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2, FEBRUARY 2008

Scattering of Spherically and Hemispherically

Stratified Lenses Fed by Any Real Source
Benjamin Fuchs, Member, IEEE, Sébastien Palud, Student Member, IEEE, Laurent Le Coq, Olivier Lafond,
Mohamed Himdi, and Sébastien Rondineau, Member, IEEE

Abstract—An analytical method to compute the scattering The refraction index of these lenses follows a radial distri-
of spherically and hemispherically stratified lens antennas is bution given by [4]
described. The expansion of any real source on spherical wave
functions is detailed and validated by comparison to commercial
software simulations and measurements at both 50 GHz and 77 (1)
GHz. A mode matching technique (MMT) based on spherical
wave functions is first used to analyze the scattering by spherically
stratified lens antennas. The far field patterns and directivity for Luneburg and half Maxwell fish-eye lenses, respectively,
obtained are in excellent agreement with commercial software where is the normalized radial position. Since no reliable
simulations and measurements for a six-shell Luneburg lens at 6 technique is currently able to yield the continuous gradient
GHz. This MMT is then extended to hemispherically stratified lens
antenna analysis. Its validation is also carried out by comparisons index, numerous methods have been proposed to approximate
to both commercial software and measurements for a three-shell it [5]–[7]. The easiest technique to implement consists of as-
half Maxwell fish-eye lens fed by an open-ended waveguide at sembling a finite number of concentric homogeneous dielectric
W-band. The expansion on spherical modes gives direct access to shells [8]–[10]. These lenses are called stratified or multishell
the field everywhere. To highlight the progressive focusing effect lenses. The inhomogeneous lenses have first been designed
of inhomogeneous lens antennas, the electric field is mapped in
terms of magnitude and phase in the neighborhood of the entire and analyzed using ray tracing techniques as is usually done in
structure. One of the originalities of this work is the quantification optics [4], [11]–[13]. However, its direct application assumes
of the reaction created by the scatterer on the feed. Narrowing the that all dimensions are large compared to a wavelength. To
scatterer to a stratified lens does not affect the generality of the overcome this limitation, geometrical optics has recently been
presented procedure. While providing controlled accuracy, the combined with the diffraction method [14] and coupled with
MMT tremendously reduces both computation time and memory
load in comparison to commercial software. physical optics to analyze double shell shaped lenses [15], [16]
however all internal reflections cannot be taken into account.
Index Terms—Lens antennas, Mode matching technique Other numerical methods have been employed to analyze
(MMT), scattering, spherical wave functions.
layered structures such as finite difference time domain [17],
the finite element method in [18] or the electric field integral
I. INTRODUCTION equation and the moment method in [19], [20]. However, they
only deal with structures having limited electric dimensions,
usually not more than twenty free space wavelengths, and are
INCE THE development of millimeter-wave applications,
S a growing interest is observed in inhomogeneous lenses.
Due to the increase of the operating frequency, these lenses now
time and memory consuming.
In contrast, for spherical structures, the solution of the
homogeneous Helmholtz equation is analytical. This classical
exhibit an inconsequential weight. Moreover, their focusing eigenfunction solution, known as Mie series, has beenextensively
properties, broadband behavior and ability to form multiple used and reported for plane wave scattering by a conducting
beams make them especially suitable for many millimeter-wave and, later, dielectric sphere [21], [22]. Then, the scattering
communication and radar systems. For instance, the spherical of a diverging incident field by a layered dielectric lens has
Luneburg and hemispherical half Maxwell fish-eye lenses can been solved using different formulations: Mie series [23], [24],
be used for automotive radars [1], [2] and astronomy applica- scalar potentials [25], dyadic Green functions [26]–[28] or
tions [3]. mode matching technique (MMT) based on spherical wave
functions [29]. More realistic feeds, such as conformed circular
Manuscript received April 13, 2007; revised October 22, 2007. This work was printed patches, have also been accurately studied [30], [31]
supported by the IETR and Rennes Métropole.
when associated with spherical lenses.
B. Fuchs, S. Palud, L. Le Coq, O. Lafond and M. Himdi are with the Institute
of Electronics and Telecommunications of Rennes, UMR CNRS 6164, Univer- This paper deals with a spherical wave function based MMT
sity of Rennes I, Rennes Cedex 35042, France (e-mail:; to study the interaction between spherical/hemispherical strat-;;
ified lenses and any real feed. Section II briefly reviews the;
S. Rondineau is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering spherical wave functions. The expansion on this basis for any
at the University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-0425 USA (e-mail: sebastien. source is derived and the deduction of antenna characteristics from spherical modal coefficients is detailed. In Section III, the
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at MMT is applied to deal with the scattering of spherically and
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2007.915458 hemispherically stratified lens antennas. The reaction of the feed
0018-926X/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE
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Fig. 2. Chart summarizing the source expansion steps on the spherical modal
basis. This expansion makes possible the analysis of spherical lens antennas
Fig. 1. Three-dimensional representation of a multishell spherical/hemispher- from which is deduced the study of hemispherical ones.
ical lens fed by an open-ended waveguide. The notations used for the q-layered
structure and spherical coordinate system (r; ; ') are indicated. The faces of
the box enclosing the feed are of the closed Huygens surface on which its equiv- The spherical wave vectors are
alent electromagnetic currents are obtained. The space is divided into three ana-
lycity domains delimited by the Wilcox spheres S and S of radius r and
r ensuring the required uniform convergence of the expansions inside S
and outside S . The (xOy) cutting plane shows how the half Maxwell fish-eye
lens is deduced from the whole spherical lens.

