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Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical

Engineers, Part A:

Journal of Power and Energy

Experimental measurements of hot gas ingestion through turbine rim seals at off-design conditions
James A Scobie, Carl M Sangan, J Michael Owen, Michael Wilson and Gary D Lock
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy 2014 228: 491 originally
published online 25 March 2014
DOI: 10.1177/0957650914527273

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Original Article

Proc IMechE Part A:

J Power and Energy
Experimental measurements of hot gas 2014, Vol. 228(5) 491–507
! IMechE 2014

ingestion through turbine rim seals Reprints and permissions:

at off-design conditions DOI: 10.1177/0957650914527273

James A Scobie, Carl M Sangan, J Michael Owen,

Michael Wilson and Gary D Lock

This paper describes results obtained from an experimental facility, which models ingress through the rim seal into the
upstream wheel-space of an axial-turbine stage. The experimental rig included 32 nozzle guide vanes and 41 symmetrical
turbine blades, and the paper presents measurements of " (the sealing effectiveness) for single- and double-clearance
seals for both over-speed (where the blades rotate faster than at the design point) and under-speed conditions. The
design flow coefficient was CF ¼ 0.538, and tests were conducted for 0 < CF < 0.9, which is larger than the range
experienced in engines. The measured values of " were correlated by the ‘effectiveness equations’ for rotationally-
induced (RI) and externally-induced (EI) ingress. The correlated effectiveness curves were used to determine min 0 (the
value of the sealing flow parameter when " ¼ 0.95), and the variation of min 0 with CF that was in mainly good agreement
with the theoretical curve for combined ingress, which covered the transition from rotationally-induced to externally-
induced ingress. Departure of the measured values of min 0 from the combined ingress curve occurred at very low values
of CF for all the seals tested; this was attributed to the effects of separation of the mainstream flow over the turbine
blades at large ‘deviation angles’ between the flow and the blades. The measurements are expected to be qualitatively
similar to but quantitatively different from those experienced in engines.

Gas turbines, air cooling, industrial turbomachinery

Date received: 20 November 2013; accepted: 17 February 2014

where the external pressure is higher and lower,

respectively, than that in the wheel-space; this non-
The rim seal of a gas turbine (Figure 1) reduces the axisymmetric type of ingestion is referred to here as
amount of hot gas ingestion (referred to below as externally-induced (EI) ingress.
ingress) into the turbine wheel-space radially inward Even if the external flow were axisymmetric, with
of the seal. Sealing air, produced by the compressor, is no circumferential variation of external pressure,
supplied to pressurise the wheel-space. Although ingress would still occur. The reason for this is that
essential, this sealing air reduces the engine perform- the rotating fluid in the wheel-space creates a radial
ance in two ways: much of the power taken to com- gradient of pressure, so that the pressure inside the
press the air is dissipated; the egress, or air leaving the wheel-space can drop below that outside. The
seal, mixes with the mainstream gas flow and creates so-called ‘disc-pumping effect’ causes the egress of
aerodynamic losses. The designer needs to optimise fluid near the rotating disc, and the low pressure in
the amount of sealing air used: too much creates the wheel-space causes ingress of external fluid
extra losses; too little could cause overheating of the through the rim seal into the wheel-space. This type
turbine disc and blade roots, resulting in catastrophic of ingestion is referred to here as rotationally-induced
failure. (RI) ingress.
The flow past the stationary vanes and rotating
blades in the turbine annulus creates an unsteady
3D variation of pressure radially outward of the rim Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Bath, Bath, UK
seal. The magnitude of this pressure asymmetry at the
Corresponding author:
seal clearance depends on the location of the clearance James A Scobie, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University
relative to the vanes and blades. Ingress and of Bath, Claverton Down, Bath BA2 7AY, UK.
egress occur through those parts of the seal clearance Email:

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492 Proc IMechE Part A: J Power and Energy 228(5)

All gas turbines spend some time (e.g. during start- with larger vane exit-angles, tend to operate at lower
ing, idling, reduced power, maximum power, acceler- values of CF than the older ones.
ation and deceleration) at off-design conditions far The pressure asymmetry in the annulus, and con-
removed from the design point of the turbine. sequently EI ingress, increases as CF increases. At the
Satisfactory off-design operation over a wide range design point, where rotational effects are relatively
of rotational speeds and inlet conditions is therefore small, EI ingress is usually assumed to dominate.
an important requirement for all engines. In the case However, at over-speed or low-CF conditions rotation
where the rotational speed of the engine is constant, can have a significant effect on ingress, and the term
such as in a single-shaft industrial turbine, perform- combined ingress (CI) is used here to denote the inges-
ance can be improved by actively controlling the flow tion that occurs when the effects of rotation and the
rate through the compressor using variable vanes. external-pressure distribution are both significant.
These vanes change the design point of the compres- For off-design operation, it is important to consider
sor but not that of the turbine, and the off-design CI as the general case with EI and RI ingress as
operation of the turbine may have a significant special or limiting cases.
effect on ingestion. Several authors1–9 have successfully used orifice
The flow in the mainstream annulus of the turbine models to determine the sealing effectiveness of a
is usually characterised by the flow coefficient, CF. (In wide range of seal geometries. In previous publica-
many textbooks and papers, the symbol  is used to tions,7–9 solutions of the so-called RI and EI effect-
denote the flow coefficient. As this symbol could be iveness equations, derived from the orifice models,
confused with the angular coordinate in the cylindri- have been compared with concentration measure-
cal-polar coordinates used by the authors, the symbol ments made at the design point of a single-stage tur-
CF is used in this paper.) The definition of CF used bine rig. In this paper, solutions of the equations for
here is CI, EI and RI ingress are compared with effectiveness
measurements made at off-design conditions.
W The following section presents a brief review of the
CF ¼ ð1Þ relevant research. The details of the experimental
apparatus used for the effectiveness measurements in
this study are then described. Next, the measurements
where W is the mean axial component of velocity in of pressure in the annulus are presented, and then the
the annulus downstream of the turbine vanes, b is the sealing effectiveness, and comparisons with the solu-
outer radius of the turbine disc and  is its angular tions of the orifice models, is discussed. Finally, the
speed. For a given exit angle of the vanes, CF defines main conclusions are summarised, and the relevant
the swirl ratio of the mainstream flow, and at the equations derived from the orifice models for CI, EI
design point of engines CF  0.5. Modern turbines, and RI ingress are given in Appendix 2.

