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WaterFall Movie

Prepared For,
Maruf Ibne Wali (Mfw)
Course: MGT 368
Section: 6
Date of Submission: 9th December, 2015
December 9, 2015

Mr. Maruf Wali

Course Instructor, MGT 368

North South University


Subject: Submission of the Project of business plan

Dear Sir,

The undersigned acknowledges that the information provided by Sarah Mehnaz, Arshad
Akhlak, Farhana Sharmin, Roksana Binta Hashim and S M Abu Sayeed in their
business plan is confidential and therefore the reader agrees not to disclose it without
the express written permission of them.

It is acknowledged that information to be furnished in this business plan is confidential in

nature, other than information which is in the public domain through other means and
that any disclosure or use of same by reader may cause serious harm or damage to the
owners of Waterfall.

Upon execution, this document is to be immediately returned to Sarah Mehnaz, Arshad

Akhlak, Farhana Sharmin, Roksana Binta Hashim and S M Abu Sayeed.

Signature _________________

Name: Mr. Maruf Wali

Date: 9th December, 2015

Group Details:

Section: 6

Name ID
Roksana Binta Hashim 0910535030

Sarah Mehnaz 1210061030

Arshad Akhlak 1210277030

S.M. Abu Sayeed 1210195030

Farhana Sharmin 1310048030

Table of Contents


Business Model

Business Environment Analysis

Description of ventures

Service delivery model

Operational plan

Market plan (7 P’s)

Organizational plan

Assessment of risk

Financial plan

We are planning to open up the first ever “pool
theatre” in Bangladesh and the name of our brand
would be “Waterfall”. Waterfall would basically be a
multistoried indoor “pool” theme movie theatre where
people can enjoy both normal shows and 3D shows
just like any other movie theatre but with a twist in
sitting arrangements. In Waterfall people will watch movie by being on boats. It is a bit similar
to the concept of Drive-In Movie theatre except for the fact that there will be boats floating on a
minimum level of water instead of cars and the theatre would be indoor not outdoor. Waterfall
will not only show latest Hollywood movies but also Bengali, Korean, French, Japanese and
animated movies. Tickets can be booked online in advance or can be bought on spot. Waterfall
will have its own cafeteria ( 3 popular food brand/ restaurant will be franchised to satisfy the
need of the customers).

Name of the Company: Waterfall

Address: House: 30, Road: 10, Aftab Nagar, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Nature: Movie theatre

A glimpse of how
waterfall pool
theatre would be:
Statement of financing needed:
 Cost of building the theatre (including the interior design)
 Repairs/ Maintenance
 Equipment Cost
 Digital Equipment/Screen cost
 Legal/ professional fees
 Marketing Cost
 Labor cost
We have included the detailed statement of financing needed at the end of the report with proper
Business Model
Business Model CANVAS

Key Activities:

The key activities for floating resort will be:

 Food and beverage facility.

 Marketing about any program.
 Hosting any kind of program.


Value Proposition:
The value propositions for Waterfall will be:

 Customers want to be entertained by watching a fun, exciting, well-made

movie in a fun and exciting environment
 Helping customers in all way to adjust with the seats and providing necessary gadgets for
3D/4D movies

 Food and beverage facility during the shows

Key Resources

The key resources for Waterfall will be:

 Capital
 Place for building movie theater
 All kinds of Equipment to build a movie theater
like 3D supporting projectors, 3D glasses, 3D
supported screen, water pump,
water boat seat, life jackets etc.

