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Orissa Review * April - 2006

Integration of Princely States : A Study

Balabhadra Ghadai

The constitution of Orissa Order-1936 got the different parts of the princely states in Orissa. In
approval of the British king on 3rd March, 1936. 1938 Praja Mandals (Peope's Association)
It was announced that the new province would were formed and under their banner struggles
come into being on 1 April, 1936 with Sri John began for securing democratic right. In the princely
Austin Hubback I.C.S. as the Governor. On the state of Talcher a movement against feudal
appointed day in a solemn ceremony held at the exploitation made significant advance. There was
Revenshaw College Hall, Cuttack, Sir John Austin unrest at Dhenkanal also where the Ruler tried
Hubback was administered the oath of office by his best to suppress it. In October 1938 six
Sir Courtney Terrel, the Chief Justice of Bihar persons including a 12 years old body named Baji
and Orissa High Court. The Governor read out Rout died as a result of firing. There was an
the message of good will received from the British outbreak of lawlessness and the situation became
Emperor George VI and Lord Linlithgow, the serious in January 1939 when the Political Agent
Viceroy of India for the people of Orissa. Thus, Major R.L. Bazelgatte was killed by the mob on
the long cherished dream of the Oriya-speaking 5 January, 1939 at Ranpur. The troops were sent
people for years became a reality. to crush the people's movement. There was unrest
in Ranpur State in April, 1939 which was brutally
Despite staunch opposit ion to subdued.
Government of India Act, 1935 election to the
provincial legislatures were held from 18 to 23 An Enquiry Committee was constituted
January, 1937. One of the objectives of the in 1937 under the Chairmanship of Dr.
Congress was to fight against the Government of Harekrushna Mahtab to investigate the condition
India Act, 1935 and to replace it by a constitution of the native states and it submitted its report on
made by the people of India themselves. This July, 1938. It was mentioned in the report that in
encouraged the people of the new province to most of the states people suffered from worst
agitate for Civil Liberties and responsible oppression. One of the important
Government. recommendations of the committee was to cancel
the Sanads granted to the ruling chiefs and merge
In the year 1938 the Congress had their territories with the province of Orissa. The
declared at the Haripur Session that the goal of States Enquiry Committee Report was submitted
Purna Swaraj also included the independence to Lord Linlithgow, the Viceroy, during his visit to
of princely states. There was unrest and chaos in Orissa in 1939.

Orissa Review * April - 2006

The Viceroy remarked that there was no Province. On the otherhand, in July 1946 they
precise geographical boundary as such between met in a conference at Alipore and decided to
the province of Orissa and the Feudatory States form a feudal union of the Chhattisgarh and Orissa
and the people were closely linked in various States. But Mahtab did not give up the hope of
ways. The idea of integration of states was implicit some understanding and again met the rulers of
in the enquiry report. Orissa States on 16th October, 1946 at
Prior to the transfer of power, H.K. Sambalpur and initiated a discussion with them in
Mahtab the Premier of Orissa Province had made the presence of the Political Agent about the
serious attempts to solve the problems of Orissa. necessity of one administration for the States and
He met the members of the Cabinet Mission on the Province. During the discussion which lasted
6th April, 1946 and wrote to Stafford Cripps : for about six hours Mahtab emphasised on
"You know I am very much interested in the administration of law and order, food and cloth,
amalgamation of the 26 Orissa States with the control of river system, development of
Province of Orissa. I hope you will continue to communication, organisation of public health,
exercise your influence with the authorities development of education etc. But the long
concerned to bring this about as immediately as discussion yielded no satisfactory result. The rulers
possible. It seems to me none is willing to get out of Orissa States were bent upon maintaining their
of the route he has put himself in, I think a vigorous separate identities and did not like to amalgamate
push is necessary to get the entire thing out of with the province.
route. Where we say independence we mean this With the attainment of independence there
kind of vigorous push. I hope you will be able to emerged two opposing forces in the States of
supply this to India this time "As there were so Orissa. While one demanded merger of the States
many important matters before the Cabinet with the Province, the other demanded the
Mission it could not look to the specific problem formation of popular ministries under the aegis of
of Orissa. In the statement of Cabinet Mission the Feudal Rulers. The Regional Council of the
issued on 16th May, 1946 it was however A.I.S.P.C. amply aided by the provincial Govt.
contemplated that a satisfactory solution to the of Orissa championed the cause of the merger.
problem of the Indian States would be achieved H.K. Mahtab the Premier of Orissa sincerely tried
by mutual negotiations. Mahtab tried his best to to state the activities of the anti-merger group.
convince the rulers of Orissa States about the On 20th November, 1947 a meeting was
benefits of mutual co-operation and wrote to them held in Delhi in the official chamber of the
personal letters on 10th May, 1946 and again on Secretary to Government of India, Ministry of
29th June, 1946. He was convinced that the States, to discuss on the problem. In this meeting
amalgamation of the States with the province on Mahtab and the Regional Commissioner of
terms agreed upon by the parties concerned Sambalpur were present. In the meeting tentative
would best serve the interest of both the Province conclusions were reached: first, the Eastern States
and States. Therefore, he appealed to the rulers Union should not be recognised by the
to join with the province and bring about a Government of India, Secondly, that the B and C
common administration. class States should be asked to agree to common
The rulers of the Orissa States did not administration of certain subjects by the Provincial
show any interest to merge their States with the Govt. and thirdly, the Ministry of States should

Orissa Review * April - 2006

call a meeting of the rulers of B and C class states The merger of the 25 states came into force from
at Cuttack sometimes in December, 1947. 1st January 1948. The only state that was left out
Sardar Patel, the Minister of States, V.P. of the merger scheme was Mayurbhanj. But in
Menon the Secretary of the States Department course one year, the Ruler himself got disgusted
and other reached Cuttack on 13th December with his own Government and pleaded for a take
1947. They met the rulers of Orissa States on over of the State. On 1 January 1949 the state
14th December. The Minister exhorted the Rulers was merged with the province of Orissa. The two
to voluntarily relinguish all power and authority, states of Saraikela and Kharasuan which were
as they had no resource to build up a stable originally integrated with Orissa were finally
Government. After lot of hesitation initially 25 transferred to the Government of Bihar through
Rulers affixed their signatures in the merger the arbitration of the Government of India. Thus
document. Only Mayurbhanj was left out of the Dr. Mahtab's leading role in the field of integration
agreement on the ground that the ruler had then of Princely States has made his name indelible in
set up a Government composed of popular the minds of millions of people of Orissa for all
representatives and so could not make any time to come.
commitment without consulting his Minister. The
Govt. of India then delegated to the Govt. of
Orissa the power to administer the Orissa States Balabhadra Ghadai is the Principal of M.K. College,
in the same manner as the district in that province. Khiching, Mayurbhanj, Orissa.

Hon'ble Chief Minister Shri Naveen Patnaik going round the Biju Patnaik Swimming
Pool Complex at Kalinga Stadium, Bhubaneswar after inaugurating it on 4.3.2006


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