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re jot, 4 i i 1d laws i ‘eriot, When justice explained the ol and oeaee ee interpr tation and equitable solution in the casey gave Jon the parties. ‘Therefore, it is a source of Hindu law. : OF MUSLI LAW. WHO IS MUSLIM? SOU! oes INTRODUCTION | from Arabic language. According to ‘The word ‘Islam' is derived 1 u f Arabic language, Islam means submission to the will of God. It is the used in Arabic. It appears that, it Se in which the verb Aslama is Bante i tbere tion of a new faith. Therefore the word s, one who adopts the faith of Islam, explain the deliberate adop ‘Muslim’ is an action. it mean: Therefore, this law is enacted. ‘Thus Mohmedan law or Islamic law is based;on religion of Islam, ‘This law is a persona law. It is applicable to Racca ‘Muslim: people or Islamic community of India, Generally Musli: ‘those peoples who believes in Islamic religion. It is also applic (9 Stich ‘person who is a personal law of converted a religion that is become Mu: z Muslim people. The main reason is t explains the various — custom, tradition, behavior of Muslim : E WHO IS MUSLIM Originally, Muslim law, is ereated ftom the Muslim, religion & also Muslim religion is depen on Quranic theory. Therefore, any person who professes, the wailiine religion, he!is Muslim. Such Poe ey bea Be i le may: be a Muslim by conversion. us y origin “Who believés“in the principle of the unity. of God. That is God is ofié & Muslizhcis the prophet = God. In this oe ual religion is adopted», 1 wan Bahl De selling person are Muslim according to the Muslim law. The Quran P The Sunna The lima ‘The Quiyas ‘The Custom SECONDARY OR MODERN squkcES The Legislation | | The precedent ie The equity, justice & good conscience wo vsen- Pane es ean PRIMARY OR ANCIENT OR HISTORICAL SOURCI 1. THE QURAN lee s oy a The Quran is most important spuice of Muse ey jecguse it is a fundamental part of Muslim law. Thé Quraniis Words of\G&d. These words communicated to prophet. THe prophet Mohatti during the last.23 years of his life. So it is consjder asdirect;words of God. There are_about 6000 verses in the Quran! Theénti ran consist 30 parts. out of them 80 versed deal sy w & recognized 10 verses. the contents 0 Q have®apifitual “vz . It is a divine book, which provide human being&into Het t:way of life. The chapter of Quran is also called as Sung, Therefore this chapter is under the separate heading. In shorigisig Cieiost important book of ‘Allah.’ 2... THE SUNNA S ey yurce of Muslim law. The Sunna i is the practice & the procedure of the prophet mohd.. It is nextin order of authority to Quran. They are the traditions to-practiceaction saying of the prophet mohd. All these are not, written’ down during his lifetime. But these are preserved by the t handed }down by persoris of authority. Since, these were pee Godiithey have the force of law. In short it is way of Musli Sor which is adopted at the time of life. : u 0 elating to the “Therefore, Sunna means a procedure which are r tradition & precedent from the success of prophet under the Sunna. 3, THE IJMA pa i jurist between followers of “phe Ijma is an agreement of the jurist ‘ aia te particulars question. They are respected as authority next serev Quran & Gunna. So it is a consent of head of he Mu ee community. b i in vari that erefore it explain various cases eae of person who have attained the ran] ts day arising from day to 1k of jurist who are the Bienen a

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