to the scatterer is also considered. Section IV applies the devel-

oped theory in order to highlight some numerical results such
as series truncation order, near/far field, coupling effects of the
lens on the feed and computation load. Experimental validations
and comparisons with commercial software of the MMT results
are outlined in Section V. The conclusions are summarized in
Section VI.
This Section sets the notations and briefly reviews the
spherical wave functions. It also describes how to obtain the
spherical modal coefficients of any source. It finally details
formulas providing the far field and directivity from the modal is the wave number and is the intrinsic medium impedance.
coefficients. and is its complement in the set. and are the
spherical Bessel function of the first kind and Hankel function of
the second kind respectively. As for the azimuthal dependency,
A. Spherical Wave Functions of the Fields stands for the associated Legendre polynomial of degree
To match the overall geometry of the analyzed structure, we and order .
work in the spherical coordinate system, shown in Fig. 1. The More details about this development with similar notations
time harmonic dependence is omitted for clarity. can be found in Stratton’s book chapter VII [21].
The electromagnetic field, in a charge free medium, is ex-
B. Source Expansion
panded on the zero divergence spherical modal basis
associated with the spherical modal coefficients and To handle the scattering by stratified lenses, it is necessary to
first expand the source radiation in free space on spherical wave
functions as shown in Fig. 2.
To the best knowledge of the authors, all previous work
dealing with lens modeling presented either ideal sources such
as plane waves [21], endfire dipoles [28] and complex Huygens
[24], [32] or approximated extended sources [29], [33].
(2) Instead of dealing with these idealizations or approximations,
we improve the source representation by directly projecting its
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equivalent current distribution on the spherical wave basis as The spherical Bessel functions and have the following
expanded in [30] asymptotic behavior as given in [36] :


By substituting (3) and (5) into (2) and omitting the second order
evolution , one gets the following electric far field as

