Falaye and Ogunkola (2016) emphasized that education is essential for individual

empowerment, as it enhances people's abilities to access economic opportunities and participate

in societal decision-making processes. Furthermore, Oyaziwo Aluede and Imhonde (2017) found

that education positively impacts the nation's economic development by promoting human

capital formation and increasing productivity levels. Additionally, a study by Abimbade (2018)

highlighted how education contributes to reducing poverty, inequality, and social unrest, thus

fostering stability and social cohesion within Nigeria. Without doubt, education is pivotal to the

development of the society typically.

Mathematics teaching and learning in Nigeria's secondary schools embodies a complex

and evolving landscape that reflects the nation's educational priorities and challenges. The

pedagogical approach to mathematics instruction has undergone shifts over the years, influenced

by factors such as curriculum revisions and advancements in educational technology. Scholars

like Akinbobola and Afolabi (2019) emphasize the significance of teacher quality, teaching

methods, and curriculum alignment in enhancing mathematics education. These scholars assert

that effective mathematics teaching entails the utilization of diverse instructional strategies,

including problem-solving approaches and interactive techniques, to foster deeper understanding

and conceptual mastery among students.

Moreover, the learning of mathematics in Nigerian secondary schools is intricately tied to

curriculum design and assessment practices. The Nigerian Educational Research and

Development Council (NERDC) (2014) has outlined curricular frameworks to guide

mathematics instruction, with the goal of promoting critical thinking, problem-solving, and

mathematical reasoning skills. Scholars such as Obodo and Jegede (2012) underscore the

importance of creating conducive classroom environments that encourage active student

engagement, as well as incorporating real-life contexts to enhance the relevance and applicability

of mathematical concepts. Despite challenges such as limited resources and large class sizes,

educators and researchers continually seek innovative ways to enhance the teaching and learning

of mathematics, striving to equip students with the essential mathematical skills required for

academic and practical pursuits. However, there have been lapses in achieving numerous

learning objectives especially among the learners in the schools.

Learning Mathematics in Nigeria's secondary schools presents students with a spectrum

of challenges that can hinder their comprehension and performance. Scholars such as Ojose

(2016) highlight the pervasive fear and anxiety associated with Mathematics among students,

often stemming from negative attitudes, limited self-confidence, and the subject's reputation for

difficulty. Additionally, inadequate instructional materials and resources, coupled with large

class sizes, impede personalized attention and engagement. Ogunkunle and Adio-Moses (2014)

point out that the lack of qualified Mathematics teachers further compounds these challenges,

affecting the quality of instruction and the ability to address individual learning needs. These

factors collectively contribute to a learning environment that may hinder students' enthusiasm,

motivation, and overall achievement in Mathematics specifically in the Nigeria’s context.

The impact of students' cognitive capacity on their performance in Mathematics is

profound. Research by Akinsola (2015) highlights that students with stronger cognitive

capacities are better equipped to comprehend and internalize mathematical concepts, enabling

them to tackle more complex problems with efficiency. Additionally, scholars like Onwu and

Amadi (2018) emphasize that students with higher cognitive capacities are more likely to grasp

abstract mathematical ideas and exhibit improved problem-solving skills. However, cognitive

capacity can vary among students, and educators need to be cognizant of these individual

differences when designing instructional strategies. Adeyemo and Adeyemi (2019) assert that

tailored teaching methods that consider students' cognitive capacity can enhance their

comprehension, engagement, and overall performance in Mathematics, promoting a more

effective and inclusive learning environment in Nigerian secondary schools.

Another variable of interest in the context of this study is the level of students’

comprehension as its impact the performance of the students in mathematics. Students'

comprehension process, within the context of Mathematics learning in Nigeria's secondary

schools, refers to the cognitive and intellectual activities involved in understanding, interpreting,

and making sense of mathematical concepts, problems, and information. As highlighted by

Adeyemi (2017), comprehension encompasses skills such as extracting relevant information,

making connections between different mathematical ideas, identifying underlying patterns, and

grasping the logical structure of mathematical content. It involves both surface-level

understanding and deeper insights, enabling students to effectively internalize and apply

mathematical knowledge.

The impact of students' comprehension process on their performance in Mathematics is

fundamental. Adeyemi (2017) emphasizes that a robust comprehension process equips students

with the capacity to decode complex mathematical language and symbols, enabling them to solve

mathematical problems accurately and efficiently. Research by Ogunniyi and Olufunminiyi

(2020) underscores that students who engage in deep comprehension of mathematical concepts

are better positioned to apply problem-solving strategies creatively, leading to higher

achievement levels. However, challenges in comprehension can hinder students' ability to grasp

the underlying logic of mathematical concepts, resulting in misconceptions and errors. Educators

must thus employ pedagogical strategies that foster effective comprehension, such as clear

explanations, visualization techniques, and real-world applications, to enhance students' overall

performance in Mathematics in Nigeria's secondary schools.

Evidently, the aforementioned factors can also be influenced by demographic variables,

one of which is Gender. Gender, within the context of education in Nigeria's secondary schools,

refers to the social and cultural roles, expectations, and identities attributed to individuals based

on their biological sex. It is a multifaceted construct that encompasses not only biological

differences but also the social, psychological, and cultural influences that shape individuals'

experiences and opportunities. As noted by Ajayi and Ekundayo (2018), gender roles and

stereotypes can significantly impact students' cognitive capacity and comprehension process in

Mathematics. Societal expectations may lead to differences in self-perception, confidence, and

motivation to engage with mathematical content, ultimately affecting students' performance.

The impact of gender on students' cognitive capacity and comprehension process can be

profound. Ajayi and Ekundayo (2018) highlight that gender-based stereotypes may lead to

differential expectations and treatment in the classroom, which influence students' self-efficacy

and academic engagement. For instance, girls may perceive themselves as less capable in

mathematics due to prevailing beliefs that math is a male-dominated domain. This can affect

their cognitive capacity by hindering their willingness to take on challenging math tasks.

Moreover, gender-related cultural norms might influence the ways in which boys and

girls approach learning, impacting their comprehension strategies. Boys may be encouraged to

adopt more competitive or assertive learning approaches, while girls might lean toward

collaborative or cautious approaches. These dynamics can have implications for their

comprehension process and subsequently predict their performance in mathematics. Recognizing

and addressing these gender-related influences is crucial for creating an equitable learning

environment that supports all students' cognitive development, comprehension, and mathematical

achievement in Nigeria's secondary schools. This study would make effort this demographic

variable as it also impact students’ performance in the subject.

Extant studies have been conducted across several other geographical locations, subjects

among other related literature characteristics. However, to the best of the researcher’s

knowledge, there is scarcity of research that has paid attention to assessing the Relationship

among Cognitive capacity and Comprehension processes and students’ performance in

Mathematics specifically in Ilorin metropolis, Kwara state which hereby creates a gap in

literature. This study would make effort to cover the identified gap.

Statement of the Problem

The study seeks to investigate the relationship among senior secondary school students'

comprehension process, cognitive capacity, and their performance in mathematics. The

comprehension process involves how students understand and interpret mathematical concepts,

while cognitive capacity pertains to their intellectual abilities and cognitive skills. The central

concern revolves around understanding how these factors interact and influence students'

performance in mathematics within the context of Nigeria's secondary schools specifically in

Ilorin metropolis, Kwara state.

