SandBox Cheat Sheet 19

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Demo -- Walkthrough Script

Published: August 1, 2018

Sandbox – for Partners

Login to Home Office

I. Send Invite to agency
II. Onboarding Agency

1. Show onboarded Agencies Details
a. Review Details of Agency
2. Add Producer (Manual)
3. Expiring License
4. Show Appointment Details SV
5. Show Certification Details SV
6. Terminate Producer

IV. Commissions
1. Setting up the templates
2. Advance
3. Commissions
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4. Policy Transfer
5. Adjustment

V. VUE Configuration
1. Create/Modify Navigational SmartVUE

VI. Reports
1. Commission Statement

VII. Self Service Portal

a. Additional Appointment Request
b. View home/BOB/Commission dashboards
c. View Agent list by status, Appointments, License, Certs SVs
d. Commission Statement report

Login to Home Office

 To log into VUE Home Office, you will need to start the application by opening a web browser such as Chrome (version 40.0 and above),
Internet Explorer (version 11.0) or Mozilla Firefox (Version 43.0 and above)
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 Note: Please make sure you clean up your browser cache before you start navigating through the application.
 This can be done with below steps
 Internet Explorer : Press CTRL + SHIFT+ DEL and when it shows popup select all check boxes and click on DELETE button
 Chrome: Press CTRL + SHIFT+ DEL and when it shows popup select all check boxes and click on Clear Browsing Data button

 Once browser is opened, type in the below URL and click on the ‘Enter’ key (do not directly click from this document. Copy and paste the
URL in browser) which will redirect to Login page.

• Once you are in the Login page (Fig 2), you can use the admin credentials provided in the below table

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(Figure: 2)

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Admin – Login

Name User Name Password

admin admin vueicm

Home office Login admin / vueicm

Agency Login (Additional Appointment) Graham.INC/Vue@123
Agency Portal login David.Agency/Vue@123
Licensing admin admin / vueicm

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Application Naming Terminology (Sample Screen)

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Scenario 1: Onboarding Agency
Scenario description

• Send Invite to Agency

• To Onboard agency from invitation email


• We will have an invitation ready for Agency Onboarding

• Once agent clicks on invitation link, the onboarding process will begin

• Once onboarding is done, an onboarding transaction will be created

• licensing manager will open the onboarding transaction and review and activate agency

User Action / Steps

• Click on the email attached / Generated for agency

• Agency Name: Northwestern Mutual

• Tax ID: 74-6950596

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Home Office

Login to Home office as Licensing user

User Name : admin
Password : vueicm


Software Action My Action
Send Invitation: Agency GO TO  Onboarding  Onboarding  View Send Invitations
Send invite Onboarding Top level: No Click on “Send Invitation” action from Ribbon
RA Name: David William Agency Click on Next
Send Invite Details
Channel FMO/IMO Role FMO/IMO
Sub Channel Contract Name FMO Contract
Recipient Role Agent Carriers American Life
Corporation Name Mutual Tax ID 74-6950596
Principal Agent First
Corporation NPN NA Name Deborah
Principal Agent Last Ward SSN 298-78-9290
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NPN NA RA Arrangements AA0010-011
Payee Agent Field Office Field 0ffice-1

Enter the above details and click on Next

Send Invitation
Provide the email address in Recipient Email address and click on Finish which will send email out to the address.


Software Action My Action

Upon clicking on Click here to start Onboarding link from email, a new screen will be opened for Onboarding application. Below
Onboarding Process are the steps which needs to be used for navigating the Onboarding process.
Note: This is Onboarding for Northwestern Mutual
WELCOME PAGE After Clicking on the Link, we are navigated to the welcome page of the Onboarding
Click on Get Started screen, click on “Get Started” to start the Onboarding Wizard.
TERMS AND CONDITIONS DISCLOSURE Select ‘I Agree’ Check box and click Next
FAIR CREDIT DISCLOSURE Check on ‘I Agree’ and click Next
Displays primary information for both CORPORATION INFORMATION and
Click Next
CORPORATION CONTACT INFORMATION This page contains below information:

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1. Demographic Information
2. Address Information
3. Contact information
All the fields highlighted with ‘yellow’ colour are read only fields and cannot be
Business Type: Agency, Incorporated From Demographic information, Select Business type from dropdown
In Address Information Choose Business address as ‘Is Primary’ address and Click
Is Primary: Yes Next
Note: To select one of the address as ‘Is primary’, click on the “pencil/edit button”

icon, then select ‘Is Primary’ checkbox. Now click on button to save the
This page contains Principal agent information of below:
1. Demographic Information
2. Address Information
3. Contact information
PRINCIPAL AGENT CONTACT INFORMATION All the fields highlighted with ‘yellow’ colour are read only fields and cannot edit
Business Type: Individual/Sole Proprietor In Demographic information, Select Business type
Is Primary: Yes In Address Information one of the address need to be selected as ‘Is Primary’ and
click Next
Note: To select one of the address as ‘Is primary’, click on the “pencil/edit button”

icon, then select ‘Is Primary’ checkbox. Now click on button to save the
Add Errors & Omissions In E&O page, initially it will show blank Grid.
Click on ‘+ Add Errors & Omissions’ which will open a screen to add details.
E&O Carrier: Argonat-midwest All the fields with ‘*’ are Mandatory. Enter the details as provided.
Effective Date: 01/01/2017 To attach any supporting document, click on ‘Upload document’ option
Click on ‘select files’, browse for the file and click on ‘Open’ for the file to be
Expiration Date: 12/31/2017 attached.
then click on Save
Enter data for Coverage amount :10000000

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Certification #: Cert123
After clicking on save, the page will be navigated back to E&O screen.
In that screen click Next

Ignore Certification page

Click Next
A PDB Call made to pull the licenses.
LICENSE INFORMATION Agency licenses and Principal agent license information are Populated

Click Next
Appointments are pre-selected for agency in
AGENCY APPOINTMENT INFORMATION grid and in appointment from
the appointments if not required.
Carrier: American Life
Scroll down to find the appointment fee charged by NIPR.
And click Next
BACKGROUND QUESTIONNAIRE Select “No” for all questions, Provide CRD Number
And click on Next.
Select No for all questions.
Note: If you select Yes, then you need to upload corresponding document
UPLOAD DOCUMENTS To Upload documents, click on ‘select files’, browse the file and click on ‘Open’ to
attach the file to be uploaded
COMPENSATION PAYMENT PREFERENCES Here Based on payment method, different fields will be populated, need to enter
the data based on Payment Method
If Payment method is Check,
Payment Method: Check
Frequency: Monthly
Carrier: American Life
Statement Delivery method: Electronic

If Payment method is Direct Deposit (EFT),

Bank Account #: 123456

Confirm Bank Account #: 123456

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Bank Name: BOA

Routing #: 123123123

Account Type: Savings

Statement Delivery method: Electronic

Click on ‘View/Download’ link in the grid of “Agency contract application” which

CONTRACT VERIFICATION: Review Contract will download the PDF.
application by clicking on View/Download Note: Make sure you don’t have the popup blockers enabled on browsers
Click on Next
Click ‘I Agree to process electronically’ check box.
Check on I Agree box and complete the E-
Signature process Scroll down and complete the E-signature process by signing in the box provided
using a Stylus or Computer mouse.

Note: If signature is not clear, clear the box and Resign.

Click on Next

Onboarding is completed (Displays the message as Congratulations! Your

application is complete.)
FINISH If the Agent/Agency wants to View/download any documents, click on
View/download of “Agency contract application”
Close the Onboarding screen/Tab after Completion of Onboarding.

Email will be Received with Login Details. Email will be sent to the same email address who received the Onboarding

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Scenario 1: Review Details of onboarded Agency

Scenario description

• To Review the Onboarded Agency details from Home Office


• After onboarding is done, an Onboarding transaction is created in the Home Office

• Licensing manager opens the Onboarding transaction created and

• After Verifying the Agency Details, the

User Action / Steps

• Login to Home Office and go to Workbasket and click on dashboard

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• URL :

User Name: admin

Password : vueicm
Review Details of onboarded Agency
Software Action My Action

Home Office

Login to Home office as Licensing user

User Name : Admin
Password : vueicm

Step 1: Login to Home office, Click on Work Basket Module (Left Menu)
From work Management sub module select Onboarding Transactions
1. Go to Onboarding Transactions SmartVUE and SmartVUE.
search status date from Today You can see the
Work basket agency name Northwestern Mutual listed in there Step 2: Enter Agency Name in the Entity name column And click on Search.
(Onboarding 2. Open the Task Step 3: From the Results displayed Click on Onboarding hyperlink of
Transactions) 3. Open Agency from task
activity column which will opens user activity screen ( )

Step 4: Click on Show Agent icon which will open agency

Agency Profile Agency Profile Step 1: Review the Demographics and communication information

Step 2: Review the Agent contracts and Arrangements

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Activate Contract
Status: Active Step 3: In Profile Screen, scroll down to “Agent Contract” Click on
Hierarchy button to view the Reporting Hierarchy
Status Reason: Active
Status Date: Todays Date

Step 4: Click on Edit contract, and change Status to Active and Status
reason to Active and click on save and close.