From either measured or computed data, equivalent electric and

magnetic currents, and , respectively, are extracted in the
volume containing the original feed, (see the Huygens box
in Fig. 1). These currents are then projected, according to (4),
on the spherical modal basis. (6)
This expansion has to be done very carefully:
• the feed is not charge free and therefore cannot be ex-
The directivity is defined via the radiation intensity [37]
panded on the basis constituted of vectors derived
from a curl only;
• the series expansion describing the electromagnetic field
must be analytic. (7)
These two concerns are solved once and for all when using the
so-called Wilcox spheres [34]. The space is divided into three where the radiation intensity of an isotropic source is
concentric regions: the outer zone (outside ), the inner zone
(inside ) and the intermediate zone that contains all sources
as shown in Fig. 1. According to Wilcox’s theorem, based on
the convergence analysis of Bessel series, the expansion on the
basis inside and outside converges uniformly (8)
toward the electromagnetic field.
A similar but slightly different expansion is proposed by
Wood in [35]. Indeed, the radial part of the spherical expansion III. SCATTERING BY STRATIFIED LENSES
proposed by Wood is based on spherical Hankel functions of
the first and second kind, and , respectively. This small The spherical wave functions-based MMT is described in this
difference has significant consequences in terms of convergence section to analyze hemispherically stratified lens antennas. As
and numerical stability. To illustrate this, consider the heart summed up in Fig. 2, the first part of this method is the anal-
shell of a spherical lens. Wilcox’s theorem imposes the field to ysis of spherically stratified lenses. Afterwards, the extension to
be expanded in terms of spherical Bessel functions of the first hemispherically stratified structures requires severals steps that
kind, , which have a finite value at the origin. In Wood’s are detailed in this Section. Furthermore, the coupling effects of
expansion, both and are involved and Wood’s modal ex- the lens on the feed are considered.
pansion is related to the one presented here via the well known In the following, denotes the shell number and the outer
relation . But, both and diverge at the radius of the th shell with the wave number and intrinsic
origin. This means that Wood’s expansion creates artificially medium impedance as depicted in Fig. 1.
two sets of modes that diverge at the origin but whose sum con-
A. Spherically Stratified Lenses
verges. Consequently, even though the overall series expansion
representing the total field has a uniform convergence behavior The method, used to compute the scattering by spherically
as predicted by Wilcox, each of Wood’s modes is infinite at the stratified lenses, is similar to the one proposed by Sanford [29]
origin, and so special care has to be taken to control numerical and was initially introduced by Stratton [21].
instabilities created by loss of uniform convergence in some First, boundary conditions are applied at each interfaces. This
subsets of the total field expansion. The expansion proposed in leads to four linearly independant equations for each boundary.
this paper avoids all of these concerns. By applying the the condition of finiteness of the energy at
the origin and knowing the incident field, the overall system
C. Antenna Characteristics From Spherical Modal Coefficients is solved by cascading the boundary condition equations. This
yields directly the spherical modal coefficients ( , ), rep-
The modal spherical coefficients and in (2) encompass all resenting the total electromagnetic field, within each shell
the information characterizing the antenna. From these coeffi- .
cients, one can determine the far field radiation patterns as well Note that with this formalism, the field is known everywhere
as the directivity. (both near- and far- field) in a source free region.
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B. Hemispherically Stratified Lenses

Sequential steps to analyze hemispherical lenses are neces-
sary. As reported in Fig. 2, one first calculates the electromag-
netic field on the (xOy) plane of the lens corresponding to the
cutting plane in Fig. 1. The expression of the electromagnetic
field ( , ) in the th shell is, for ,
with and , and for any


The discontinuity between the dielectric and the air on the flat where and for are detailed in
side of the lens is then overcome by applying the continuity of Appendix I.
the tangential electromagnetic field. This leads to the following Using (6)–(8), the far field patterns and directivity can then
equivalent electric and magnetic currents that radiate in the air, be deduced.
for , with and ,
and for any C. Coupling Effects of the Lens on the Feed
Up to now, it has been assumed that the lens is not disturbing
the feed. To the best of our knowledge, this approximation has
neither been fully justified nor numerically quantified in the lit-
erature. To overcome this, an iterative procedure, inspired by the
theory of small reflection [38], is described in Fig. 3.
The antenna is first analyzed in free space using any 3D full
wave software. A part of its excitation is reflected because of
(10) mismatch. The other part radiates the incident field. Equiva-
lent electromagnetic currents are computed on a virtual box
As it is right now, currents exist on the entire cutting plane enclosing the antenna in such a way that outside of this box,
(xOy). The extraction of the electromagnetic field would re- now containing only free space, the same incident field is radi-
quire a two-dimensional integration over this infinite surface. ated. The scatterer (in our case a lens) generates, as a reaction
In this case, the external Wilcox sphere is extended toward in- to the incident field, a scattered one everywhere including in-
finity avoiding any use of the above expansions. side the virtual box. At this point, the scattered field inside the
Most of the power radiated by the source on the (xOy) plane box is replaced by its equivalent currents on the same box. Fi-
is concentrated on its restriction to the disc delimited by the nally, the antenna is placed back in the box. A reaction field
internal Wilcox sphere. This is equivalent to restricting to is generated involving inward and backward waves inside the
instead of infinity in (10). This restriction is from now on antenna that correct the initial excitation to close the loop. In
applied. It is now possible to define an external Wilcox sphere theory, the steady state is reached after an infinite number of it-
of finite radius. erations. However, in practice, corrections obtained after a cer-
The equivalent electromagnetic currents, obtained in (10), are tain number of iterations become insignificant.
then projected on the basis as detailed in relation (4). It is important to emphasize that this iterative procedure is not
This leads to the following spherical modal coefficients: limited to lenses, but is general enough to be applied to any kind
of scatterer (dielectric, magnetic and/or metallic) of any shape.


