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1. Which of the following is NOT a feature of a private limited company?

→Shares can be bought and sold on the Stock Exchange

2. Which of the following statements best applies to a public limited company(PLC)?
→It is owned by shareholders who can sell their shares on the Stock Exchange
3. The main reason why the owners of many private limited companies convert into public limited
companies is that:
→They want to raise additional capital to expand the business
4. Which One of the following statements about a Profit and Loss is NOT correct?
A Profit and Loss Account can help business owners identify cash flow problems
5.Indicate which one of the following statements about a Balance Sheet is False?
→ A Balance sheet gives the most complete picture possible os a company's financial position
6. Indicate which one of the following statements about a Cash flow statement is CORRECT?
→A Cash flow statement is always for historical performance (i.e It reports on what has happened)
7. Which one of the following would NOT improve the current ratio?
→-Borrow short tèm to financial additional fixed asset
8. The gross profit margin is unchanged, but the net profit margin declined over the same period. This
could have happened if
→the US Congress increased the tax rate
9. A firm's operating cycle is equal to its inventory turnover in days
→Plus its receivable turnover in days (RTD)
10. It is an artificial being created by the operation of law, having right of succession and the powers,
attributes and properties expressly authorized by law or incident to its existence is called
11. One of the forms of business organization owned by a manager is
→Sole Proprietorship
12. A concept which states that the transactions of the business must be distinguished and different
related to transactions of the owners is called
→Business entity concept
13. The following are disadvantages of sole proprietorship, EXPECT
→BUSINESS entity's unlimited existence
14. The following are rights of a Corporation, EXPECT
It can acquire property in the name of the owner
15. A business organization that has not less than five but not more than 15 members is called
16. The following are disadvantages of a Partnership, EXPECT
Large sources of funds
17. How many people can be in a partnership? 2-20
18. What is the biggest risk of starting a new business? Failing
19. Which of the following is an example of a franchise? MCDonald
20. Which of the following is an advantage of a partnership? Shared responsibility
21. What is the name of a person who owns part of a corporation? Shareholder
22. What is the most common form of business ownership? Sole proprietorship
23. Business is subject to many more laws and are more difficult to form Corporation
24. The major policy and financial decision makers of a corporation are determined by the
Board of Directors
25. This type of organization is a legal entity separate from its owners Corporation

26. Which of the following is a drawback for an entrepreneur setting up a business as a sole
Unlimited liability
27. Which of the following is an advantage of operating a large established business as a corporation?
Share can be sold to the public to raise additional financial
28.2 companies come togethe to complete a specific project ends after a specific of time?
→>Joint venture
29. More people in the world start corporations than sole proprietorships
30. This type of business is owned by stockholders → Corporation
31. The type of business ownership in which all business decisions are the sole responsibilty of the
>>sole proprietorship
32. This type of organization is a legal entity separate from its owners Corporation
33. Two businesses work together for mutual benefit ->Joint venture
34. U are investing $100 today in a savings acc at your local bank. Which one of the following terms
refers to the value of this investment on year from now? Future value
35. Tracy invested $1,000 five yrs ago and earns 4 percent interest on her investment. By leaving her
interest earnings in her accounts, she increases the amount of interest she earn each year. The way she
is handing her interét income is referred to as which one of the following?
36. Interest earned on both the initial principal and the interest reinvested from prior periods is called...
Compound interest
37. Sare invested $500 six yrs ago at 5 percent interest. She spends her earnings as soon as she earns
any interest so she only receives interest on her initial $500 investment. Which type of interest is Sara
earning? Simple interest

1. Shelley won a lottery and will receive $1,000 a year for the next ten years. The value of her winnings
today discounted at her discount rate is called which one of the following?
→ present value
2. Terry is calculating the present value of a bonus he will receive next year. The process he is using is
→ discounting
3. Steve just computed the present value of a $10,000 bonus he will receive in the future. The interest
rate he used in this process is referred to as which one of the following?
→discount rate
4. The process of determining the present value of future cash flows in order to know their worth today
is called which one of the following?
->discounted cash flow valuation
5. Andy deposited $3000 this morning... compounded annually. Barb also deposited $3,000... pays 5
percent interest.. which one of the following statements is true?
>Barb will earn interest on interest
6. To increase a given present value, the discount rate should be adjusted
-> downward
7. When n = 1, this interest factor equals one for any positive rate of interest
8. (1+i)mũn -> FVIF