Figure 1. Typical high-pressure gas-turbine stage and detail of rim seal.

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Scobie et al. 493

data of Phadke and Owen.11 The CI equation

Review of relevant papers (see Appendix 2) can be written as
At the design point in a gas turbine, ingestion of hot
gas through the rim seal is dominated by EI ingress.  3=2
min , CI 2 1 þ kc ðW=bÞ2 1
However, at off-design conditions, the effects of rota- ¼ 2
min , RI 3 kc ðW=bÞ
tion can be significant. These conditions lead to CI
involving both EI and RI. Consequently, this brief
review is principally concerned with experimental where kc is an empirical constant and the other sym-
papers on CI, and the reader is referred to the preced- bols are defined in Appendix 1. Now, as
ing Bath papers1–9 if more details of the ingress
problem are required. min , CI Cw, min , CI
¼ ð3Þ
Phadke and Owen10,11 correlated Cw,min, the min- min , RI Cw, min , RI
imum sealing flow rate needed to prevent ingress, in a
simple rotor-stator system with a number of different And
rim-seal geometries. Their tests were conducted with-
out vanes and blades in the external annulus, and cir- W Rew
¼ ð4Þ
cumferential pressure asymmetries were created by  b Re
blocking sections of the annulus with honeycomb
and wire mesh. The tests showed that EI ingress was Equation (2) can be written as
caused by the pressure asymmetry produced by the
external flow. For Rew ¼ 0, where RI ingress occurs,  3=2
Cw, min , CI 2 1 þ kc ðRew =Re Þ2 1
Cw,min / Re; for large values of Rew, where EI ingress ¼ 2
Cw, min , RI 3 kc ðRew =Re Þ
dominates, Cw,min / Rew. The term combined ingress
is now used to denote the transition from RI to EI
ingress. The RHS of equation (5) approaches the EI asymp-
Khilnani and Bhavnani12 investigated the sealing tote as Rew/Re ! 1, and equation (5) becomes
performance of an axial seal in a rig without blades
or vanes. Eccentricity in the external annulus caused Cw, min , CI 2 1=2 Rew
¼ k ð6Þ
circumferential variations in the external pressure, Cw, min , RI 3 c Re
and static pressure measurements in the wheel-space
were used to determine Cw,min for a range of Rew and The CI equation (5) is shown fitted to the data of
Re. Figure 2 shows the effect of Re on the variation Phadke and Owen11 in Figure 3 and to the data of
of Cw,min with Rew, and their results were broadly Khilnani and Bhavnani12 in Figure 4. (The data
consistent with those of Phadke and Owen. shown in Figure 4 were obtained from the data
Owen et al.4 fitted the CI equation developed from shown in Figure 2; Figure 4 was not shown in the
their orifice model (see Owen2) to the experimental paper of Khilnani and Bhavnani12.) In both figures,
the CI equation captures the transition from RI to EI
ingress and collapses the data obtained for a wide
range of Rew and Re onto a single curve. The fact
that the Cw,min ratio in Figure 4 is much higher than
that in Figure 3 is attributed to the fact that the pres-
sure asymmetry in the annulus of the rig of Khilnani
and Bhavnani was significantly higher than that in the
rig of Phadke and Owen. It should also be noted that
the departure of the CI curve from its EI asymptote
increases as Rew/Re decreases.
Although the CI equation gives a good fit to the
data in the above cases, there were no vanes or blades
in the annuli of the experimental rigs. By contrast,
Green and Turner13 made concentration measure-
ments in a rig that incorporated both vanes and
blades, with the axial-seal clearance located close to
the leading edge of the blades. The authors unexpect-
edly showed that the effect of blades on the rotor was
to reduce ingestion rather than increase it. However,
this finding was later questioned by Hills et al.14 who
highlighted uncertainty in the ‘vanes-only’ measure-
Figure 2. Effect of Re on variation of Cw,min with Rew ments in Green and Turner’s work. Hills et al. them-
(Khilnani and Bhavnani12). selves concluded through CFD calculations that

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494 Proc IMechE Part A: J Power and Energy 228(5)

unsteadiness due to the rotor blade will usually lead to showed ingestion intensified as the rotor blades passed
more ingestion. through the stator wake.
Experiments conducted by Bohn et al.15 with a The conflicting results found in these studies high-
shrouded stator and unshrouded rotor showed an light that the effect of rotor blades on ingress is com-
increase in sealing efficiency when blades were intro- plex. As noted by Gentilhomme et al.,17 the amount
duced; the opposite effect was shown for the case with of ingress will depend on the vane, blade and seal
two unshrouded discs. Unsteady LDV measurements geometries, as well as the relative location of the
made by Bohn et al.16 in a 1.5 stage turbine rig then seal clearance.