Now we shall apply the previously developed theory in order
to highlight significant numerical results namely the series trun-
cation order, near field mappings, lens reaction to the feed and
computation load.

A. Truncation Order
When numerically implemented, all series require a trun-
cation order . This integer is always linked to the electromag-
netic length of the analyzed structure, where is the wave
number and the radius of the smallest sphere centered on the
(11) origin and enclosing all structures. Thus, Lo [39] suggests to set
. However, Bruning and Hanson [40], [41] show that
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Fig. 4. Far field radiation patterns of a three shell half Maxwell fish-eye lens
fed by a WR10 open-ended waveguide, for a source-lens distance of 0.375  .
These patterns are computed ( ) without and (+) with a correction of the
excitation after the first iteration of the procedure described in Fig. 3.


as shown in Fig. 4. This means that the field distribution, in

the close neighborhood of feed aperture, is not significantly
modified. Indeed, the metallic boundary conditions, imposed
by the feed, are dominant in this small region compared to
boundary conditions imposed by the presence of the lens. Even
though the spatial field distribution is not significantly modified
when adding the lens, the back scattered power corrects its
level. Table I shows that for a source placed between
and far from the lens, the back scattered field power is four
hundred times lower than the incident one. The correction of
the excitation field level is therefore negligible. The steady state
Fig. 3. Iterative procedure to reach the steady state of any scatterer-feed system.
(a) Initially (p = 1) the antenna, with a V = 1 V excitation, is analyzed in of the lens-feed system is already reached.
free space by any 3D commercial software. This provides the reflection (V ) This lens correction is a direct translation of considering the
and the electromagnetic field (E ; H ) in the entire space. (b) Equivalent cur- central shell as a lens and all the others as matching layers that
rents (J ; J ) for the external problem are then computed on a virtual surface
S enclosing the feed. The hatchings inside S stands for the external problem. limit reflections to the feed.
These currents are chosen in such a way that with their presence, the box con-
tains only free space. (c) The addition of a scatterer (here a lens) generates, as a C. Field Mappings
reaction on the excitation, a scattered field everywhere including inside S . (d)
Now, equivalent currents (J ; J ), associated with the scattered field for the To highlight the focusing effects of inhomogeneous lenses,
internal problem, hence the hatchings outside S , are computed on S . (e) The near field mappings of stratified lenses are now presented. The
antenna is placed back into S . It generates a reaction field (E ; H ) repre-
sented by inward and backward scattering waves (V ; V ). They then cor- parameters of these lenses, permittivity and external radius of
rect the initial excitation to restart the loop in order to reach the steady state each shell, are reported in Table II.
after, in theory, a infinite number of iterations. The electric field distribution in the neighborhood of a five-
shell 10 -diameter Luneburg lens illuminated by a plane wave
is shown in Fig. 5. The energy of the incoming plane wave is
for some cases, a higher truncation order needs to be considered: progressively concentrated toward the focal point located on the
. In these references, the criterion leading to axis at the opposite side of the lens. There are three distinct
the truncation order is not mentioned. For all presented results, zones as follows.
the largest order was applied and has been successfully checked. • The focal zone, , that concentrates most of
the incoming energy on the lens. This is where an antenna
B. Lens Reaction to the Feed has to be placed to optimize the reception;
To reach the steady state of any scatterer-feed system, the it- • The decoupled zone, , in which any antenna
erative procedure, detailed in Fig. 3, is applied to a three-shell will not significantly modify the field in the focal region.
half Maxwell fish-eye lens fed by a WR10 open-ended wave- This is where additional antennas have to be placed to have
guide. decoupled multiple beams;
The far-field patterns of this lens antenna, computed both • The blocking zone, , where any antenna
with and without correction of the excitation, are superimposed, shadows a part of the energy.
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TABLE II D. Computation Time and Load Considerations

The computation times to analyze lens antennas, using CST
Microwave Studio, Ansoft HFSS and our scalar non-optimized
MMT based code, are investigated.
To that purpose, 3-shell Luneburg and half Maxwell fish-eye
lenses fed by an open-ended waveguide are simulated and the
computation time ratio between the commercial software and
the MMT, and , are reported in Table III. From 6
-diameter lens antennas, the computation time gain is already
interesting. Moreover, with our computer, we cannot simulate
lenses whose diameter exceeds, 16 with CST Microwave
Studio, and, 10 with Ansoft HFSS, whereas the MMT has
no limitation in terms of electric size of lenses.
In addition, to give an insight of the computation load, the
number of unknown modal coefficients in our computer code,
, the number of meshnodes in CST Microwave Studio,
, and the number of tetrahedra in Ansoft HFSS, ,
to analyze the same lens antennas, are given in Table IV.
Both computation time and memory load reduction justifies
the interest in the MMT.