9. In a typical loan amortization schedule, the dollar amount of interest paid each period
>> decreases with each payment
10. In a typical loan amortization schedule, the dollar amount of money paid each period
→>remains constant with each payment
11. In 3 yrs, you are to receive $5,000. If the interest rate were to suddenly increase the present value of
that future amount to your would → full
12. Investment is the
>> employment of funds on assets to earn returns
13. Financial management is mainly concerned with
-> all aspects of acquiring and utilizing financial resources for firms activities
14. The primary goal of the financial management is
→>to maximize the wealth of owners
15. In his traditional role the finance manager is responsible for
→ arrangement of financial resources
16. Market value of the shares are decided by
>the investment market
17. Which of the following is an example of systematic risk?
>>The government raises interest rates unexpectedly
18. Investors can eliminate what type of risk by diversifying? → Unsystematic risk
19. Ahmad is considering investing in stocks. Which is the less risky investment?
>> Stock B: SD=6%; E(R) = 10%
20. Below are all types of return except:
-> Possible return
21. Which of the following statements about risk is TRUE?
->Risk is about how uncertain your returns could be
22. If employees of a company go on strike, this is an example of which types of investment risk?
→ industry risk
23. Plugging is an example of which of the following types investment risk?
-> industry risk
24. Investment A has an expected return of 15% per year, while Investment B has an expected return of
12 per year. A will choose
>Investment A if A and B are of equal risk
25. You are considering investing in Ford Motor Company. Which of the following are examples of
diversifiable risk?
I Risk resulting from possibility of a stock market crash
II. Risk resulting from uncertainty regarding a possible strike against Ford
III. Risk resulting from an expensive recall of a Ford product
IV. Risk resulting from interest rates decreasing

1. The agency problem will occur in a business if the goal of... is not in line with
manager, shareholders.
2. which one of the following will increase the cash cycle
>> having a larger percentage of customers paying with cash instead of credit
3. which of the following will increase the cash cycle, all else constant: I increasing II decreasing III
increasing IV decreasing
> I and II only

4. which one of the followings statements is correct concerning unsystematic risk
→ Eliminating unsystematic risk is the responsibility of the individual investor
5. what are the ultimate goal of financial management
→> maximizing the firm value for the shareholder
6. which one of the following is a capital structure decision
>>> determining how much debt should be assumed to fund a project
7. which of the following are uses of cash: I collecting II increasing III obtaining IV paying
→> II and IV only
8. According to CAMP the amount of reward an investor receives for bearing the risk of an individual
security depends upon the
>> market risk premium and the amount of systematic risk inherent in the security
9. which one of the following increases cash
-> accepting credit from a supplier
10. working capital management
-> is concerned with having sufficient funds to operate the business on a daily basis
11. the expected return on a stock given various states of the economy is equal to the
→> weighted average of the returns for each economic state
12. a stakeholder is
>> any person or entity other than a stockholder who potentially has claim on the cash flows of a firm
13. which on of the following is a capital budgeting decision line
>> deciding whether or not to purchase a new machine for the production
14. the greater the beta, the of security involved
→greater the unavoidable risk
15. which one of the following is a capital budgeting decision
>> deciding whether or not a new production facility should be built
16. which one of the following is a capital structure decision
determining how much debt should be assumed to fund a project
17. which one of the following is a capital budgeting decision
>> deciding whether or not to purchase a new machine for the production line (CB)
18. which of the following is a capital budgeting decision
→> should the firm buy or lease a new machine that it is committed to acquiring
19. the best definition of a sole trader form of business organization
->the business is owed by one person
20. one of the claimed advantages of the sole trader business is that
>the owner has independence
21. one of the disadvantages of the sole trader business is that
-> capital limited to the owner's saving and bank loans
22. one of the advantages of a partnership form of business organization
>> the business has access to more capital than a sole trader

1. Which of the following would be classified a cash inflow from investing activities?
I. Proceeds from selling investments in the debt securities of other entities, except cash equivalents
IL Proceeds from collecting the principal amount of loans
III. proceeds from selling investments in the equity securities of other companies
2. which of the following are operating cash flow?
I. interest received