1. Click on Credentials Ribbon item in Functional

Review Credentials: Views Ribbon group
2. Review the License and Appointments pulled while
Review Credentials Click on Credentials ribbon item from Functional Views onboarding the agency
Ribbon group 3. Close the credentials tab from top left corner of the screen

Activate Agency Status Reason: Active Step 1: Once after reviewing the license and appointments, click on
Activate Agent from more in Actions ribbon group and find the Activate
Status Date: Today
Agent button from the drop down
Status Reason Date: Today
Step 2: Select Status, Status date, Status reason date as data provided and
click on Activate.

Step 3: It displays Data saved successfully in green colour on the same Pop

Step 4: Now Close the “Activate Agent” Pop up and close all the tabs

Step 4: Review “Status” in Agent Key Information or go to “Agent List by

status” and search the agent and review the status in result screen. The
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agent turns from pending status to Active status

Scenario 2: Add Agent Manually

Scenario description

• To add Life Contract for an agent manually from Home Office and activating the agent.


• Creating agent by entering First Name, Last Name and SSN and save.

• Once the agent is added, we will make a PDB recon, by making PDB call which will load the Address, Licenses and appointments

• Once the agent created successfully, we will open an existing agency and attach this new agent as Principal agent

User Action / Steps

• Login to Home office using admin credentials provided above and perform below steps.

User Name: admin
Password : vueicm

Software Action My Action

Add Agent Enter Agent Basic Info Step 1: By default Agency/Agent Module (Left Menu) is selected, when the user
Agent First Name: James Logs into Home Office
Agent Last Name: Quinones
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Step 2: By default Agency/Agent sub-module is selected in Agency/Agent Module,
which displays SmartVUEs under it

Step 3: Click on “Agent List by Status” SmartVUE under Agency/Agent sub-module

Step 4: On the top left corner in “General” Ribbon group Click on “New” ribbon
Item you will find two sub-ribbon item Agent, Agency. Click on Agent, which opens
SSN: 298-60-6160
a new Agent Profile Window

Step 5: Enter First Name, Last Name, SSN, NPN and click on “Save” from “General”
Ribbon group (Top Menu).

Step 6: It displays “Data saved successfully” with green color and vanish on the top
of profile screen.

PDB Recon Pull Data from Step 1: After agent info is saved, click on More from “NIPR OR PDB Actions” (Top
menu) ribbon group and select “PDB Recon Wizard” from the drop-down

Step 2: A Pop up with message “PDB Recon Wizard pulls the agent details from
NIPR PDB and this is chargeable” is displayed. Click OK to continue with further
Note: A new PDB Recon Wizard will be opened

Step 3: This wizard consists of PDB Addresses and VUE Addresses.

1. PDB Addresses consists of Business address, Mailing address and
Residence address
2. Click on the first check box in PDB Addresses Grid and it will select all

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the addresses present in the table

4. Click on Next button.

Step 4: This wizard consists of PDB Licenses and VUE Licenses.

1. Click on the first check box in PDB Licenses and it will select all the
Licenses present in the table
2. Click on Next button.

Step 5: This wizard consists of PDB Appointments, VUE Appointments and Non-
Managed Appointments (If any). Click Finish in the PDB appointments screen.

Step 6: It opens “PDB Updates” pop up message, it displays updated entities. Click
OK button.

Step7: Then close the Agent Profile screen tab, from top left corner.

Review Agent Review /reopen agent created Step 1: Click on SmartVUE “Agent List by Status”
Agent Name: James Quinones
Step 2: In search criteria Enter agent’s first name or last name or Full name in
Agent Name field.

Note: Agent Name details are mentioned in below table. Ex: “ James Quinones ”

Step 3: Click on search

Step 4: From the result, Click on Agent name link button Agent Name column to
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open agent profile

Step 5: Review the Communication details, and check if the address information is
Note: The address information which is given as ‘Residence’ will be showed under
‘Communication’ in agent profile

Step 6: Under communication click on Edit/Add Address and a new window will be
opened. This window contains all the addresses i.e. Business address, Mailing
Address and Residence address. Review if all the data is correctly populated. Close
the window from top right corner Close link button

Step 7: Click on “Credentials” ribbon item from “Functional Views” ribbon group
(Top Menu), Review license information and close the screen from top right corner
Close link button.

