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r/BlueLock 10 mo. ago


My Observations and Thoughts about

the 3 New Gen 11 so far
Manga Discussion

Wassup r/bluelock you wannabe egoists, been a

long time lurker but finally have something that
interested me to make a post.

I'm gonna be looking at Sae, Kaiser, and Lorenzo

and talk about some things that I've found and will
hope to find about all 3 of them.

Itoshi Sae
His given name, Sae means "skillfulness."

His surname, Itoshi means "thread master."

His name can thus be interpreted as "skilful

thread master"


Age: 17 at the Start of the Series, 18 by the U20

japan game

Considering that Sae's bday is on October 10th

and from a "did you know" post from u/Vanitas444
about it saying it's been 4 months since blue lock
started to right now. We can say that the U20
game started about 3 months into blue lock so
blue lock started in July or August.

Height: 179cm or about 5'10 and a half which

would be a good amount taller than the average
man in japan, in fact all of the people from blue
lock are taller than the average in japan (that we've
seen so far)

Weight: We don't know about this but from what

we saw from Ch.122 he has a good amount of
muscle (which should be the case for a soccer

Number: 10 (I'll explain why this is important)


Metavision: Although kind of confirmed by

isagi in Ch.186 it would be stupid not to think
so based on how he played during the U20
game like the guy was easily the best player
on the pitch
Precise passes: As shown with his many
passes to the U20 players and to shidou
(most notably standing out in my head is the
one in Ch.127 and the explanation in Ch.128
just shows how nutty this guy is). It is also
alluded to how good this guy's passing is just
by looking at his name meaning. I think his
name being a perfect meaning to his playstyle
and skills
He has a lot of moves in his arsenal as well but
if you want to look at those in detail, go to his
wiki page.


Before he went to spain to play in Royal's Youth

team he was a striker, with great potential to be a
striker at that as well, that's why he went to spain.

But we now know he's a midfielder as he said in

Ch.125 and has been playing since. In the U20
game when the positions for U20 and BL11 was
shown he was put in the lone CAM (Central
Attacking Midfielder) position in Ch.112 but later
changed to sharing the CAM spot with sendou
when shidou joined the team in Ch.126

Now idk if you guys know but a CAM and a CM

have different jobs when playing with the CAM
being right behind the striker and act lngike a
second striker who is responsible for giving a good
final pass for the strikers to finish. They are often
very attack minded, providing a lot of assists and
having a good vision and decent finishing ability.
While the CM is more responsible for buildup play
and controlling the pace. Now I say this and yet I
fully believe that Sae is very capable of doing both
and he was probably was in both positions in Royal
Youth while also playing as a CDM (Central
Defensive Mid)

This can also be showed that he is in CAM by his

number on his Jersey. When he plays the #10 is
usually saved to be for the Midfield or the player
that is in the middle of the attack and the midfield
and plays within those spaces.

I really hope that he does play for Japan in the U20

World Cup, people are already assuming that he
does (me included) but I would not bring my hopes
up too high. There may be some stuff that
happens later on (probably not but maybe)

Michael Kaiser
The name Michael means "gift from God"

His surname, Kaiser means "emperor or a ruler

higher than a king".

Michael Kaiser's name can therefore be

interpreted as "God's chosen emperor". (which
is raw af in my opinion)


Age: No clue but it's under 20

Height: Also no clue but seeing the images in Ch.

157 where michael and isagi are close to each
other. Since Isagi is 175cm or about 5'9 and
Michael towers over Isagi I would guess that kaiser
is in the 183-188cm range or 6'0 to 6'2 range.

Weight: Again no clue (please release some stats

on this guy soon) but like sae, he was shown to be
pretty ripped when he was shown in Ch.171 (also
pretty dope tattoo and I bet ness gets a boner
everytime he see kaiser with his shirt off)

Number: 10 - kind of weird that they gave him the

number 10 when he is a striker but there have been
teams irl that have given the number 10 to
forwards. the 10 isn't set in stone supposed to be
for a midfielder but more often than not the 10 is
given to midfielders.