Figure 3. CI equation fitted to data of Phadke and Owen.11

Solid line is equation (5); broken line is equation (6).

Figure 4. CI equation fitted to data of Khilnani and Bhavnani.12

Solid line is equation (5); broken line is equation (6).

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Scobie et al. 495

There is a growing trend in industry to use complex Figure 5 (inset); these taps were located in the vane
3D unsteady CFD codes to explore the mechanisms of platform 2.5 mm downstream of the vane trailing edge
ingress, such as O’Mahoney et al.18 However, there is (location A) and in the outer casing above the centre-
also a requirement for detailed measurements in sim- line of the seal clearance (location B). Data was aver-
plified engine rigs specifically designed for instrumen- aged over four vane pitches. The pressures were mea-
tation access to validate these codes. sured using a Scanivalve system, which was connected
to the taps with flexible plastic tubing.
Sealing air was introduced into the wheel-space at a
Experimental procedure low radius (r/b ¼ 0.642) through an inlet seal. To
measure the degree of ingestion, the sealing flow was
Experimental facility seeded with a carbon dioxide tracer gas. The concen-
The research facility, which experimentally simulates tration of CO2 was monitored at the entrance to the
hot gas ingress into the wheel space of an axial turbine wheel-space c0 and in the unseeded upstream flow
stage, is described extensively in Sangan et al.7 The test through the annulus ca. The concentration in the
section of the facility, shown in Figure 5, features a wheel-space, cs, was measured on the stator wall at
turbine stage with 32 vanes and 41 blades, which were locations r/b ¼ 0.958 and 0.850 and was determined
formed from nylon by rapid prototyping. The disc and by sampling through hypodermic tubes of diameter
blades were rotated by an electric motor. The blades 1.6 mm. The gas was extracted by a pump, which
were symmetric NACA 0018 aerofoils to avoid the delivered the samples to an infrared gas analyser.
necessity of a dynamometer to remove the unwanted Concentration measurements were used to
power; the ratio of the leading-edge diameter to chord determine the concentration effectiveness "c. This is
length was 0.0984. The diameter of the disc was defined as
380 mm and the height of the annulus was 10 mm.
The disc could be rotated up to speeds of 4000 r/ cs  ca
"c ¼ ð7Þ
min, providing a maximum rotational Reynolds num- c0  ca
bers, Re (based on disc radius) up to 1.1  106. This
value is typically an order-of-magnitude less than that where the subscripts a, 0 and s respectively denote the
found in gas turbines. However, for rotating flow the air in the annulus, the sealing air at inlet, and at the
turbulent flow structure in the boundary layers is surface of the stator. In particular, "c ¼ 1 when cs ¼ c0
principally governed by the turbulent flow parameter (zero ingress) and "c ¼ 0 when cs ¼ ca (zero sealing
T and depends only weakly on Re.19 Hence, the flow flow).
structure in the rig is considered to be representative All data presented in this paper are for three rota-
of that found in the cooling systems of engines. tional disc speeds (corresponding to Re ¼ 5.32  105,
The vanes and blades in the annulus also produced 8.17  105 and 9.68  105), with the mainstream flow-
a flow structure representative of those found in rate varied to create the off-design velocity triangles in
engines, albeit at lower Reynolds and Mach numbers. the turbine annulus. On-design Rew/Re ¼ 0.538,
The circumferential variation of static pressure was where Rew is the Reynolds number based on
determined from 15 taps (each 0.5 mm diameter) the axial component of velocity in the annulus.
arranged across one vane pitch, as illustrated in Off-design Rew/Re (which is analogous to the flow

Figure 5. Rig test section with inset highlighting the static pressure taps in the vane hub (location A) and typical pressure asymmetry
in the annulus (red indicates the stationary disc and blue the rotating disc).

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496 Proc IMechE Part A: J Power and Energy 228(5)

coefficient, CF – see Appendix 2) is varied from zero the wheel-space periphery, with an axial-overlap from
(i.e. in the absence of external flow) up to 0.858. When a radial lip at lower radius on the rotor. A secondary
CF < 0.538, the rig was operating at an over-speed inner radial-clearance seal was further added to seal
condition; when CF > 0.538, the rig was operating at configuration S2, to produce double seal, D1. For this
an under-speed condition. configuration, an outer seal was formed at the periph-
ery of the wheel-space and a secondary inner seal was
located radially inward at r/b ¼ 0.88.
Details of rim-seal configurations
The seal-clearance ratio, Gc ¼ sc,ax/b ¼ 0.0105 used
Two single-seal configurations and a double-clearance in equation (16) for all seal geometries, is based on the
configuration were investigated: an axial-clearance axial clearance sc,ax ¼ 2.0 mm.
seal (S1), a radial clearance seal (S2) and a double
radial seal (D1). Schematics of the seal geometries
are shown in Figure 6 and static dimensions are Pressure measurements
given Table 1. The simple axial-clearance seal (S1) is
Flow direction relative to the blade
formed between the vane and blade platforms, which
co-exist at the wheel-space periphery. The radial- Figure 7 shows the profiles and velocity triangles for
clearance seal (S2) features an identical geometry at the vanes and the symmetrical blades, where  and 

Figure 6. Rim-seal configurations.

