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Aircraft Technologies

ICAS-GT- EU Research into Gas Turbine Internal

Air System Performance
Peter D. SMOUT

The ICAS-GT EU research programme has provided an opportunity for European gas turbine
manufacturers to collaborate with Universities in researching fluid flow and heat transfer
within internal cooling and sealing air systems. This article provides an overview of the
project, and presents examples of the key results.

he European gas turbine indus- significantly penalises specific fuel con- required to develop new gas turbine
try faces unremitting competi- sumption (SFC) in nlodern air transport engine products, and unit co>t reduc-
the pressure from tile USA and ttlrbofan engines. tions will follow from optimised desiglb.
tile Far East, and its companies Expelqmental and numerical investiga-
tions of internal cooling air system flow
are forced continuousl\ to
improve teclmological capability. in and heat transfer are being carried out
order to secure and develop their share within a collaborati\ e European research management
of world markets. Inlprovenlents have initiati\e which began in lq08 with tile Tile research wittlin ICAS-t;f w<> c~ll
to Conle from developments in materials BRITE/ELRAM ICAS-GT proiect. ICAS- dtlctecl by <1consortitlill of 14 partners,
technohGy, increases in turbonlachin- GT formally ended in IJecember 2000, conlplising foclr Lni\ersities and ten
cry efficiency, or hlternal loss reduction. and will be followed bv IC,.\S-(;F2, Etll'Opeall ~as turbille nlanufactLlring
New materials developnlent is increas- wlfich ~xill rLIll within I~ramework 5, cc>mpanies. As shown in .tf<<ftu¢ 2, the
ingl_v expensi\'e, and component effi- starting in earl),' 2001. As well as con- partners were strudurecl in fix e teams
ciency impro\'ements are becoming tributing towards a complete and engine under the overall co-ordination of Roll>
moredifficult to achie\'e. There is there- representatix'e experimental database, kc \.co to address the following discrete
fore an increasing incentive to work these projects are aiming to establish val- but related aspects of internal air system
towards reclticing tile very significant idated internal air system design tools flm.v and heat transfer:
internal losses associated with the inter- and predicti\e methods. These methods • turbine disc rim sealing, where the air
nal air system, (fi<<ltr¢ 1). Because it uses are being, and will continue to be exploit- s\.'stem is reqtiired to limit the inges-
air bled fronl the engine compressors ed to achieve reductions in specific fuel tiou of ix~t annulus ~a> in to region>
~xhich is not then available for expan- consumption (SFC). Successful exploita- adjacent to Ilighly <4iessed conlpo-
sion in the turbines, the air system is tion will also reduce tile amount of heats, (Task 1);
parasitic to tile main engine cycle, and engine testing and instrumentation • rotating cavity flow and heat transfer,
such as ttlat betweeil adjacent discs of
a conlpressor disc stack, (Task 2);
• flow and heat transfer within the sta-
rer wells of multi-stage axial coin-
pressers, (Task 3);
• tile aerodynamic performance ot tur-
bir, e pro-swirl systems used to suppl}
cooling air to high pressure ttirbine
blades, (Task 4);
• Tile flow and heat transfer in core con>
pi'essor drive cone cavities, (Task 5).
One University partner was assigned to
each team, and was re.,>ponsible for con
ducting tile experimental studies
Numerical inx'estigation,s were under
taken by the hldustrv partners, and
incluclecl CFL) and finite' elenlent ~imula-
tions of selected test cases, the obiecti\ e,
for eacll teanl were to devt%p a fuller
Figure 1. Internal Air System and ICAS-GT Research Task Areas, tinderstandhlg of the goveinin~ ph},ic~
Aircraft Technologies . . . . . . . . ENG,NES

European Commission ] tion mechanisms. Work will be contin-

ued in ICAS-GT2, where the aim is to
deliver best practice predicti\'e tools
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St
. .e.eri.n.g. . O- . .Committee
............................. and rim seal design mdhods which are
consistent in terms of convergence
speed ;xith engine design cycles.