In this Section, experimental verifications and comparisons
with commercial software of the MMT results are performed
for the feed modeling and the scattering by stratified lenses.

A. Feed Modeling
Fig. 5. Normalized total electric field magnitude distribution, for both E- and
H-plane, in the neighborhood of a five-shell 10  -diameter Luneburg lens ex- 1) Pyramidal Horn at 50 GHz: The currents of a horn,
cited by a plane wave arriving from z . Fig. 8(a), are sampled on the aperture and then expanded on
spherical wave functions using (4). A good agreement between
the spherical wave expansion and measurement is obtained for
The electric field above the flat side of a three-shell 6.15 -di- both E- and H-plane far field radiation patterns as shown in
ameter half Maxwell fish-eye lens fed by a WR10 waveguide Fig. 8(b) and (c).
is mapped in Fig. 6(a). The uniform magnitude and phase of 2) WR10 Open-Ended Waveguide at 77 GHz: From a 3D
the co-polarization translates the local plane wave behavior at full wave electromagnetic software, the currents are extracted
the upper surface of the lens. The spherical propagation of the on a box enclosing the waveguide, Fig. 8(d). The expansion on
wave is clearly visible outside . The magnitude drop and spherical wave functions leads also to an excellent agreement as
phase change for the co-polarization is due to the diffraction on reported in Fig. 8(e) and (f). The low level discrepancies around
the flange of the waveguide also noticeable in Fig. 8(e). The in Fig. 8(f), that are of numerical kind, can be avoided by
white regions stand for the nonconvergent Wilcox zones. having a smaller discretization of the currents on the Huygens
From this two-dimensional mapping, we extract that 86.8% box surrounding the feed.
of the current density generated by the source is concentrated on 3) Aperture Coupled Microstrip 2 2 Patch Array at 48.7
the portion of the (xOy) surface delimited by the internal Wilcox GHz: The previous technique is applied to the patch array de-
zone of radius in Fig. 6(a). picted Fig. 8(g). The far field patterns from the MMT are very
Fig. 6(b) is the electric field magnitude extracted from close to those of CST as shown in Fig. 8(h) and (i). The discrep-
Fig. 6(a). We notice that most of the energy is concentrated ancies on Fig. 8(h) at are of the same numerical kind
inside the lens. Moreover, the lens does not modify the polar- than the ones shown on Fig. 8(f).
ization, since for both E- and H-plane, the cross polarization
remains at least 20 dB lower than the co-polarization. B. Stratified Lens Scattering
The total electric field magnitude for both the E- and H-plane 1) Luneburg Lens (Spherical): The E- and H-plane far field
of the same lens antenna is mapped in Fig. 7. On the upper part, radiation patterns of a 6-shell 8 -diameter Luneburg lens,
dominant radiation directions are seen. They correspond to the Fig. 9(a), have been computed using the MMT, simulated with
side lobe levels of Fig. 9(e) and (f). Moreover, the spillover of CST Microwave Studio and measured at 6 GHz. They are su-
the feed radiation is low. On the lower part, the focalization in- perimposed in both planes as shown in Fig. 9(b) and (c). Other
side the lens, the low back-radiated field as well as the diffrac- commercial software, namely Ansoft HFSS and FEKO, have
tion effects on the flange are visible. In addition, the reactive also been used to analyze these lenses. Their results, being very
zone of the lens antenna, where the fields have a strong radial close to those found by CST Microwave Studio, are not plotted
dependence, is mapped. for clarity. The directivity determined by the MMT equals 27.3
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Fig. 6. Near field mapping analysis at 77 GHz of a three-shell 6.15  -diameter half Maxwell fish-eye lens fed by a WR10 waveguide. (a) Two-dimensional
mapping of the normalized electric field in magnitude and phase for both co- and cross- polarization on the plane z = 0 . The intermediate zone (in white)
contains the source and is located between the inner and outer Wilcox spheres (of radius r and r respectively) in which the field cannot be expanded on
~ N~ g. (b) Electric field magnitude cuts are extracted from the two-dimensional mapping for both co- (solid line) and cross- (dashed line) polarization and two
angles: ' = 0 (+) and 90 ( ).

