INFORMATIVE Semi-Detailed LP Week 2 - THS ENGLISH 10

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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan

I. Objectives:
a. Identify the sections of an informative essay.
b. Value the purpose of providing factual information.
c. Create an informative essay.
II. Subject Matter:
Topic: Informative Essay
Reference: Module 2 ENGLISH 10 ( 3rd Quarter )
Materials: Laptop and PowerPoint Presentation, Black board, Chalk, Visual Aids
Concepts: Informative essay is from the root word itself to inform to tell someone about
something or give them information.
Value Integration: Honesty in providing information.

III. Procedures:
A. Daily Routine:
Checking of Attendance
Classroom Management/Cleanliness

B. Preliminary Activities
The teacher will tell to the students to search on their phones.

 Search on Google how to prevent

the spread of COVID-19?

Guide Questions:
1. What do you see if you search on google to prevent the spread of COVID-19?
C. Lesson Proper:
The teacher will proceed to the lesson. It’s all about Informative Essay.

 An informative essay is written to inform the reader of a single topic or subject. They are
the most common essays and the one that students learn how to write first. Informative
essays are always fact-based and not based on opinion or argument.
5 Parts of an Informative Essay
 Introduction. leads into the topic of the essay, trying to capture the reader's interest.
 Background. provides a context for understanding the points that the writer wants to
 Thesis Statement. states the main point of the essay.
 Body Points (of discussion) provided evidence to support the thesis statement.
 Conclusion
D. Group Activity: “SOCIAL LIFE”
Evaluation/Presentation of Output: The teacher will group the students into five (5).
Direction: Using your own ideas, brainstorm and gather some answers from your
classmates on how to create an essay.
 Compose an Informative Essay with an Issue about “How to have a social life as a
student”. Provide some evidence and make your essay clear and factual.





TOTAL: 100%

F. Generalization:
1. What do we need to consider creating a formative essay?
2. After the introduction we have?
3. What did you learn about in our activity?
IV. Assignment:
Critical Thinking Questions: Answer the following questions based on your learning.
1. What is the importance of following an outline in writing?
2. Why are accurate information and data important in writing?
3. How can you attain a clear and meaningful writing?

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