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Insurance Law - Previous Year Questions (Compiled By Laxmikant Joshi)

1. Write a note on History of Insurance business in India.

2. Write the history of insurance contract and, its làws.
3. Write an essay History of insurance, India.

4. Define Life Insurance Contract. State, the Amounts recoverable' under Life Insurance.
5. Write a detailed notes on fundamental principles of Insurance contract.
6. Define Life Insurance Contract. Explain in detail types of Life Insurance Contract.
7. What is Life Insurance Contract ? How is claim settled under Life Insurance Contract ?
8. Elaborate the various principles of Insurance contract.
9. What do you mean by insurance contract ? Elaborate the various types of insurance.
10. Define life Insurance. How claims are settled under Life Insurance Policies ?

11. What are the different kinds.of Insurance Explain with its essential features.

12. What is Risk ? Explain elements, commencement, duration and termination of Risk.
13. Define risk. Risk is the soul of Insurance Contract. Discuss in detail.

14. Elucidate the provisions of Fire Insurance Contract with decided Case Laws.
15. Write an essay on Fire Insurance

16. what is assignment of policies ?.State the procedure of assignment of policies under Life, Marine and.
Fire insuränce 'law.

17. What is an assignment of policy ? Explain its. procedure under Life, Marine and Fire Insurance

18. What are the powers. and functions of Insurnce Regulatory und Development Authority under IRDA
Act, 1999.
19. Discuss in detail composition structure duties power function of industrial Regulatory and
Development authority under IRDA Act, 1999.
20. Write a note on Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999.
21. Write a detailed note on Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority..

22. State the salient features of the Personal Injuries (Compensation Insurance), Act, 1963.

23. Define Marine Insurance. Explain perils of the séa under Marine Insurance
24. Explain Marine Insurance. Discuss the principle of warranties under Marine Insurance Contract. .
25. Define Marine insurance contract Discuss in detail the kinds of Marine Policies.
26. Write an essay. on Marine Insurance Contract.

Write short notes

1. Personal injuries (Compensation insurance) Act, 1963
2. Fire Insurance
3. Voyage devíation
4. Group Life Insurance and Mediclaim.
5. Fatal Accident
6. History of injury
7. Policies covering accidental loss, damage to property.
8. Agricultural Insurance.
9. Assignment of Policy
10. Double and Reinsurance
11. Medical Insurance
12. Theft Policies.

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