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Scholar Handbook

Lovely Professional University

Version 1.1

S.No Content Page Number

1 Minimum Stages of Evaluation of Ph.D. 3

2 Timelines for Conduct of State of Art Seminar (SAS) Evaluation and End 7
Term Presentation (ETP) Evaluations

3 Research Publications and Publication Criteria 10

4 Flow Chart of Ph.D. Programme 12

5 Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Ph.D. Scholar-Supervisor 20

Weekly Interaction (For Ph.D. scholars)

6 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) 21

(For all programmes except Agriculture Programmes governed by ICAR)
This document outlines the procedures and minimum regulations for award of degree, applicable to scholars
enrolled in Ph.D. programmes (except Ph.D. Agriculture Programmes governed by ICAR)


There are a total of 7 minimum evaluation stages that a Ph.D. scholar must clear to obtain his/her Doctoral
Degree. The following chart details the same.

STAGE 1:Course Work








It is pertinent to mention here that it is mandatory for a Ph.D. scholar to clear all the above-mentioned
evaluation stages (and any additional stage, if applicable) and no exceptions/exemption from any
evaluation can be requested by the scholar.

Stage 1: Course Work (for both Part Time and Full Time)
Important guidelines
1. Course Work is mandatory for all the scholars admitted in Ph.D. programme except for the scholars
who are M.Phil. Qualified.
2. The course work must be completed within 1 year from the date of admission.
3. The course work will have 14 credits and will be offered within one academic term.
4. Course work comprises of 4 different courses (may vary according to nature of chosen specialization)
related to their field of research for which they will attend compulsory classes and appear for all related
5. The passing condition to clear the course work is given below:
Minimum passing marks required in the course work of Ph.D. programme is 55% aggregate in the
individual courses with at least 40% in end term examination.

6. The scholars can choose the options of the course work depending on the availability.

Option 1 Classes are conducted on Saturdays/Sundays Applicable to both Full time and Part
throughout the term. time Ph.D. scholars
Option 2 Classes are scheduled consecutively for 4 Applicable to both Full time and Part
days on every third week of every month from time Ph.D. scholars
Thursday to Sunday (throughout the term).
Option 3 15 days option (Running in specific months). Applicable to Part time Ph.D.

7. Attendance Requirements:
a. The scholars are required to maintain an aggregate attendance of 80% in all the courses of the
course work. However, a relaxation of 5% can be granted to all scholars for any medical or
personal exigency
b. In case a scholar fails to maintain a minimum aggregate attendance of 75%, he/she shall be
detained and not allowed to appear for the End Term Examination. The scholar will be awarded
‘F’ grade
c. A detained scholar shall have to study the courses all over again along with attending its classes
by re-registering the courses with a fee equal to 1/10th of the standard tuition fee (without
scholarship) plus examination fee.

8. It shall be mandatory for the scholar to clear the passing condition for all the courses registered to
him/her in the course work in order to proceed to Stage 2 i.e. to appear for State of Art Seminar (SAS)
evaluation. The scholar shall not be allowed to appear for SAS till he/she does not pass the course
Important guidelines related to progression from Stage 2 (State of Art Seminar (SAS)
Evaluation) to Stage 5 (Final submission)
1. After completion of course work, each scholar shall be allocated a University faculty member as his/her
research supervisor.
2. The scholar shall interact with the supervisor in the online interaction slots (through My Class
platform) fixed by the University.
3. These interaction slots shall be reflected in the time-table of both the scholar and the supervisor.

4. The frequency of the interaction slots shall be twice a month i.e. 8 interaction slots shall be fixed with
the supervisor in one term. However, if need be, the supervisor can fix additional interaction slots with
the scholar in a term.
5. The scholar is advised to be present in all the scheduled interaction slots in order to ensure quality and
continuity of work required to proceed to the next evaluation stage.
6. The scholars are required to be present for a minimum of 6 interaction slots out of 8 compulsory
interaction slots to become eligible for appearing in the next applicable evaluation.
7. In case, a scholar attends less than 6 interaction slots in a term, then he/she shall not be allowed to
appear for the State of Art Seminar (SAS)/ End Term Presentation (ETP) evaluations.
8. Any deficit in minimum prescribed attendance can be condoned by the University considering the
scholar’s research progress including publications, patents, projects etc.
9. The frequency of scholar-supervisor interaction can also be fixed by the supervisor to once a week, if
requirement of the same is felt by the supervisor.
10. Although the interaction sessions are online, it shall be compulsory for the scholar to be physically
present in the University as and when called by the Supervisor and also he/she should be physically
present for all offline evaluations scheduled by the university.


