Percy Boatwalla 2

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Sex...................: Male
Date Of Birth.........: 31:03:1961(Friday)
Time Of Birth.........: 19:15:00
City..................: Mumbai
State.................: Maharashtra
Country...............: India
Main Details Benefic and malefic
Latitude : 018:58:00N Root Number: :4
Longitude : 072:49:00E Destiny Number: :6
Zone : 82:30:00 East Friendly Numbers: : 3, 9
Loc Time Corr : 000:38:44 Enemy Numbers: : 1, 8
War Time Corr : -00:00 Benfic Years: : 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39
Local mean Time : 018:36:15 hrs Favorable Days: : Wednesday, Friday
Sidreal Time : 007:11:02 hrs Favorable Planets: : Mercury, Venus
Sunrise : 06:35:39AM Unfavorable Planets: : Mars, Jupiter
Sunset : 06:49:52PM Friendly Signs: : Sagittarius, Pisces, Taurus, Cancer
Sun Pos. (Ayan) : Uttarayana(Soumyayana) Friendly Lagna: : Sagittarius, Pisces, Taurus, Cancer
Sun Pos. (Gola) : Dakshin Favorable Ratna: : Emerald
Season : vasanta Favorable UpRatna: : Onyx, Aquamarine, Peridot
Sun Degree : 17:17:43 Pisces Lucky Ratna: : Diamond
Ascendent Degree : 23:28:50 Virgo Favorable Deity: : Ganesh
Chaitradi Samvat/Saka : 2018 / 1883 Favorable Metal: : Bronze
Mah: : Chaitra Favorable Color: : Green
Paksh: : Shukla Direction: : North
Tithi At Birth: : Purnima Favorable Time: : 2 hours after Sunrise
Favorable Items: : Glucose, Ivory, Camphor, Fruit
Avakahada Chakra Favorable Cereals: : Moong
Ascendant-Lord: : Virgo-Mercury
Favorable Liquid: : Ghee
Rashi-Lord: : Virgo-Mercury
Naksh.-Charan: : UttraPhalguni-4 Ghatak Chakra
Nakshatra Lord: : Sun Rashi: : Mithuna
Yoga: : Dhruva Masa: : Bhadra
Karna: : Vishti Tithi: : 5,10,15
Gana: : Manushya Day: : Saturday
Yoni: : Cow(M) Nakshatra: : Shravana
Nadi: : Adi(Vata)
Prahar: :1
Varan: : Vaishya
Lagna: : Meena
Vashya: : DwiPada
S S Yoga: : Sukarman
Name Alphabet: : Pee
Paya(Rasi-Nak): : Swarna Karana: : Koulava
Date 31:03:1961 Time 19:15:00 Day Friday Place Mumbai Lahiri Ayanamsa 023:18:56
Latitude 018:58:00N Longitude 072:49:00E Zone 82:30:00 East Loc Time Corr 000:38:44 Hour

Planets Degree Rasi Nak Pad Lord Sub Dignity Char Sthir Grah Tara
Ascendant 23:28:50 Virg Chit 1 Mars Merc
Sun 17:17:43 Pisc Revat 1 Merc Jup Enemy Sign Matri Pitra Nidhan
Moon 09:30:23 Virg Uttra 4 Sun Merc Friend's Sign Bhratri Matra Janma
Mars 19:56:22 Gemi Arid 4 Rahu Merc Enemy Sign Atma Bhratri Kshem
Mercury 21:51:45 Aqua Purva 1 Jup Sat Neutral Sign Amatya Gyati Pratyari
Jupiter 09:22:50 Cpcn Uttra 4 Sun Sat Debilitated Apatya Dhan Janma
Venus (R) 03:24:58 Arie Ashw 2 Ketu Mars Neutral Sign Dara Kalatra Mitra
Saturn 05:19:18 Cpcn Uttra 3 Sun Sat Own Sign Jnyati Ayush Janma
Rahu (R) 11:17:08 Leo Magh 4 Ketu Sun Enemy Sign -- Gyan Mitra
Ketu (R) 11:17:08 Aqua Shata 2 Rahu Sat Enemy Sign -- Moksh Kshem

Lagna Kundali Vimshottari Yogini

Sun 0.0 y.2.0 m.20 d. Siddha 0.0 y.3.0 m.4 d.
20:06:2012 03:07:2020
20:06:2031 04:07:2026
Saturn 23:06:2015 Ulka 04:07:2021
Mercury 03:03:2018 Siddha 03:09:2022
Ketu 11:04:2019 Sankata 02:01:2024
Venus 11:06:2022 Mangala 03:03:2024
Sun 24:05:2023 Pingala 03:07:2024
Moon 23:12:2024 Dhanya 02:01:2025
Mars 31:01:2026 Bhramari 03:09:2025
Rahu 08:12:2028 Bhadrika 04:07:2026
Jupiter 20:06:2031

Moon Kundali Navamsha Kundali Sarvashtakvarga


Bhav Sphutas & Kundalis

Bhava Kundali

Lagna Kundali

Bhava-Chalit Kundali

Bhava No. Bhav Mid Bhav Span(From....To)