Studio and measured at 77 GHz. The E-and H-plane far field ra-
diation patterns, reported in Fig. 9(e) and (f), are in good agree-
ment. The discrepancies between commercial software and the
MMT on the side lobe levels come from the loss of informa-
tion on the currents due to the restriction in (10).
The directivity obtained by MMT equals 21.9 dB and 22.3 dB is
calculated by CST Microwave Studio. The differences between
the MMT/commercial software and measurements are the con-
sequence of the uncertainties on both distance and alignment
between the lens and the feed: these parameters are indeed very
sensitive at W band.
This 3-shell lens is fed by an aperture coupled microstrip
patch array at 48.7 GHz as shown in Fig. 9(g). The far field pat-
terns obtained by MMT and CST Microwave Studio, reported
in Fig. 9(h) and (i), are close.

C. Return Loss
As evoked in Section IV-B, the return loss of the feed is
slightly disturbed when the lens is added. In the case of the
Luneburg lens, this perturbation is below the sensitivity of the
characterization devices. For the half Maxwell fish-eye lens, the
Fig. 7. Two-dimensional mapping of the normalized total electric field magni- return loss alteration is lower than 1 dB over the 76–81 GHz fre-
tude for both E- and H-plane in the neighborhood of the lens antenna shown in quency band.
Fig. 6. For the lower plane (z < 0), the source is represented by the virtual box
S corresponding to the Huygens surface. This imposes two Wilcox spheres VI. CONCLUSION
of convergence (delimited by r and r ) between which the field cannot be
expanded (lower white regions). For the upper plane (z > 0), the sources are This paper has presented an analytical method to study the
represented by their equivalent currents on z = 0. A change of the coordinate
system (translation OO ~ ) is performed to reduce the zone of indetermination. scattering by stratified spherical and hemispherical lenses fed
This results in new Wilcox spheres (r and r ) enclosing the equivalent cur- by any real source. The method described is a Mode Matching
rent surface. Technique based on spherical wave functions.
Each step, such as the field expansion for any real source,
the scattering by stratified spherical lenses (Luneburg) and the
dB, whereas 27.5 dB is predicted by all three commercial soft- extension to hemispherical ones (half Maxwell fish-eye), has
ware. been numerically checked and experimentally verified.
2) Half Maxwell Fish-Eye Lens (Hemispherical): A 3-shell Thus, numerical results are exhibited to highlight some prop-
6.15 -diameter half Maxwell fish-eye lens, Fig. 9(d), has also erties of inhomogeneous lenses. Near field mappings show the
been computed using the MMT, simulated with CST Microwave progressive focusing by both a Luneburg and a half Maxwell
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Fig. 8. Far field comparisons (left: E plane and right: H plane) between the computed by MMT ( ) and measured ( 0 0 0) 50 GHz horn (b) and (c), the
computed by MMT ( ) and simulated with CST Microwave Studio ( ) open-ended WR10 waveguide at 77 GHz (e) and (f), and aperture coupled microstrip
patch array at 48.7 GHz (h) and (i), with a 3D view of (a) the horn, (d) the open-ended waveguide and (g) both top and cut view of the array.



N : number of unknown modal coefficients.

N : number of meshnodes.
Computations done on a 2.79 GHz-CPU 3.99 GHz-RAM Xeon x64. N : number of tetrahedra.
r =t =t , with CST Microwave Studio 2006B. NC: no convergence.
r =t =t , with Ansoft HFSS v.10.1.

Note that when computing the scattering by hemispherically

fish-eye lens. Furthermore, a general technique to take into ac- stratified lenses, the spillover of the feed has to be low to yield
count the reaction of the feed to the scatterer is detailed and ap- accurate results. To overcome this limitation, a semi-analytical
plied to the lens antenna investigated. On the top of providing a method allowing one to directly deal with arbitrary shaped strat-
controlled accuracy, the presented method is fast and requires a ified lenses, relying also on mode matching in terms of spherical
low memory load compared to commercial software. modes, is now under investigation.
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Fig. 9. Far field comparisons (left E-plane and right H-plane) between the computed by MMT (+), simulated with CST Microwave Studio ( ) and measured
[co-pol ( 111
) and cross-pol ( )] of an open-ended waveguide feeding: (b),(c) a six-shell 8  -diameter Luneburg lens at 6 GHz, (e),(f) a three-shell 6.15
 -diameter half Maxwell fish-eye lens at 77 GHz, and (h),(i) half Maxwell fish-eye lens fed by an array patch with (a) a sideview of the measured Luneburg lens
antenna in the anechoic chamber (photograph), a 3D view of the simulated half Maxwell fish-eye lens fed by (c) a waveguide and (g) a patch array.