1. After completion of course work, each scholar shall be allocated a University faculty member as
his/her Supervisor.
2. The scholar shall interact with the supervisor in the offline interaction slots fixed by the University.
3. These interaction slots shall be reflected in the timetable of both the scholar and the supervisor.
4. The frequency of the interaction slots shall be once a week (minimum) or twice a week (maximum)
i.e. a minimum of 16 interaction slots shall be fixed with the supervisor in one term.
5. The scholar is advised to be present in all 16 interaction slots in order to ensure quality and
continuity of work required to proceed to the next evaluation stage.
6. Also, all full time Ph.D. scholars need to mark their biometric attendance in the University. The
biometric attendance of a scholar shall be counted only if scholar is present for minimum 5 hours
a day and maximum attendance hours that shall be counted for one day shall be 8 hours per day.
The time period in which the scholar can be present in the University is from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
7. All full time Ph.D. scholars are advised to maintain biometric attendance of 240 hours per term.
8. Minimum Attendance requirements to become eligible for appearing in the next applicable
evaluation (SAS/ETP):
a. The scholars are required to be present for a minimum of 12 interaction slots out of 16
compulsory interaction slots
b. Maintain biometric attendance of minimum 180 hours per term subject to fulfilment of
point number 6.
9. Any shortage of attendance can be condoned by the University considering the scholar’s research
progress including publications, patents, projects etc.
10. The frequency of scholar-supervisor interaction can also be fixed by the supervisor to twice a week,
if requirement of the same is felt by the supervisor.
11. The scholars availing government scholarships or fellowships shall be required to follow the norms
and guidelines related to leaves prescribed by the government from time to time.

12. Duty Leaves:

Purpose: The scholar can avail the duty leaves for attending conferences/seminars/specialized
training programme/data collection/research work during the Ph.D. programme.

Important Points:
a. The scholars can proceed on Duty Leave by applying through UMS.
b. Duty leave shall be considered only for those scholars whose leave is pre-sanctioned by
competent authority.
c. It shall be mandatory for the scholars on Duty leave to attend at least 2 online interaction
slots (through My Class platform) per month with his/her supervisor during the time
period of duty leave. Attendance in the same shall be counted to determine eligibility to
appear for the next evaluation stage.
d. A scholar can initially avail a duty leave for a maximum period of 6 months.
e. The scholar needs to appear for all the evaluations in an offline mode during the period of
duty leave. If the progress of the scholar is found to be “unsatisfactory” during the duty
leave period, the duty leave can be cancelled.
f. After expiry of 6 months if the progress of scholar is found “Satisfactory” by the Research
Advisory Committee, then the Duty leave can be extended for maximum another six
g. During the period of duty leave, if the Ph.D. scholar found to be engaged in any other
activity/false representation/misleading, then disciplinary action will be taken.
h. For any further extension in Duty Leave, scholar will have to seek recommendation from
competent authority or change the mode of Ph.D. program from Full Time to Part time.
IMPORTANT POINTS (Applicable to both Full-time and Part-time scholars)
1. It is mandatory for the scholars to appear in all Ph.D. evaluations. No exemption can be sought at any
evaluation stage.
2. Time gap between two evaluation stages should be approximately 6 months/one term.
3. All evaluations shall be conducted at the University Campus in offline mode.
4. The eligibility of scholar to appear for State of Art Seminar (SAS)/ End Term Presentation (ETP)
evaluations after meeting the minimum attendance requirements shall be determined subject to
approval from the supervisor. If a supervisor gives his/her recommendations based on the scholar’s
work progress, then only he/she shall be allowed to appear in concerned evaluation.
5. After Pre-submission Seminar, no mandatory attendance criteria shall be applicable for the scholar.
However, the scholar shall have to visit the University as and when required by the
6. Prior to each academic term, it shall be mandatory for each scholar to complete the term registration
by clearing all pending fee dues.
7. In case a scholar abstains from the evaluation/supervisor interaction without prior permission, the
Ph.D. scholar will not be allowed for further evaluations.
8. In case a scholar discontinues the programme without any intimation and without submitting the
discontinuation form, and later on requests to continue the programme, then such cases shall be treated
as re-admission cases subject to the approval from concerned committee. Also, for approved cases,
the scholar will have to pay the fee of the gap period to confirm his re-admission. The gap period shall
not be counted towards minimum duration of the programme.