Metavision: he is the first person that we see

(or so know of) that has what isagi calls
metavision, but damn is it cool, and it makes
sense that he has it. I've seen alot of people
here debating who has the better metavision:
Sae or Kaiser? To me that seems like a stupid
question because they both used their
metavision in different ways. Also this just
proves how important it is to be smart like
Kaiser and Isagi rather than just a dumb brute
like Kunigami (at the moment).
Kaiser Impact: Probably the most broken shot
that we've seen as of yet in Blue Lock. He
basically performs an incredibly fast leg
swing that hits the ball so hard and fast it
makes the ball hard to even see. This makes
sense when thinking of real life biomechanics
of kicking a ball. Newton's second law of
motion states that Force = mass x
acceleration so Kaiser just accelerates his leg
so fast that he creates a greater output of
force in the ball. Plus combined with his
metavision as well he can probably shoot it at
any angle and any place in the offensive half
for him. And he very well did so during the
game vs MC in Ch. 181 where he scored that
incredible goal.
Off the ball movement: I would like to
highlight this ability because it is severely
underrated. With Kaiser's metavision he is
able to correctly go to the right place in the
court at once. As stated by Isagi in Ch.162 the
way kaiser moves off the ball is basically
perfect. Moving as bait, positioning to recieve
the balls, breaking out for a shooting course
and judging the distance between his
teammate, I believe that if he couldn't use
kaiser impact he would just score from simple
tap ins because he can get to the right spot
every time.


I'm ngl I really thought BM would have put Kaiser

as a sole striker just like what Ubers are doing for
Barou but in each of the times that we've seen the
formation for BM (Ch,158, 173, and 209), Noa
always has put Kaiser in a Centre Forward Role
with Kunigami on the opposite side of Kaiser

It probably doesn't mean much but the first

formation that we've seen when BM faced Barcha,
Kaiser was put on the right side whereas vs MC
and Ubers Kaiser is put on the left. Also not saying
that Kaneshiro is wrong for his positions but when
facing against MC it really either looks Kaiser and
Kunigami are strikers and Ness is a CAM but idk
man, if someone wants to explain why I'm wrong
please do so.

Like a lot of people on this sub, I see Kaiser as the

main antagonist for Blue Lock for Yoichi, I imagine
them meeting at some point in the U20 WC. I
would like to get Kaiser's backstory and why he
has a superiority complex but also some grim part
inside of me would like to see Kaiser getting
broken down and just act out like Kira when Kira
realized he was out of blue lock. Plus wtf is that
thing on the back of his head with the 2 ends that
stick out? Is it a ribbon? if it is where is the rest of
it and we have no idea where it is on his head lol.

Don Lorenzo
Okay this is going to be way more theorizing and
observations from me since we haven't seen a lot
of Lorenzo but I'm pretty confident about what I'm
going to say.

The name Don in Italian means "boss", there are

some meanings of Don in other languages but
we're gonna stick with Italian since it's Ubers.

The name Lorenzo means "wise or strong or

victorious" in Italian.

This could mean that Don Lorenzo's name could

be interpreted as "The victorious boss or the
boss that leads to victory"

This is interesting because Lorenzo's name can be

related to Marc Snuffy's epithet "The Crown
Messenger" which means that he will bring the
crown to the victor. Which I think is a nice little
theory waiting to happen but it's a nice touch by


Age: No clue but under 20 (looks like he's over 20

ngl, something about the defenders in BL and how
they always look older than 20)

Height: Nothing official but I'm guessing the dude

is pretty tall. Considering his attack on titan lanky
ass looking body he's really skinny and pretty
lanky as we see in Ch.210. It also probably doesn't
mean much except perspective wise but in Ch.209
when it shows Ubers as a team he is shown to be a
little bit taller than Aryu who is 195cm tall or a little
over 6'4 and a half. And on this basis I would guess
that Lorenzo is anywhere between Aiku's height to
a little bit taller than Aryu which is 190cm to
196cm which is from about 6'3 to 6'5. I would be
very surprised if he was shorter than aiku ngl.

Weight: Unlike Kaiser and Sae who seem to have a

good amount of lean muscle for their height, I
think Lorenzo's actually gonna be quite
underweight for his height, sure he may have lean
muscle but I think he's still gonna be underweight
for how tall I think he's gonna be. Plus being lanky
and tall does not help when it comes to building
muscle. Plus he's constantly gonna be running
around and probably has a fast metabolism so that
definitely doesn't help lol.