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Scobie et al. 497

are the respective angles of the resultant velocity of From the velocity triangles, it follows that
the flow, relative to the axial direction, in the station-
ary and rotating frames. In the rig,  is 73 and 0, the  1
blade angle, is 56 ; at the design condition,  ¼ 0; at tan  ¼ tan   ¼ tan   C1
F ð8Þ
off-design conditions,   0 is the ‘deviation angle’ b
between the resultant velocity in the rotating frame
and the blade. where CF ¼ W/b is the flow coefficient. At the design
point, which is denoted by the subscript 0

tan 0 ¼ tan   ¼ tan   C1
F, 0 ð9Þ
b 0
Table 1. Geometric properties for all seal configurations
(dimensions in mm under static conditions).
and, the flow coefficient at the design point for the rig
Seal configuration was CF,0 ¼ 0.538. For the over-speed condition,
symbol S1 S2 D1
where CF < 0.538,  < 0; for the under-speed
condition,  > 0. When  ¼ 0 or W ! 1,  ¼  and
h 10.0 10.0 10.0   0 ¼ 17 ; when W ¼ 0,  ¼ p/2 and
b 190 190 190   0 ¼ 146 .
S 20.0 20.0 20.0 Figure 8 shows the variation of the deviation angle,
sc,ax 2.00 2.00 2.00   0, with the flow coefficient, and the symbols
sc,rad – 1.28 1.28 denote measurements made for the axial-clearance
soverlap – 1.86 1.86 seal. The experimental range exceeded any range
hbuffer – – 16.5
likely to be experienced in an engine, particularly at
the low values of CF.

Figure 7. Profiles and velocity triangles for vanes and blades: (a) profiles of vanes and blades; (b) velocity triangles.

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498 Proc IMechE Part A: J Power and Energy 228(5)

Figure 8. Variation of deviation angle with flow coefficient.

Symbols denote concentration measurements made for axial-clearance seal.

Cp decreases slightly as the flow rate of sealing air

Pressure measurements in the annulus increases.
Figure 9 shows the effect of CF on the circumferential For mathematical consistency in the EI orifice
distribution of Cp where model, it is necessary that there is zero ingress when
Cp ¼ 0. However, as shown below, the value of Cp
p  p depends on where in the annulus it is evaluated. (As
Cp ¼ ð10Þ
½2 b2 shown in Sangan et al.,7 the consistency criterion can
only be satisfied in small regions near the rim seal, and
the values of Cp measured in an experimental rig are
The static pressures were measured on the vane unlikely to satisfy this criterion.)
platform downstream of the vanes in the absence of Figure 10 shows the measured variation of C1=2 p
sealing flow, and p is the mean static pressure over one with the flow coefficient, and with the deviation angle
vane pitch.   0, measured at locations A and B in the annulus.
According to the orifice model, details of which are The experimental measurements show no significant
summarised in Appendix 2, EI ingress is related to the effect of Re, and C1=2 p increases linearly with CF;
non-dimensional pressure difference in the annulus, despite the large experimental range, there is no obvi-
Cp, where ous effect of the deviation angle on this linear
p The experimental data in Figure 10 for location A
Cp ¼ ð11Þ were correlated by
½2 b2

p ¼ ka CF ð13Þ
p being the peak-to-trough static-pressure differ-
ence. Cp, which is equivalent to the peak-to-
trough difference of Cp, increases as flow coefficient where ka ¼ 1.66.
As shown by equation (18), the sealing parameter
necessary to prevent EI ingress, min,EI, is related to
Cp by
Concentration measurements
Results for two single and one double seal are pre-
2 sented here, principally to illustrate the similarities
min , EI ¼ Cd, e C1=2
p ð12Þ between the off-design performance of different
seals. There are, of course, quantitative differences
in the effectiveness of these seals, and the reader is
where Cd,e is the discharge coefficient for egress referred to previous publications7–9 if more details
through the rim seal. Sangan et al.7 showed that of their relative performance are required.

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Scobie et al. 499

Figure 9. Effect of flow coefficient on circumferential distribution of Cp measured at location A over one vane pitch in the absence of
sealing flow.

Figure 10. Measured variation of Cp1=2 at locations A and B in annulus with flow coefficient and with deviation angle.

the inner seal in the double-seal tests, the location was

Variation of sealing effectiveness
r/b ¼ 0.85. The data were fitted using the effectiveness
For the single seals, and for the outer seal in the equations given in Appendix 2, and the values of min
double-seal tests, the effectiveness values were based and c were found using the statistical technique
on the concentration measurements at r/b ¼ 0.958; for described in Zhou et al.5 For CF ¼ 0, the RI

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500 Proc IMechE Part A: J Power and Energy 228(5)

Figure 11. Variation of sealing effectiveness with 0 for RI ingress for four seals.
Symbols denote experimental data; lines are theoretical curves.