II. interest paid
III. dividends received
IV. dividends paid
3. Which of the following would be considered a liability that arises from financing activities?
4. Which of the following best describes an income statement
=> An income statement measures a company's financial performance over a specified period of time
5. Which of the following best describes an balance sheet?
=> It reports the amount and composition of assets and liabilities for a specific accounting period
6. Firm A capitalized an expense and an otherwise identical Firm B expensed it. Then,
=>A shows higher operating cash flow and investing cash flow
7. Quick ratio indicates the....
=> Cash position of the company
8. Annuity is defined as-
=> Equal cash flows at equal intervals of time at a specific period
9. At the interest rate of 15% the 2 years discounting factor will be
=> 0,7561
10. The firm's investment decision is also called as the
=> Capital budgeting decision
11. The creditors of company are usually interested in observing the-
=>Liquidity Ratio
12. From the following, which is not considered as the financial asset?
13. Short Term Period in business is generally
=>Less than a year
14. What is the times Interest earned for the company?
15. What is the after-tax return on stockholder's equity for the year?
16. The debt to equity ratio is computed as: (Total Liabilities /Total Shareholders' Equity)
17. Which of the following will likely have the reported amounts on the balance sheet closest to their
current vaue?
=> Current Assets
18.A corporation's excellent reputation will be listed among the corporation's assets on Its balanca
19. The current market value of a corporation is approximately the amount reported on the balance
sheet as stockholders equity.
20. Free cash flow is the cash provided by operating activities minus the cash used by financing activities
21. Working capital is net working capital
=>The same as
22. the amounts needed to compute a company's working capital come from which of the following
financial statements?
=> Balance Sheet

23. The operating cycle for most companies will be than one year
=> Shorter
24. In what order will a company's current assets appear on a classified balance sheet
=> Order of liquidity
25. Is it true or false that current liabilities are listed on a company's balance sheet in the order in which
they need to be paid
26. How will the total amount of a company's working capital change when a $10,000 account
receivable is collected
=>The total remains the same
27. How will the total amount of a company's working capital change when the company pays $8,000 of
its accounts payable
=>The total remains the same
28. How will a company's liquidity chang when some of its products are sold from inventory
>>Its Liquidity increases
29. Which of the following amounts will be used in both the calculation of the current ratio and the
quick ratio
>The total amount of current liabilities
30. Which of the following is another name of the quick ratio
=>> Acid test ratio
31. Which is a better indicator of a company's liquidity
=> Quick ratio
32. Which of the following will indicate the specific accounts receivable that have not been collected
>> Aging of accounts receivable
33. Which of the following uses amounts from more than one financial statement
=> Inventory turnover ratio
34. A company received a $5000 invoice for consulting services it had received. The Company chooses to
use its business credit card instead of paying cash. Under the accrual method of accounting, will the use
of the credit card result in the company having more working capital
=> No
35. The section of the statement of cash flows that shows the adjustments to most of a company's
working capital accounts is the cash flow activities
→ Operating
36. Does an amount in parentheses on the statement of cash flows (SCF) indicate that the amount
described was favorable or unfavorable for the company's cash balance and/or liquidity
=> Unfavorable
37. If a company's accounts receivable increased by $23,000 during the year, will the $23,000 appear as
a positive or negative amount on the statement of cash flows
38. If a company's accounts payable decreased $16,000 during the year, will the $16,000 appear as a
positive or negative amount on the statement of cash flows
=> Negative
PAGE 42-55

