Sharmista Research Proposal

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Midlife crisis and its relation with perceived stress

and psychological capital among adults in selected
community West Bengal

Background of the study
Midlife crisis is a transition of identity that can occur in individuals. It is psychological and

behavioral observation that commonly occur in individual between the age group of 35years to

50years. While some individuals may experience feelings of depression, remorse and anxiety,

others may express feelings such as he desire to achieve youthfulness or make drastic change to

their current lifestyle.

. Research shows 10-20% of people accurately experience midlife crisis.

S Vijayalakshmi1 (2017) conducted a descriptive survey on midlife crises among 262 sandwich

generation people in Tamilnadu. The result of this study showed that in midlife crises the female

sandwich generation people (Mean-96.09) are at higher level than male sandwich generation

people (Mean-77.93) and in the dimension of self-related crises, family related crises female

(Mean-26.95) are higher than male (Mean-20.71).

Need of the study

Midlife crisis Elliott Jaques (1965) first coined this term through observing in his midlife client’s

abrupt changes in lifestyle and productivity as well as coming face to face with one’s own

limitations and over increasing salience of monthly.

Psychological capital is an asset of individual characteristics and qualities that promote the

expression of positive resources and talent. Luthans, yousset and Avolio identified four

dimension of psychological capital, hope, self- efficacy, resilience, optimism.

K Miraclin Marjorie et al2 (2023) conducted a cross sectional study on midlife crisis research and

its relation to depression and the psychological capital research among 500 adults at ACS

Medical college, Chennai. The analysis showed that midlife problems were rare , with only
3.20% of participants experienced midlife problems and there was weak association between

midlife crisis and psychological capital.

Luthan and Peterson showed that psychological capital was a predictor of work performance and

success and job satisfaction.

Middle age, a transitional period of life, brings challenges and opportunities for personal growth

and development. Understanding mental health at this time is important for promoting health and

improving the overall quality of life in midlife. There is limited study on this topic. So, As a

mental health nurse want to do this research.

Problem statement

Midlife crisis and its relation with perceived stress and psychological capital among adults in

selected community, West Bengal.

Purpose of the study

The purpose of the study is to assess the midlife crisis and its relation with perceived stress and

psychological capital among adults.


1 .To identify the midlife crisis of adults.

2. To find out the perceived stress of adults.

3. To identify the psychological capital of the adults.

4. To determine the relationship of midlife crisis with stress and psychological capital.
Research variables

Midlife crisis

Perceived stress

Psychological capital

Demographic variables

Age, gender, educational level, occupation

Operational definition of variables

Midlife crisis: In this study, midlife crisis refers to the under employment, financial plan,

bringing up their children, caring agent parents which occur for the people of age group of 30- 50

years which will be measured by self -structured questionnaire.

Perceived stress: In this study perceived stress is the subjective feelings or thoughts that an

individual has about how much stress they are under at a given period time period which will be

measured by PSS4 scale.

Psychological capital: In this study, psychological refers to one’s hope, resilience, optimism and

efficacy level will be measured by psychological capital questionnaire (PCQ).

Selected community: The study will be conducted among adults in West Bengal.
The study is based on the following assumptions:

1. Adults experience some level of midlife crisis

2. There is relation between midlife crisis, perceived stress and psychosocial capital.


The study will be delimited to adults of selected community available during the study period.

Review of literature

Mohammaddreza Bahrami Hessari3 (2017) conducted a descriptive study on midlife crisis and its

relation with perceived stress and psychological capital among 241 adults at Tehran district in

Iran. Data were collected by Oles’ Midlife crisis questionnaire (MCQ), Cohen’s Perceived Stress

Scale (PSS), Luthans’ Psychological Capital Questionnaire (PCQ).The analysis showed that

about 30% of samples scored high in midlife crisis, 35% scored high in Perceived stress and 30%

scored low in psychological capital and there was a strong relationship between perceived stress

and midlife crisis and among the components of psychological capital, resilience was the best

predictor of both variables. Other findings showed that low resilience resulted in higher

perceived stress and this stress described a part of psychological turbulence in middle age.

Research approach
Quantitative approach will be adopted

Research design
Non-experimental descriptive research design.