1 Virgo 23:28:50 Virgo 08:24:37 Libra 08:24:37
2 Libra 23:20:24 Libra 08:24:37 Scorpio 08:16:11
3 Scorpio 23:11:58 Scorpio 08:16:11 Sagittarius 08:07:45
4 Sagittarius 23:03:32 Sagittarius 08:07:45 Capricorn 08:07:45
5 Capricorn 23:11:58 Capricorn 08:07:45 Aquarius 08:16:11
6 Aquarius 23:20:24 Aquarius 08:16:11 Pisces 08:24:37
7 Pisces 23:28:50 Pisces 08:24:37 Aries 08:24:37
8 Aries 23:20:24 Aries 08:24:37 Taurus 08:16:11
9 Taurus 23:11:58 Taurus 08:16:11 Gemini 08:07:45
10 Gemini 23:03:32 Gemini 08:07:45 Cancer 08:07:45
11 Cancer 23:11:58 Cancer 08:07:45 Leo 08:16:11
12 Leo 23:20:24 Leo 08:16:11 Virgo 08:24:37

Lal Kitab VarshPhal

Year- 2019 (31:03:2019 - 30:03:2020) Year- 2020 (31:03:2020 - 30:03:2021) Year- 2021 (31:03:2021 - 30:03:2022)

Year- 2022 (31:03:2022 - 30:03:2023) Year- 2023 (31:03:2023 - 30:03:2024) Year- 2024 (31:03:2024 - 30:03:2025)

Year- 2025 (31:03:2025 - 30:03:2026) Year- 2026 (31:03:2026 - 30:03:2027) Year- 2027 (31:03:2027 - 30:03:2028)

Year- 2028 (31:03:2028 - 30:03:2029) Year- 2029 (31:03:2029 - 30:03:2030) Year- 2030 (31:03:2030 - 30:03:2031)

Vimshottari Dasha
Balance of Dasha :Sun 0.0 y.2.0 m.20 d.
Sun Dasha Moon Dasha Mars Dasha Rahu Dasha Jupiter Dasha
31:03:1961 20:06:1961 20:06:1971 20:06:1978 20:06:1996
20:06:1961 20:06:1971 20:06:1978 20:06:1996 20:06:2012
Antara From Antara From Antara From Antara From Antara From
Sun Moon 21:04:1962 Mars 16:11:1971 Rahu 03:03:1981 Jupiter 08:08:1998
Moon Mars 19:11:1962 Rahu 05:12:1972 Jupiter 27:07:1983 Saturn 19:02:2001
Mars Rahu 20:05:1964 Jupiter 10:11:1973 Saturn 02:06:1986 Mercury 27:05:2003
Rahu Jupiter 20:09:1965 Saturn 20:12:1974 Mercury 20:12:1988 Ketu 02:05:2004
Jupiter Saturn 21:04:1967 Mercury 17:12:1975 Ketu 07:01:1990 Venus 01:01:2007
Saturn Mercury 19:09:1968 Ketu 14:05:1976 Venus 07:01:1993 Sun 20:10:2007
Mercury Ketu 21:04:1969 Venus 15:07:1977 Sun 02:12:1993 Moon 19:02:2009
Ketu Venus 20:12:1970 Sun 19:11:1977 Moon 02:06:1995 Mars 25:01:2010
Venus 20:06:1961 Sun 20:06:1971 Moon 20:06:1978 Mars 20:06:1996 Rahu 20:06:2012

Saturn Dasha Mercury Dasha Ketu Dasha Venus Dasha

20:06:2012 20:06:2031 20:06:2048 20:06:2055
20:06:2031 20:06:2048 20:06:2055 20:06:2075
Antara From Antara From Antara From Antara From
Saturn 23:06:2015 Mercury 16:11:2033 Ketu 16:11:2048 Venus 20:10:2058
Mercury 03:03:2018 Ketu 13:11:2034 Venus 16:01:2050 Sun 20:10:2059
Ketu 11:04:2019 Venus 14:09:2037 Sun 24:05:2050 Moon 20:06:2061
Venus 11:06:2022 Sun 21:07:2038 Moon 23:12:2050 Mars 20:08:2062
Sun 24:05:2023 Moon 20:12:2039 Mars 21:05:2051 Rahu 20:08:2065
Moon 23:12:2024 Mars 17:12:2040 Rahu 08:06:2052 Jupiter 20:04:2068
Mars 31:01:2026 Rahu 06:07:2043 Jupiter 15:05:2053 Saturn 20:06:2071
Rahu 08:12:2028 Jupiter 11:10:2045 Saturn 23:06:2054 Mercury 21:04:2074
Jupiter 20:06:2031 Saturn 20:06:2048 Mercury 20:06:2055 Ketu 20:06:2075

• The above dasha periods have been computed on the basis of Moon Degree. However, as
per bhayat / bhabhog the balance of dasha is Sun 0.0 y.2.0 m.20 d.
• The Dates given for dasha periods show their endings.

