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English Dialogue

During breaktime in class 11 FI Meyla and okta were talking about the study tour that
would be held at their shcool.

Meyla : Hi, Okta. Have you heard about the study tour planning?

Okta :oh, yes.i’u heard it,I’m so exited! But,where will we go for the study tour?

Meyla :I don’t know, but I wish we go to the University of Gadjah Mada. what do you
Okta :In my opinion, we should go to University of Airlangga,because they have a
good facilities and the building is very nice!

Meyla : You're right! and the graduates get a good job offers.

They were arguing about wich university they would go to next.

Okta :what about the second choice of University That will we visit next?

Meyla : I Think university of Indonesia would be a great choico!

Okta :But, are we allowed to visit there?

Meyla :Yes, I saw their posters, It tells about university of Indonesia is open for all
student of high school to visit or study there!

Okta :Thats will,okay. let's propose this to the Theacher.

Meyla :I feel so relief that school make this study tour Programme for us.

Okta :Me too,it can help us to find the suitable university for us when we graduated
from high school.

Meyla :That's true, but, remember we have to maintaint our attitude and clean liness
when we in another places.

Okta : Yap, and you, don't get lort or something

After agreeiing on the teacher the university they will visit, they propose it to the
Meyla e Okta: Hello sir, good morning How are you?

sir Lingaa :oh? Hi meyla and okta, i'm good. What brings you here?

Meyla : were here to propose the destination that we will go on a study tour

Sir Lingga: Sure, what’s on your mind?

Okta : we were thinking about to go to the university of Airlangga and University of


Meyla :yap,That’s right! And at the end of study tour can What visit parangteritis

Sir lingga:Good idea, okay I will consider that, a Thankyou for your idea, okta and

One week later, today is the day that class 11 F1 will go for study tour. They leave
using a bus Sir lingga tell them a few ruless that they have to pay attention.

sir Lingga :okay guys, listen up, when We get there ,don’t make any or litter ,okay?

All student :yes, sir.

After e hours on the bus. They arrived at the hotel, they began the study tour at the
morning. The first destination is university of Indonesia, second destination is
university Airlangga, and the last destination is parangteritis beach. The study tour
programme is went well and Thanks good ness they arrived safely.

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