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EX no - 1
01. A Company started recently last3 qures sales are q1 40 q2 45 q3 50 q4 65.
B company as data of last 30 years q1 40 q2 45 q3 50 q4 40 a5 45 ....q30 50 q31 65 .
the avarge is considerd as the basis for percentage sales for next quter .it is obserb that actually sales for next four quter
for both the company is next 65
find out percentage error ,forcast and conclusion.

Company A Company B Company A Company B

Q1 40 Q1 40 Q1 40 Q1 40
Q2 45 Q2 45 Q2 45 Q2 45
Q3 50 Q3 50 Q3 50 Q3 50
Q4 65 Q4 40 Q4 65 Q4 40
Q5 45 Q5 45
Q6 40
Q7 45
Q30 50 Q8 50
Q31 65 Q9 40
Q10 45
Q11 40
Q12 45
Q13 50
Company A COMPANY B Q14 40
Q15 45
AVRAGE 45 45 Q16 40
Q17 45
DEVIATION 20 20 Q18 50
Q19 40
error 5 0.64516129 Q20 45
Q21 40
Percntage error 11.11 1.43 Q22 45
Q23 50
Q24 40
Q25 45
Q26 40
Q27 45
Q28 50
Q29 40
Q30 50
Q31 65

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