Key Partners

The key partners for Waterfall are:

 Movie distributor company

 Creative personnel Critics
 Social media
 Print media
 E;mployees and stuffs
Customer segment

The customer segments are:

 Adults 18-39 years old

 People who are up for doing something fun and exciting

Customer Relationship:

The ways Waterfall is going to continue relationships with our customers:

 Social media: Facebook, YouTube, Blogs

 Trailers: movie trailers in YouTube or websites
 Website: organizations own website for ticket booking or show time
table and feedback.
 Billboards: Advertisement for movies with show time and dates
 Print media ads: Ads in newspapers, posters, flyers etc.
 Direct interaction: Direct interactions with the customers at the beginning or during the
shows. Helping customers in all way to adjust with the seats and providing necessary
gadgets for 3D/4D movies


The channels through which Waterfall will reach customers:

 The movie theater itself is our channel through which we will deliver our value to our

Cost structure:

The costs to run our Waterfall are:

 Payment on the lease agreement

 The theater maintenance costs
 Utility Bills
Costs Name Amount
Payment on the lease agreement (Exclusive for different movies)

The theater maintenance costs 15,000

Utility Bills 100,000

Salaries 200,000

Advertising costs 150,000

Other operating costs 50,000

Revenue Stream:

The ways we are going to earn our revenue:

 Pri;2ce of the tickets

 The customer pays per entrance
 profits from selling foods and beverages

Key Partners Key Activities Value

-Distributors -screening
; -Customers want -Social media -Adults 18-39
-Creative -lease agreement to be entertained years old
personnel Critics by watching a fun, -Trailers
-engagement exciting, well- -People who are
--Employees and made movie in a -Website up for doing
stuffs; -marketing fun and exciting something fun and
environment -Billboards exciting
-Social media
-Print media ads
-;2Print media Key Resources Channels

-Capital -Theater itself

- Equipment
Cost Structure Revenue Streams

-Utility Bills -Price of the tickets

-Payment on the lease agreement -The customer pays per entrance

-The theater maintenance costs -profits from selling foods and beverages

Pricing Model

Movie Type Amount/ticket

3D movies 450
Bangladeshi Movies 300
Hollywood Movies 350
Other country movies 350
Indian Bangla Movies 350

Ticket type Amount/ticket

Morning Show 50 taka less than regular price

Afternoon Show 50 taka less than regular price

Evening Show Regular price

Night Show Regular price

Weekends Show 50 taka more than regular price

Special Holidays Show 100 taka more than regular price

Food/Beverage type Amount

Popcorn (Big) 150
Popcorn (small) 100
Coke/Pepsi/other cold drinks 50/glass
Juice 45/glass
Other Snacks items 100-200

Social Goal
Income distribution
Lifestyle changes
Attitudes toward the expenditure for leisure
Fashions and fads
Health concerns
Living standards
Our business will distribute income to employees as they deserve. We will hire employees from
different backgrounds and races so that our customers are more comfortable to communicate
with us.

Financial Sustainability

With a substantial initial investment by the owners, we can see modest profits by year two.

Our Business is much more sustainable because:

We will be doing proper film selection for the audience and the theater's environment
Not only Bangla and English movies but also Korean, French, Japanese and animated
movies will be shown in our theater.
Our revenues from a mix of both traditional movie fare and other quality snacks and
Careful management of internal finances to control costs.
Great customer service.
Healthy sales in the first year, more than doubling by year three.
Excellent revenues from concessions.
Modest by stable profit margin by year two.
Theaters around the world are making conscientious efforts to practice what their films preach,
from more sustainable building practices to eco-friendly consumer options; many theaters are
making a change. One of the most eco-friendly and impressive theaters is floats in Thailand. We
will be follow their strategy and we will try to make our theaters eco-friendly. Like them we will
be try to use recycled materials for our theaters and our theaters will be totally sound proof, so
there will be no sound pollution.


 We will deliver what has been promised

 We will not charge our customers unreasonably
People of different ethnic backgrounds, culture or religion may not like particular movies.
Therefore, we will make it clear to them what they are watching by some trailers in our website.
We will also not unethically charge high prices from our customers.