1. The wider the dispersion of returns on a stock, the:

Higher the standard deviation

2. A stock is expected to return 11% in a normal economy, 19% if the economy booms, and lose 8% if
the economy moves into a recessionary period. Economists predict a 65% chance of a normal economy,
a 25% chance of a boom, and 10% chance of a recession. What is the expected return on the stock?
3. The return may be thought of as ....
=>The growth in the value of an investment
4. Dividends... the rate of return?
=> Increase
5. A holding period...
=> Can be any length of time
6. What does the standard deviation measure?
=> Risk
7. Think carefully about this one. Some investors will accept high-risk investments and some investors
prefer low-risk investments. What term best describes that situation?
=>Risk tolerance
8. An example of a specific risk:
=>A CEO is fired
9. In the financial markets, What is the DOW used for?
It measures stock price levels for the entire market
10. The DOW sample of stocks is considered a valid representation of the market because....
It is designed to include companies for major industries
It represents large amount (25%) of the value of all stocks traded
11. How many stocks are included in the DOW?
12. Which type of risk does diversification help to manage?
=> Specific
13. It is generally thought that an investor is fully diversified if she owns... stocks 20
14. What risk does the standard deviation measure?
15. Investors profit from investments in stock by ....
=> receiving dividends / price growth CA 2 DEU ĐÚNG
16. A rational investor will invest in a risky stock if ...
=>They think they will earn a large return on the investment/ they have a high risk tolerance
17. Compared to the DOW, the S&P 500 is
>Is generally thought to represent a more valid sample
18. Which stock would an investor with a high risk tolerance prefer?
=>Stock C has a mean return of 12% and a standard deviation of 10%
19. The mean of 50 monthly returns for a stock is 13%. The standard deviation is 5%. We can, therefore,
be 68% certain that the return for any particular month is at least
20. A set of possible values that a random variable can assume and their associated probabilities of
occurrence are referred to as.....
Probability distribution
21. A statistical measure of the variability of a distribution around its mean is referred to as...
>The Standard deviation.

22. the weighted average of possible returns, with the weights being the probabilities of occurrence is
referred to as ...
=>The expected return
23. Total portfolio risk is
=> Equal to systematic risk plus diversifiable risk
24....... is the variability of return on stocks or portfolios not explained by general market movements. It
is avoidable through diver
=>unsystematic ris
25....... is the variability of return on stocks or portfolios associated with changes in return on the market
as a whole
=>Systematic risk
26. Which of the following statements regarding covariance is correct?
=> covariances can take on positive, negative, or zero values
27. Total portfolio risk is....
=> Equal to systematic risk plus diversifiable risk
28..... is the variability of return on stocks or portfolios not explained by general market movements. It is
avoidable through diversification
=>Systematic risk
29. Which of the following indexes would be most the appropriate proxy to measure the market
portfolio in the CAPM?
=> Standard & Poor's 500
30...... describes the linear relationship between expected rates of return for individual securities (or
portfolios) and....
=> security market line; beta
31. The..... describes the relationship between an individual security's returns on the market portfolio.
the slope of this line is....
=> characteristic line; beta
32. Which os the following items describes an index measure of systematic risk?
=> Beta
33. What is the beta for an average risk security? What is the beta for a Treasury bill?
34. A firm has a higher quick (or acid test) ratio than the Industry average, which implies
=>the firm has a higher P/E ratio than other firms in the Industry and the firm is more likely to avoid
Insolvency In the short run than other firms in the Industry.
35. A firm has a lower quick (or acid test) ratio than the Industry average, which implies
=> the firm is less likely to avoid insolvency In the short run than other firms in the Industry and the
firm' may be more profitable than other firms in the industry
36. An example of a liquidity ratio is
=> current ratio and acid test or quick ratio
37. A firm has a higher asset turnover ratio than the industry average, which implies
=> the firm is utilizing assets more efficiently than other firms in the industry
38.......... of the profitability of the firm over a period of time such as a year.
=>The income statement is a summary
39. What does the current ratio show?
=> The current ratio shows how well we are able to pay our current liabilities with our current assets
40. What is the debt ratio?
=> The debt ratio explains the percentage of assets financed with loans

co ai o day khongggg có ĐEO

Câu 1:
Mrs. A and her husband are planning for their son's education. The son will start to study abroad in 10
years. They have decided to deposit into a bank account an equal amount of money each year over the
next 10 years, starting one year from now. How much will they have to deposit each year to have VND 5
bilion in 10 years if the annual interest rate is 8% peryear?
VND 0.319 bilion
VND 0.345 billion
VND 2.31 billion
VND 0.745 bilion
Câu 2:
When considering a capital budgeting project the financial manager should consider the:
1. Size of the project
II. Timing of the project's cash flow
III. Risk associated with the project's cash flows
I only
II and III only
I, II and III
I and III only
Câu 3: Happy Harry has just bought a scratch lottery ticket and won €10,000. He wants to finance the
future study of his newly born daughter and invests this money in a fund with a maturity of 18 years
offering a promising yearly return of 6%. What is the amount available on the 18th birthday of his
€ 25,843
€ 30,255
Câu 4: A portfolio comprises two securities and the expected returns are 20% and 26% respectively.
Determine the expected rate of return of the portfolio if first security constitutes 60% of total portfolio.
Câu 5: Which one of the following increases cash?
granting credit to a customer
purchasing new machinery
accepting credit from a supplier,
Câu 6: A stakeholder is
A person who initially founded a firm and currently has management control over that firm
A person who owns shares of stock
Any person or entity other than a stockholder who potentially has a claim on the cash flows of a firm
Any person who has voting rights based on stock ownership of a corporation
Câu 7: The agency problem will occur in a business if the goal of .... is not in line with..
Employees, managers
Managers, the government

