Scrum Reference v18.09

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A Scrum Reference The Scrum Framework Ø 3 Roles Ø 5 Events Ø 3 Artifacts
The Scrum Values Ø Focus Ø Commitment Ø Courage Ø Openness Ø Respect Separate the Grain from the Chaff™

R1: Product Owner:

Overarching Organizational product success
R2: Dev Team:
product delivery

R3: ScrumMaster:
Product Backlog Refinement servant leader
A1: Product Backlog
(Product Owner)
Iterative & Incremental
Visual Progress
(Dev Team) E4: Retrospective Development scope

drives the
project budget
Product & Team A3: Potentially Releasable & schedule
Backlog Formation Product Increment
(Dev Team)
A2: Sprint Backlog & Goal
(Dev Team) cost time
Self Organized Teams
E5: The Sprint
1 - 4 weeks methods:

scope is
driven by the
Sprint budget &

E1: SprintPlanning,
Topic I: “what” Increasing Visibility cost time
(what to deliver No changes!
this Sprint)
E1: Sprint Planning, The Manifesto For Agile Software Development:
Topic II: “how” “We are uncovering better ways of developing
E2: Daily Scrum E3: Sprint Review software by doing it and helping others do it.
(how to deliver it, under a
strong definition of “done”) Through this work we have come to value…**

Event Proportional Timebox¶ (2-week Sprint) Frequency Attendance

Product Backlog Refinement Undefined As needed before the next Sprint Product Owner,* and whoever can assist; Dev Team and ScrumMaster a plus

Sprint Planning, Topic I 2 hrs¶ At the start of the Sprint Scrum Team,* and other contributors who can assist

Sprint Planning, Topic II 2 hrs¶ At the start of the Sprint Scrum Team,* and other contributors who can assist

Daily Scrum 15 min. Daily during the Sprint Dev Team; SM may assist, all others are observers

Sprint Review 2 hrs At the end of the Sprint Scrum Team,* interested stakeholders (including technology stakeholders)

Retrospective 1.5 hrs, can vary At the end of the Sprint and/or after major events Scrum Team,* others as Scrum Team sees fit
* for Product Owner liaisons: whenever the Product Owner is present, the true client or user should also be invited
**Agile Manifesto © 2001,, continued on back Certified Scrum Trainer®
is a registered certification mark
¶ splitting Sprint Planning into two time-boxed discussions as well as the proportional timeboxes for a 2-week Sprint is a Winnow Management recommendation of Scrum Alliance, Inc.
Any unauthorized use is strictly
V18.09 Proprietary information…do not copy, distribute, or present without permission from Winnow Management, Copyright 2006-2016, prohibited.
The Agile Manifesto Scrum Coaching Services
...continued from front: Organizations seeking to increase their adoption of an agile mindset and associated
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
practices have varying degrees of need. Some wish to educate their teams, others could
Working software over comprehensive documentation benefit from a periodic evaluation of their progress, and still others are looking for
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation assistance in launching Agile Teams while getting their people aligned with Agile
Responding to change over following a plan principles. In all cases they are interested in building stronger teams in an improved
That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on product development environment.
the left more. Regardless of your current need, we can help.
We follow these principles:

I. Our highest priority is to satisfy the VII. Working software is the

customer through early and continuous primary measure of progress.
delivery of valuable software. Regarding our Coaches, all Certified by the Scrum Alliance…
VIII. Agile processes promote
II. Welcome changing requirements, even sustainable development. The
sponsors, developers, and users We are all knowledgable business people from varied backgrounds, having worked in organizations
late in development. Agile processes
harness change for the customer's should be able to maintain a such as IBM, AT&T, Johns Hopkins, Sony, Hilton, and the US Department of Defense. As MBAs, PMPs,
competitive advantage. constant pace indefinitely. and experienced business owners we understand the organizational and cultural impacts of moving to
an agile environment. Our backgrounds can help you in very practical ways as you navigate these
III. Deliver working software frequently, IX. Continuous attention to challenges. Some excerpts from satisfied customers:
from a couple of weeks to a couple of technical excellence and good
months, with a preference to the shorter design enhances agility. “He provided leadership that proved critical to overcoming objections to adoption.“
X. Simplicity--the art of maximizing “He put forth a superior work effort in our European development office.“
IV. Business people and developers must the amount of work not done--is “His presentation and real life examples using the Scrum concepts were very helpful.”
work together daily throughout the project. essential. “By sharing his personal experiences he helped us understand the finer points of Scrum.”
“I would recommend him and his services any time.”
V. Build projects around motivated XI. The best architectures,
individuals. Give them the environment requirements, and designs emerge
and support they need, and trust them to from self-organizing teams.
get the job done.
XII. At regular intervals, the team
VI. The most efficient and effective method reflects on how to become more Interested in Coaching Activity Offerings...
of conveying information to and within a effective, then tunes and adjusts its Certified Scrum
development team is face-to-face behavior accordingly.” Training? See below...
Coaching activities as part of a longer-term Scrum
implementation plan:
If you're going to spend the time and money to get certified, make sure you get a trainer you can
count on. At Winnow Management, we work hard to deliver two distinguishing aspects of obtaining Assessment of current conditions.
your CSM/CSPO: the highest quality classroom experience, and the most qualified instructors. Development of an implementation strategy.
Training and team building.
Get personalized attention while saving time and money by holding classes privately at your facility! Launching teams under the new approach.
See below for our contact info... Evaluation of longer-term impacts.

Shorter-term coaching activities:

(954) 784-3674 USA Product Backlog Refinement Sprint Planning techniques
A Scrum assessment
Visit our website for our latest class listings: General problem solving
Separate The Grain From The Chaff™

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