effectiveness equation (21), was used; for CF > 0, the ", the values of 0 are significantly larger than those
EI equation (17), was used. Although effectiveness for the radial-clearance seal, which is consistent with
measurements were made for many values of the previously published measurements at the design con-
flow coefficient, the results of only four cases are dition. Although there is good agreement between the
shown below. These correspond to CF ¼ 0, and to theoretical curves and the data for the three smaller
values of CF for the over-speed, design and under- values of CF, the effectiveness data for the largest
speed conditions. As they showed nothing of particu- value display a distinct kink around 0 & 0.2. If the
lar interest, the effectiveness curves for the double seal anomalous data are removed, the remaining data can
are not shown here. be satisfactorily fitted, as shown by the broken curve
Figure 11 shows the variation of " with 0 for the in Figure 13.
case where the external flow was zero, which (as The ‘kink phenomenon’ for the axial-clearance seal
shown in Sangan et al.8) corresponds to RI ingress. was also observed at the other under-speed condi-
The RI effectiveness equation (21) was fitted to the tions, which are not shown here. (The phenomenon
experimental data using the statistical technique was not observed for the other three seals, for which
described in Zhou et al.,5 and the agreement between the sealing flow rates were significantly lower.) Tests
the theoretical curve and the data is very good for all were conducted with increasing and decreasing values
the seals shown in Figure 6. It can be seen that the of 0 but the results were repeatable and no hysteresis
results for the outer seal of the double-seal (D1 outer) effects were found. Although pressure measurements
agree very closely with those for the single radial seal in the annulus shed no light on the kink phenomenon,
(S2), and the radial-clearance seal is much more effect- it is speculated that it might be peculiar to the rig
ive than the axial-clearance one (S1). geometry and it could have been caused by the inter-
Figure 12 shows the effect of the flow coefficient on action between the sealing and mainstream flows at
the variation of the sealing effectiveness with the seal- large sealing flow rates. Future CFD research may be
ing parameter, 0, for the radial-clearance seal (S2 in able to explain this behaviour. Interestingly,
Figure 6). The effectiveness decreases as CF increases, Gentilhomme et al.17 observed similar behaviour in
which is consistent with the pressure measurements their effectiveness measurement curves.
discussed above where Cp increases as CF increases. For each of the four seals tested, the values of min
In some of the experiments it proved impossible to and their confidence intervals determined from the
achieve a fully sealed system but, apart from the fitted effectiveness curves could be used to produce
values near " ¼ 1, the theoretical curves (with equation the variation of min with CF. Before the above effect-
(17) used for CF > 0 and equation (21) for CF ¼ 0) iveness curves were obtained, a separate series of con-
provide a good fit to the data. centration tests was conducted to determine min for
Noting the different scale from that in Figure 12, the axial-clearance seal. As it was difficult, and some-
Figure 13 shows the effect of CF on the variation of " times impossible, to determine the precise value of 0
with 0 for the axial-clearance seal. For any value of when " ¼ 1, the value of 0 when " ¼ 0.95 was used to

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Scobie et al. 501

Figure 12. Effect of flow coefficient on variation of effectiveness with sealing parameter for radial-clearance seal.
Symbols denote experimental data; lines are theoretical curves.

Figure 13. Effect of flow coefficient on variation of effectiveness with sealing parameter for axial clearance seal.
Symbols denote experimental data; lines are theoretical curves.

define a new sealing parameter min 0 . The measured concentration measurements, at r/b ¼ 0.958, for
variation of min 0 with flow coefficient is discussed Re ¼ 5.52, 8.17 and 9.68  105. The indirect values
below. were calculated from the effectiveness curves discussed
above, and the ‘uncertainty bars’ on the figure were
based on the upper and lower bounds of the fitted
Variation of min 0 with flow coefficient
effectiveness curves at " ¼ 0.95. (It should be noted
Figure 14 shows the variation of min 0 with flow coef- that, at large flow coefficients where there was
ficient for the axial-clearance seal where, as stated a kink in the effectiveness data, the effective-
above, min 0 denotes the value of 0 when " ¼ 0.95. ness curves excluding the kinks were used to
The direct measurements were of min 0 based on determine min 0 .)

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502 Proc IMechE Part A: J Power and Energy 228(5)

Figure 14. Variation of min 0 with flow coefficient for axial-clearance seal.
Solid symbols denote indirect values of min 0 deduced from effectiveness curves; open symbols denote direct measurements of min 0;
solid line is fitted CI curve; broken line is EI asymptote.

Table 2. Parameters for CI fit for four seals tested.

Parameter Axial-clearance seal Radial-clearance seal Double outer seal Double inner seal

kc 115 70.4 58.3 60.3

min 0,RI 0.055 0.0226 0.0237 0.0107
Cd,e,EI0 0.357 0.115 0.109 0.0503

The fitted CI curve was obtained from equation min, RI 0 ¼ 0.055 and kc ¼ 115; these values and those
(29) of Appendix 2, which is rewritten here in terms for the other seals are shown in Table 2. As discussed
of min 0 as previously, owing to the increasing effect of rotation
the difference between the EI asymptote and the CI
min0 2 1 þ kc C2F 1 curve increases as CF decreases.
¼ ð14Þ Figure 14 has a similar form to Figures 3 and 4,
min, RI 0 3 kc C2F
which show the CI curve fitted to the data of Phadke
and Owen (Figure 3) and Khilnani and Bhavnani
where the constant kc was found from a least-squares (Figure 4). Unlike the rig used here, there were no
fit of the indirect measurements. (Note: the redundant vanes or blades in the external annuli of the rigs
subscript CI has been omitted.) For consistency with used by these two pairs of researchers; the circumfer-
the other seals (where only indirect measurements ential external pressure variations in their two rigs
were made), no direct measurements were used in were caused by eccentricities or partial blockages in
the fit. As CF ! 1 and min 0 ! min, EI 0 , equation the annuli. As noted for Figures 3 and 4, the deviation
(14) reduces to between the CI curve and the EI asymptote in
Figure 14 increases as CF decreases and as the effects
min, EI 0 2 1=2 of rotation increase. It can be seen that even at the
¼ k CF ð15Þ
min, RI 0 3 c design point (CF ¼ 0.538) there is a small difference
between the CI curve and the EI asymptote.
which is the equation for the EI asymptote There appears to be no systematic departure
shown in Figure 14. For the axial-clearance seal, between the measured values and the CI curve in