Step 1: In Agent Profile Scroll down till “Agent Contract” widget, click anywhere in
Create Contracts the Agent contract widget and Click on “Add Contract” ribbon item from “Action”
Ribbon Group Which will open a new tab Agent Contract screen
Adding Life
Contract Name: FMO Contract
Contract to the
Carrier: American Life
Agent Step 2: In Agent Contract, Select the mandatory details such as Contract Name,
Status: Active Carrier, Status from the drop downs with the provided data and click on Save &
Status Reason: Active Close.

Step 1: Go to Agent profile, scroll down to Agent Contract widget and click on the
Navigate back to Agent Profile
Arrangement Code column hyper link “Ex. BD0936-002” to open the arrangement
For adding the RA.
Adding Agency in Hierarchy to Setup as RA Step 1: In Same Screen, Under Hierarchy Info section, Click on RA Arrangement

Field Search icon , a new search criteria popup will be open

Agent Name: Stevens Insurance Brokerage Svcs
Arrangement Code BD0936-002 Step 2: Enter the Agency Name in Agent Name field and click on find, select agency
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name by clicking on the radio button from the result grid and click on Use
button at the bottom of the screen.

Step 3: It will navigate to Arrangement screen, click “Save & Close” Ribbon item in
“General” Ribbon group

Step 4: It navigates to Agent profile, scroll down to Agent Contract widget and click
on the arrow icon in Arrangement grid and it expands, we can view entire
hierarchy flow.

Creating Online Create online appointments Step 1: Scroll up and click anywhere in Agent Key Information section. Click on
Appointments “Credentials” Ribbon item from “Functional Views” Ribbon Group (Top Menu),
State: SC Credentials will open in new tab in same screen
Carrier: American Life
Step 2: This tab consists of license, appointment and Trainings &Certification
LOA: Life
widgets. Where the Licenses data is already loaded by using PDB Recon process
Effective Date: Today’s Date
Status: Pending Step 3: In “Licenses” widget select “SC” state for which the appointment needs to
be created and click on “Online Appointments” ribbon item from “Actions” Ribbon
group (Top menu), a new screen is popped out to create appointments for the
Appointment Notes:
Step 4: Select the mandatory details (Required Details) such as Carrier, LOA,
Subject: Online Appointment for state SC Effective date and Status from the drop downs with the provided data and click
Description: Submitted online appointments for Next button. Review the appointments and click on Submit appointment button
state “SC”
Step 5: A pop up Appears as “Agent Background request is still in pending status,
do what to submit to NIPR?” Click Yes. Enter appointment notes. Click on Save &

Step 6: Scroll down to Appointment widget, if you don’t see appointments created
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Click on “Refresh” icon on top right corner of the grid.

Step 7: Close the Credential Tab from top right corner Close link button.

Step 1: In Agent profile, click on more in Functional View ribbon group and click on
“Activate Agent” Ribbon item, which will open an “Activate agent” pop-up

Step 2: Select Status, Status date, Status reason date as data provided and click on

Activate Agent: Step 3: It displays Data saved successfully in green color on the same Pop up.
Activating Agent
Status: Active Step 4: Now Close the “Activate Agent” Popup and close all the tabs.

Step 5: Review “Status” in Agent Key Information or go to “Agent List by status”

Smartened and search the agent and review the status in result grid. The agent
turns from Pending status to Active status.

Step 6: Close Agent Profile Screen

Adding Agent as a Adding as a principle agent Step 1: Click on SmartVUE “Agent List by Status”
Principle Agent for Agency Name: Stevens Insurance Brokerage Svcs
Agency Step 2: In search criteria Enter Agency name in Agent Name field.

Note: Agency Name details are mentioned in below table. Ex: “Stevens Insurance
Brokerage Svcs ”

Step 3: Click on search button

Step 4: From the result, click on agency name you have provided in search criteria
under Agent Name column to open Agency profile.

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Step 5: Click on SSN search option in “Principal Agent” section below to
“Agency Key Information”, a pop up screen will be open
Step 6: Enter Agent Name in search criteria and click on Find button, select the
radio button to select the agent and click on Use button.

Step 7: In Principal Agent section, Principal agent name will populate.

Step 8: Click on “Save & Close” Ribbon item in “General” Ribbon group.

Scenario 3: Renew a License

Scenario Description

• Licensing user should be able to view expiring licenses, open the agent profile make a PDB Recon where in PDB, the license expiration date is updated.
So, the Licensing user will reconcile VUE License information with PDB Licensing information.