Business Environment

PESTLE Analysis:

 Political: Political agitation early in 2015 adversely affected transport services, exports,
and private investment in Bangladesh.
Technically the current political situation of Bangladesh is quite stable but the past record
tells us that from time to time political unrest in the country and frequent change of
power has affected the economy very badly. Sometimes an abrupt decision made by the
political party in power puts an adverse effect on businesses. One of the decisions of the
Government which affected the nation recently is ban on social media apps and cutting
down the bandwidth. Communications with foreign clients have decreased significantly
and promotions of various brands and events are failing to reach people properly. People
usually prefer knowing the movie schedule, pricing details and offers via Facebook. No
one usually bothers about checking website and multiplex owners also prefer promoting
the movies via Facebook. But with the current imposition of ban on Facebook it has
become really tough to reach the targeted audience. The movie theatre businesses in the
country are being affected as well.

 Economical: Despite political agitation early in 2015 that adversely affected transport
services, exports, and private investment, the growth in Bangladesh managed to hold up
well because of brisk domestic demand, boosted by higher worker remittances, private
sector wages, and public investment. Inflation moderated in FY2015 much as forecast in
ADO 2015 from 7.4% a year earlier, reflecting large public stocks of food grains, normal
weather, a supportive monetary policy, and lower global food and commodity prices that
a steady exchange rate allowed to passed through. Bangladesh is a very lucrative and
profitable market for private investments and there are a lot of opportunities to exploit.
Moreover the labor cost is really low which allows the entrepreneurs to keep its cost of
production or services under control. And In case of theme based movie theatre, it is still
a blue ocean which not one yet has exploited.
 Socio-economic: Movie theatre industry in Bangladesh has not seen much growth and
neither people are used to going to theatres for movies. Most of the movie theatres are
local and only shows Bangladeshi movies. Moreover, neither those are well maintained
or have any security facilities. There are only 2 International standard multiplexes located
in Dhaka and they basically target socio economic class A and B. In Bangladesh people
are more used to watching movies on TV or online instead of going to theatre. Cinema
goers in Bangladesh who belongs to socio economic class A and B are mainly youngsters
and people below 40. There’s a lot of scope for increasing the pop cultural growth among
the Bengali society.
 Technology: Only two companies use international standard technology for showing
movies in Bangladesh. One is Jamuna Group for Bolckbuster and second one is Cineplex
by Bashundhara group. Other than that local theatres are still into 80s technology. They
are quite outdated and require upgradation.

 Legal: Piracy hurts entertainment businesses the most in the world. And in Bangladesh
people can easily download any movie from Torrent and some other sites easily. There
are no legal rules to control piracy and hence it makes people think “why go, pay and
watch movies in theatre when I can download it for free”.
 Environmental: We will try to use everything environmental friendly, keep the theatres
clean and fresh and only use the best sound system to prevent harsh sound damaging
customer’s health.

Porter’s Five forces Model:

Threat of new entrants: Moderate
Bargaining Power of suppliers: High
- Moderate as the market is yet not
saturated and the entry cost is high. - High, due to less number of movie theatres in
Bangladesh. Movie distributors can charge
whatever they want for new movies.

Bargaining Power of buyers: Low

- Bargaining power of people who loves watching
movies in theatre are low due to less number of
movie theatres.

Threat of Substitute : High

Intensity of Rivalry: Low
- Growth of home theatre culture - Very few International
- Easy access of torrent and other pirated standard theatres showing
Foreign country's movies

 First movers at introducing theme based movie theatre.

 Location: Waterfall is located in a busy and populated area of Dhaka. In Aftabnagar,
there’s East West University, North South University and Independent University is just
20 minutes away so all the university students will be able to go to Waterfall easily.
Hateerjheel, which is near Aftabnagar is another plus point.
 Latest digital screening technology and sound system.
 Huge cafeteria with famous franchise shops to satisfy the need of the customers.
 High security and regulatory system to ensure safety and comforts of the customers.

 A bit high ticket price.

 Competition from Blockbuster and Cineplex.
 Customer segment is limited to socio economic class A and B.