1. The ideal roadmap along with tentative timelines (and months) for a scholar with regard to conduct
of the evaluations has been mentioned in the tables I and II given below.

Table I: For August intake scholars*:

Term Tentative Evaluation stage Course Registration for evaluation Dates of

dates code in activity conduct of
which evaluation
scholar Start date End Date activity
shall be
Term 1 August to Course Work As per NA December
December discipline (ETE)
Term 2 January to State of Art SAS001 15 April 20 May June- July
May Seminar (SAS)
Term 3 August to End Term ETP001 15 November 20 December January-
December Presentation March
(ETP) 1
Term 4 January to End Term ETP002 15 April 20 May June- July
May Presentation
(ETP) 2
Term 5 August to End Term ETP003 15 November 20 December January-
December Presentation March
(ETP) 3
Term 6 January to Pre-submission Seminar
May PRS001

*The activity of interaction with University faculty members for the purpose of supervisor allocation,
will be initiated by the scholar during the Course Work period. Activity of allocation of supervisor
shall be carried out in months of December – January, immediately after completion of course work.

Table II : For January intake scholars**:

Term Tentative Evaluation Course code Registration for evaluation Dates of

dates stage in which activity conduct of
scholar shall Start date End date evaluation
be registered activity
Term 1 January to Course Work As per NA May-June
May discipline (ETE)
Term 2 August to State of Art SAS001 15 November 20 December January-
December Seminar March
Term 3 January to End Term ETP001 15 April 20 May June- July
May Presentation
(ETP) 1
Term 4 August to End Term ETP002 15 November 20 December January-
December Presentation March
(ETP) 2

Term 5 January to End Term ETP003 15 April 20 May June- July
May Presentation
(ETP) 3
Term 6 August to Pre-submission Seminar
December PRS001

**The activity of interaction with University faculty members for the purpose of supervisor allocation, will
be initiated by the scholar during the Course Work period. Activity of allocation of supervisor shall be carried
out in months of June-July, immediately after completion of course work.

2. The timelines mentioned above are for reference purpose.

3. After expiry of the last date of registration, if the scholar has not uploaded his/her report file of
SAS/ETP, then he/she shall be considered as not registered/absent in that evaluation.
4. If a scholar does not want to register for State of Art Seminar (SAS) in the immediate term succeeding
course work, then he/she can choose the option of State of Art Seminar (SAS) registration in the next
applicable term.
5. However, the scholars shall be required to complete their State of Art Seminar (SAS) evaluation
stage within 2 years from the date of admission.
6. Once a scholar has passed the State of Art Seminar (SAS), it shall be compulsory for him/her to appear
in all End Term Presentation (ETP) evaluations (as applicable) till the Pre-submission Seminar stage.
7. A scholar can appear for State of Art Seminar (SAS)/ End Term Presentation (ETP) evaluations subject
to the condition that he/she should fulfil the attendance requirements.
8. Attendance of the scholar shall be calculated at the end of each term and that attendance shall be
considered for evaluating his/her eligibility for State of Art Seminar (SAS)/ End Term Presentation
(ETP) evaluation.
9. A scholar is eligible for Pre-submission Seminar subject to fulfilment of all of the below mentioned
a. He/she as appeared for a minimum of three End Term Presentation (ETP) evaluations.
b. At least two End Term Presentation (ETP) evaluations of the scholar have been evaluated as
c. The last attended End Term Presentation (ETP) evaluation of the scholar before Pre-submission
Seminar has been evaluated as “Satisfactory”.
d. The scholar has fulfilled the mandatory publication criteria for his/her programme, specified
by the University.
e. It must also be ensured that all approved research objectives of the thesis has been achieved
and verified by the supervisor.
f. He/She can apply after successful completion of minimum 2.5 years from the date of admission
subject to fulfilment of all points from (a) to (e) mentioned above