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Scobie et al. 503

Figure 15. Variation of min 0 with flow coefficient for radial-clearance seal.
Solid symbols denote indirect values of min 0 deduced from effectiveness curves. Solid lines are fitted CI curves; broken lines are EI

Figure 14 until CF < 0.1. The sudden increase in min 0 , The results presented here were obtained for
which is shown by the direct and indirect measure- incompressible flow in a rig with symmetrical blades
ments of min 0 at these small values of CF, is thought and over a CF range much larger than the normal
to be caused by massive separation of the flow over the operating range of engines. It was shown above that
blades at extreme deviation angles (j  0j > 130 ). the effect of blades is complicated and depends on the
Although many additional measurements were con- geometry and relative location of the vanes, blades
ducted to confirm that this ‘blade effect’ (which also and seal: in some studies, the blades had a favourable
occurred for the other seals tested) was repeatable, it effect on ingress; in others, the effect was adverse.
surprised the authors that the deviation angle appears Except under extreme conditions, the current results
to have no significant effect for j  0j < 130 . showed no significant effect of the blades for any of
Figure 15 shows the variation of min 0 with flow the seals tested. Although the ‘blade effect’, or system-
coefficient for the radial-clearance seal. It can be seen atic departure of the measured values of min 0 from
that min 0 is significantly smaller than for the axial- the CI curves, only occurred here at extremely low
clearance seal, which is consistent with the results pre- values of CF, it would be unsafe to conclude that
sented in Sangan et al.7,8 for EI ingress in single seals. this effect could not occur inside the operating range
As for the radial-clearance seal, the ‘blade effect’ for of a real turbine. (The fact that the measurements
the axial-clearance seal occurs only at very large devi- were made for incompressible flow is considered to
ation angles. be of secondary importance: extrapolation of effect-
Figure 16 shows the variation of min 0 with flow iveness data from incompressible to compressible flow
coefficient for the double seal. The results for the is discussed in Teuber et al.20)
outer (radial-clearance) seal are similar to those It might seem surprising that the measured values
shown above for the single radial-clearance seal, and of Cp provided no evidence of the ‘blade effect’: even
the values of min 0 for the inner seal are significantly at the smallest values of CF measured, the variation of
smaller than for the outer one. Again this is consistent C1=2
p with CF remaining linear. However, it has been
with results presented in Sangan et al.9 for EI ingress shown computationally6 that ingress is controlled by
in double seals. the magnitude of Cp near the seal clearance: pre-
The sharp increase in min 0 at small CF occurs at sumably the measurements made on the vane plat-
similar deviation angles to that found for all the seals form and on the outer surface of the annulus were
tested. This suggests that the ‘blade effect’ is insensi- insensitive to the effects near the seal itself. As it is
tive to seal geometry. impracticable to measure Cp near the seal clearance,

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504 Proc IMechE Part A: J Power and Energy 228(5)

Figure 16. Variation of min 0 with flow coefficient deduced from effectiveness curves for double seal.
Solid and open symbols denote outer and inner seal respectively. Solid lines are fitted CI curves; broken lines are EI asymptotes.

only CFD is likely to provide further information at The principal conclusions are listed below.
this point.
. The pressure measurements showed that C1=2 p
(where Cp is the non-dimensional peak-to-
trough pressure difference in the annulus) was pro-
Conclusions portional to CF. This proportionality occurred
This paper presents off-design results for both over- even at low values of CF, where the deviation
speed, where the (symmetrical) blades rotate faster angle between the blades and vanes was very
than at the design point, and under-speed conditions. large (>130 ).
The design flow coefficient was CF ¼ 0.538, and tests . For CF > 0.1, and for all the seals tested, the
were conducted for 0 < CF < 0.9, which is a larger CI equation was in mainly good agreement with
range than the operating range of engines. The ‘devi- the variation of min 0 determined from the effect-
ation angle’ between the flow over the blades and iveness curves; this implies that for a wide variation
vanes, which increases as CF decreases, varied of CF either side of the design point, the blade-
between zero, at the design point, to 146 at CF ¼ 0. deviation angle did not influence the degree of
Single and double seals were tested for rotational ingress.
Reynolds numbers were in the range 5.32 < Re/ . For CF < 0.1 and deviation angles > 130 , there
105 < 9.68, and the flow was incompressible. The seal- was a sharp increase in min 0 ; this is believed to
ing effectiveness, ", was determined using concentra- be a ‘blade effect’ caused by separation of the
tion measurements with CO2 tracer gas, and pressure flow over the blades.
measurements were made using a Scanivalve system. . The difference between the CI correlations and the
For both RI and EI ingress, the Bath effectiveness EI asymptotes increased as CF decreased, and there
equations were used to correlate the variation of ", the was even a small but significant difference at the
sealing effectiveness, with 0, the non-dimensional design point of CF ¼ 0.538.
sealing flow parameter. The effectiveness equations
were also used to determine min 0 , the value of 0 at It should be noted that these conclusions were
" ¼ 0.95, and the CI equation was used to correlate the drawn from data obtained in an experimental rig,
variation of min 0 with CF and to determine the EI with symmetrical blades and no fillet radii, operating
asymptote for each of the seals. over a CF range much larger than that experienced in