 Opening up more theme based indoor theatres in Chittagong, Sylhet, and Khulna etc.
 Affiliation with popular and world famous studios and movie distributors.
 Special screening of the latest movies.
 Providing discounts during festive seasons to gain more market.
 Including gaming arcade within the theatre building.

 Blockbuster or Cineplex copying the idea and opening up theme based indoor movie
 New entrants in the market
 Ticket price war and aggressive promotional strategies.
Stake Holder Analysis:
Our stakeholders are:

 Management team, employees

 Movie studios/ distributors
 Customers
 Financial Institutions
 Government
 Suppliers of goods required for interior designing and maintenance.
 Local Government
 Social media users
 Press and media
 Ad agencies
Among all the stakeholders, high power stakeholders are the movie studio/ distributors,
Government and customers. But nevertheless, we have to try and keep satisfied all our
stakeholders as much as possible. For press, media and social media users, we have to update
them about everything regularly so that brand awareness is being created strongly.

Description of ventures
Customers want to be entertained by watching a fun, exciting, well-made movie in a fun and
exciting environment.

It will be the first ever “pool theatre” in Bangladesh and the name of our brand would be
Waterfall would basically be a multistoried indoor “pool” theme movie theatre where
people can enjoy both normal shows and 3D shows just like any other movie theatre but
people will watch movie by being on boats.
There will be boats floating on a minimum level of water and it will be an indoor theater.
Tickets can be booked online in advance or can be bought on spot.
Waterfall will have its own cafeteria where customers can find foods and beverages.
Waterfall Movie Theater enriches lives and enhances the cultural life through the art of film. We
achieve our mission through these objectives:

Encouraging passion for film

Providing a high quality and unique theater experience
Always protect our customers safety first
Educating the community about film

Reasons for going into this business:

There are only a few movie theaters in Bangladesh where people of middle and upper
class can go and enjoy a movie.
There is no unique and innovative place inside Dhaka where people can go for
entertainment in weekends or for holidays in Dhaka.
Our main objective is to entertain people and movies are a great source of entertainment
for a long time no matter what country or regions people always like to watch movies and
this industry never goes off.
Patent, copyright, or trademark status
Waterfall will ensure to patent its name before starting business.
All the movies that will be showing in the theaters the copyright of those will be keep
safely, means no video camera is allowed inside theater to avoid piracy.

The location is Aftabnagar because there is a huge amount of free space available in there
which is needed to build the building of the Pool Theater and also Aftabnagar in not very far
from the middle of Dhaka. It is a place where all kinds of transportation is available which will
be convenient for the customers.

The building has to be new because it should be built as like a swimming pool but with big
screen and has to facilitated with seating arrangement like boating and other thing needed for a
movie theater.

The land will be leased by the building will be owned because we will exclusively design and
built our own building which is needed for our business.

Office equipment
3D supporting projectors:

Most of the projectors in the list are DLP

based because until recently LCD couldn't
be used for 3D display purposes (from a
single projector). This is now changing
with several 3D LCD projectors starting
to hit the market - time will tell whether
they can perform as well as the DLP
based 3D projectors. We will be
importing those projectors

3D supported screen

As our projectors our screens will be also

3D supported and we will also import
those as these technologies are not
available in our country.
Water boat seat

We will bring engineers from other technology advanced countries to design and get instructions
to build these seats for our customers.

Artificial Pool

There will artificial pools where the boat seats will be fitted.

Water pump

Water pump will be needed to ensure water supply inside the pool.

Life jackets

To ensure customer safety there will be life jackets.

3D glasses

3D glasses will be provided for 3D movies.

All full-time employees will have access to a benefit plan that will include the following
1 paid day off for the employee’s birthday.
3 paid days off for any sicknesses.
1 week paid vacation is available after 1 year and will continue until 5 years.