Managers, shareholders
Shareholders, the public
Câu 8: Which of the following will increase the cash cycle, all else constant?
I. increasing the inventory period
II. decreasing the accounts receivable turnover rate
II. increasing the accounts payable period
IV. decreasing the accounts receivable period
I, II and III only
III and IV only
I and II only
I and IV only
Câu 9: A&A has beginning inventory of VND 407 billion, ending inventory of VND 503 blion and cost of
good sold for the year is VND 4,105 billion. What is the inventory turnover?
9.2 times
9.02 times
Câu 10: The effective rate of interest associated with a 6% nominal rate of return when interest is
compounded monthly is:
Câu 11: If current asset is VND 191 billion; inventories are VND 91 billion and current liabilities are VND
94 billion then quick ratio is:
1.06 times
1.98 times
Câu 12: A statistical measure of the degree to which two variables (e.g., securities' returns) move
Coefficient of variation
Câu 13: Assume you deposit VND 500 million at the end of each year for five years in a saving account. If
the annual compound interest rate is 10%, how much money will you have in five years?
VND 3,352.55 million
VND 3,252.55 million
VND 3.052.55 million
VND 3,152.55 million
Câu 14: What are the ultimate goal of financial management?
Maximizing the firm value for the sharehoder
Maximizing the sustainable growth of the corporation
Maximizing the sales for the shareholder
Maximizing the profit for the shareholders
Câu 15; The relationship

described by the security market line
Expected return, systematic risk
Total return, systematic risk
Total return, unsystematic risk
Expected return, unsystematic risk
Câu 16: BM has beginning working capital of VND 607 billion, ending working capital of VND 503 bilion
and net sale for the year is VND 4,105 billion. What is the working capital turnover?
9.2 times
7.40 times
Câu 17: You recently purchased a stock which is expected to earn 22% in a booming economy; 9% in
normal economy, and lose 33% in recessionary economy. There is a 5% probability of a boom, a 75%
chance of a normal economy and 20% probabilityy of a recessionary economy. What is your expected
rate of return on this stock?
Câu 18: Suppose you borrows VND 2,000 million. You are going to repay the loan by making equal
annual payments at the end of the year for five years. If the interest rate of the loan is 13% per year,
how much money will you have to pay each year for this loan?
VND 568.63 milion
VND 578.63 million
VND 668.63 million
VND 588.63 million
Câu 19: GLK company purchases the machine of VND 1,800 million. Straight-line depreciation method is
used, based on a 12-year life. The machine's depreciation each year is:
VND 140 milion
VND 150 milion
VND 120 million
VND 180 million
Câu 20: If current asset is VND 192 billion; inventories are VND 91 billion and current liabilities are VND
97 billion then current ratio is:
1.04 times
1.98 times
Câu 21: Which on of the following is a capital budgeting decision?
Deciding whether or not to purchase a new machine for the production line
Determine how many shares of stock to issue
Deciding how to refinance a debt issue that is maturing
Deciding how much inventory should kept on hand
Câu 22: The risk - free rate of return is 6% and the market risk premium is 6%. What is the required rate
of return on a stock with a beta of 1.5?