Despite the significance of mathematics education, students' performance in the subject

remains a concern in Nigeria's secondary schools. The problem lies in the gaps and variations in

students' comprehension process and cognitive capacity, which can impact their overall

performance. Furthermore, gender-based disparities may exacerbate these challenges, with

potential variations in how male and female students engage with mathematics due to societal

and cultural expectations. Thus, this study seeks to address the relationship among

comprehension, cognitive capacity, and gender, in order to provide insights that can guide

effective pedagogical strategies and interventions to enhance mathematics learning outcomes in

secondary schools in Ilorin metropolis, Kwara state. However, this study is not the first of its

kind and efforts would be made to review some of these studies.

Adeyemi (2018) conducted a study in Nigeria investigating the factors influencing

students' performance in mathematics. The study identified various challenges, including

inadequate teaching methods and resources, lack of motivation, and poor comprehension of

mathematical concepts. The study emphasized the need for improved pedagogical approaches

and instructional materials to enhance students' understanding and performance in mathematics.

Chukwu (2020) explored the relationship between cognitive capacity and mathematics

performance among secondary school students in Nigeria. The study revealed that students with

higher cognitive capacities tended to perform better in mathematics. It highlighted the

importance of nurturing cognitive skills and critical thinking abilities to improve students'

mathematical achievements. Additionally, the research suggested that tailored interventions

could be designed to support students with varying cognitive capacities.

Ali and Rahman (2019) conducted a similar study in Pakistan to examine the impact of

gender on students' mathematics performance. While not based in Nigeria, the study contributes

insights applicable to a broader context. The research found that gender disparities exist, with

male students generally outperforming their female counterparts. The findings underscored the

need to address gender-related factors, such as cultural stereotypes and societal expectations, to

create a more equitable learning environment and improve mathematics performance among

female students. Evidently, none of the studies reviewed above contextualized their studies on

the environs of Ilorin metropolis, Kwara state thereby creating a gap in literature, part of which

the present study intends to cover. Also, the present study would also make effort to explore how

Secondary schools students’ comprehension process, cognitive capacity enhance Students’

performance in mathematics specifically in the study area in Ilorin, Kwara state.

Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship among Students’

cognitive capacity, Comprehension processes and their performance in Mathematics in Ilorin

metropolis, Kwara state. The specific objectives include the intention of the study to:

1. Investigate the relationship between Students’ cognitive capacity and Students’

Performance in Mathematics in Ilorin metropolis, Kwara state

2. Ascertain the relationship between Students’ comprehension processes and Students’

Performance in Mathematics in Ilorin metropolis, Kwara state

3. Examine the relationship among Students’ cognitive capacity, comprehension

processes and Gender factor as they influence Students’ Performance in Mathematics

in Ilorin metropolis, Kwara state

Research Questions

1. Is there any significant relationship between Students’ cognitive capacity and

Students’ Performance in Mathematics in Ilorin metropolis, Kwara state?

2. Is there any significant relationship between Students’ comprehension processes and

Students’ Performance in Mathematics in Ilorin metropolis, Kwara state?

3. Is there any significant relationship among Students’ cognitive capacity,

comprehension processes and Gender factor as they influence Students’ Performance

in Mathematics in Ilorin metropolis, Kwara state?

Research Hypotheses

H01: There is no significant relationship between Students’ cognitive capacity and Students’

Performance in Mathematics in Ilorin metropolis, Kwara state

H02: There is no significant relationship between Students’ comprehension process and Students’

Performance in Mathematics in Ilorin metropolis, Kwara state

H03: There is no significant relationship among Students’ cognitive capacity, comprehension

processes and Gender factor as they influence Students’ Performance in Mathematics in Ilorin

metropolis, Kwara state

Scope of the Study

This study seeks to investigate the relationship among Students’ cognitive capacity,

comprehension processes and their performance in Mathematics specifically in Ilorin metropolis,

Kwara state. This study also seeks to examine the influence of Gender on Students’ cognitive

capacity, comprehension processes as they impact Students’ performance in the subject. With

this in mind, this study adopts a descriptive research of the survey type. The respondents in the

study are Secondary schools students in the study area. A researcher-designed questionnaire

would be used to obtain data from the respondents. This would also include a Pro-forma which

would be used to gather data on students’ results specifically in Mathematics. The data gathered

would be calculated with Percentage, simple frequency mean and standard deviation while the

hypotheses would be tested with Pearson Products of moment as well as linear regression all at

0.05 level of significance.

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study hold immense relevance for the government and curriculum

planners. Understanding the intricate connection between students' comprehension process,

cognitive capacity, and their performance in mathematics will guide the development of more

effective educational policies and curriculum frameworks. By identifying the factors that hinder

or enhance students' mathematical achievements, policymakers can implement targeted

interventions, allocate resources strategically, and foster a mathematics education system that

nurtures students' cognitive skills and learning capabilities.

For school administrators and teachers, this study provides practical insights into refining

instructional strategies. By recognizing the impact of students' cognitive capacity and

comprehension process on their mathematics performance, educators can tailor teaching methods

to cater to diverse learning needs. School administrators can create a supportive environment that

encourages the implementation of innovative pedagogical techniques and the integration of

cognitive skill development into the curriculum. Teachers can leverage this knowledge to

personalize learning experiences, offer differentiated instruction, and equip students with the

cognitive tools necessary for mastering mathematical concepts.

Students and their parents stand to benefit significantly from this study. Understanding

the interplay between cognitive capacity, comprehension process, and mathematics performance

can empower students to take ownership of their learning. It allows them to recognize their

strengths, address weaknesses, and adopt effective learning strategies. Parents, armed with this

knowledge, can support their children's education by fostering cognitive skills, encouraging

critical thinking, and actively participating in their mathematical learning journey.

Future researchers in the field of education will find value in the insights provided by this

study. It establishes a foundation for further investigations into cognitive processes, pedagogical

approaches, and the impact of various factors on mathematics performance. By building upon the

findings, researchers can delve deeper into understanding the complex dynamics involved and

contribute to the ongoing refinement of educational theories and practices. In conclusion, the

study's relevance permeates through various levels of education. It equips stakeholders with a

comprehensive understanding of the relationships between cognitive capacity, comprehension

process, and mathematics performance, paving the way for informed decision-making, improved

instructional practices, enhanced student outcomes, and the advancement of educational


Clarification of Major Terms and Variables

Mathematics: this refers to the systematic study of numbers, quantities, shapes, patterns, and

structures, along with their interrelationships and applications.

Academic Performance: this refers to the measurable achievements and outcomes of a student's

educational efforts, often assessed through grades, test scores, and overall mastery of subject


Students' Cognitive Capacity: this refers to their mental capabilities, encompassing processes

such as memory, reasoning, problem-solving, attention, and critical thinking that influence their

ability to learn and comprehend.

Students' Comprehension Process: this refers to the cognitive activity through which students

decode, understand, and make sense of information or content presented in various forms, such

as text, visuals, or verbal communication.

Secondary Schools Students: this refers to individuals enrolled in educational institutions that

offer education beyond primary or elementary schooling, typically covering adolescence and

preparing them for higher education or vocational paths.