Pre-swirl systems
To extend lift, whilst minimising the
impact on engine performance, high
pressure turbine blades are typically
supplied with cooling air at the lowest
possible temperature using a feed sys-
tem known as 'pre-swirl'. Cooling air is
expanded through nozzles located on
stationary components and collected by
rotating receiver holes in a cover-pla(e
Figure 2. ICAS-GT Partners and M a n a g e m e n t Structure, fixed to the turbine disc, or discharged
directly to the blade roots. In ICAS-GT,
the flow characteristics of the stationar\'
in their particular application, and to mine the sealing effectiveness of xarious and rotating holes ha\'e been estab-
:robed finis understanding in validated seal geometries, and to investigate mix- lished, and the effectiveness of tile sys-
methods applicable to new engine ing phenomena inboard of the seal. This tem quantified for a range of geometries
Jesigns. The work was ddiberatelv allo- data has been used to validate a series of and pre-swM seal flows. CFD solutions
:ated in this way to promote rapid CFI) simulations undertaken by the ranging from 2-D axi-svmmetric to fully
:xploitation of the-results within indus- industrial partners usirw commercially 3-D unsteady have been run. These have
:rv. This contribution uses some selected available CFD codes./he arrangement been validated against experimental
esults to illustrate the scope of the 1CAS- of the test facility is illustrated in.f(inr~' data generated by Karlsruhe University
~]T project, and the progress made. 3, which shows the surface static pres- to establish the optimum modelling
sure distribution at an instant in time, approadl. ICAS-GT2 will build on finis
Turbine rim sealing extracted from a 3-D unsteady solution by investigating the 3D unstead\' flows
c,f the entire flow domain, including the ~hich are critical to system optimisa-
hi state of the art aircraft gas turbine main annulus and the internal cavities. tion. Experimental and numerical parti-
.!ngines, higher-pressure turbine discs This approach has given valuable cle tracking investigations to under-
1re purged with coolant air through the insight in to the main annuhls gas inges- stand the harmful blockage of turbine
Mleel space. This air reduces the ther-
hal load of the discs and prexents the
ngress of hot mainstream gas into the
,vheel space between the rotating disc
md the adjacent stationary casings. The
,fficiencv of the disc cooling and the
ifetimeof the rotor thereby strongly
Jepend on the sealing efficiency. On the
~ther hand, reducing the rim sealing
.vould increase the turbine efficiency by
•educing aerodvnamic spoiling of the
llain annulus fiow, with an associated
tecrease in SFC. In this task, engine rep-
"esentative experimental data has been
.{enerated by Aachen University from a
4ngle stage turbine test facility with
ndependent control of the front and
'ear wheel space sealing flows. Steady
md unsteady pressure measurements,
emperature and concentration mea- Figure 3. 3-D Grid for Unsteady CFD Calculations of Rim Seal Test Facility
surements have been made to deter- Flows, (shaded by static pressure where red is high, blue is low).

61 AIR & SPACE EUROPE • V O L . 3 - N o 3/4 3001


blade cooling air passages by air borne ~ 339

particles will also be undertaken. 336



Rotating cavities 327

Cooling air for the air system is often
extracted upstream of the high pressure
compressor (HPC) and lead through the 315
annular passage between the shaft and 312
the HPC disc bores to the turbine. Apart 309
from the turbine cooling requirements, 306