Number: 2 (I'll explain this number in a little bit)


Metavision: I think Lorenzo is gonna have

metavision and I'll do one better. I think all the new
gen 11 have metavision. Metavision as stated by
Noa in Ch.185 is a stepping stone that players will
need to get if they want to become the best in the
world. Which is all the more reason why I thing all
the new gen 11 has it, they are the closest to being
pro soccer players in BL and they will soon be pros
which makes even more sense as to why they
would have metavision. Plus it doesn't make sense
to me that both Niko and Aiku are presumed to
have a slight bit of metavision while Lorenzo
doesn't especially with him being so much better
than Niko and Aiku.

Agility and Reach: Now this is not gonna be a

brand new concept but I think that Lorenzo being
so lanky will be the most agile player that we've
seen in BL, I really think his zone of defense (the
same thing that aiku had during the U20 match
which is the term isagi used in Ch.129) will be even
wider than Aiku. Plus going off my theory that he's
gonna be really tall he can easily close down gaps
and angles and can reach really far out with his
legs. In my head he's probably going to be a much
better version of Aiku and Aryu and combine what
they both have.

Impeccable timing: Also like Kaiser and his off the

ball movement, I would like to highlight this skill
that Lorenzo might have. If you play soccer and are
a defender you really understand the importance
of timing when you try and get the ball off of your
opponent's legs, especially when it comes to slide
tackles and stuff like that.

I have a theory that someone will try some crap

like being "fouled" in the penalty area. Only reason
why I think this will happen is because stupid ass
monk made a comment on it in Ch. 208 but
because it was Lorenzo that slide tackled them or
just cleared the ball in the area and his timing
being so good, it will end up not working. Lorenzo
just in general no matter who is kicking the ball he
will probably be the one that is blocking the shot
or be there in the vicinity to affect the ball, and
that includes Kaiser impact as well.


When we see the Ubers formation in Ch. 209 we

see that the defense has 3 players instead of the
more widely common 4 players in defense, with
Lorenzo being lone centre back and having aiku
and aryu being a right and left back (or fullbacks)
this is probably a testament to Lorenzo's defensive
skills where he is so confident in his ability to play
defense to where they just put him to the centre
position. Plus this probably works well with his
metavision because he is in the middle and he
could see the entire pitch.

Also to mention the 3 in the back if you don't know

is actually a pretty good counter play by snuffy
here. What Lorenzo's role is in this match is to be a
spare man or "libero" in Italian. With Kaiser and
Kunigami being the strikers that will attack, they
will be defended by aryu and aiku. With Aiku taking
Kaiser (with the help of Nikko) and aryu taking
Kunigami so Lorenzo won't have anyone to mark
which makes him be a "spare man" and so he will
mostly be helping aryu out (since aryu is nowhere
near the talent of Aiku) but he has the free range
to go as high on the pitch as he can and deal with
anyone there.

Now Lorenzo's number that we see in Ch210 is the

number 2, a little bit of a history lesson but the
number 2 was saved for a right back position (so in
this case it would be aiku) interestingly aiku had
number 2 in the U20 game (as we see in several
chapters of the U20 match like Ch.112 and 119).
But aiku was in left centreback for the game.
Which is why this is a history lesson. The number
combination doesn't mean much anymore but it is
cool to notice for me at least.

I really do hope Lorenzo's way more a beast than

we think. I want to see some history of lorenzo and
how maybe he became the way he did under Marc
Snuffy. Plus the way Lorenzo talks to Kaiser shows
that they have met before so some history of them
facing off or maybe even Sae and Kaiser/Lorenzo
facing off would be hype as well. There's a lot to to
show coming up in the next 30 or so weeks that
this match is probably gonna take but I'm excited
because it's gonna be a really good match.

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Psychological-Bid676 • 10 mo. ago

really nice analysis:)! Hope to see all

members of new Gen 11 soon


OGShaiguy OP • 10 mo. ago

Thanks I appreciate it! took me some time

to get the information but loved every
second of it. I hope to see them all soon as

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