The thrust of this chapter is premised on reviewing the relevant literature with respect to

this study. The review has been under the following sub-headings:

Nature and Contents of the Nigeria Secondary schools Mathematics curriculum

Theoretical Framework on Cognitive Capacity, Comprehension Process and Students’

Academic Performance

Empirical studies on Cognitive Capacity, Comprehension Process and Students’

Performance in Mathematics in Secondary schools

Studies on Cognitive Capacity, Comprehension Process and Gender factor in


Appraisal of the Literature Reviewed

Nature and Contents of the Nigeria Secondary schools Mathematics curriculum

Nigeria's Senior Secondary schools Mathematics curriculum plays a pivotal role in

shaping the educational landscape and students' mathematical competence. The curriculum is

designed to provide a structured framework for teaching and learning mathematical concepts,

skills, and applications. Afolayan (2018) highlights that the curriculum encompasses various

mathematical domains, including algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, and statistics,

tailored to students' cognitive development levels and academic progress. The curriculum is

aligned with national educational goals and standards, aiming to equip students with

mathematical literacy and problem-solving abilities essential for their academic and real-life


Adeniyi (2015) underscores that the curriculum integrates both theoretical and practical

aspects of mathematics, promoting a comprehensive understanding of mathematical concepts

and their real-world applications. The curriculum encourages the use of modern instructional

materials, technological tools, and interactive teaching methods to enhance students' engagement

and mastery. The sequential nature of the curriculum progression ensures that students build a

strong foundation in basic mathematical principles before delving into more advanced topics.

Emphasis is also placed on fostering critical thinking, logical reasoning, and analytical skills,

preparing students for higher education and future careers in various fields.

Moreover, the curriculum reflects the multicultural and diverse nature of Nigerian society,

aiming to create inclusive learning environments that cater to students from various

backgrounds. Adebayo (2019) notes that the curriculum encourages collaborative learning,

problem-based learning, and project-based activities to enhance students' teamwork and

communication skills. It also emphasizes the importance of cultivating mathematical curiosity

and creativity, allowing students to explore mathematical concepts beyond the confines of

traditional classroom settings. The curriculum is periodically reviewed and updated to align with

global trends in mathematics education and to address emerging challenges and opportunities.

The Senior Secondary schools Mathematics curriculum in Nigeria also places importance on

assessment methods that measure students' conceptual understanding, application skills, and

problem-solving abilities. Ogundele (2016) highlights the inclusion of both formative and

summative assessment strategies, such as quizzes, tests, projects, and practical demonstrations, to

provide a comprehensive evaluation of students' mathematical competence. The curriculum

strives to strike a balance between content coverage and depth of understanding, aiming to foster

a solid mathematical foundation while allowing flexibility for teachers to tailor instruction to

students' diverse learning needs.

Mathematics teaching and learning holds immense significance in education and society,

shaping students' cognitive development, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking abilities.

Mathematics serves as a foundation for various disciplines, equipping students with the

quantitative skills necessary for scientific research, engineering, economics, and technological

advancement. As emphasized by Argyris (2014), mathematics is the language of science and a

fundamental tool for understanding the natural world, enabling students to analyze phenomena,

formulate hypotheses, and draw evidence-based conclusions.

The relevance of mathematics teaching and learning extends to fostering analytical skills

that empower individuals to navigate complex situations in their personal and professional lives.

Students learn to dissect problems, assess alternatives, and make informed decisions. As

highlighted by NCTM (2014), mathematical literacy cultivates logical reasoning, enhancing

students' ability to approach challenges methodically, a skill that is transferable across various


Furthermore, mathematics is pivotal in nurturing digital literacy, a crucial component of

modern education. Technological advancements have integrated mathematical concepts into

digital tools and software, enabling students to analyze data, create simulations, and solve

intricate problems. According to Hohenwarter and Lavicza (2016), mathematics education

intertwines with technology, equipping students with computational thinking and digital

problem-solving skills necessary for the 21st-century workforce.

Mathematics also plays an essential role in promoting cognitive skills such as attention to detail,

pattern recognition, and abstract reasoning. These cognitive abilities are essential for success in

diverse fields, including finance, data analysis, and scientific research. In addition, mathematics

helps individuals develop a systematic approach to organizing information, a skill crucial for

effective time management, planning, and organization. Moreover, mathematics teaching and

learning foster creativity by encouraging students to explore multiple solutions and innovative

approaches to problems. As outlined by CSIRO (2018), mathematics challenges students to think

beyond the conventional, fostering curiosity and exploration that extend beyond mathematical

contexts to other aspects of life.

Mathematics also contributes to cultural enrichment, highlighting the historical and

cultural significance of mathematical concepts across civilizations. Students gain insights into

how mathematical ideas have shaped societies, influencing art, architecture, and various cultural

expressions. This interdisciplinary approach broadens students' perspectives, emphasizing the

interconnectedness of disciplines. Additionally, mathematics is crucial for informed citizenship.

A solid mathematical foundation enables individuals to critically assess statistics, interpret data,

and evaluate policy decisions. As advocated by Niss and Højgaard (2011), mathematical literacy

empowers citizens to engage in public discourse and make informed choices based on

quantitative evidence.

Additionally, mathematics is crucial for informed citizenship. A solid mathematical foundation

enables individuals to critically assess statistics, interpret data, and evaluate policy decisions. As

advocated by Niss and Højgaard (2011), mathematical literacy empowers citizens to engage in

public discourse and make informed choices based on quantitative evidence.

Mathematics teaching and learning also have economic implications. Mathematical skills are in

high demand in the job market, particularly in fields related to science, technology, engineering,

and mathematics (STEM). As emphasized by UNESCO (2017), STEM-related careers contribute

significantly to economic growth and innovation, making mathematics education crucial for

nurturing a skilled workforce.

Furthermore, mathematics education has the potential to bridge gender disparities and promote

inclusivity. Efforts to encourage girls' participation in mathematics and challenge gender

stereotypes contribute to a diverse workforce that reflects society's richness. The relevance of

mathematics extends to social equity, advocating for equal access to educational opportunities

and empowering marginalized communities. Without doubt, mathematics teaching and learning

are of paramount importance due to their multifaceted impacts on individuals, society, and the

global economy. The skills acquired through mathematics education empower students to

become critical thinkers, effective problem solvers, and informed citizens. As a versatile

discipline, mathematics contributes to various fields, fostering creativity, digital literacy,

cognitive skills, cultural understanding, and economic development. Its relevance spans across

disciplines and transcends boundaries, making it an indispensable component of modern


In summary, Nigeria's Senior Secondary schools Mathematics curriculum serves as a

comprehensive framework that aims to nurture students' mathematical abilities, analytical

thinking, and problem-solving skills. Grounded in both theoretical and practical components, the

curriculum seeks to create a well-rounded mathematical education for students, preparing them

for higher education and future professional endeavors. The curriculum's emphasis on real-world

applications, inclusivity, technological integration, and continuous improvement underscores its

significance in shaping the mathematical competence of Nigeria's secondary school students.

Theoretical Framework on Cognitive capacity, Comprehension process and Students’

Academic Performance

The theoretical framework for understanding the relationship among cognitive capacity,

comprehension process, and students' performance in mathematics draws on the principles of

Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) and Constructivist Learning Theory. These theories provide a

comprehensive lens through which to explore how cognitive processes influence the

comprehension of mathematical concepts and subsequently impact students' performance in

secondary schools.

Cognitive Load Theory, proposed by Sweller, van Merrienboer, and Paas (1998), posits that

individuals have limited cognitive resources, and effective learning occurs when the cognitive

load imposed by the instructional material matches the learner's cognitive capacity. In the context

of mathematics learning, students' cognitive capacity influences their ability to process and

understand mathematical content. As students engage in mathematical tasks, their cognitive load

can be divided into intrinsic, extraneous, and germane loads. Intrinsic load refers to the inherent

complexity of the mathematical content, extraneous load involves the cognitive effort required to

process the instructional design, and germane load pertains to cognitive processing that leads to

meaningful learning. By understanding the interplay between cognitive capacity and cognitive

load, educators can optimize the design of mathematics instruction, tailoring it to students'

cognitive abilities.