• Need to identify the licenses which is about to expire in next X days from “Expiring Licenses” SmartVUE.

• Licensing user will Open the Agent licenses

• Licensing user will make a PDB Call and which will get the updated expiration dates for the license.

User Action / Steps

Software Action My Action

Expiring Licenses SmartVUE Name: Expiring Licenses Step 1: Go to Agency/Agent (Left menu), Select “License” Sub-module which will
Agent Name: “Lisa Hill” display SmartVUEs under it.

Step 2: Click on SmartVUE “Expiring Licenses”.

Step 3: Select the Expire In as “Within a month” in search criteria and enter agent

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name in agent column, click on Search button.

Step 4: Check the expiration dates

Step 5: Click on link button under state column to open the expiring license of the

Step 6: Review the expiring license and click on PDB recon Wizard from the ribbon
item from action ribbon group

Step 1: Click on PDB recon wizard from action ribbon group.

Note: A new PDB Recon Wizard will be opened

Step 2: In PDB Recon Wizard flow,

 PDB Addresses and VUE address will be populated click on “Next” button.

 PDB Licenses and VUE Licenses will be populated, select check box of PDB
License Record which is highlighted with “pink color” and click on “Next”
PDB Recon Wizard in Agent Profile button.
Pull Data from
Review the licenses expiration dates
PDP  PDB Appointments, VUE Appointments and Non-Managed Appointments
State: “OH”
will be populated and click on “Finish” button.

Step 3: It will show the PDB updates pop-up as License updated. Click on OK

Step 4: It navigates to agent profile, click on “Credentials” under “Functional

Views” ribbon group to review license information.

Step 5: It opens credentials tab, verify the updated License Expiration Date.

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Step 1: Search for agent by providing agent name in the agent column and click on
Agent list by
Agent name: “Lisa Hill”
status Step 2: Click on Credentials from Functional ribbon group

Step 3: Review the license expiration Date and close the agent profile
Scenario 4: Show Appointment details SV
Scenario Description

• Licensing user should be able to view Appointment Agency/Agents Details, go to Appointment List by Status SmartVUE and Click on Search. It will display
all the Agents with their Valid and Invalid Appointments


• Go to Agent/Agency, Click on Appointment list by status under Appointments Smart VUE.

User Action / Steps

Software Action My Action

Appointment List by Status SmartVUE Name: Appointment List by Status Step 1: Go to Agency/Agent (Left menu), Select
“Appointments” Sub-module which will display SmartVUEs
under it.

Step 2: Click on SmartVUE “Appointment List by Status”.

Step 3: Click on Search, the result criteria displays all the

Agency/Agents Related Appointments in the SmartVUE

Step 4: On right Bottom of the page, click on the Rows

Drop down Button and Select 100 records

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Step 5: Click on Horizontal Scroll bar at the bottom of the page
and Scroll to your right to check Appointment Status, Status
Reason and Status date etc.;

Scenario 5: Show Certification details

Scenario Description

• Licensing user should be able to view Certification Details of Agency/Agents, go to Agent Certification SmartVUE and Click on Search. It will display all the
Agents with their Active and expired Certification Details


• Go to Agent/Agency, Click on to Agent Certification under Certifications Smart VUE.

User Action / Steps

Software Action My Action

Agent Certification SmartVUE Name: Agent Certification Step 1: Go to Agency/Agent (Left menu), Select “Certification”
Sub-module which will display SmartVUEs under it.

Step 2: Click on SmartVUE “Agent Certification”.

Step 3: Click on Search, the result criteria displays all the

Agency/Agents Related Certifications in the SmartVUE

Step 4: Click on Horizontal Scroll bar at the bottom of the page

and Scroll to your right to check Certification Type, date, Status
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Scenario 6: Terminate Agency & Producer
Scenario Description

• To Terminate Agency / Agent


• Since agency licenses are going to expire soon

• Licensing user will look in to the NIPR Tasks from work basket, open the agency and terminate agency

User Action / Steps

Software Action My Action

Terminate Agency SmartVUE: PDB Expiration Transactions Step 1: Click on Work Basket from that Left Menu
Entity Name: John Agency
Step 2: Scroll down to Work Management Sub menu

Step 3: Select Submenu Work Management, which displays SmartVUEs under it.