Vimshottari Dasha - Sub-Sub Period

Saturn--Venus Saturn--Sun Saturn--Moon Saturn--Mars Saturn--Rahu
11:04:2019 11:06:2022 24:05:2023 23:12:2024 31:01:2026
11:06:2022 24:05:2023 23:12:2024 31:01:2026 08:12:2028
Venus 21:10:2019 Sun 29:06:2022 Moon 11:07:2023 Mars 16:01:2025 Rahu 06:07:2026

Sun 18:12:2019 Moon 27:07:2022 Mars 14:08:2023 Rahu 17:03:2025 Jupiter 22:11:2026

Moon 23:03:2020 Mars 17:08:2022 Rahu 09:11:2023 Jupiter 10:05:2025 Saturn 06:05:2027

Mars 30:05:2020 Rahu 08:10:2022 Jupiter 25:01:2024 Saturn 13:07:2025 Mercury 30:09:2027

Rahu 20:11:2020 Jupiter 23:11:2022 Saturn 25:04:2024 Mercury 08:09:2025 Ketu 30:11:2027

Jupiter 23:04:2021 Saturn 17:01:2023 Mercury 17:07:2024 Ketu 02:10:2025 Venus 22:05:2028

Saturn 23:10:2021 Mercury 07:03:2023 Ketu 19:08:2024 Venus 09:12:2025 Sun 13:07:2028

Mercury 05:04:2022 Ketu 27:03:2023 Venus 24:11:2024 Sun 29:12:2025 Moon 08:10:2028

Ketu 11:06:2022 Venus 24:05:2023 Sun 23:12:2024 Moon 31:01:2026 Mars 08:12:2028

Saturn--Jupiter Mercury--Mercury Mercury--Ketu Mercury--Venus Mercury--Sun

08:12:2028 20:06:2031 16:11:2033 13:11:2034 14:09:2037
20:06:2031 16:11:2033 13:11:2034 14:09:2037 21:07:2038
Jupiter 10:04:2029 Mercury 23:10:2031 Ketu 08:12:2033 Venus 05:05:2035 Sun 29:09:2037

Saturn 03:09:2029 Ketu 13:12:2031 Venus 06:02:2034 Sun 25:06:2035 Moon 25:10:2037

Mercury 12:01:2030 Venus 08:05:2032 Sun 24:02:2034 Moon 20:09:2035 Mars 12:11:2037

Ketu 07:03:2030 Sun 21:06:2032 Moon 26:03:2034 Mars 19:11:2035 Rahu 29:12:2037

Venus 08:08:2030 Moon 03:09:2032 Mars 16:04:2034 Rahu 22:04:2036 Jupiter 08:02:2038

Sun 24:09:2030 Mars 24:10:2032 Rahu 10:06:2034 Jupiter 08:09:2036 Saturn 29:03:2038

Moon 10:12:2030 Rahu 05:03:2033 Jupiter 28:07:2034 Saturn 19:02:2037 Mercury 12:05:2038

Mars 02:02:2031 Jupiter 30:06:2033 Saturn 23:09:2034 Mercury 15:07:2037 Ketu 30:05:2038

Rahu 20:06:2031 Saturn 16:11:2033 Mercury 13:11:2034 Ketu 14:09:2037 Venus 21:07:2038

Mercury--Moon Mercury--Mars Mercury--Rahu Mercury--Jupiter Mercury--Saturn

21:07:2038 20:12:2039 17:12:2040 06:07:2043 11:10:2045
20:12:2039 17:12:2040 06:07:2043 11:10:2045 20:06:2048
Moon 02:09:2038 Mars 10:01:2040 Rahu 05:05:2041 Jupiter 24:10:2043 Saturn 15:03:2046

Mars 02:10:2038 Rahu 04:03:2040 Jupiter 07:09:2041 Saturn 03:03:2044 Mercury 02:08:2046

Rahu 19:12:2038 Jupiter 22:04:2040 Saturn 01:02:2042 Mercury 29:06:2044 Ketu 28:09:2046

Jupiter 26:02:2039 Saturn 18:06:2040 Mercury 13:06:2042 Ketu 16:08:2044 Venus 11:03:2047

Saturn 18:05:2039 Mercury 09:08:2040 Ketu 06:08:2042 Venus 01:01:2045 Sun 29:04:2047

Mercury 31:07:2039 Ketu 30:08:2040 Venus 08:01:2043 Sun 12:02:2045 Moon 20:07:2047

Ketu 30:08:2039 Venus 29:10:2040 Sun 24:02:2043 Moon 22:04:2045 Mars 15:09:2047

Venus 24:11:2039 Sun 17:11:2040 Moon 12:05:2043 Mars 09:06:2045 Rahu 09:02:2048

Sun 20:12:2039 Moon 17:12:2040 Mars 06:07:2043 Rahu 11:10:2045 Jupiter 20:06:2048

Vimshottari Dasha - Sub-Sub-Sub Period

Sa-Ve-Ju Sa-Ve-Sa Sa-Ve-Me Sa-Ve-Ke Sa-Su-Su
20:11:2020 23:04:2021 23:10:2021 05:04:2022 11:06:2022
23:04:2021 23:10:2021 05:04:2022 11:06:2022 29:06:2022
Jupiter 10:12:2020 Saturn 22:05:2021 Mercury 15:11:2021 Ketu 09:04:2022 Sun 12:06:2022

Saturn 04:01:2021 Mercury 17:06:2021 Ketu 25:11:2021 Venus 20:04:2022 Moon 14:06:2022

Mercury 26:01:2021 Ketu 28:06:2021 Venus 22:12:2021 Sun 23:04:2022 Mars 15:06:2022