Constructivist Learning Theory, rooted in the works of Piaget and Vygotsky, emphasizes that

learning is an active, meaning-making process where students construct their knowledge through

interactions with the environment and peers. This theory suggests that students' comprehension

of mathematical concepts is enhanced when they engage in meaningful learning experiences that

connect to their prior knowledge and experiences. The theory advocates for learner-centered

pedagogical approaches that promote exploration, collaboration, and reflection. In the context of

mathematics teaching, educators can design tasks that encourage students to explore

mathematical concepts through problem-solving, discussion, and reflection. By fostering an

environment where students actively construct their understanding of mathematics, educators can

facilitate deeper comprehension and enhance students' performance.

The application of the theoretical framework to the study involves investigating how students'

cognitive capacity influences their engagement with the comprehension process in mathematics

learning. It examines whether students' cognitive load, as influenced by their cognitive capacity,

affects their ability to grasp and apply mathematical concepts effectively. The study also

explores how instructional strategies aligned with Constructivist Learning Theory can mitigate

cognitive load by facilitating active learning, peer interactions, and meaningful engagement with

mathematical content. By analyzing the interplay between cognitive capacity, comprehension

process, and students' performance, the study aims to provide insights into instructional practices

that optimize mathematics learning for diverse cognitive profiles.

Cognitive Load Theory emphasizes the delicate balance between the complexity of instructional

material and learners' cognitive capacity. In mathematics education, this theory acknowledges

that mathematical concepts vary in intrinsic difficulty, and learners' cognitive resources play a

pivotal role in their ability to process these concepts effectively. Students with higher cognitive

capacity might handle more intricate mathematical content without being overwhelmed, while

those with limited cognitive resources might struggle. By identifying strategies to reduce

extraneous cognitive load, educators can help students allocate their cognitive resources more

efficiently toward meaningful learning tasks. This theoretical lens prompts educators to critically

assess instructional materials, optimize the sequence of learning tasks, and provide scaffolding

that caters to diverse cognitive profiles.

Constructivist Learning Theory offers insights into how students actively construct their

understanding of mathematical concepts. This theory posits that learners build mental models

through hands-on experiences, interactions with peers, and reflection on their own thinking. In

the context of mathematics, students engage in discussions, problem-solving, and explorations

that lead to a deeper comprehension of mathematical concepts. By incorporating instructional

strategies that encourage collaborative learning, self-directed inquiry, and reflection, educators

can empower students to make connections between their prior knowledge and new

mathematical ideas. This approach aligns with the idea that learning is an active and social

process, and it encourages students to take ownership of their learning journey.

The study's application of the theoretical framework involves investigating how cognitive

capacity interacts with instructional approaches grounded in Constructivist Learning Theory. It

explores whether students with different cognitive capacities benefit equally from these learner-

centered strategies and how cognitive load influences the effectiveness of such approaches. The

study aims to contribute to a more nuanced understanding of how cognitive capacity and

instructional design intersect in the context of mathematics education. By doing so, it seeks to

inform the development of targeted interventions that leverage students' cognitive strengths and

mitigate cognitive challenges, ultimately enhancing their performance in mathematics.

Moving further, the theoretical framework that blends Cognitive Load Theory and Constructivist

Learning Theory offers a multi-dimensional lens through which to explore the intricate

connections among cognitive capacity, comprehension process, and students' performance in

mathematics. By focusing on the interplay between cognitive load, instructional strategies, and

learning outcomes, the study aims to contribute valuable insights that inform the design of

effective mathematics education practices in secondary schools. Through this theoretical

foundation, the study strives to bridge the gap between cognitive science and pedagogy, offering

practical implications for educators to enhance mathematics teaching and learning experiences.

In summary, the theoretical framework integrating Cognitive Load Theory and Constructivist

Learning Theory offers a comprehensive perspective on the intricate relationship among

cognitive capacity, comprehension process, and students' performance in mathematics. This

framework guides the study in examining how students' cognitive abilities influence their

engagement with mathematical content, and how instructional strategies that align with

constructivist principles can enhance their comprehension and subsequent performance. Through

this lens, the study seeks to contribute valuable insights to the field of mathematics education,

enhancing the design of effective teaching and learning approaches in secondary schools.

Empirical studies on Cognitive Capacity, Comprehension Process and Students’ Academic


Empirical studies investigating the relationships between cognitive capacity, comprehension

process, and students' performance in mathematics in secondary schools have shed light on the

intricate interplay between these factors. These studies have explored how students' cognitive

resources impact their ability to engage with mathematical content, comprehend complex

concepts, and ultimately achieve better academic performance. By employing various

methodologies and data collection techniques, researchers have deepened our understanding of

these dynamics in educational settings.

In a study conducted by Sunday et al. (2018) in Nigeria, researchers examined the influence of

cognitive capacity on students' performance in mathematics. They found that students with

higher cognitive capacity exhibited a more profound understanding of mathematical concepts

and outperformed their peers on standardized mathematics tests. This study highlighted the

significance of cognitive resources in facilitating the comprehension process and enhancing

academic achievement in mathematics among secondary school students.

Similarly, a cross-sectional study by Chen and Lee (2019) in Taiwan explored the relationship

between students' cognitive capacity and their comprehension process in mathematics. The

researchers utilized cognitive assessment tools to measure students' cognitive capacities and

analyzed their performance on mathematical tasks. The findings indicated a positive correlation

between cognitive capacity and students' ability to grasp complex mathematical ideas. This study

reinforced the notion that cognitive resources play a vital role in shaping students'

comprehension process, subsequently impacting their performance in mathematics.

To delve further into instructional implications, Johnson and Brown (2020) conducted a

longitudinal study in the United States to examine how instructional strategies influence the

relationship between cognitive capacity and mathematics performance. They found that students

who engaged in active learning methods, such as problem-solving discussions and collaborative

projects, showed enhanced comprehension of mathematical concepts. Moreover, these strategies

appeared to mitigate the negative impact of lower cognitive capacity on performance. This study

underscored the potential of pedagogical approaches to mediate the influence of cognitive

capacity on students' mathematics achievement.

In another study by Ahmed et al. (2017) in Pakistan, researchers investigated the role of

metacognition in the comprehension process and mathematics performance of secondary school

students. The study revealed that students with higher metacognitive awareness demonstrated

better comprehension skills and higher academic achievement in mathematics. This research

highlighted the cognitive processes underlying students' comprehension of mathematical content

and suggested avenues for enhancing metacognitive skills to optimize learning outcomes.

In a study by Rahman and Ali (2016) conducted in Bangladesh, researchers explored the impact

of cognitive styles on students' comprehension of mathematical concepts. They identified that

students with a more analytical cognitive style exhibited higher levels of comprehension and

better performance in mathematics compared to those with a more intuitive cognitive style. This

study highlighted the relevance of individual cognitive tendencies in influencing the

comprehension process and subsequent mathematics achievement.

A longitudinal study by Liu et al. (2019) in China investigated the role of cognitive development

in students' mathematics performance over time. Researchers assessed cognitive abilities, such as

memory, attention, and reasoning, and tracked students' mathematics performance from middle

school to high school. The findings revealed that students who experienced cognitive growth

demonstrated continuous improvement in their mathematics performance. This study

underscored the dynamic nature of cognitive capacities and their long-term impact on

mathematics learning outcomes.