10. After successful completion of Pre-submission Seminar, no mandatory attendance requirements shall
be applicable for the scholar.
11. In case a scholar does not fulfil any of the mandatory conditions mentioned above for Pre-submission
Seminar, then after End Term Presentation (ETP) 3, he/she shall be automatically registered in the
next End Term Presentation (ETP) evaluations i.e. in Course code ETP004, ETP005… and so on, till
he/she does not fulfil all the required conditions for Pre-submission Seminar.

Apart from the regular terms, provisions of Summer Term (in the months of June-July) shall be extended to
scholars subject to the below mentioned conditions:
1. A scholar can register for in Summer Term only in the below mentioned three cases:
a. Case 1: Scholar had registered for State of Art Seminar (SAS)/ End Term Presentation (ETP)
evaluation in the immediately preceding term (15 January-15 May) but he/she was absent for
b. Case 2: Scholar had not registered for State of Art Seminar (SAS)/End Term Presentation
(ETP) evaluation in the preceding terms.
c. Case 3: Scholar was detained in the preceding term (15 January-15 May).
2. The tentative timelines of Summer Term are given below:
Term Tentative dates Evaluation Registration for Dates of conduct of
stage evaluation activity evaluation activity
Start date End date
Summer 1st week of June to State of Art 25 May 20 July August-September
Term mid July Seminar
(SAS)/ End

3. In case, a scholar has appeared in State of Art Seminar (SAS)/ End Term Presentation (ETP) evaluation
in the preceding regular term and his/her result was “Unsatisfactory”, then he/she shall not be allowed
to appear again for State of Art Seminar (SAS)/ End Term Presentation (ETP) evaluation in the
Summer Term. He/she can register for State of Art Seminar (SAS)/ End Term Presentation (ETP) in
the next applicable regular term only.
4. A scholar can register for Summer Term only after receiving consent of his/her supervisor.
5. During Summer Term, the scholars shall be required to interact with their supervisor in the online
mode through LPU My Class Platform.
6. Attendance requirements:
a. It shall be compulsory for the scholar to maintain a minimum attendance in 6 interaction slots
with his/her supervisor to become eligible for the State of Art Seminar (SAS)/ End Term
Presentation (ETP) evaluation.
b. The attendance requirements can be condoned off upto 2 slots in case the scholar has attendance
in the previous regular term (15 January-15 May ) greater than or equal to 2 interaction slots.
I.e. If a scholar has attendance of 2 or more interaction slots in preceding regular term, then
he/she shall be required to attend only 4 interaction slots in the Summer Term.
7. Fee: Fee for registration shall be Rs. 10000/-.
(It may be noted that the above fee does not include any fine applicable to the scholar on account of
absenteeism in previously registered evaluation).