Câu 23: Which of the following are uses of cash?
1. collecting a receivable
II. increasing inventory
III. obtaining a bank loan
IV. paying a supplier for previous purchases
I and II only
I, II, and IV only
II and IV only
I and II only
Câu 24: Which one of the following is a capital structure decision?
determining how much debt should be assumed to fund a project
determining which one of two projects to accept
determining how to allocate investment funds to multiple projects
determining the amount of funds needed to finance customer purchases of anew product
Câu 25: The greater the beta, the..... of the security involved
Less the unavoidable risk
Greater the unavoidable risk
Less the avoidable risk
Greater the avoidable risk
Câu 26: Blue Moon Corporation has a net profit margin of 6.8%, total asset turnover of 1.95 and ROE of
18.27%. What is Blue Moon's equity multiplier?
Câu 27: BM has sales of VND 29 billion, total assets of VND 17.5 billion and total debts of VND 6.3 billion.
If the net profit margin is 8%. What is ROA?
Câu 28: A&B stock has a beta of 1.09. The risk - free rate of return is 2.75% and the market rate of return
is 9.8%. What is the risk premium on this stock?
Câu 29: Which one of the following is the formula that explains the relationship between the expected
return on a security and the level of that security's systematic risk?
Capital asset pricing model
Time value of money equation
Unsystematic risk equation
Market performance equation
Câu 30 The expected risk premium on a stock is equal to the expected return on the stock minus the
inflation rate

Risk free rate
standard deviation
Câu 31 BM has sales of 29 billion VND, total equity of 11,2 billion VND and total debt of 6.3 billion VNd.
If the profit margin is 8%. What is ROA?
Câu 32 Standard deviation measures which type of risk?
Câu 33. Your portfolio is comprised of 40% of stock X; 15% of stock Y and 45% of stock Z. Stock X has
beta of 1,16, stock Y has beta of 1,47 and stock Z has beta of 0.42. What is the beta of your portfolio?
(0.5 Diem)
Câu 34. If current asset is 191 billion VND; inventories are 91 billion VND and current liabilities are 94
billion VND then quick ratio is: (0.5 Điểm)
* 1.98 times
1.06 times
Câu variability of return on stocks or portfolios associated with changes in return on the market
as a whole
Systematic risk
Standard deviation
Unsystematic risk
Coefficient of variation
11. Which one of the following is a source of cash? (0.5 Diem)"
increase in accounts receivable
Decrease in notes payable
acquisition of debt
payment in supplier
12. A firm has a debt-equity ratio of 57 percent, a total asset turnover of 1.12. and a profit margin of 4.9
percent. The total equity is $511,640. What is the amount of the net income? (0.5 Diem)* $44,084
$47.601 $52.418 $35.143 13. If current asset is 192 billion VND inventories are 91 billion VND and
current liabilities are 97 billion VND then current ratio is: (0.5 m)
1.98 times
1.04 times
14. Which one of the following is a use of cash (0.5 Điểm) *

Increase in notes payable
Decrease in inventory
Decrease in common stock
Decrease in accounts receivable
15. BBB company has a debt-equity ratio of 42 percent, sales of $749,000, net income of $41.300, and
total debt of $206,300. What is the return on equity? (0.5 Diem)
16. BM has sales of 29 billion VND. total assets of 17.5 billion VND and the firm has a total debt ratio of
36%. If the profit margin is 8%. What is ROE? (0.5 Diễm)
17. Expected rate of return is 20% and standard deviation is 15% The coefficient of variation will be: (0.5
18. The risk-free rate of retum is 3.0% and the market risk premium is 6.2% What is the required rate of
return on a stock with a beta of 1.21
11 04%
19. A portfolio comprises two securities and the expected returns are 12% and 16% respectively.
Determine the expected rate of return of the portfolio if first security constitutes 40% of total portfolio
(0 5 Điểm) *
20 Ratios that measure how efficiently a firm manages its assets and operations to generate net income
are referred to ratios
Asset management
Long-term solvency
21. You would like to combine a risky stock with a beta of 1,68 with the Government band in such a way
that the risk level of the portfolio is equivalent to the risk level at the overall maket. What percentage of
the portfolio should be invested in the risky stock? (05 m)

22. An investor put 60% of his money into a risky asset offering a 10% return with a standard deviation
of returns of 8% and 40% in a risk-free asset offering 5% return. What is the expected return of this
portfolio? (0 5 Điểm)
23. MM company has $747,000 in sales The profit margin is 4.1 percent and the firm has 7.500 shares of
stock outstanding. The market price per share is $22. What is the price-earnings ratio? (05 Diam)


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