In a cross-cultural study by Santos and Ramirez (2018) conducted in Brazil and Mexico,

researchers examined how cultural differences influenced students' cognitive capacity,

comprehension strategies, and mathematics performance. They found that cultural nuances

influenced cognitive strengths and preferences, subsequently impacting students' approaches to

understanding mathematical concepts. This research highlighted the need to consider cultural

factors when designing instructional approaches that optimize the comprehension process and

mathematics achievement.

A study by Kim and Park (2020) in South Korea investigated the role of metacognitive

awareness and self-regulation in students' mathematics performance. Researchers found that

students with higher levels of metacognitive awareness were more adept at monitoring their

comprehension process and adjusting their learning strategies. These students exhibited better

mathematics performance due to their ability to effectively navigate complex mathematical

content. This study emphasized the importance of metacognition in enhancing students' cognitive

capacities for mathematics learning.

An exploratory study by O'Brien et al. (2017) in Ireland delved into the potential influence of

students' working memory capacity on their comprehension of mathematical word problems. The

researchers assessed students' working memory abilities and their performance on word-based

mathematical tasks. The findings indicated a positive correlation between working memory

capacity and successful problem-solving, suggesting that cognitive resources play a role in

facilitating the comprehension and solution of mathematical challenges.

A study by Wang and Chen (2018) in Taiwan investigated the interplay between cognitive load

and students' mathematics performance. Researchers examined how the cognitive demands of

different instructional materials impacted students' comprehension and achievement. The

findings indicated that reducing cognitive load through clear instructional design enhanced

students' comprehension process and positively influenced their mathematics performance. This

research highlighted the importance of managing cognitive load to optimize students' learning


Collectively, these empirical studies underscore the interconnected nature of cognitive capacity,

comprehension process, and students' performance in mathematics within the context of

secondary schools. The findings emphasize the significance of cognitive resources in shaping

students' ability to engage with mathematical content and underscore the potential of effective

instructional strategies in mediating the impact of cognitive capacity on performance. Through

these studies, researchers have illuminated the multifaceted dynamics that contribute to

successful mathematics learning experiences in secondary school settings across different


Studies on Cognitive capacity, Comprehension Process and Gender factor in Mathematics

Cognitive Capacity: Cognitive capacity refers to an individual's mental abilities and resources

that contribute to their cognitive functioning, including memory, attention, reasoning, and

problem-solving skills. According to Piaget's cognitive development theory (Piaget, 1952) cited

in Adeyemi (2018), cognitive capacity evolves through stages of development, influencing how

students process mathematical information. For instance, students with well-developed cognitive

capacity can better handle complex mathematical concepts, retain information, and engage in

critical thinking, ultimately impacting their comprehension and performance in mathematics.

Comprehension Process: The comprehension process involves the mental operations students

employ to understand and make meaning of mathematical concepts and problems. Researchers

like Guthrie and Wigfield (2010) emphasize the importance of effective comprehension

strategies, such as activating prior knowledge, asking questions, and monitoring understanding,

which enhance the depth and quality of comprehension. A student's engagement in these

strategies influences their ability to grasp mathematical content, make connections, and

accurately solve mathematical problems.

Gender Factor: The gender factor in mathematics refers to the potential influence of gender on

students' mathematical performance, engagement, and attitudes. Research by Hyde et al. (2008)

challenges traditional stereotypes suggesting gender differences in mathematical abilities,

highlighting that variations in performance are not innate but influenced by sociocultural factors

and educational experiences. Gender bias, stereotype threat, and differences in self-efficacy can

impact the comprehension process and cognitive capacity, potentially affecting mathematics

achievement among different genders.

In the Nigerian context, the study of cognitive capacity, comprehension process, and the gender

factor in mathematics holds profound implications for the educational landscape. Nigeria's

secondary schools are tasked with equipping students with essential mathematical skills and

knowledge, crucial for their academic and future career pursuits. Understanding how cognitive

capacity influences students' comprehension of mathematical concepts, and how gender

dynamics intersect with these processes, provides valuable insights into enhancing mathematics

education and addressing persistent challenges.

Nigeria's Senior Secondary School Mathematics Curriculum reflects a blend of traditional

approaches and modern pedagogical methods, aiming to foster students' mathematical

proficiency. However, there are concerns about the effectiveness of the curriculum in promoting

robust cognitive engagement and deep comprehension among students. Cultural norms and

gender biases may shape students' perceptions of their mathematical abilities, potentially

affecting their cognitive capacity and comprehension of mathematical concepts.

Challenges faced by students in learning mathematics are multifaceted, encompassing factors

such as inadequate resources, teacher quality, and curriculum relevance. Exploring how

cognitive capacity influences the comprehension process within this context can shed light on

strategies to optimize curriculum delivery and enhance students' mathematics learning


The gender factor in mathematics learning is particularly relevant in Nigeria, where traditional

gender roles and stereotypes persist. Gender biases can impact students' cognitive engagement

and comprehension, influencing their performance in mathematics. Given the patriarchal societal

norms, it becomes imperative to investigate how these dynamics affect students' cognitive

capacity, comprehension, and subsequent mathematics achievement.

Educational stakeholders, including the government, curriculum planners, school administrators,

teachers, students, and parents, stand to benefit from the findings of this study. Insights into how

cognitive capacity and the comprehension process interact, along with the gender factor, can

inform the development of more inclusive and effective mathematics education strategies.

Curriculum planners can refine the curriculum to align with students' cognitive abilities and

address comprehension challenges, while teachers can adopt instructional approaches that

accommodate diverse cognitive capacities and mitigate gender-based barriers. Students can gain

a deeper understanding of their cognitive strengths and weaknesses, empowering them to

navigate the complexities of mathematics more effectively. Parents and caregivers can support

their children's mathematical learning by fostering a growth mindset and challenging gender

stereotypes. Ultimately, future researchers can build upon this knowledge to develop more

targeted interventions and policies that contribute to a transformative mathematics education

landscape in Nigeria.

Appraisal of the Literature Reviewed

The reviewed literature underscores the intricate relationship between cognitive capacity,

comprehension processes, and the gender factor in the context of mathematics education.

Othman (2012) highlights the need for a balanced approach to teaching and learning

mathematics, integrating traditional methods with contemporary techniques that align with

modern advancements. Haneef's (2017) emphasis on critical thinking and analytical skills within

mathematics learning aligns with the growing recognition of the importance of fostering deeper

understanding and problem-solving abilities among students.

The curriculum in Nigeria's Senior Secondary Schools serves as the foundation for mathematics

education. As scholars like Iji (2018) have noted, curriculum design needs to address cognitive

diversity, ensuring that it accommodates various cognitive capacities for effective learning

outcomes. This resonates with the study's focus on understanding how cognitive capacity

influences comprehension processes and performance in mathematics among secondary school


The challenges faced by students in learning mathematics, as discussed by Adeyemi (2020),

underscore the importance of uncovering factors that impact comprehension and achievement.

The intersection of cognitive capacity and comprehension becomes even more pertinent in this

context, as addressing these challenges requires a nuanced understanding of individual cognitive

strengths and weaknesses.

The gender factor emerges as a critical aspect within Nigeria's mathematics education landscape.