The publication criteria for the Ph.D. thesis submission is provided in Annexure 1. The important points for
research publications are given below
1. The research publications must be indexed (Scopus/UGC based on category mentioned below) at the
time of Pre-Thesis and Final Thesis submission to be considered under minimum publication criteria.
Merely accepted papers will not be considered. If the research paper was published in the indexed
(Scopus/UGC based on category mentioned above) journal at the time of publication but at the time of
pre-thesis/final thesis submission, the journal is no more indexed, such research papers will not be
considered under minimum research publication criteria.
2. Review papers will not be considered under minimum publication criteria for Pre-thesis/Final thesis
3. The research paper must contain the affiliation of the University and name of the supervisor.
4. The research papers shall be from the Ph.D. work so that work done to accomplish the objectives of the
Ph.D. thesis can be validated.
5. The log request against each publication must be filled through UMS of the supervisor.
6. The Ph.D. scholar must have presentation certificate of the papers that are presented (Oral/Poster) in
the national/international conferences. Participation certificates will not be considered.
7. The research papers and papers presented in conferences considered in the minimum publication criteria
must have the Ph.D. scholar as the first author.
8. Research papers published in conference proceedings will not be considered but the papers published
in the indexed journals with volume number, issue number, DOI number through conferences can be
considered subject to the condition that the paper must be indexed.
9. Ideally, the Ph.D. scholar must be the first author in the research publications along with his/her
supervisor and co-supervisor. However, in certain cases, if there are multiple Ph.D. scholars as co-
authors, then the Ph.D. scholar who is first in the order of co-authors will be granted the benefit of
considering the research publication towards fulfilment of minimum eligibility conditions of Pre/Final
thesis submission.
Annexure 1- Publication Criteria for Ph.D. Thesis Submission
The research publication criteria is one of the essential parts to be eligible for the Ph.D. thesis submission. The
requirement of the research publication are based on the categories of the schools applicable from August
2022 batch onwards. The publication criteria along with the names of the schools is given below:

Category School Name Research Publication requirement

LIE (Department of Education)/LSE (Department of • Research Publication : At least three
Education) research papers published in Scopus
LIT (Pharmacy)/Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences indexed journals
Mittal School of Business
School of Agriculture
School of Bio Engineering and Biosciences
Category 1 School of Chemical Engineering and Physical Sciences • Paper Presentations: Two paper
presentations in seminar/ conferences
School of Civil Engineering (National/International)
School of Computer Application
School of Computer Science and Engineering
School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering
School of Mechanical Engineering
School of Social Sciences & Languages
LIE (Department of Physical Education) • Research Publication : At least two
School of Architecture & Design research papers published in Scopus
Category 2 School of Design-I ( Fashion Design and Technology) indexed journals

School of Design-II ( Interior & Product Design)

School of Design-III ( Multimedia)
School of Hotel Management and Tourism
School of Journalism, Films and Creative Arts-I • Paper Presentations: Two paper
School of Law presentations in seminar/ conferences
School of Physiotherapy and Paramedical Sciences (National/International)

School of Journalism, Films and Creative Arts-II (Fine • Research Publication : At least one
Arts) research papers published in Scopus
indexed journals
• Paper Presentations: Two paper
Category 3 presentations in seminar/ conferences

School of Social Sciences & Languages (Ph.D.- • Research Publication : At least two
Hindi and Ph.D. – Punjabi) research papers published in UGC
indexed journals
• Paper Presentations: Two paper
Category 4
presentations in seminar/ conferences

Flow Chart of Ph.D. programme

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Ph.D. Scholar-Supervisor Weekly Interaction
(For Ph.D. scholars)

o SOP for Ph.D. Scholars for attending weekly interaction slots

1. The Ph.D. scholar must maintain high standards of punctuality, honesty and professional ethics while
attending the weekly interactions with the supervisor.
2. The Ph.D. scholar must wear a professional attire during the interaction either online on LPU My Class
mode or Offline mode.
3. The Ph.D. scholar must ensure the network connectivity, peaceful environment for attending the interaction
slots in online mode for part time scholars.
4. The Ph.D. scholar should strive to use positive verbal expression and body language throughout the
5. The Ph.D. scholar should prefer LPU Live for any communication with the supervisor.
6. The Ph.D. scholar should attend every class visible in his/her time table.
7. Discussions related to political/religious issues during the interaction should be strictly avoided.
8. The full time Ph.D. scholar should attend the interaction slot in his/her supervisor’s cabin only in an offline
mode whereas part time Ph.D. scholar should attend the interaction in an online mode through LPU My class
platform only.
9. The Ph.D. scholar must check his/her UMS My Message or announcement regarding Ph.D. activities
10. Any matter related to Ph.D. scholar interaction slots that requires urgent attention must be immediately
brought attention to respective HOD/HOS/CRDP.
11. In case, any female Ph.D. scholar has any specific issue may discuss with Dr. Gaganpreet Kaur Marwaha
UID: 13760 in Room Number 38-202 Cabin 2 or log the RMS from the following path:
UMS Navigation >> Relation Management System >> Log Request >> Select Message Type (Assistance) >>
Select Category (Academic and administrative issues) > Select Department (Ph.D. – Centre for Research
Degree Programmes ) à Category : Any other queries
12. Additionally, scholar in addition to walk in can also seek appointment for the redressal of their specific
queries every Wednesday and Friday from 3-5 PM in Room Number 38-202. For appointment please use the
following RMS path
UMS Navigation >> Relation Management System >> Log Request >> Select Message Type (Assistance) >>
Select Category (Academic and administrative issues) > Select Department (Ph.D. – Centre for Research
Degree Programmes ) à Category : Any other queries