The schematic diagram of research design for the presence study is given in the
following way

Problem statement Research approach Setting for the study

Pilot study: Vill & Post
P.S- Joypur, Dist
Final study- Hindmotor,
Hindmotor, Uttarpara,
Kotrung (m), P.S-

Sample Sampling
Study population

Sample size -100 Non-probability Adult

Data collection method Data analysis Report of the study

Descriptive &




Adults of selected community, West Bengal

Sample technique

Non- probability convenience sampling technique.

Criteria for selection of sample

Inclusion criteria

 The adults who are willing to participate in the study.

 Available during the period of data collection.

Exclusion criteria

The adults who are willing to participate in the study.

Sample size

Sample size (n)= 100

Study setting

Pilot study-A pilot study is to be conducted in Vill & Post Dhara P.S- Joypur, Dist-Bakura Pin
code-722138 on 20 sample.
Final study- Final study will be conducted on Hindmotor, Hindmotor, Uttarpara, Kotrung (m),
P.S-Uttarpara, Hooghly Pin code-712233 on 100 samples.

Data collection tool& techniques

The important and crucial of an investigator is collection of appropriate data which is necessary

for the study. Data collection tools are presented in table 1.

Table 1. Data collection tools and technique


1. Structured Questionnaire Demographic Questioning

2. Self Structured Questionnaire Midlife crisis Questioning

3. Four item perceived stress scale Perceived stress Questioning

questionnaire (PSS4)

4. Psychological capital questionnaire Psychological capital Questioning


Validity of the tool

Validity of the tool will be established by opinion of experts from related field and the

suggestion will be incorporated for appropriation of item.

Reliability of the tool

The reliability of the tool will be established by appropriate statistical method.

Ethical consideration

 Ethical permission: ethical clearance with regard to the study will be obtained from-

o Permission will be obtained from IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital Research

Oversight committee

o Informed consent will be obtained from adults of community.

Administrative permission: Administrative permission is to be taken from -

o Director of Health services ( Health & Family Welfare, West Bengal)

o The OSD (Nursing), Swasthya Bhawan, GN-29, Sector –v, Salt Lake

o The Principal of West Bengal Government College of Nursing, SSKM Hospital Campus

o CMOH, Bankura

o CMOH, Hooghly

o BMOH Joypur

o Chairman Hindmotor

Procedure for data collection

The data for the study will be collected from selected community of West Bengal.

o Self -introduction will be given to the participants.

o The purpose of the study is to be explained properly, confidentiality of the participants

should be maintained carefully of the participants.

o Informed & written consent form should be taken from the participants.

o The questionnaires will be distributed to the participants.

o Data will be collected and then analyzed.

Plan for pilot study

The pilot study will be done in Vill & Post Dhara P.S- Joypur, Dist-Bakura Pin code-722138. .

The sample are twenty (20) adults in particular community West Bengal with in the tentative

time period.

Plan for data analysis:

The data analysis will be plan in descriptive & inferential statistics.

Descriptive statistics:

i) Frequency & percentage distribution to be measured to analyze the demographic

ii) Mean, median Standardized deviation to be used to assess midlife crisis,
perceived stress and psychosocial capital.
Inferential statistics

i. Pearson’s correlation analysis to analyse the relationship between variables.

Proposed budget:
The proposed budget is as following in the table,

Budget plan Catagories Expenditure

1. Xerox and printing Rs.10,000
2. Transportation Rs.2,000
3. Thesis paper Rs. 2,000
4. Miscellaneous Rs. 5,000
Total Rs.19,000

1. Vijayalakshmi, S. (2017).Mid-life crises among the sandwich generation people. Indian

Journal of Mental Health, 4(4), 380-384.

2.1Marjorie Miraclin K, 2Sameena Parveen Nizam, 3Harshini.R, e Midlife Crisis Research and

Its Relation to Depression and Psychological Capital Research ,Latin American Journal of

Pharmacy(formerly Acta Farmacéutica Bonaerense) Lat. Am. J. Pharm. 42(10): (2023)Latin

American Journal of Pharmacy ISSN 0326-2383211

3. Mohammaddreza Bahrami Hessari (2017), midlife crisis and its relation with perceived stress

and psychological capital

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