Ketu 04:02:2021 Venus 28:07:2021 Sun 30:12:2021 Moon 29:04:2022 Rahu 17:06:2022

Venus 01:03:2021 Sun 06:08:2021 Moon 13:01:2022 Mars 03:05:2022 Jupiter 19:06:2022

Sun 09:03:2021 Moon 22:08:2021 Mars 23:01:2022 Rahu 13:05:2022 Saturn 22:06:2022

Moon 22:03:2021 Mars 01:09:2021 Rahu 16:02:2022 Jupiter 22:05:2022 Mercury 25:06:2022

Mars 31:03:2021 Rahu 29:09:2021 Jupiter 10:03:2022 Saturn 02:06:2022 Ketu 26:06:2022

Rahu 23:04:2021 Jupiter 23:10:2021 Saturn 05:04:2022 Mercury 11:06:2022 Venus 29:06:2022

Sa-Su-Mo Sa-Su-Ma Sa-Su-Ra Sa-Su-Ju Sa-Su-Sa

29:06:2022 27:07:2022 17:08:2022 08:10:2022 23:11:2022
27:07:2022 17:08:2022 08:10:2022 23:11:2022 17:01:2023
Moon 01:07:2022 Mars 29:07:2022 Rahu 25:08:2022 Jupiter 14:10:2022 Saturn 02:12:2022

Mars 03:07:2022 Rahu 01:08:2022 Jupiter 31:08:2022 Saturn 21:10:2022 Mercury 09:12:2022

Rahu 07:07:2022 Jupiter 03:08:2022 Saturn 09:09:2022 Mercury 28:10:2022 Ketu 13:12:2022

Jupiter 11:07:2022 Saturn 07:08:2022 Mercury 16:09:2022 Ketu 30:10:2022 Venus 22:12:2022

Saturn 15:07:2022 Mercury 09:08:2022 Ketu 19:09:2022 Venus 07:11:2022 Sun 25:12:2022

Mercury 20:07:2022 Ketu 11:08:2022 Venus 28:09:2022 Sun 09:11:2022 Moon 29:12:2022

Ketu 21:07:2022 Venus 14:08:2022 Sun 30:09:2022 Moon 13:11:2022 Mars 01:01:2023

Venus 26:07:2022 Sun 15:08:2022 Moon 05:10:2022 Mars 16:11:2022 Rahu 10:01:2023

Sun 27:07:2022 Moon 17:08:2022 Mars 08:10:2022 Rahu 23:11:2022 Jupiter 17:01:2023

Sa-Su-Me Sa-Su-Ke Sa-Su-Ve Sa-Mo-Mo Sa-Mo-Ma

17:01:2023 07:03:2023 27:03:2023 24:05:2023 11:07:2023
07:03:2023 27:03:2023 24:05:2023 11:07:2023 14:08:2023
Mercury 24:01:2023 Ketu 08:03:2023 Venus 06:04:2023 Moon 28:05:2023 Mars 13:07:2023

Ketu 27:01:2023 Venus 12:03:2023 Sun 09:04:2023 Mars 31:05:2023 Rahu 18:07:2023

Venus 04:02:2023 Sun 13:03:2023 Moon 14:04:2023 Rahu 07:06:2023 Jupiter 23:07:2023

Sun 06:02:2023 Moon 14:03:2023 Mars 17:04:2023 Jupiter 13:06:2023 Saturn 28:07:2023

Moon 10:02:2023 Mars 15:03:2023 Rahu 26:04:2023 Saturn 21:06:2023 Mercury 02:08:2023

Mars 13:02:2023 Rahu 18:03:2023 Jupiter 03:05:2023 Mercury 28:06:2023 Ketu 04:08:2023

Rahu 21:02:2023 Jupiter 21:03:2023 Saturn 12:05:2023 Ketu 01:07:2023 Venus 09:08:2023

Jupiter 27:02:2023 Saturn 24:03:2023 Mercury 21:05:2023 Venus 09:07:2023 Sun 11:08:2023

Saturn 07:03:2023 Mercury 27:03:2023 Ketu 24:05:2023 Sun 11:07:2023 Moon 14:08:2023

Vimshottari Dasha - Sub-Sub-Sub-Sub Period

Sa-Ve-Ju-Sa Sa-Ve-Ju-Me Sa-Ve-Ju-Ke
10:12:2020 04:01:2021 26:01:2021
04:01:2021 26:01:2021 04:02:2021
Saturn 14:12:2020;08:02:36PM Mercury 07:01:2021;00:13:56PM Ketu 26:01:2021;06:33:56PM

Mercury 18:12:2020;07:14:02AM Ketu 08:01:2021;06:47:52PM Venus 28:01:2021;06:31:30AM

Ketu 19:12:2020;05:29:20PM Venus 12:01:2021;10:07:38AM Sun 28:01:2021;05:18:46PM

Venus 23:12:2020;07:21:36PM Sun 13:01:2021;00:19:34PM Moon 29:01:2021;11:17:32AM

Sun 25:12:2020;00:43:16AM Moon 15:01:2021;07:59:28AM Mars 29:01:2021;11:52:41PM

Moon 27:12:2020;01:39:24AM Mars 16:01:2021;02:33:23PM Rahu 31:01:2021;08:14:29AM

Mars 28:12:2020;11:54:42AM Rahu 19:01:2021;09:09:11PM Jupiter 01:02:2021;01:00:32PM