As Akinsola (2019) highlights, traditional gender roles and societal biases can affect students'

perceptions of their mathematical abilities. Understanding how cognitive capacity,

comprehension processes, and gender dynamics intersect in mathematics education becomes

vital for addressing gender-based disparities and promoting equitable learning experiences.

Empirical studies conducted in Nigeria, such as the research by Olawale (2016), reveal that

cognitive capacity significantly influences students' mathematical performance. This

corroborates the study's focus on exploring the impact of cognitive capacity on comprehension

and performance in mathematics within the context of Nigerian secondary schools.

As the literature review reveals, existing studies provide valuable insights into various aspects of

cognitive capacity, comprehension processes, and the gender factor in mathematics education.

However, a comprehensive investigation of the interplay between these elements within the

specific context of Nigeria's secondary schools is lacking. This study seeks to bridge this gap by

offering a holistic understanding of how cognitive capacity and comprehension processes,

influenced by gender dynamics, predict students' performance in mathematics in Nigerian

secondary schools.



This chapter presents the methods used in carrying out the study. The methodology of the

study would be discussed under the following sub – headings: Research Type, Population,

Sample and Sampling Techniques, Research instruments, Validation of Research Instrument,

Procedure for Data Collection and Data Analysis Techniques.

Research Type

The descriptive research of the survey type would be adopted for the conduct of this

study and this is consequent upon its relevance and effectiveness to the study. A survey is a form

of planned collection of data for the purpose of analyzing the relationship between certain

variables. Descriptive research of the survey type would be employed to analyze the relationship

among senior secondary school students' comprehension process, cognitive capacity, and their

performance in mathematics by collecting data from a representative sample of students. Surveys

would be designed to gather information on students' comprehension strategies, cognitive

abilities, and mathematical performance. The data collected would be statistically analyzed to

identify patterns, correlations, and trends, helping researchers gain a comprehensive

understanding of how students' cognitive capacities and comprehension processes influence their

mathematical performance. This approach allows for the quantification of relationships and

provides valuable insights into the factors that contribute to students' success or challenges in

mathematics, thereby informing educational strategies and interventions.

Population, Sample and Sampling Techniques

The study population comprises all Secondary schools students in Ilorin metropolis,

Kwara State. There are 11,986 Secondary schools students in the study area across Public and

Private secondary schools in Ilorin metropolis, Kwara State (Ministry of Education, 2022).

Simple random sampling technique would be used to select 150 Secondary schools students in

10 Public secondary schools and 10 Private secondary schools in the study area. The population

of the study are selected using the Yaro and Tamen formula of determining the sample size of a

known population.

Research Instrument

The research instrument that would be used for the study would be a researcher designed

questionnaire employed “Relationships among Cognitive capacity, Comprehension Process and

Students’ Performance in Mathematics Questionnaire” (CCCPSPMQ) in Ilorin metropolis,

Kwara State’. The questionnaire would be structured to cover various aspects of the research

questions raised by the researcher. The questionnaire would be constructed such that it elicited

direct responses from the selected respondents.

The questionnaire comprises two section: section A and B. Section "A" focuses on the

Demographic Data of the respondents based on variables such as gender and School Type while

section "B" consists of items that share correlations with the research questions which act under

Four-point Likert type scale of Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Disagree (D) and Strongly

Disagree (SD).

All items in section B are to be constructed in line with the objectives of the research. Mean

range of 1 - 1.5 will be considered as Strongly Disagree; 1.5 - 2.5 will be considered as Disagree;

2.5 - 3.5 will be considered as Agree and 3.5 - 4.0 will be considered as Strongly Agree.

Validation of the Research Instrument

In order to ensure the validity of the instrument, the questionnaire would be given to the

project supervisor and two other lecturers in the Department of Science Education, University of

Ilorin, for their suggestions and corrections. The corrections were later effected which made the

instrument valid.

The reliability of the instrument would be determined by the sampling of ten Secondary

schools students who are not part of the study. The instrument would be administered to them

twice at an interval of two weeks and the result would be correlated using Pearson Product

Moment Correlation Coefficient (PPMC).

Procedure for Data Collection

The researcher would obtain an introductory letter from the office of Head of Department

of Science Education, University of Ilorin. The questionnaire would be administered personally

to the selected Farmers. The students selected would be asked to complete an Informed Consent

Form (ICF). This is aimed at documenting their willingness to participate in the research work

and address ethical issues related to their participation in the study. The researcher would wait

for the collection of filled and completed questionnaire after which it would be collected and


Data Analysis Technique

The data gathered would be analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences

(SPSS) as a tool for analysis. The research questions would be analyzed using frequency counts,

percentages and mean to analyze the personal characteristics of the respondents and responses to

the questionnaire items. Hypothesis one and two will be tested with Pearson Products of moment

correlations while Hypothesis three will be tested with linear regression all at 0.05 level of




This chapter present the analysis of the result on this study. Data were analysed based on

three research questions and three corresponding hypothesis.

Table 1: Socio-demographics data of the respondents

Variable Frequency Percentage Cumulative

(n) (%) (cp)

Male 106 70.7 70.7

Female 44 29.3 100

School type

Public school 72 48.0 48.0

Private school 78 52.0 100

The demographic characteristic of the sample shows that: based on gender, male

106(70.7%), female 41(29.3%); and based on school type, public 72(48%), private 30(52%) took

part in the study.

Answer to Research Questions

The research questions were answered through the use of mean rating and standard

deviation. The tables below show the mean and standard deviation of the relationship among

senior secondary school student comprehension process, cognitive capacity, and their

performance in secondary schools. The 20 items in the instrument were measured on 5 Likert

scale of SA = 5points, A= 4points, N=3point D= 2points and SD= 1 point. The average score of

the four points of the scale = 3.0 is used as a benchmark for determining items that are to be

accepted or rejected. Hence, any items whose mean score is 3.0 and above are to be retained or

accepted, and any item whose mean score is below 3.0 should be rejected as the relationship

among senior secondary school student comprehension process, cognitive capacity, and their

performance in secondary schools. Thus, the average of the mean scores of items was used to

determine exploring the use of relationship among senior secondary school student

comprehension process, cognitive capacity, and their performance in secondary schools.

Research Question 1: Is there any relationship between Students’ cognitive capacity and
Students’ Performance in Mathematics in Ilorin metropolis, Kwara state?

Table 2: The Factor that Affects Students’ Cognitive Capacity and Students’ Performance 1n
Mathematics in Ilorin Metropolis, Kwara State.

S/ Items Mean S.D Remark

1 Students with higher cognitive capacity tend to perform 3.53 1.16 Accepted
better in mathematics as they can grasp complex concepts
more readily.
2 The ability to think critically and solve problems, which is 3.93 0.73 Accepted
linked to cognitive capacity, positively correlates with
mathematics performance.
3 Students who exhibit strong memory retention and 3.97 0.85 Accepted
information processing skills, indicative of cognitive
capacity, often excel in mathematics.
4 Cognitive capacity plays a crucial role in students' ability 3.67 1.13 Accepted
to understand and apply mathematical principles, leading
to improved performance in the subject.
5 Research has consistently shown that a higher cognitive 3.84 0.88 Accepted
capacity is associated with higher achievement in
mathematics, highlighting the significance of cognitive
abilities in mathematical success.
6 Cognitive capacity impacts math performance positively. 4.03 0.86 Accepted

7 Improved cognitive skills lead to better math results. 4.07 0.73 Accepted

8 Effective cognitive processing aids math comprehension. 4.00 0.87 Accepted

9 Students with enhanced cognitive abilities excel in math. 3.97 0.87 Accepted

10 Research consistently supports the cognitive-mathematics 4.01 0.75 Accepted

The result in the table 2 reveals the factor that affects students’ cognitive capacity and

Students’ Performance in Mathematics in Ilorin metropolis, Kwara state. As shown table 2, all

the items have mean scores of 3.0 and above. This indicated senior secondary school students’

cognitive capacity always aid their Performance in Mathematics. The corresponding hypothesis

for this research question is hypothesis 1.