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Scobie et al. 505

engines. The ‘blade effect’, which only occurred in the performance of simple seals in a quasi-axisymmetric
rig for CF < 0.1, might occur at larger values of CF in external flow. Int J Heat Fluid Flow 1988; 9: 106–112.
the operating range of a real turbine. 11. Phadke UP and Owen JM. Aerodynamic aspects of the
In principle, and within the limits of dimensional sealing of gas-turbine rotor-stator systems, Part 3: The
similitude, the results presented here should apply to a effect of nonaxisymmetric external flow on seal per-
formance. Int J Heat Fluid Flow 1988; 9: 113–117.
geometrically similar engine operating at the same
12. Khilnani VI and Bhavnani SH. Sealing of gas turbine
fluid-dynamic conditions. It is shown for a large
disk cavities operating in the presence of mainstream
range of operating conditions, min 0 is proportional external flow. Exp Therm Fluid Sci 2001; 25(3–4):
to C1=2
p , and it is tentatively suggested that this rela- 163–173.
tionship could be used to extrapolate the results from 13. Green T and Turner AB. Ingestion into the upstream
and experimental rig to an engine. wheelspace of an axial turbine stage. ASME J
Turbomach 1994; 116(2): 327–332.
Acknowledgement 14. Hills NJ, Chew JW and Turner AB. Computational and
This article was originally presented as ASME Paper mathematical modeling of turbine rim seal ingestion.
GT2013-9414721 at the ASME International Gas Turbine ASME J Turbomach 2002; 124: 306–315.
and Aeroengine Technical Congress, Exposition and 15. Bohn D, Rudzinsky B, Surken N, et al. Experimental
Users Symposium, 3–7 June 2013, in San Antonio, USA. and numerical investigation of the influence of rotor
We thank the ASME for permission to publish this paper blades on hot gas ingestion into the upstream cavity
in the Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical of an axial turbine stage. ASME Paper 2000-GT-284,
Engineers. 2000.
16. Bohn DE, Decker A, Ma H, et al. Influence of sealing
Funding air mass flow on the velocity distribution in and inside
the rim of the upstream cavity of a 1.5-stage turbine.
The research described here is part of a program funded by
ASME paper no. GT2003-38459, 2003.
the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research
Council. 17. Gentilhomme O, Hills NJ, Turner AB, et al.
Measurement and analysis of ingestion through a rim
seal. ASME J Turbomach 2002; 125: 505–512.
18. O’Mahoney TSD, Hills NJ, Chew JW, et al. Large-
Eddy simulation of rim seal ingestion. Proc IMechE,
1. Owen JM. Prediction of ingestion through turbine rim Part C: J Engineering and Science 2011; 225: 2881–2891.
seals—Part I: Rotationally induced ingress. ASME J 19. Owen JM and Rogers RH. Flow and heat transfer in
Turbomach 2011; 133: 031005. rotating-disc systems, Volume 1—Rotor stator systems.
2. Owen JM. Prediction of ingestion through turbine rim Taunton, UK: Research Studies Press Ltd., 1989.
seals—Part II: Externally induced and combined 20. Teuber R, Wilson M, Lock GD, et al. Computational
ingress. ASME J Turbomach 2011; 133: 031006. extrapolation of turbine sealing effectiveness from test
3. Owen JM, Zhou K, Pountney OJ, et al. Prediction rig to engine conditions. Proc IMechE, Part A: J Power
of ingress through turbine rim seals. Part 1: and Energy 2013; 227: 167–178.
Externally-induced ingress. ASME J Turbomach 2012;
21. Scobie JA, Sangan CM, Teuber R, et al. Experimental
134: 031012.
measurements of ingestion through turbine rim seals.
4. Owen JM, Pountney OJ and Lock GD. Prediction of
Part 4: Off-design conditions. AMSE paper no.
ingress through turbine rim seals. Part 2: Combined
GT2013-94147, 2013.
ingress. ASME J Turbomach 2012; 134: 031013.
22. Bohn D and Wolff M. Improved formulation to deter-
5. Zhou K, Wood SN and Owen JM. Statistical and the-
mine minimum sealing flow—Cw,min—for different seal-
oretical models of ingestion through turbine rim seals.
ing configuration. ASME paper no. GT2003-38465,
ASME J Turbomach 2013; 135: 021014.
6. Zhou K, Wilson M, Owen JM, et al. Computation
of ingestion through gas turbine rim seals. Proc
IMechE, Part G: J Aerospace Engineering 2013; 227:
7. Sangan CM, Pountney OJ, Zhou K, et al. Experimental Appendix 1
measurements of ingestion through turbine rim
seals. Part 1: Externally-induced ingress. ASME J
Turbomach 2013; 135: 021012. b radius of seal
8. Sangan CM, Pountney OJ, Zhou K, et al. Experimental c concentration
measurements of ingestion through turbine rim Cd,e Cd,i discharge coefficients for egress, ingress
seals. Part 2: Rotationally-induced ingress. ASME J
CF flow coefficient (¼ W/b)
Turbomach 2013; 135: 021013.
Cp pressure coefficient
9. Sangan CM, Pountney OJ, Scobie JA, et al. 2 2
Experimental measurements of ingestion through tur- 
(¼ ð p  pÞ=ð1=2 b Þ)
bine rim seals. Part 3: Single and double seals. ASME Cw _
non-dimensional flow rate (¼ m/b)
J Turbomach 2013; 135: 051011. Cw,0 non-dimensional sealing flow rate
10. Phadke UP and Owen JM. Aerodynamic aspects of the Cw,min minimum value of Cw,o to prevent
sealing of gas-turbine rotor-stator systems, Part 2: The ingress