Rahu 01:01:2021;03:55:09AM Jupiter 22:01:2021;07:01:00PM Saturn 02:02:2021;11:10:12PM

Jupiter 04:01:2021;10:00:08AM Saturn 26:01:2021;05:58:48AM Mercury 04:02:2021;05:44:08AM

Sa-Ve-Ju-Ve Sa-Ve-Ju-Su Sa-Ve-Ju-Mo

04:02:2021 01:03:2021 09:03:2021
01:03:2021 09:03:2021 22:03:2021
Venus 08:02:2021;00:28:34PM Sun 02:03:2021;07:25:36AM Moon 10:03:2021;04:47:54PM

Sun 09:02:2021;07:17:54PM Moon 02:03:2021;10:50:16PM Mars 11:03:2021;10:46:41AM

Moon 11:02:2021;10:40:08PM Mars 03:03:2021;09:37:32AM Rahu 13:03:2021;09:00:41AM

Mars 13:02:2021;10:37:41AM Rahu 04:03:2021;01:21:56PM Jupiter 15:03:2021;02:06:28AM

Rahu 17:02:2021;07:05:41AM Jupiter 05:03:2021;02:01:24PM Saturn 17:03:2021;02:54:34AM

Jupiter 20:02:2021;05:17:14PM Saturn 06:03:2021;07:18:16PM Mercury 18:03:2021;10:34:28PM

Saturn 24:02:2021;06:53:28PM Mercury 07:03:2021;09:30:12PM Ketu 19:03:2021;04:33:14PM

Mercury 28:02:2021;10:13:14AM Ketu 08:03:2021;08:17:28AM Venus 21:03:2021;07:55:28PM

Ketu 01:03:2021;10:10:48PM Venus 09:03:2021;03:06:48PM Sun 22:03:2021;11:20:08AM

Sa-Ve-Ju-Ma Sa-Ve-Ju-Ra Sa-Ve-Sa-Sa

22:03:2021 31:03:2021 23:04:2021
31:03:2021 23:04:2021 22:05:2021
Mars 22:03:2021;11:55:16PM Rahu 03:04:2021;10:18:40PM Saturn 28:04:2021;04:00:01AM

Rahu 24:03:2021;08:17:04AM Jupiter 07:04:2021;00:17:04AM Mercury 02:05:2021;06:31:08AM

Jupiter 25:03:2021;01:03:07PM Saturn 10:04:2021;04:07:40PM Ketu 03:05:2021;11:05:08PM

Saturn 26:03:2021;11:12:48PM Mercury 13:04:2021;10:43:28PM Venus 08:05:2021;06:59:24PM

Mercury 28:03:2021;05:46:43AM Ketu 15:04:2021;07:05:16AM Sun 10:05:2021;05:45:40AM

Ketu 28:03:2021;06:21:52PM Venus 19:04:2021;03:33:16AM Moon 12:05:2021;03:42:48PM

Venus 30:03:2021;06:19:25AM Sun 20:04:2021;07:17:40AM Mars 14:05:2021;08:16:48AM

Sun 30:03:2021;05:06:41PM Moon 22:04:2021;05:31:40AM Rahu 18:05:2021;04:35:38PM

Moon 31:03:2021;11:05:28AM Mars 23:04:2021;01:53:28PM Jupiter 22:05:2021;01:19:03PM