Step 4: Click on SmartVUE “PDB Expiration Transactions ”

Step 5: Enter the agency name in Entity Name column. and Click on Search button
in SmartVUE Search criteria

Step 6: In result criteria under Activity column, click on PDB Expiration

Transactions link to open the task (user activity screen)
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Step 7: Click on Show Entity icon which will open agency profile

Step 1: Verify Contract: Scroll down to view the Agency Contracts with status.
Status is Active before termination.

Step 2: verify the credentials: Click on Credentials under Functional views from
Review Agency Agency profile ribbon item.

Step 3: It opens credentials tab, scroll down to review the Licenses and
Appointments status. You can see Resident License is Expired and Appointments
Are Terminated

Step 4: Once reviewed, click on Close link button top right corner.

Step 1: After click on Close it gets back to agency profile, then click on Term Agent
ribbon item under Actions.

Terminate Agency Step 2: Opens a pop-up window, Select Reason and Termination date , then Click
on Terminate Button to terminate the Agency

Reason: “Resident license is expired” Step 3: Since Agency has downline active agents, it shows the message as “Active
Agent(s) under this Agent / Agency”. So, we cannot terminate now. We got to
Date : today terminate the downline agents before we terminate the agency
So, Look at the downline agents in next steps

Step 4: Close Term Agent pop up and close the Agency Profile
Terminate Agent SmartVUE: List of Active Producers Under a Step 1: Go back to home window, click on Agency/Agent from Left Menu
Step 2: Select Submenu Agency/Agent, which displays SmartVUEs
Reporting Authority Name:

John Agency Step 3: Click on SmartVUE “List of Active Producers Under a manager”

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Step4: Enter the agency name in Reporting Authority Name, then Click on search
Agent Name: Maria Sosa button. It displays the all agents under this agency.

Step5: Click on Agent Code link in results to Open the Agent Profile

Step 1: In Agent Profile Screen, click on Term Agent ribbon item under Actions

Step 2: Opens a pop-up window, Select Reason and Termination date then Click
on Terminate button to terminate the Agent. Once Agent is terminated message
will display on pop-up window as “Data save successfully” then click on Close
button, Agent contracts and appointments will be terminated automatically.
Agent Profile: Terminate Agent
Step 3: Verify the contracts Status: Scroll down to view the Agent contracts in the
Reason: RA Resident License is expired profile screen, verify the status as “Terminated” in Agent contract widget.
Termination date: today
Step4: Verify Appointments: Click on Credentials under Functional Views in Agent
profile. It opens credentials tab, scroll down and Verify the Appointments Status
with “Terminated” in Appointments widget.

Step5: Once agent termination process is done, go back to agency profile and
terminate the agency

Terminate Agency
Step 1: Go to Agency/Agent (Left menu), Select “Agency/agent” Sub-module
Agent Name: John Agency which will display SmartVUEs under it.

Step 2: Click on SmartVUE “Agent list by status”.

Step 3: Enter the Agency name in Entity Name. and Click on Search button in
SmartVUE Search criteria

Step 4: Click on Agent Name link in result grid

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Step 5: click on Term Agent ribbon item under Actions.

Step 6: Opens a pop-up window, Select Reason as “Resident license expired” and
Termination date as today date, then Click on Terminate Button to terminate the
Agency. Once Agency is terminated message will display on pop-up window as
“Data save successfully” then click on Close button on pop-up window.

Step 7: Once Agency is terminated, Agency contracts and appointments will be

terminated automatically

Step 8: Verify the contracts Status: Scroll down to view the Agency contracts in
the profile screen, verify the status as “Terminated”.

Step9: Verify Appointments: Click on Credentials under Functional Views in

Agency profile. It opens credentials tab, scroll down and Verify the Appointments
Status with “Terminated” in Appointments widget.

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III. Commissions

Scenario 8 Compensation
Software Action My Action

Schedule Name: FMO schedule

Schedule Setup  Compensation  Compensation Schedule

Agency Flat Commission:

Template Code: E-046

Agent Flat commission:

Template Code: E-045

Contract Template Agency Tiered Commission: Setup  Compensation  Contract Template

Template Code: E-071

Agent Tiered Commission:

Template Code: E-072

Advance Template Template Code: AT-001

Policy Policy  List by status
Advance Whole Life Policy #: WL.PL.3.ADV Search your Policy
Click on More ribbon item from Reports Ribbon Group
Click on Statement Info from the Drop Down
Advance Charge Back
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Last Edit: Vikram Khandarkar