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506 Proc IMechE Part A: J Power and Energy 228(5)

C1 modified internal swirl ratio (¼ 12/ s stator

(1  r12/r22)) 0 superposed flow; design condition
Gc seal-clearance ratio (¼ sc/b)
hbuffer depth of buffer cavity
K, ka, kc empirical constants Appendix 2
m_ mass flow rate
Equations for orifice model
p absolute static pressure
r radius Theoretical orifice models1–9 have been developed at
Rew axial Reynolds number in annulus the University of Bath, and these models have had
(¼ Wb/) good success in correlating the sealing effectiveness
Re rotational Reynolds number (¼ b2/) of rim seals for CI, EI and RI ingress. The models
sc seal clearance treat the seal clearance as an orifice and use variations
soverlap axial overlap of radial clearance seal of Bernoulli’s equation, including swirl terms, to
U bulk-mean velocity through rim-seal relate the sealing flow rate to the pressure drop
clearance across the seal. Although the equations are derived
V tangential component of velocity for inviscid incompressible flow, discharge coeffi-
W axial velocity in annulus cients, analogous to those used for the standard ori-
fice equations, are introduced to account for losses. In
 vane exit angle general, different discharge coefficients (Cd,i and Cd,e)
 blade angle; swirl ratio in wheel-space are needed for ingress and egress, and these have to be
(¼ V/r) determined empirically.
  0 deviation angle The so-called effectiveness equations express ", the
Cp non-dimensional pressure difference sealing effectiveness, in terms of 0, the sealing para-
(¼ p/(1/22b2)) meter, which is defined as
p peak-to-trough pressure difference in Cw, 0 U
annulus (¼ pmax  pmin) 0 ¼ ¼ ð16Þ
2  Gc Re  b
Dc ratio of discharge coefficients
(¼ Cd,i/Cd,e) where U is the bulk-mean velocity through the rim-
Dp ratio of driving force for EI and RI seal clearance and the other symbols are defined in
ingress (¼ Cp/C1) Appendix 1.
" sealing effectiveness (¼ Cw,0/
Cw,e ¼ 0/e)
"c concentration effectiveness
Externally-induced ingress
(¼ (cs  ca)/(co  ca)) The EI effectiveness equation when 0 4 min,EI is
T turbulent flow parameter
(¼ Cw,oRe08) 0 "
¼ ð17Þ
 dynamic viscosity min , EI ½1 þ 2=3
c ð1  "Þ2=3 3=2
 angular velocity of rotating disc
 non-dimensional sealing parameter where c is the ratio of the discharge coefficients for
(¼ Cw/2GcRe) ingress and egress, and
i value of  when Cw ¼ Cw,i 2
min value of  when Cw ¼ Cw,min min , EI ¼ Cd, e C1=2
p ð18Þ
min 0 value of 0 when " ¼ 0.95
0 value of  when Cw ¼ Cw,0 where
 density p
angular coordinate, non-dimensional  Cp ¼ ð19Þ
vane pitch ½  2 b2
p is the peak-to-trough circumferential pressure dif-
ference in the annulus, and Cd,e is the discharge coef-
ficient for egress through the rim seal. When
Subscripts 0 > min,EI, " ¼ 1.
a annulus Some research workers11,22 have used a K factor to
CI combined ingress rank the performance of rim seals. It can be shown
e egress that
EI externally-induced ingress pffiffiffi pffiffiffi
i ingress 2min , EI 2 2
max maximum K¼ ¼ Cd, e ð20Þ
p 3
min minimum
RI rotationally-induced ingress

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Scobie et al. 507

Rotationally-induced ingress. The RI effectiveness equa- and, from equation (22)

tion when 0 4 min,RI
min , RI
0 " C1 ¼ ð25Þ
¼ ð21Þ Cd, e, RI
min , RI 1=2 1=2
½1 þ ð1  "Þ ½1 þ 2
c ð1  "Þ
For simplicity, it is assumed here that
where Cd,e,CI ¼ Cd,e,RI ¼ Cd,e,EI.
As shown in equation (13)
min , RI ¼ Cd, e C1=2
1 ð22Þ
p ¼ ka CF ð26Þ
and C1 is an empirical constant. When 0 > min,RI,
" ¼ 1. where ka is found from least-squares fit to the pressure
data. It follows that
Combined ingress. Equation (18) applies when the effect
of rotation is negligible and equation (22) applies p ¼ kc C2F ð27Þ
when Cp is negligible. These two equations provide
the EI and RI asymptotes, and the CI equation pro- where
vides a transition between these limiting cases when
the effects of both rotation and pressure asymmetry ka Cd, e, RI
are significant. For the CI case kc ¼ ð28Þ
min , RI
min , CI 2 Cd, e, CI 1 þ p 1 Using equation (27), equation (23) becomes
¼ ð23Þ
min , RI 3 Cd, e, EI p  3=2
min , CI 2 1 þ kc C2F 1
where ¼ 2
min , RI 3 kc CF
p ¼ ð24Þ

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