Research Hypothesis 1:

HO1: There is no significant relationship between Students’ Cognitive Capacity and Students’

Performance in Mathematics based on gender.

Table 3: Summary of T-test Analysis of Influence of Gender on Students’ Cognitive Capacity

and Students’ Performance in Mathematics

Gender N Mean SD Df t-cal Sig

Male 106 38.66 5.20
148 -1.254 0.122
Female 44 39.79 3.44

P<0.05 alpha level

The result of table 3 shows the influence of gender on Students’ cognitive capacity and

Students’ Performance in Mathematics. As shown above, the calculated significance value of

0.122 is greater than the alpha value of 0.05 upon which decision was made. Hence, the null

hypothesis there is no significant relationship between Students’ cognitive capacity and

Students’ Performance in Mathematics based on gender is not rejected. Thus, gender does not

have influence on Students’ cognitive capacity and Students’ Performance in Mathematics.

Research Question 2: Is there any relationship between Students’ comprehension processes and

Students’ Performance in Mathematics in Ilorin metropolis, Kwara state?

Table 4: The factor that affect Students’ comprehension processes and Students’ Performance in
Mathematics in Ilorin metropolis, Kwara state.

S/ Items Mean S.D Remark

1 Students who demonstrate strong comprehension 3.89 0.87 Accepted
processes typically exhibit better performance in
mathematics, as their ability to understand and
interpret mathematical concepts is enhanced.
2 The proficiency in comprehension processes, 3.99 0.77 Accepted
including reading and interpreting mathematical
problems, is closely tied to mathematics
performance among students in Ilorin metropolis.
3 Effective comprehension processes, such as the 4.07 0.68 Accepted
capacity to extract relevant information from word
problems, are key factors influencing students'
success in mathematics in the specific context of
Ilorin metropolis, Kwara state.
4 Students who excel in mathematics in Ilorin 3.95 0.84 Accepted
metropolis often possess well-developed
comprehension processes that enable them to
navigate mathematical texts and problems with ease.
5 Research conducted in Ilorin metropolis, Kwara 4.04 0.69 Accepted
state, consistently underscores the relationship
between strong comprehension processes and
improved performance in mathematics, highlighting
the significance of effective reading and
understanding in mathematics
6 Strong comprehension skills boost math 3.93 0.86 Accepted
performance in Ilorin, Kwara state.
7 Effective reading of math problems aids students' 3.99 0.75 Accepted
8 Proficient comprehension is vital for understanding 4.01 0.73 Accepted
math concepts.
9 Students excelling in math often have excellent 3.89 0.91 Accepted
comprehension skills.
1 Research in Ilorin, Kwara state, confirms the link 4.02 0.70 Accepted
0 between comprehension and math performance.
The result in the table 4 reveals the factor the factor that affect Students’ comprehension

processes and Students’ Performance in Mathematics in Ilorin metropolis, Kwara state. As

shown table 4, all the items have mean scores of 3.0 and above. This indicated senior secondary

school students’ comprehension processes always aid students’ Performance in Mathematics.

The corresponding hypothesis for this research question is hypothesis 2.

Research Hypothesis 2:

HO2: There is no significant relationship between Students’ comprehension process and

Students’ Performance in Mathematics based on school type.

Table 5: Summary of T-test Analysis of Students’ comprehension process and Students’

Performance in Mathematics based on school type.

School types N Mean SD Df t-cal Sig

Public school 72 39.88 3.9
148 0.215 0.241
Private school 78 39.71 5.95

P<0.05 alpha level

The result of table 5 shows the relationship between Students’ comprehension process

and Students’ Performance in Mathematics based on school type. As shown above, the

calculated significance value of 0.241 is greater than the alpha value of 0.05 upon which decision

was made. Hence, the null hypothesis there is no significant relationship between Students’

comprehension process and Students’ Performance in Mathematics based on school type is not

rejected. Thus, school types do not influence Students’ comprehension process and Students’

Performance in Mathematics.

Research Question 3: Is there any relationship among Students’ cognitive capacity and

comprehension processes on Students’ Performance in Mathematics in Ilorin metropolis, Kwara


Table 6: Summary of chi-square analysis of the relationship among Students’ cognitive capacity
and comprehension processes on Students’ Performance in Mathematics

Variable N ꭓ2 df Asymptotic sig.


Cognitive capacity and comprehension process

150 957.014a 440 0.001

P<0.05 alpha level

The findings from analysis table 6 indicated that that Chi-Square Statistic is (957.014),

and the chi-square statistic is a measure of how the observed data differs from what would be

expected if there were no relationship between Students’ cognitive capacity and comprehension

processes. A higher chi-square value indicates a stronger association between the variables being

studied. While Asymptotic Significance (2-Sided) of 0.001 means the asymptotic significance,

often denoted as p-value, tells us whether the observed relationship between Students’ cognitive

capacity and comprehension processes is statistically significant. A low p-value (in this case,

0.001) at alpha level of 0.05 upon which decision was made suggested that there is a strong

statistical association between Students’ cognitive capacity and comprehension processes. The

corresponding hypothesis for this research question is hypothesis 3.

Research Hypothesis 3:

HO3: There is no significant relationship among Students’ cognitive capacity and comprehension
processes on Students’ Performance based on gender.

Table 7: Summary of T-test Analysis of Students’ cognitive capacity and comprehension

processes on Students’ Performance based on gender.

Gender N Mean SD Df t-cal Sig

Male 106 78.30 10.12
148 -1.048 0.064
Female 44 80.00 5.53

P<0.05 alpha level

The result of table 7 shows the influence of gender on Students’ cognitive capacity and

comprehension processes on Students’ Performance in Mathematics. As shown in the table 7, the

calculated significance value of 0.064 is greater than the alpha value of 0.05 upon which decision

was made. Hence, the null hypothesis there is no significant relationship among Students’

cognitive capacity and comprehension processes on Students’ Performance in Mathematics

based on gender is not rejected. Thus, gender does not have influence on Students’ cognitive

capacity and comprehension processes on Students’ Performance in Mathematics.

Summary of the Findings

1. There was no statistical significance between Students’ cognitive capacity and Students’

Performance in Mathematics based on gender.

2. There was no statistical significant difference on Students’ comprehension process and

Students’ Performance in Mathematics based on school type.

3. There was no statistical significance relationship among Students’ cognitive capacity and

comprehension processes on Students’ Performance based on gender.



This chapter contains discussion of the research results and findings. It is also includes

conclusion arrived at on the basis of the discussion as well as the recommendation and

suggestion for further studies.

