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DPP NO. : 5


1. In the above question, if γ = 1.5, the gas may

a) Monoatomic
b) Diatomic
c) A mixture of monoatomic and diatomic gases
d) A mixture of diatomic and triatomic gases

2. An ideal gas 𝐴 and a real gas 𝐵 have their volumes increased from 𝑉 to 2 𝑉 under isothermal
conditions. The increase in internal energy
a) Of 𝐴 will be more than 𝐵 b) Of 𝐴 will be less than 𝐵
c) Will be same in both cases d) Will be zero in both cases

3. An ideal heat engine works between temperatures 𝑇1 = 500K and 𝑇2 = 375K. If the engine
absorbs 600 J of heat from the source, then the amount of heat released to the sink is
a) 450 J b) 600 J c) 45 J d) 500 J
4. A cyclic process ABCDA is shown below in the given p-V diagram. In the following answers
the one that represents the same process as in p-V diagram

p C

5. The temperature-entropy diagram of a reversible engine cycle is given in the figure. Its
efficiency is

2T 0


S0 2S 0 S

a) 1/2 b) 1/4 c) 1/3 d) 2/3

6. A vessel containing 5 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠 of a gas at 0.8 𝑚 pressure is connected to an evacuated vessel of

volume 3 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠. The resultant pressure inside will be (assuming whole system to be isolated)
a) 4/3 𝑚 b) 0.5 𝑚 c) 2.0 𝑚 d) 3/4 𝑚
7. A Carnot engine whose low-temperature reservoir is at 27℃ has efficiency 37.5%. The high-
temperature reservoir is at
a) 480℃ b) 327℃ c) 307℃ d) 207℃

8. During an isothermal expansion of an ideal gas

a) Its internal energy decreases
b) Its internal energy does not change
c) The work done by the gas is equal to the quantity of heat absorbed by it
d) Both (b) and (c) are correct

9. During the adiabatic expansion of 2 moles of a gas, change in internal energy was found to be
equal to 100 J. Work done in the process will be equal to
a) 100 J b) 50 J c) 200 J d) 400 J

10. Heat is not being exchanged in a body. If its internal energy is increased, then
a) Its temperature will increase b) Its temperature will decrease
c) Its temperature will remain constant d) None of these

11. The temperature of the system decreases in the process of

a) Free expansion b) Adiabatic expansion
c) Isothermal expansion d) Isothermal compression

12. Figure shows two processes 𝑎 and 𝑏 for a given sample of a gas, if ∆𝑄1, ∆𝑄2 are the amounts
of heat absorbed by the system in the two cases, and ∆𝑈1, ∆𝑈2 are changes in internal
energies respectively, then

a) ∆𝑄1 = ∆𝑄2,; ∆𝑈1 = ∆𝑈2 b) ∆𝑄1 > ∆𝑄2; ∆𝑈1 > ∆𝑈2
c) ∆𝑄1 < ∆𝑄2; ∆𝑈1 < ∆𝑈2 d) ∆𝑄1 > ∆𝑄2; ∆𝑈1 = ∆𝑈2

13. The isothermal bulk modulus of a perfect gas at normal pressure is

a) 1.013 × 105𝑁/𝑚2 b) 1.013 × 106𝑁/𝑚2 c) 1.013 × 10-11𝑁/𝑚2 d) 1.013 × 1011𝑁/𝑚2

14. Which one of the following gases possesses the largest internal energy?
a) 2 moles of helium occupying 1 m3 at 300 K
b) 56 g of nitrogen at 107 N m-2 at 300 K
c) 8 g of nitrogen at 107 Nm-2 at 300 K
d) 6 × 1026 molecules of argon occupying 40 m3 at 900K
15. For the same rise in temperature of one mole of gas at constant volume, heat required for a non
linear triatomic gas is 𝐾 times that required for monatomic gas. The value of 𝐾 is
a) 1 b) 0.5 c) 2 d) 2.5

16. When heat energy of 1500 𝑗𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑒𝑠, is supplied to a gas at constant pressure 2.1 × 105𝑁/𝑚2,
there was an increase in its volume equal to 2.5 × 10-3𝑁/𝑚2. The increase in internal energy of
the gas in joules is
a) 450 b) 525 c) 975 d) 2025

17. When two moles of oxygen is heated from 0℃ ― 10℃ at constant volume, its internal energy
changes by 420 J. What is the molar specific heat of oxygen at constant volume?
a) 5.75 JK-1mol-1 b) 10.5 JK-1mol-1 c) 21 JK-1 mol-1 d) 42 JK-1mol-1

18. In the thermodynamical process, pressure of a fixed mass of gas is changed in such a manner
that the gas releases 20 J of heat and 8 J of work is done on the gas. if internal energy of the gas
was 30 J, then the final internal energy will be
a) 42 J b) 18 J c) 12 J d) 60 J

19. During an adiabatic process, the pressure of a gas is found to be proportional to the cube of the
absolute temperature. The ratio 𝐶 = γ for the gas is

a) 2 b) 3/2 c) 5/3 d) 4/3

20. In which thermodynamic process, volume remains same?

a) Isobaric b) Isothermal c) Adiabatic d) Isochoric

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