The coefficients used in (11) and (12) are detailed as follows:

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[8] E. F. Buckley, “Stepped-index Luneburg lenses,” Electron. Design, pp. tion, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland, 1992.
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[10] B. Fuchs, O. Lafond, S. Rondineau, and M. Himdi, “Design and charac- tions. New York: Dover, 1970, p. 437.
terization of half Maxwell fish-eye lens antennas in millimeter-waves,” [37] C. A. Balanis, Antenna Theory-Analysis and Design, 2nd ed. New
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[11] E. Braun, “Radiation characteristics of the spherical Luneberg lens,” York: McGraw-Hill, 1992, pp. 347–348.
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[12] S. P. Morgan, “Generalizations of spherically symmetric lenses,” IRE Design. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1988.
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[13] T. L. Ap Rhys, “The design of radially symmetric lenses,” IEEE Trans. spheres part II—Numerical and experimental results,” IEEE Trans. An-
Antennas Propag., vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 497–506, Jul. 1970. tennas Propag., vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 391–400, May 1971.
[14] B. Schoenlinner, X. Wu, J. P. Ebling, G. V. Eleftheriades, and G. M. [41] J. E. Hanson, Spherical Near-Field Antenna Measurements. Steve-
Rebeiz, “Wide-scan spherical-lens antennas for automotive radars,” nage, U.K.: Peter Peregrinus, 1988.
IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 50, no. 9, pp. 2166–2175,
Sep. 2002.
[15] C. A. Fernandes, “Shaped dielectric lenses for wireless millimeter-
wave communications,” IEEE Antennas Propag. Mag., vol. 41, no. 5,
pp. 141–150, Oct. 1999.
[16] G. Godi, “Conception et optimisation d’antennes lentilles multicouches
et de dômes diélectriques, applications en ondes millimétriques,” Ph.D. Benjamin Fuchs (S’07–M’08) was born in Rennes,
dissertation, University of Rennes 1, Rennes, France, Nov. 2006. France, in 1981. He received the Diplôme d’In-
[17] G. Godi, R. Sauleau, and D. Thouroude, “Performance of reduced size génieur degree in signal processing and telecommu-
substrate lens antennas for millimeter-wave communications,” IEEE nications and the Research Master Diploma from the
Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 1278–1286, Apr. 2005. Institut National des Sciences Appliquées, Rennes,
[18] A. D. Greenwood and J.-M. Jin, “Finite-element analysis of complex France, in 2004. He is currently working toward
axisymmetric radiating structures,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., the Ph.D. degree at the Institute of Electronics and
vol. 47, no. 8, pp. 1260–1266, Aug. 1999. Telecommunications of Rennes (IETR), University
[19] Z. Sipus, N. Burum, and J. Bartolic, “Analysis of rectangular microstrip of Rennes 1.
patch antennas on spherical structures,” Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett., His research interests include mode matching tech-
vol. 36, pp. 276–280, 2003. niques, millimeter-wave focusing and multibeam an-
[20] Z. Sipus, M. Bosiljevac, and N. Herscovici, “Performance analysis of tennas. His work focuses on the design and analysis inhomogeneous dielectric
spherical patch arrays,” in Proc. IEEE AP-S Int. Symp., Albuquerque, lens antennas.
NM, Jul. 2006, pp. 1291–1294.
[21] J. A. Stratton, Electromagnetic Theory. New York: McGraw Hill,
[22] R. F. Harrington, Time Harmonic Electromagnetic Fields. New York: Sébastien Palud (S’07) was born in Quimper,
McGraw Hill, 1961. France, in 1981. He received the Telecommunica-
[23] J. J. Mikulski and E. L. Murphy, “The computation of electromagnetic tions Engineering degree and the Master Diploma in
scattering from concentric spherical structures,” IEEE Trans. Antennas telecommunications and electronics from the Ecole
Propag., vol. 11, pp. 169–177, Mar. 1963. Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications de
[24] H. Mieras, “Radiation pattern computation of a spherical lens using mie Bretagne (ENST Bretagne), Plouzané, France, in
series,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 30, no. 6, pp. 1221–1224, 2005, and is currently working toward the Ph.D.
Nov. 1982. degree at the Institute of Electronics and Telecom-
[25] S. S. Vinogradov, E. D. Vinogradova, and P. D. Smith, “Accurate mod- munications of Rennes (IETR), University of Rennes