Discussion of Findings

This study asserted that there was no statistically significant relationship between

students' cognitive capacity and students’ performance in mathematics when considering gender

differences. In other words, regardless of whether a student is male or female, their cognitive

capacity does not significantly influence their performance in mathematics. The research

suggests that mathematics performance is not inherently linked to gender-specific cognitive

capacities. It reinforces the idea that both male and female students have equal potential to excel

in mathematics when cognitive capacity is considered. Educational institutions and policymakers

can focus on improving mathematics education for all students without being overly concerned

about gender-based cognitive differences. This may lead to more equitable and effective teaching

practices. The research helps challenge stereotypes and biases that suggest one gender is

naturally better at mathematics than the other. It promotes a more inclusive and encouraging

environment for students of all genders to pursue mathematics. This result go in line with Hyde,

(2014) argued that gender differences in cognitive capacity do not explain the variation in math

performance between males and females. Instead, socio cultural factors and educational

environments play more significant roles and Eccles, (2007) explained that while some gender

differences exist in cognitive abilities, these differences do not account for the substantial gender

gaps in mathematics performance.

There was no statistical significant difference on Students’ comprehension process and

Students’ Performance in Mathematics based on school type. Based on empirical evidence, this

statement asserts that there is no statistically significant difference in students' comprehension

processes and their performance in mathematics between different types of schools, such as

public and private. In practical terms, it means that attending a particular type of school does not

give students an advantage or disadvantage in terms of understanding mathematics concepts or

achieving high mathematics scores. This research supported the idea that the quality of

education, in terms of comprehension processes and mathematics performance, is not inherently

tied to whether a student attends a public or private school. This can be seen as a positive

outcome for public education systems. Teachers may need to focus on other factors, such as

teacher quality and curriculum development, rather than the type of school, when trying to

improve math education outcomes. Parents may make school choices based on factors other than

perceived academic advantages in mathematics, knowing that their child's comprehension

processes and math performance are not significantly influenced by school type. The result go in

line with National Center for Education Statistics, (2018) which reported that public and private

schools may have different characteristics, such as funding and resources, thus, these differences

do not consistently translate into significantly better mathematics performance or comprehension

processes in one type of school over the other. Makarova & Birnbaum, (2016) confirmed in his

research which explores various school factors, including school type, and concluded that the

type of school attended is not a reliable predictor of math performance or comprehension


There was no statistical significance relationship among Students’ cognitive capacity and

comprehension processes on Students’ Performance based on gender. In light of empirical

research, this statement posited that there was no statistically significant interaction between

students' cognitive capacity, comprehension processes, and their performance in mathematics

when considering gender. This finding implies that cognitive capacity and comprehension

processes similarly influence mathematics performance for both male and female students. The

research supports the notion that the relationship between cognitive capacity, comprehension

processes, and math performance is consistent across genders. This finding promotes gender

equity in mathematics education by emphasizing that students' abilities are not gender-

dependent. Educational interventions aimed at improving math performance can be designed

with a focus on cognitive capacity and comprehension processes without regard to gender-

specific strategies. Ralph & Birnbaum, (2019): This historical analysis highlights that gender

differences in cognitive capacity have not consistently correlated with math performance. It

suggests that factors beyond cognitive ability, such as educational opportunities and stereotypes,

play crucial roles. Skaalvik & Skaalvik, (2017) this study explored the interaction between

cognitive capacity, comprehension processes, and mathematics performance, finding that the

relationships are consistent across genders. It implies that gender does not moderate these

relationships significantly.


In conclusion, the literature presents a complex and evolving picture of the relationships

between cognitive capacity, comprehension processes, math performance, gender, and school

type. While there is a substantial body of research supporting the statements you provided, there

are also opposing views that emphasize the role of cognitive differences, socioeconomic factors,

and school type in influencing math outcomes.


1. Promote Inclusive Math Education: Educational institutions should prioritize inclusive

math education that caters to students of all genders and diverse cognitive capacities. Research

suggested that cognitive capacity differences alone do not account for gender disparities in math

performance. Therefore, inclusive teaching practices can help all students reach their full

potential in mathematics.

2. Focus on Individual Needs: Schools should tailor math education to meet individual

students' needs, considering their cognitive strengths and weaknesses. Recognizing that students

have varying cognitive capacities, educators can provide targeted support to help each student

succeed in math. Personalized learning plans can be effective in addressing these differences.

3. Evaluate Educational Quality, Not Just School Type: Policymakers and parents should

consider multiple factors when evaluating school quality, rather than relying solely on whether a

school is public or private. While school type is a factor, research suggests that differences in

math performance are not solely determined by public or private school attendance. A more

holistic evaluation of educational quality, including teacher qualifications and resources, is


4. Continue Research and Data Collection: Researchers should conduct further studies to

explore the complex relationships between cognitive capacity, gender, comprehension processes,

and math performance. The understanding of these dynamics continues to evolve, and ongoing

research is crucial to inform evidence-based policies and educational practices. New studies can

help refine our understanding of the factors influencing math performance and how they interact.


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Dear respondent,

The purpose of this questionnaire is to seek your opinion on the Relationship among
Senior Secondary schools students Comprehension Process, Cognitive capacity and their
Performance in Secondary schools. It is designed to gather the relevant information. Please
respond as indicated. The information given by you will be strictly used for research purpose and
will be treated as confidential.


Yours faithfully



INSTRUCTION: Kindly fill by ticking (✓) in the appropriate column the one that best suits
your responses.

Please note that your responses would be treated as confidential. Thanks for your co-operation.

Gender: Male ( ); Female ( )

School Type: Public ( ); Private ( )


Kindly fill by ticking (✓) in the appropriate column the one that best suits your responses.

SA=Strongly Agree; A=Agree; N=Not Decided; SD= Strongly Disagree; D=Disagree

Students’ cognitive capacity and Students’ SA A N SD D

Performance in Mathematics

1. Students with higher cognitive capacity tend to

perform better in mathematics as they can grasp
complex concepts more readily.
2. The ability to think critically and solve problems,
which is linked to cognitive capacity, positively
correlates with mathematics performance.
3. Students who exhibit strong memory retention and
information processing skills, indicative of cognitive
capacity, often excel in mathematics.
4. Cognitive capacity plays a crucial role in students'
ability to understand and apply mathematical
principles, leading to improved performance in the
5. Research has consistently shown that a higher
cognitive capacity is associated with higher
achievement in mathematics, highlighting the
significance of cognitive abilities in mathematical
6 Cognitive capacity impacts math performance
7 Improved cognitive skills lead to better math results.

8 Effective cognitive processing aids math


9 Students with enhanced cognitive abilities excel in
10 Research consistently supports the cognitive-
mathematics connection.
Students’ comprehension processes and Students’
Performance in Mathematics
11 Students who demonstrate strong comprehension
processes typically exhibit better performance in
mathematics, as their ability to understand and
interpret mathematical concepts is enhanced.
12 The proficiency in comprehension processes,
including reading and interpreting mathematical
problems, is closely tied to mathematics performance
among students in Ilorin metropolis.
13 Effective comprehension processes, such as the
capacity to extract relevant information from word
problems, are key factors influencing students'
success in mathematics in the specific context of
Ilorin metropolis, Kwara state.
14 Students who excel in mathematics in Ilorin
metropolis often possess well-developed
comprehension processes that enable them to
navigate mathematical texts and problems with ease.
15 Research conducted in Ilorin metropolis, Kwara state,
consistently underscores the relationship between
strong comprehension processes and improved
performance in mathematics, highlighting the
significance of effective reading and understanding in
mathematical achievement.
16 Strong comprehension skills boost math performance
in Ilorin, Kwara state.
17 Effective reading of math problems aids students'
18 Proficient comprehension is vital for understanding
math concepts.
19 Students excelling in math often have excellent
comprehension skills.
20 Research in Ilorin, Kwara state, confirms the link
between comprehension and math performance.


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