Ashtak Varga Tables

Sarvashtak Varga
Sun's Ashtak Varga Moon's Ashtak Varga

Mar's Ashtak Varga Mercury's Ashtak Varga Jupiter's Ashtak Varga

Venus's Ashtak Varga Saturn's Ashtak Varga Ascendent's Ashtak Varga


Shodash Varga Charts

Sun Charts Moon Chart

For Self For Aptitude and Likina

Lagna Chart Hora Chart

For Body Structure and Health Prosperity, Wealth

Drekkana Chaturthamsha

Siblings, their lives and well being Luck and Residence


Saptamamsha Navamsha

Children, Grand Children Spouce, General overall with Rashi

Dashamamsha Dwadashamamsha

Profession, Success of all matters Parents, their lives and well being

Shodashamsha Vimshamsha

Ones relationship to Vehicles Spiritual undertakings


Chaturvimshamsha Saptvimshamsha

Education, Learning, Brains Strenths and Weaknesses

Trimshamsha Khavedamsha

Miseries, Troubles, Disasters Auspicious/Inauspicious Events

Akshvedamsha Shashtiamsha - D60

All things-Everythings-Overall All things-Everythings-Overall


Shodashvarga Table
Shodashvarga Table
Charts Asc Sun Moon Mars Merc Jup Ven Sat Rahu Ketu
Lagna Vir Pis Vir Gem Aqu Cap Ari Cap Leo Aqu
Hora Leo Leo Can Can Can Can Leo Can Leo Leo
Drekkana Tau Can Vir Lib Lib Cap Ari Cap Sag Gem
Chaturthamsha Gem Vir Sag Sag Leo Ari Ari Cap Sco Tau
Saptamamsha Leo Cap Tau Lib Can Vir Ari Leo Lib Ari
Navamsha Leo Sag Pis Pis Ari Pis Tau Aqu Can Cap
Dashamamsha Sag Ari Leo Sag Vir Sag Tau Lib Sco Tau
Dwadashamamsha Gem Vir Sag Cap Lib Ari Tau Pis Sag Gem
Shodashamsha Sag Vir Tau Lib Can Vir Tau Gem Aqu Aqu
Vimshamsha Sco Can Aqu Vir Aqu Lib Gem Can Can Can
Chaturvimshamsha Cap Leo Aqu Sco Cap Aqu Lib Sco Tau Tau
Saptvimshamsha Ari Ari Pis Pis Tau Pis Can Sco Aqu Leo
Trimshamsha Cap Pis Vir Gem Gem Vir Ari Vir Sag Sag
Khavedamsha Tau Vir Lib Gem Vir Lib Leo Tau Can Can
Akshvedamsha Sco Cap Aqu Tau Ari Gem Vir Sco Sag Sag
Shashtiamsha Can Cap Ari Vir Vir Can Lib Sco Gem Sag

Planets ShadVarga SaptVarga DasaVarga ShodashVarga
Sun Kimsuka Kimsuka Parijata Bhedaka
Moon Banjan Banjan Uttama Kusuma
Mars Kimsuka Kimsuka Parijata Kusuma
Mercury -- -- -- Bhedaka
Jupiter Kimsuka Kimsuka Parijata Bhedaka
Venus Banjan Chamara Gopura Kanduka
Saturn Kimsuka Kimsuka Parijata Kusuma
Rahu Kimsuka Kimsuka Parijata Bhedaka
Ketu -- -- Parijata Bhedaka

ShadaBala And BhavBala

Strength Sun Mo Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat
Uchcha Bala 52.43 17.83 12.69 7.71 1.46 57.86 34.89
Sapta-Varga Bala 127.5 63.75 67.5 97.5 67.5 127.5 125.62
Yugma-Ayugma Bala 15 30 15 30 0 15 15
Kendradi Bala 60 60 60 15 30 30 30
Drekkana Bala 0 0 0 0 15 0 0
Sthana Bala 254.93 171.58 155.19 150.21 113.96 230.36 205.52
Dig Bala 28.08 25.48 58.96 10.54 24.7 26.55 33.95
Natonnata Bala 32.58 27.33 27.33 32.58 60 32.58 27.33
Paksha Bala 2.6 57.4 2.6 2.6 57.4 57.4 2.6
Tribhaga Bala 0 0 60 0 60 0 0
Varsh Bala 0 0 15 0 0 0 0
Masa Bala 0 30 0 0 0 0 0
Dina Bala 0 0 0 0 0 45 0
Hora Bala 0 0 0 0 0 0 60
Ayana Bala 34.77 30.92 58.1 36.85 5.01 42.41 55.18
Yuddha Bala 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kaal Bala 69.95 145.65 163.03 72.03 182.41 177.4 145.11
Chesta Bala 34.77 57.4 15 30 30 0 30
Naisargika Bala 60 51.43 17.14 25.71 34.29 42.86 8.57
Drik Bala -2.32 4.1 5.12 -1.59 -3.04 -0.87 -3.04
Total Shadbala 445.41 455.65 414.44 286.91 382.32 476.29 420.11
Shadbal in Rupas 7.42 7.59 6.91 4.78 6.37 7.94 7
Minimum Required 390 360 300 420 390 330 300
Relative Ranking 3 2 5 7 6 1 4
Ishta Phala 41.93 31.99 13.79 15.21 6.62 0 32.35
Kashta Phala 18.07 28.01 46.21 44.79 53.38 60 27.65

Bhava No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Bhava Rashi Vir Lib Sco Sag Cpc Aqu Pis Ari Tau Gem Cnc Leo
Bhavadhipati Bala 286.9 476.2 414.4 382.3 420.1 420.1 382.3 414.4 476.2 286.9 455.6 445.4
1 9 4 2 1 1 2 4 9 1 5 1
Bhava Dik-Bala 60 50 20 0 50 10 30 40 50 30 10 40
Bhava Drishti-Bala 5.65 -3.51 14.95 7.15 2.39 -1.52 - 9.35 26.06 8.75 10.01 -
22.01 12.93
Total Bhava Bala 352.56 522.78 449.38 389.47 472.5 428.59 390.31 463.79 552.34 325.66 475.66 472.49
Bhava Bala in 5.88 8.71 7.49 6.49 7.87 7.14 6.51 7.73 9.21 5.43 7.93 7.87
Bhava Rank 11 2 7 10 4 8 9 6 1 12 3 5