elling of a scanning Luneberg lens antenna Mie series approach,” in 1.
Proc. Int. Conf. on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, Turin, His research interests concern printed antenna ar-
Italy, Sep. 1999, pp. 277–280. rays, inhomogeneous lenses and compact wideband antennas. His work focuses
[26] W. C. Chew, Waves and Fields in Inhomogeneous Media. New York: on wideband VHF and UHF antennas for interception and jamming applica-
Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1990. tions.
[27] L.-W. Li, P.-S. Kooi, M.-S. Leong, and T.-S. Yeo, “Electromagnetic
dyadic Green’s functions in spherically multilayered media,” IEEE
Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 42, no. 12, pp. 2302–2310, Dec.
[28] H. Mosallaei and Y. Rahmat-Samii, “Non-uniform Luneburg and Laurent Le Coq was born on February 17, 1972. He
2-shell lens antennas: Radiation characteristics and design optimiza- received the Electronics Engineer and Ph.D. degrees
tion,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 60–69, Jan. from the INSA of Rennes, Rennes, France, in 1995
2001. and 1999, respectively.
[29] J. Sanford, “Scattering by spherically stratified microwave lens an- In 1999, he joined Institute of Electronics and
tennas,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 42, no. 5, pp. 690–698, Telecommunications of Rennes (IETR), University
May 1994. of Rennes 1, as a Research Lab Engineer, where he
[30] S. Rondineau, “Modélisation de lentilles sphériques à gradient d’in- is responsible for measurement technical facilities
dice et sources conformes associées,” Ph.D. dissertation, University of up to 110 GHz.
Rennes 1, Rennes, France, Dec. 2002.
Authorized licensed use limited to: VIT University. Downloaded on December 22,2023 at 08:36:26 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Olivier Lafond received the French DEA (Master) ment of new architectures of printed antenna arrays and new 3-D antenna
diploma in radar and telecommunication from the technologies. He is the author and coauthor of 45 journal papers and more than
University of Rennes, Rennes, France, in 1996 and 120 papers in conference proceedings.
the Ph.D. degree in signal processing and telecom-
munication from the University of Rennes 1, in
Since October 2002, he has been Assistant Pro- Sébastien Rondineau (M’04) received the Diplôme
fessor of the Institute of Electronics and Telecom- d’Ingénieur en Informatique et téléCommunications
munications of Rennes (IETR), University of Rennes degree in signal processing and telecommunications
1. His areas of interest are passive and active mil- and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Rennes
limeter-waves antennas and circuits. His research in- 1, Rennes, France, in 1999 and 2002, respectively.
terests also multibeam and reconfigurable antennas, inhomogeneous lenses and He was research fellow at the University of Col-
substrate characterization techniques for millimeter waves applications. orado, Boulder, from 2002 to 2006. Currently, he is
a Research Assistant Professor at the Microwave and
Active Antenna Laboratory, Electrical and Computer
Engineering Department, University of Colorado at
Mohamed Himdi received the Ph.D. degree in signal Boulder. His research interests include the method
processing and telecommunications from the Univer- of analytical regularization in computational electromagnetics, mode matching,
sity of Rennes 1, Rennes, France, in 1990. conformal mapping, micro-scale interconnects, Butler matrices, propagation
Since 2003, he has been a Professor at the and scattering of waves, homogeneous and inhomogenous dielectric lenses,
University of Rennes 1, and the Head of the High discrete lens arrays and antennas, dispersion controlled 2D Rotman lenses,
Frequency and Antenna Department at the Institute metamaterials, non-linear polymers applied to rectification-modulation for
of Electronics and Telecommunications of Rennes laser, THz, and wave signals.
(IETR), University of Rennes 1. His research activ-
ities concern the passive and active millimeter-wave
antennas. His research interests also theoretical and
applied computational electromagnetics, develop-

Authorized licensed use limited to: VIT University. Downloaded on December 22,2023 at 08:36:26 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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