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Name: Respecio, Erick C. Score : __________
Year & Section: BSED 3-C Elective 2

I. Answer the following questions comprehensively.

1. Give Ten (10) characteristics of an excellent company leader to his employees.

 Focus on Relationship Building  Flexibility
 Strategic & Critical Thinking  Responsibility & Dependability
 Interpersonal Communication  Patience & Tenacity
 Open-Mindedness & Creativity  Continuous Improvement
 Authenticity & Self-Awareness  Have a vision

2. If given the chance to become a manager how can you be manipulative or democratic? Why is it
so? Choose between the two. Minimum of 100 words.
If I had a chance to be a manager ill choose to be Democratic manager because it
promotes inclusivity, collaboration, and employee empowerment. It value open communication,
encourage diverse perspectives, and involve their team in decision-making. By fostering a supportive
environment, they inspire innovation, increase employee engagement, and achieve collective goals
through shared responsibility and participatory leader.

3. In the field of human resources management , dealing with people is such a major challenge. How
can you tame people to be at their best? Minimum 100 words.
For me being a leader is a huge opportunity, leader should be a role model in a company.
I should be setting a standards for my co workers to follow. Hard working was the first examples that I
should do for them to follow and motivating them to give their best on work Managing people effectively
in human resources is a daunting task. To unlock their potential, fostering a positive work environment
is crucial. Start by understanding their needs and aspirations. Offer clear communication, support, and
recognition. Encourage collaboration and provide opportunities for growth and development. Recognize
individual strengths and assign tasks accordingly. Foster a culture of trust and respect, where diverse
perspectives are valued. Lead by example, demonstrating empathy and active listening. Encourage
open dialogue and address conflicts promptly. By nurturing their potential and creating an environment
that promotes their best, you can unlock the true potential of your people.

4. Name the best person of whom you consider as an exemplar of managing people. Why him/her?
Minimum 75 words.
For me my parents are the best example of managing people. I admire how they handle
me and my sister because I know having a son is tough . First thing that I admire is how they handle 2
children at the same time. Parents juggle or shuffle the task of handling two children by employing
effective communication, setting clear boundaries, and fostering a nurturing environment. They prioritize
quality time with each child individually, encouraging their unique interests and fostering sibling bonds.
By maintaining balance and consistency, parents create a harmonious and loving atmosphere for their
children's growth and development.

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