this air is needed to cool the HPC discs. 303

A knowledge of the flow and heat trans- 300

fer in the HPC rotating cavities is Figure 4. Rotating Cavity Flow Simulations for Low (Buoyancy
required for accurate disc stressing and Dominate@ and High (fnertialty Dominated) Rotation Rates.
lifeing predictions, but tile physical
mechanisms are not fully understood.
against the shroud periphery. A disad- reduced, or turbine entry gas tempera-
Work in ICAS-GT has shown that the
\'antage of this technology is that the air tures could be increased, to realise SFC
flow can be dominated either bv tile axial
in tile well can reach high temperatures, inwovements. A facility for investigat-
through flow under the disc bores, or by
due to viscous dissipation of energy, ing these conical cavity flows has been
buoyancy forces arising from tile disc
which results in the overheating of adja- built at Sussex Unixersitv around a
metal temperature gradients, [1]. 2D and
cent, highly stressed, rotating metal modem gas turbine engine HI' spool,
3D steady and Lmsteady CFD modelling
structures. The industry partners in (fit~urc fi). Conventional pressure and
tasks have been undertaken by tile three
ICAS-GT Task 3 have evolved a method temperature nleasLilenlents have been
task 2 industrial partners to establish the complimented by rotor temperature
of simultaneously soMng CFD and FE
boundaries of these flow regimes. These and heat flux measurements and ID:\
calculations for the flow and metal tem-
computations are being validated perature gradients respectively. This velocity measurements in the cavity to
against experimental data from Sussex approach has been validated against isolate the flow structures and qualitif}
and Bath Universities. Figure 4 presents experimental data generated by Sussex heat transfer rates. Encouraging agree-
temperature contours from two 3-D University fronl a purpose built, two ment has been achieved with 2-[) and 3-
unsteadv simulations of the flow in tile stage axkil compressor facility 12I, with D steady CFD calculations of the tax it\
single cavity Bath rig for low and high encouraging results. flows, and with a conjugate predictioil
rotational speeds. The stable, two re-cir- Of tile fluid and metal temperatures, lhe
culating cell structure of the lower speed 3-D steady CFD has been used to under-
case is replaced by a more chaotic flow at HPC cone cavity stand the influence of compressor blade
the higher speed. In ICAS-GT2, measure- In addition to the air which flows over-tip leakage on boundary condi-
merits of the radial flow velocity in an through the HPC bore, it is common tions at the cone cavity inlet, and the
embedded rotating cavity of a multi- practice to channel
cavity rig at Sussex University will be high pressure air
made, and used to validate further calcu- from the compres-
lations. P,ecognising the potential of sor delivery to the
large eddy simulation (LES) for resoMng turbine via the cavi-
the more important turbulent structures, ty bounded bv the
the experimental and conventional CFD HPC drive cone
studies will be augmented bv LES work and the combustor
at a specialist University. flame tube casing.
This air is subject to
a significant degree
Compressor stator well of windage heating
Shrouded stator blades are commonly which degrades its
used to eliminate vibration and clear- cooling effective-
ance effects in axial compressors. A hess. If such tem-
trench known as a starer well has then perature rises could
to be provided in the rotor with the be substantialh'
reverse leakage of gas under the shroud avoided, cooling air Figure 5. Engine Parts Cone Cavity Rig at Sussex
being minimised bv a labyrinth seal flows could be Universit~

,Aircraft Technologies ENGINES

uffect of a downstream row of compres- designs. Some progress has been made Internal Air System, ISROMAC-8, M a r c h
sor outlet guide vanes is being asses- in simplifying these methods to reduce 2000-11 20,
sed by running a fullv 3-D unsteady application times without compromis- (2) Scott R.M., Childs PR,N,, Hills, N.J.,
c~ltltion. ing accuracy. The ICAS-GT2 project will Millward, J,A., Radial Inflow for D o w n -
continue this work in three of the ICAS- stream C o m p r e s s o r Stator Well C a -
G] ~ task areas, whilst also addressing vities, ASME, June 2000

Conclusions other areas of the internal air system not

covered in ICAS-GT. An important ele-
he specific objectives ot ICAS-GT have ment of ICAS-GT2 will be a series of
been met in that a truly representative, demonstrations, towards the end of the
i~ternal air systems experimental project, of the effectiveness of these
~ atabase has been established, and used methods. • About the author:
t~ validate CFD and FE methods for Prepared on behalf of the ICAS-GT
t,redicting flows and heat transfer. consortium by Peter D. Smout,
'hese methods, which generally cap- References Fluid Systems Research Project Manager,
t.lre all the go\erning physics, are [1] AlexJou A., Hills N.J., Long C A . , Rolls-Royce plc in Derby
Iready being exploited by the industri- Millward J.A., Turner A.B., Heat Transfer peter, smout@rolls-royce,com
,I partners in their new product ~n a Gas Turbine HP C o m p r e s s o r

I I I [.'I,1 A I R & SPACE E k ; R O P E ° VOI. 3 • b4o 3,4 2001

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