Frequently Asked Ques0ons

Q1. Is it compulsory to clear the course work in the Ph.D. programme?

Ans: The course work is compulsory to complete in the Ph.D. programme. However, course work is exempted
for candidates who have passed M.Phil.

Q2. What is the maximum time period to complete the Ph.D. course work in case of Non agriculture
programmes ?

Ans: The maximum duration to complete the Ph.D. programme is 1 year from the date of admission.

Q3. What is the minimum attendance criteria required to appear in end term examination of course work ?

Ans: The minimum attendance criteria to appear in end term examination for each course is 75%.

Q4. What are the subjects taught to Ph.D. scholars during the course work for non-agriculture programmes ?

Ans: The following subjects are taught to the Ph.D. scholars in their course work.

1. Research Methodology
2. Research Publications & Ethics
3. Research Seminar
4. Research Writing & Presentation skills

Q5. How many attempts are there to clear the courses of the course work ?

Ans: There are total 5 attempts given to the Ph.D. scholar to clear the course work.

Q6. What is the eligibility criteria for the Ph.D. scholar to get the supervisor ?

Ans: The scholar can participate in the supervisor allocation process after the successful completion of the
course work.

Q7. Can a Ph.D. scholar has more than one supervisor ?

Ans: The Ph.D. scholar can have only one supervisor. In case of interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary research
work, if required, a co-supervisor from outside the department/school/centre/college/university may be

Q8. Can a Ph.D. scholar has more than one Co-supervisor ?

Ans: The Ph.D. scholar cannot have more than one co-supervisor. Co-supervisor from within the same
department or other departments of the same institution or other institution may be permitted with the approval
of the competent authority.

Q9. What is the mode of attending weekly interaction time slots for full time and part time Ph.D. Scholars ?

Ans: Full Time Ph.D. Scholar: Offline Mode

Part Time Ph.D. Scholar : Online Mode (on My Class platform)

Q10. Is it necessary to get the recommendations to appear for State of Art Seminar ?

Ans: The Ph.D. scholar needs to take the recommendations from the supervisor and co-supervisor (if any) to
appear for SAS.

Q11. What is the maximum duration to complete the SAS ?

Ans: The maximum duration to complete the SAS is 2 years from the date of admission. In state of art seminar,
the scholar needs to present his/her objective and title for the Ph.D. work.

Q12. What is the minimum attendance criteria to appear for any evaluation (SAS, ETP, Pre-Submission) ?

Ans: The minimum attendance criteria to appear for any evaluation (SAS,ETP, Pre-Submission) are as

For Full Time Ph.D. Scholar :

--The scholars are required to be present for a minimum of 12 interaction slots out of 16 compulsory
interaction slots
Maintain biometric attendance of minimum 180 hours per term

For Part Time Ph.D. scholar:

--The scholars are required to be present for a minimum of 6 interaction slots out of 8 compulsory
interaction slots to become eligible for appearing in the next applicable evaluation.

Q13. Is it compulsory to appear for End Term Presentation ?

Ans: The Ph.D. scholar shall appear before the research advisory committee every semester to make a
presentation and submit a brief report on the progress of his/her work for evaluation and further guidance.

Q14. Can I appear for Pre-Submission with only Accepted research publication ?

Ans: The Ph.D. scholar cannot apply for the pre-Submission with Accepted research publications. The
research publications must be indexed at the time of Pre-Submission

Q15. If the research paper got published in Scopus indexed journal, however at the time of pre-submission,
the journal got discontinued from Scopus. Is a Ph.D. scholar still eligible for pre-submission ?