Policy Policy  List by status
Whole Life Policy #: WL.PL.1.ADVCB
Advance Chargeback Search your Policy
Click on More ribbon item from Reports Ribbon Group
Click on Statement Info from the Drop Down
Plan Transfer
Policy Policy  List by status
Plan Transfer Search your Policy
Click on More ribbon item from Reports Ribbon Group
Final Expense Policy #: FE.PL.2.PT Click on Statement Info from the Drop Down
Policy Policy  List by status
Universal Life Policy #: UL.PL.1.ADJ
Search your Policy
Click on More ribbon item from Reports Ribbon Group
Click on Statement Info from the Drop Down

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Last Edit: Vikram Khandarkar

IV. Create/modify Navigational SmartVUE
Scenario Description

• To Remove and Add a field from SmartVUE’s using Admin Configuration


• Log in to Admin Configuration to Modify a navigational SmartVUE using Simple Mode.

User Action / Steps

Login to Portal

• User Name: admin

• Password: vueicm

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Last Edit: Vikram Khandarkar

Scenario 3b Remove a Column using Simple Mode
Software Action Navigation/Action
URL: (admin/vueicm)
1. Click on Navigation SmartVUE Menu
2. Click on Navigation SmartVUE Submenu from the Sub
Menu’s Displayed in the page
3. Enter SmartVUE name: License List by status in
search criteria and Click on Search
4. Click on License List by status Hyperlink.
5. You will be navigated to Navigational SmartVUE

1. Login to Admin Configuration with the

Remove License # Column from the Credentials Provided 6. By default, Simple mode Radio Button
SmartVUE Using Simple Mode 2. Click on Navigational SmartVUE Menu is selected, Click on Next
3. Click on Navigational SmartVUE submenu 7. A message appears as POP UP, Click on YES
8. Remove License # by clicking on cross mark on the
License # Column
9. Click On Preview and Preview the SmartVUE and close
the Screen
10. Click On finish
11. A message is populated whether to Publish the
smartVUE, Click on YES
12. Enter Training in the Comments POP up, Click on Save

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Last Edit: Vikram Khandarkar

Scenario i Show License List by Status SmartVUE
Software Action Navigation/Action
URL: (admin/vueicm)
Login to Home office with the Credential provided

If already Logged into Home Office, Logout and Login again to effect the changes on the smartVUE

1. Agency/Agent Module
Show SmartVUE 1. Show that the License # Field is removed from the
2. Click on License List by status SmartVUE from
License List by Status SmartVUE
Left menu

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Scenario 3c ADD a Column using Simple Mode
Software Action Navigation/Action
URL: (admin/vueicm)
1. Click on Navigation SmartVUE Menu
2. Click on Navigation SmartVUE Submenu from the Sub
Menu’s Displayed in the page
3. Enter SmartVUE name: License List by Status in
search criteria and Click on Search
4. Click on License List by Status Hyperlink.
5. You will be navigated to Navigational SmartVUE

6. By default, Simple mode Radio Button

is selected, Click on Next
1. Login to Admin Configuration with the 7. A message appears as POP UP, Click on YES
Remove License # Column from the Credentials Provided 8. Add License #
SmartVUE Using Simple Mode 2. Click on Navigational SmartVUE Menu 9. Search for MDV_AgentLicense from Left Menu under
3. Click on Navigational SmartVUE submenu License List by Status
10. Expand MDV_AgentLicense from left Menu, Find
License No under it
11. Drag License No and Drop it in Search Criteria Widget
12. Double Click on License No to Edit
13. Edit License No to License # (remove No and Add #)
14. Click On Preview and Preview the SmartVUE and close
the Screen
15. Click On finish
16. A message is populated whether to Publish the
smartVUE, Click on YES
17. Enter Training in the Comments POP up, Click on Save

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Last Edit: Vikram Khandarkar

Scenario ii Show License List by Status SmartVUE
Software Action Navigation/Action
URL: (admin/vueicm)
Login to Home office with the Credential provided

If already Logged into Home Office, Logout and Login again to effect the changes on the smartVUE

1. Agency/Agent Module
Show SmartVUE 1. Show that the License # Field added into the
1. Click on License List by status SmartVUE from
License List by Status SmartVUE
Left menu

V. Reports

User Name: admin
Password: vueicm

Scenario Reports
Software Action My Action
Commission Statement
Statement Date: 01/31/2016
Commission Statement Payee: David William Agency Reports  Formatted Reports PayablesCommission Statement

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Last Edit: Vikram Khandarkar

VI. Self Service Portal

Scenario 1: Add Appointment in a JIT State

Scenario Description

• To add an additional appointment for a JIT State, where the producer requests additional appointment from portal and follows wizard by selecting state
where he licensed in NJ State. Appointment will be created in Pending/ JIT waiting for Business status in Home Office.