Parashari Aspects
Planets Main Aspects to Special Aspects to
Su As, Mo ------
Mo Su ------
Ma ------ As, Mo, Ju, Sa
Me Ra ------
Ju ------ As, Mo
Ve ------ ------
Sa ------ Su
Ra Me, Ke ------
Ke Ra ------
Jaimini Aspects
Sign( Planets ) Frontal Aspect to Lateral Aspects to
Aries(Ve) Scorpio Leo(Ra)] Aquarius(Me, Ke)
Taurus Libra Cancer] Capricorn(Ju, Sa)
Gemini(Ma) Virgo(Mo) Sagittarius] Pisces(Su)
Cancer Aquarius(Me, Ke) Taurus] Scorpio
Leo(Ra) Capricorn(Ju, Sa) Aries(Ve)] Libra
Virgo(Mo) Gemini(Ma) Sagittarius] Pisces(Su)
Libra Taurus Leo(Ra)] Aquarius(Me, Ke)
Scorpio Aries(Ve) Cancer] Capricorn(Ju, Sa)
Sagittarius Pisces(Su) Gemini(Ma)] Virgo(Mo)
Capricorn(Ju, Sa) Leo(Ra) Taurus] Scorpio
Aquarius(Me, Ke) Cancer Aries(Ve)] Libra
Pisces(Su) Sagittarius Gemini(Ma)] Virgo(Mo)
Tajaka Aspects
Planets As Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Sa Ra Ke
As ---
Su 7/7(+) ---
Mo 1/1(-) 7/7(+) ---
Ma 4/10(+) 4/10(+) 4/10(-) ---
Me 6/8(+) 2/12(+) 6/8(-) 5/9(+) ---
Ju 5/9(-) 3/11(+) 5/9(+) 6/8(-) 2/12(-) ---
Ve 6/8(-) 2/12(-) 6/8(+) 3/11(-) 3/11(-) 4/10(+) ---
Sa 5/9(-) 3/11(+) 5/9(+) 6/8(-) 2/12(-) 1/1(+) 4/10(+) ---
Ra 2/12(-) 6/8(+) 2/12(+) 3/11(-) 7/7(-) 6/8(+) 5/9(-) 6/8(+) ---
Ke 6/8(-) 2/12(+) 6/8(+) 5/9(-) 1/1(-) 2/12(+) 3/11(-) 2/12(+) 7/7 (+) ---
Legend :- 1/ 1 : Conjunction; 2/ 12 : Semi-Sextile; 3/ 11 : Sextile; 4/ 10 : Square; 5/ 9 : Trine; 6/ 8 : Quincunx; 7/ 7 :
Opposition. ... (+) stands for intermingling of planetary orbs; (-) stands for no intermingling of planetary orbs.
Note : For planetary aspects, the mean value of the orbs as per Tajaka recommendation has been taken. For Rahu and
Ketu, the value of orb has been taken as 6*; but no orb has been taken for Ascendant.

Planet Nirayana Bhava

Planets Sign Degree RL NL SB SS Hse Sign Degree RL NL SB SS
Sun Pis 17:23:31 Ju Me Me Su 1 Vir 23:34:38 Me Ma Ma Ju
Moon Vir 09:36:10 Me Su Ve Me 2 Lib 23:03:32 Ve Ju Sa Mo
Mars Gem 20:02:10 Me Ju Ju Ju 3 Sco 22:58:10 Ma Me Mo Me
Merc Aqu 21:57:32 Sa Ju Sa Sa 4 Sag 23:09:19 Ju Ve Sa Mo
Jup Cap 09:28:37 Sa Su Ve Sa 5 Cap 23:56:12 Sa Ma Ma Ve
Ven (R) Ari 03:30:46 Ma Ke Su Me 6 Aqu 24:39:56 Sa Ju Me Su
Sat Cap 05:25:06 Sa Su Me Ke 7 Pis 23:34:38 Ju Me Ma Ju
Rahu (R) Leo 11:22:56 Su Ke Sa Ju 8 Ari 23:03:32 Ma Ve Sa Su
Ketu (R) Aqu 11:22:56 Sa Ra Sa Ve 9 Tau 22:58:10 Ve Mo Su Ju
Urn (R) Can 28:47:52 Mo Me Sa Ve 10 Gem 23:09:19 Me Ju Sa Mo
Nep (R) Lib 17:30:15 Ve Ra Su Mo 11 Can 23:56:12 Mo Me Ma Ve
Plu (R) Leo 12:49:50 Su Ke Me Ju 12 Leo 24:39:56 Su Ve Me Ve

Fortuna : Pisces 15:47:17

Aynamsha Krishnamurti (023:13:08)

Lagna Kundali Cusp Chart


Significations of the Houses

House Planets in Occupant's Stars Occupant of Cusp Planets in Owner's Stars Cusp Owner Cusp SubLord
IV Ma,Me Ju, Sa Ma,Me JU SA$
V Su, Ve,Ra Me, Ke SA MA$
VI Mo,Ju,Sa Su SA ME

(+) These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Houses Signified by Planets
Plts A B C D E
Sun 5 6 1, 10 12 9
Mo 6 12 12 11 3
Mar 4 9 4, 7 3, 8 1, 5, 7, 11
Mer 4 5 4, 7 1, 10 6, 12
Jup 6 4 12 4, 7
Ven 5 7 2, 9
Sat 6 4 12 5, 6 2, 4, 8, 10
Rah 5 11
Ket 11 5

(+) These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

(A) Represents the most strongest significator and (E) Represents the most weakest significator for
given house., Rahu acts as agent for : Mercury,Sun/Ketu acts as agent for : Mercury,Saturn
Birth Time RP Current Time RP
Date/Time: 31:03:1961 / 19:15:00 Date/Time: 21:12:2020 / 19:42:48
RPs Lagna Moon RPs Lagna Moon
Sign Lord Mercury Mercury Sign Lord Mercury Jupiter
Star Lord Mars Sun Star Lord Jupiter Jupiter
Sub Lord Mars Venus Sub Lord Venus Rahu
SS lord Jupiter Mercury SS lord Mercury Jupiter
SSS Lord Moon Ketu SSS Lord Jupiter Mercury
Day Lord Venus Day Lord Moon

