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(Ptease write gour Exam Roll No.) Exam Rotl No. 0Jo'
Ewn Tpnnn ExenrINATIoN
Nrwtrr SplrpstpR [LLBI NovprvrrBn-DBcBurBn-2ol8 -
Paper Code: LLB-SO7 Subiect: Legal Dthlcs and Court Croft
2074 Onwards)
Time:3 Hours Maximum Marks :75
Note: Attempt all questions from Part A. Attempt one question from eaeh
unit of Par-t, B,

^nW /v
Write short notes on tkre following:-
*^f Legal disability *
p Optional registration r
LP {'-
'){ Legal aid \-
-W t.pes of petition entertained by Supreme Court
Adr.ocates and their course of conducl under Delhi Fligh Court
,w' Ru1es.
( >'\" PlRl-P
Who is an advocate under Si-rpreme Court Rules? Explain the parameters
lbr designating an advocate as a senior advocate with speciaL reference to
Ms. Indira Jaising u. Supreme Court of lrudia, Air 20 18 SC I01. (12.5)

Qs trxplain the procedure follorved by the Single Judge of F{igh Court in

exercise of its original civil jurisdiction. (12.5)

qj-/fn, doctrine of condonation of delay is applicable if trvo requirements are
\--'- fulfilled i.e. "sufficient call-se" and "satisfaction of the collrt". I{eeping in
view the above statement, discuss the concept of condonation of delay.

a9 V/hat is the effect of non-registration of a compulsory registerable

document? (12.5)
Q6 'Ad,ministartion of justice is a stream which has to be kept pure and
c1ean. It has to be kept unpolluted. It is not something which concerns
the Bench on1y. lt concerns the Bar as r,ve11'. Discuss. (12.5)

What is professional misconduct? Expiain the concept with reference to

CASES of moral turpitude? {L2.51

Q8 trxpiain the dutv of an advocate towards the court with the help of recent
judgments. (

Dgt write short notes on the following:- {12.5}

--r''- _- l*T- Duty to client
Right to practice
'.JW ++++ rk*******

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