• Agency logins to Self Service portal

• Agency click on “Additional Appointment Request” which will open Additional appointment wizard.

• Agency follows the wizard and Existing appointments displayed with RED/Read only text

• Agency Follows wizard and finish the process

• Agency appointments will be created in Home Office with Pending / JIT waiting for Business Status

User Action / Steps

• Login to portal with and follow the below steps.

• URL :
User Name: Graham.INC
Password : Vue@123

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Scenario- a Producer Portal  Additional Appointment
Software Action My Action
User Name: Graham.INC
Agency login to portal Browse the URL and provide the user name and password as shown above
Password : Vue@123

Step 1: Place the Cursor on “My Agents” menu and select “Additional
Appointment Request” link from the sub menu items

Step 2 : You will be navigated to additional appointment request screen

Additional Appointment Does the Additional Appointment Request for You And select “Yes” for “Does the Additional Appointment Request for You”.
Request = YES
Step 3: Click on Continue which will open additional appointment process
flow in other tab.
Note: Make sure the popup blockers are disabled

Terms & Conditions Select I Agree Checkbox and click on NEXT

Fair Credit Disclosure Please read Fair Credit Disclosure and Select I Agree Checkbox and click on
License Information You can find Licenses filled from PDB Call, now click on NEXT

Select Checkbox for the state which has “NJ” and Click on NEXT (black
Agency Appointment State = NJ colour row)
Information Note : Appointments which are in colour red are existing appointments for

You will see the message “Your request is submitted successfully “

Application Complete
You can close the window

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Last Edit: Vikram Khandarkar

Producer Portal
Step 1: Place the Cursor on “My Agents” menu and select “View
Appointments” from the sub menu items

Step 2: Up on clicking “View Appointments” you will be navigated to View

View Appointment View Appointment SmartVUE Appointments SmartVUE.
Step 3: Click on Search button in Search criteria you can find newly created
appointments for “NJ” state with status as Pending and status reason with
JIT Waiting for Business.

Scenario 2: Producer Portal dashboards and SmartVUE’s

Scenario Description

• Show Dashboards and Drill Down Charts

• Show Various Agency SmartVUE’s in the Portal


• Agency logins to Self Service portal

• Looks into the Dashboards and Drill Down on the Charts to navigate to the SmartVUE

• Go to Agency SmartVUE’s and view Downline Agents Information in the smartVUE’s

User Action / Steps

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• Login to portal with and follow the below steps.
• URL:
User Name:
Password: Vue@123

Scenario Producer Portal

Software Action My Action
1. After Logging in to the Portal, by default this Dashboard
will be displayed
2. View Tasks Widget shows various task Assigned by Home
Office user
3. Commission statement widget displays the commission
1. Communication Dashboard
Cycle and the commission Amount of the Logged in User
4. All the Requests created to Home from portal are
Displayed in Requests Widgets
5. Alerts Created by Home office are displayed in the Alerts
1. Click on book of business tab and the user will be navigated to
b. Dashboards
Book of Business Dashboard. This Dashboard displays the Agents
Policies Related data.
2. Policies  Click on The bar chart to drill down into the Policy
2. Book of Business Dashboard SmartVUE. Click on back from top left Corner to return to
3. Renewing Policies by LOB  Click to Drill Down
4. Paid Premium
5. Policy Count by product type
1. Click on Compensation tab and the user will be navigated to
Compensation Dashboard. This Dashboard displays the Agents
3. Compensation Dashboard
Commission Related data.
2. Payee Balances  Drill Down
c. SmartVUE 1. View Appointments 1. Hover your Cursor on My Agents tab
2. Click on View Appointments Menu
3. Click on Search, to View Agency Appointments
4. Select Show All my Agent: YES, and click on search to View
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Downline Hierarchy Appointments
1. Click on View License from Left Menu
2. Click on Search, to View Agency Licenses
2. View Licenses
3. Select Show All my Agent: YES, and click on search to View
Downline Hierarchy Certification
1. Click on View Certification from Left Menu
2. Click on Search, to View Agency Certifications
3. View Certification
3. Select Show All my Agent: YES, and click on search to View
Downline Hierarchy Certifications
1. Hover your cursor on Request tab
d. View/Create/Manage Request 1. View Requests
2. Click on Search to View Request

Scenario c Commission Statement Report

Software Action My Action
Commission Statement
Statement Date: 01/31/2016
Commission Statement Reports  Commission Statement

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