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ChatGPT – Source Based Paper

The French Revolution had a significant impact on the political, social, and economic landscape
of France, with repercussions lasting through the Napoleonic era. Using the sources provided
and your own knowledge, answer the following questions:
(a) Compare and contrast the views on the social changes brought about by the French
Revolution as expressed in Source A and Source B. [15 marks]
(b) How far do the sources support the statement that the French Revolution led to substantial
political and economic reforms in France through the Napoleonic era? [25 marks]

Source A: An excerpt from a letter written by Jacques-Pierre Brissot, a prominent member of the
Girondins, to a friend in 1792.

"The French Revolution has given birth to a new society in which the common people now
stand on equal footing with the nobility. The feudal system has been dismantled, and with it,
the oppressive social hierarchy. No longer are the poor subjected to the whims of the
aristocracy. The Revolution has instilled a sense of liberty, equality, and fraternity in the hearts
of our people, and this spirit will continue to guide us towards a brighter future."

Source B: An excerpt from a diary entry by Marie-Thérèse Charlotte, daughter of King Louis XVI
and Marie Antoinette, written in 1795.

"The Revolution has left our once-great nation in disarray. While it's true that some oppressive
structures have been dismantled, the social fabric of France has been torn apart. The new
regime has failed to provide stability, and many people are left to suffer in poverty. The so-called
'equality' that the Revolution promised has not been achieved, and the violence and chaos have
only deepened the divisions among the people."

Source C: An excerpt from a speech given by Maximilien Robespierre, leader of the Jacobin Club,
in 1794.

"Our Revolution has swept away the old order and laid the foundations for a new political
system based on the principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity. The establishment of the First
French Republic has marked a turning point in the history of France, breaking free from the
shackles of monarchy and embracing the ideals of democracy. We will continue to work
tirelessly to solidify these reforms and build a prosperous and just society for all."

Source D: An excerpt from a report on the French economy written by a British economist in

"The French Revolution, despite its promises of economic prosperity, has led to a period of
significant financial instability. The abolition of the old tax system and the implementation of
new economic policies have caused disruptions in trade and commerce. The ongoing wars with
other European nations have further strained the economy, leading to widespread inflation and
poverty. While some economic reforms have been successful, it is clear that the Revolution has
not yet delivered the economic prosperity it promised."
Marking Scheme/Answer Guide:
Part (a):
 Both sources acknowledge that the Revolution dismantled oppressive structures (Source
A mentions the dismantling of the feudal system and social hierarchy, while Source B
notes that some oppressive structures have been dismantled).
 Source A has a more optimistic view of the Revolution's social changes, emphasizing the
sense of liberty, equality, and fraternity that has emerged.
 Source B takes a more pessimistic view, focusing on the violence, chaos, and division
that have resulted from the Revolution, as well as the failure to achieve true equality.
Part (b): Candidates should consider all four sources and their own knowledge to evaluate the
extent to which the French Revolution led to long-lasting political and economic reforms. Some
points to consider might include:
 Source A and Source C emphasize the positive political and social changes brought about
by the Revolution, including the dismantling of oppressive structures, the establishment
of the First French Republic, and the adoption of democratic principles

Part (b):
 Source A and Source C emphasize the positive political and social changes brought about
by the Revolution, including the dismantling of oppressive structures, the establishment
of the First French Republic, and the adoption of democratic principles.
 Source B, however, highlights the instability and divisions resulting from the Revolution,
suggesting that the new regime has failed to achieve true equality and social cohesion.
 Source D discusses the economic impact of the French Revolution, noting that the
economic reforms have not yet led to widespread prosperity, and that the country is
experiencing financial instability, inflation, and poverty.

Candidates should use their own knowledge to discuss the long-lasting effects of the French
Revolution. They may discuss the Napoleonic era, the Bourbon Restoration, the July Monarchy,
the Second Republic, and beyond to evaluate the long-term impact of the Revolution on French
politics and the economy. They should consider the extent to which the Revolution achieved its
aims of liberty, equality, and fraternity, and whether the political and economic reforms
implemented during and after the Revolution had lasting effects.

A well-argued answer may conclude that the French Revolution did lead to significant political
and social changes, but that its economic impact was more mixed, with both successes and
failures. The answer should recognize that different sources present different perspectives on
the Revolution's impact, and should use these sources in conjunction with the candidate's own
knowledge to form a well-rounded analysis of the French Revolution's long-lasting effects on
French politics, society, and economy.

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