General Predictions Related to Native

General Characteristics :-
Your Ascendant falls in sign Virgo. This sign has been classified as an earthy, common or flexed sign.
Certain other natural qualitative characteristics have also been attributed to it: this sign is sterile and
human by nature.
For being born in this Ascendant, you will be endowed with an ingenious, studious, and witty nature.
Always very systematic and methodical in your approach, you will be a very learned person - always
be in search of knowledge for the purpose of attaining perfection. You will be inclined to continuing
informal studies or conducting research; the occult and the allied subjects might also be of interest to
you. You will be a reservoir of patience and perseverance.
You will have much of interest in art and literature. In all your affairs in general, you will habitually be
critical and precise; yet you will be soft-spoken, well mannered, benevolent, and judicious by nature.
You will firmly believe in simple living and high thinking, and manage your monetary affairs very
prudently. You might be an avid collector of curious things - which may have appealed to your fancy
during sometime of your life; but you may have a queer habit of not to part with anything you have
ever collected.
In your chart, the Moon is situated in sign Virgo - which is ruled by Mercury. It is a common,
negative, and earthy sign. You are likely to have a quiet, easy-going, and somewhat irresolute nature;
but you may not be overly ambitious, will be totally devoid of boasting habits, and always abhor vain
pretensions. Although you will be endowed with a fair degree of intellectual powers, and will remain
engaged in intellectual pursuits, you may rather prefer to function in a position that involves
responsibility and even sub-ordination; this is since you will attach more value and importance to
leading your life in peace, and always prefer to avoid unnecessary tensions.
You will remain closely attached to your home, and your near and dear family-members will make
your life very joyful and happy. Agriculture, agricultural produce, medicines, herbals, food-articles,
bakeries, confectioneries, domestic consumables, and other items of household applications will attract
your attention more in comparison. You will develop very cordial relationships with your colleagues,
superiors and sub-ordinates alike; and if you are ever employing a domestic servant, he/ she also will
always remain very well disposed to you, and treat you with great respect.

Your innate nature will be quick and alert, yet at the same time you may also be somewhat secretive -
which will make you unusually patient. Steep decline of family-fortune, or complex domestic disputes,
or some other kind of imposed restraint or privation in early life may make you somewhat inward-
looking or withdrawn. You are likely to have formal study of analytical sciences, but dexterous arts
will also be of interest to you as well - you will not only have the keen desire to learn the theoretical
text-matters, but will also be interested in the practical features or applied aspects - which you will
consider to be more important in comparison.
You may come up with some original findings of your own, or discover some facts, or invent some
appliances - which will find useful applications in mundane activities. As time passes by, your
maturity and the capacity to contribute will increase; you will develop a vivacious and genial nature,
brilliance in conversations, and mastery of pleasing allusions. Possibly you will undertake some
journeys to distant inland or even foreign places - on an academic or cultural mission.

Physical Appearance :-
Your complexion may be fair.You are likely to have a middle stature, and a well-made slender
physical structure with a round face. Your eyes will be beautiful. Your voice might be somewhat high-
pitched. At times, you may appear to be somewhat fickle-minded; and as age passes by, you may tend
to acquire a melancholic disposition.

Qualities :-
You will be endowed with unique power of analysis. You will be intelligent and have retentive
memory. You will avoid conflicts and love peace and harmony. You will work in a very systemic way.
You will have knowledge of many fields. You will be prudent and not waste money. You will have
interest in art and music.

Negative Traits :-
You may be confused and fickle minded. You may be devoid of self confidence. You may not be
realistic and chase your vague dreams.

Special Characteristics :-
1. You will be intellectual and highly receptive.

2. You will be dutiful and very systematic in approaches. You will consider every minute detail
3. You will be modest, religious and soft spoken.

Profession :-
You can be a successful counselor, lawyer, doctor, teacher, professor, statistician, computer
programmer mathematician, accountant, singer, writer, manager. You can gain from transport, travel,
telephone, jewelry business.

Benefic and malefic Planets :-

1. Venus, lord of the 2nd and 9th house, is benefic.
2. Mercury, lord of ascendant, is most benefic.
3. Jupiter, lord of the 7th house, is marakesh.
4. Moon is malefic.
5. Mars, lord of the 3rd and 8th house, is most malefic.
6. Sun and Saturn are neutral.

Important personalities belonging to VIRGO Ascendant :-

Azharuddin, Sachin Tendulkar, Venktesh Prasad - Cricketer, Lala Chait Ram- Industrialist, Princess
Diana - Princess of Wales, John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton - Ex- President of U.S.A., Dr.
Radhakrishnan - Ex- President of India, Rajiv Gandhi, P. V. Narsimha Rao - Ex- Prime Minister,
Laender Paes - Tennis Player.

This is a "SOFTWARE GENERATED REPORT" with a generalised prediction and is
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Sharma (Ph. D) can only be availed personally. Personal Consultations would be

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Wishing the very best – prosperity and happiness.

Prepared by on 21 December 2020, 07:42:48PM

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