Lesson Plan T and R

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Lesson Plan in English (Grade 9)

Time Frame: 45 minutes

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

1. Extract information from a material viewed/read.
2. Identify the characteristics of ideas that show relevance and truthfulness.
3. Figure out which information is relevant and irrelevant from the given topic.
4. Determine the relevance and the truthfulness of the ideas presented in the material viewed.

II. Subject Matter: English

Topic: Relevance and Truthfulness

Instructional Materials: printed materials, manila paper and chalk

III. Procedure

Preliminary Activities
1. Greetings
2. Opening Prayer
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Review

 What is an infinitive?
 What are the 3 functions of infinitives?
 What are they differences?

5. Motivation

Instruction: Examine the pictures below and answer the questions that follow.

Process Questions:

 What issue is presented in the pictures?

 Is the issue relevant in our current times? Yes/No, Why?
Lesson Proper

A1- Activity: lets watch this!

Instruction: I will be playing a video entitled, “Does social Media Have the Power to Change the
World? “ Please watch this attentively. You will be guided with the following questions for you to
answer on a sheet of paper. Please open this link: https://youtu.be/-2vCNtijOP0

Process Questions:

 What have you observed in the video presented?

 What do you think is the message of the video presented?
 What are some information from the video clip that show relevance and truthfulness about you as
a social media user?

A2- Analysis

Answer the following questions

 What are social networking sites used all over the world?
 What do you think is the impact of social networking sites to people around the world?

A3- Abstraction


 What is relevant information?

 How do we know if the ideas are relevant?
 How do we know if the information is truthful?
 What is the difference between relevant and truthfulness information?
 What is irrelevant information?
 What are the tips we must check in order to avoid irrelevant information?
A4- Application



Instructions: Read and understand this reading material entitled, Social Media Networks Are Changing
Our Way of Having Relationships. Read it carefully for you to answer the questions that follow.

A. Pre-reading

Motive Question: How social media changes our way of having relationships?

B. During Reading
A. On a separate sheet of paper, answer this quiz. Analyze whether the idea is relevant or irrelevant based
on the material given by writing the word RELEVANT or IRRELEVANT.

1. The things we post on social networking sites are available at a specific time only.

2. Personal lives become publicize on social media.

3. Users can control who sees their post online.

4. Most of those have accounts on social media are teenagers.

5. Many people are relate to others without getting to know the real person face to face.

B. Analyze whether the idea is truthful or untruthful based on the material given by writing the word

1. The term “facebook addiction” has been defined by psychologist.

2. Social media didn’t change the way people communicate with each other.

3. Social media relationship is lasting.

4. In the future, social media networks may do more what it can today.

5. Social media may influence how one thinks and decides in life.
IV. Evaluation


Group 1&2: Venn diagram

 Make a Venn diagram about relevant and truthfulness information.

Group 3&4: Infographic

 Create an infographic about the tips we must check to avoid irrelevant information.

Group 5&6: Concept Map

 Make a concept map about relevant and irrelevant information.



Pre-service Teacher Cooperating Teacher

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