Ans: The scholar is not eligible for the pre-submission as the journal got discontinued from Scopus at the time
of Pre-submission.

Q16. If a Ph.D. scholar has more than 2 ETP’s satisfactory, but last ETP is “Unsatisfactory” and all other
conditions are satisfied. Is Ph.D. scholar eligible for Pre-thesis ?

Ans: The Ph.D. Scholar is not eligible for pre-thesis submission if his/her last ETP is “Unsatisfactory”. The
scholar must appear in atleast 3 ETP’s and out of which 2 ETP’s must be satisfactory along with the last ETP
should be satisfactory to be eligible for pre-thesis submission.

Q17. If a Ph.D. scholar is absent or not registered for the ETP, the scholar will be marked _________ ?

Ans: If the Ph.D. scholar is not present or not registered for the ETP, the scholar will be marked
“Unsatisfactory”. Furthermore, two continuous ETP “Unsatisfactory” or Random 3 ETP’s “Unsatisfactory”
must be avoided by the Ph.D. scholar as this may lead towards the cancellation of Ph.D. candidature.

Q18. What is the minimum duration required for the submission of Pre-Thesis ?

Ans: The Ph.D. scholar needs to complete 2.5 years from the date of admission to submit the Pre-thesis.

Q19. What is the minimum duration required for the submission of Final Thesis ?

Ans: The Ph.D. scholar needs to complete 3 years from the date of admission to submit the final thesis.

Q20. If the Pre-submission result is “Unsatisfactory” , Can a Ph.D. scholar apply for Final Thesis Submission

Ans: The Pre-submission result must be satisfactory for the scholar to apply for final thesis submission subject
to fulfilment of other eligibility

Q21. Is there any attendance criteria for submitting the final thesis ?

Ans: The Ph.D. scholar do not need to abide any attendance criteria for submitting the final thesis.

Q22. Is plagiarism an offence ?

Ans: Plagiarism is copying the work of others without providing proper consideration to them. Plagiarism is
considered academic theft because you are stealing the work of others and using it on your own. Plagiarism is
considered an offense in academics because it demoralizes the original sources.

Q23. What is the plagiarism limit for any report/Ph.D. thesis submitted during the Ph.D. programme ?

Ans: The plagiarism limit must be less than 10% in all reports/Ph.D. thesis submitted during the Ph.D.
programme. The report should be generated as per the following Turnitin settings:
Exclude quotes: On Exclude bibliography: On Exclude matches: up to 14 words.

Q24. What are the penalties in case of plagiarism ?

Ans: The penalty shall be imposed considering the severity of the plagiarism as follows:
Level 0- Similarity upto 10% – Minor similarities, no penalty
Level 1: Similarity above 10% to 40% - Scholar shall be asked to submit a revised script within a stipulated
time period not exceeding 6 months.
Level 2: Similarities above 40% to 60% - Scholar shall be debarred from submitting a revised script for a
period of one year
Level 3: Similarities above 60% - Scholar registration for that programme shall be cancelled

Q25. Is it possible to change the mode of the Programme (Part time to Full time or Full time to Part time) ?

Ans: The scholar can submit the request for the programme mode change within 1 year from the date of
registration. If the Ph.D. scholar wants to change the mode of the programme from full time to part time then
scholar needs to present the valid proof of his/her employability. The candidate needs to submit a “No
Objection certificate” from the appropriate authority in the organization where the candidate is employed. The
decision of the HD-CRDP will be considered final on the change of the mode of the programme.

Q26. If there are multiple Ph.D. scholars as co-authors in the research publication, Can the research publication
be considered for all Ph.D. scholars as a minimum publication criteria for the thesis submission ?
Ans: Only if the Ph.D. scholar is an author along with the supervisor and co-supervisor, the publication will
be considered as minimum publication criteria for thesis submission. However, if there are multiple Ph.D.
scholars as co-authors, then the Ph.D. scholar who is first in the order of co-authors will be granted the benefit
of considering the research publication towards fulfilment of minimum eligibility conditions of Pre/Final
thesis submission.


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