After 5 years the employee will receive 2 weeks paid vacation and at 10 years will receive 3
weeks’ vacation.
Health insurance will be available.
Dental insurance will be available.

Background of entrepreneurs
1. Sarah Mehnaz. She did her O-levels and A-levels respectively from Radiant International
School '09 and Adroit School ' 11. She is currently in North South University studying
BBA in 12th semester and doing her dual major in Marketing and International Business,
2. Farhana Sharmin. She did her H.S.C. and S.S.C. both from Viqarunnisa Noon School’09
& College’11. She is currently in North South University studying BBA in 9th semester
and doing her dual major in Finance and accounting and Marketing.

3. Arshad Akhlak. He did his SSC from Ideal School and College '09 and HSC from Dhaka
City College '11. He is currently in North South University studying BBA in 12th
semester and doing his dual major in Finance and accounting and Marketing. He is also a
Voluntary worker for "Orthonoitik shumari 2014" under Bangladesh bureau of statistics
and he worked at accounts department of Bangladesh labor welfare foundation from
march 2015 - July 2015

4. S.M. Abu Sayeed. He did his SSC from Ideal School and College '09 and HSC from
Dhaka City College '11. He is currently in North South University studying BBA in 12th
semester and doing his dual major in Marketing.

5. Roksana Binta Hashim. She did her H.S.C. and S.S.C. respectively from Udayan
Bidyalaya, 06 and Dhaka City College, 08. She is currently in North South University
studying BBA and doing her major in Finance and accounting and Marketing.

Service Delivery Model

As “Waterfall” is going to be a movie theater it will basically fall under the service
business category so in spite of manufacturing it will focus more on how its customers are
getting the service efficiently. An elaboration of the production plan is given below-

 Physical plant:
The physical plant of “Waterfall” will be located at Aftabnagar. The place is selected as a
geographical advantage of being near to a well-known University and for travelling
facility because “Hatir jheel” is just in front of Aftabnagar.
 Machinery and equipment:
As it going to a pool theater so the requirements of machineries are top class so that none
of the consumer faces any difficulty. The machineries and equipments we will be needing

 Water sanctioning pumps

 Projectors (Including 3d)
 Well-furnished wooden boats
 Rubber boats
 Life guards
 3d glasses, etc.

 Names of raw material Suppliers:

As a movie theater and the part of the service industry the core product of “Waterfall” is
going to be the movies and the film rolls that contains the movie can be called the raw
material in this case. The suppliers in this case are going to be-
 Movie dealers of the film industries globally
 Disney
 DreamWorks
 Universal
 Warner Bros.
 Yash raj Films.
 Ananda Bazar Multimedia
 ATN movies Ltd., etc

Operational plan
Description of company’s operation:
The company will provide the services of Pool Theater and also sell some food and beverage
items. So the operation management will be a great issue for the company. The company will
elaborate its workforce and by this the company can come forward and work as a team. The
operations the company needs to do are:

 Selecting the popular movies and the movies which seems potential for our customers
from the distribution company
 negotiating with the distribution company on which movies we wish to lease and the
terms of the lease agreement
 Bringing the prints are sent to the theater a few days before the opening day
 showing the movie for a specified number of weeks which is called engagement
 selling tickets to the customers
 At the end of the engagement, sending the print back to the distribution company and
makes payment on the lease agreement
 Food and beverage facility during the shows
 Ensure safety of customers by providing lifeguards
 Ensure to avoid piracy
 Marketing about the movies and show times

Flow of order of goods/services:

As the company is providing the customers a unique service that is Pool Theater so the customer
can book their tickets on the spot. Or the company is offering online booking system so that they
can book their tickets online and have the preferable placing of seats they want. They can collect
their tickets from the ticket counter of ‘WATERFALL’ or we will accept print copy of the

Technology utilization:
The company offering the services to the consumers which is totally technology based so the
company’s first priority will be providing the customers the latest technology that is available in
the market which is 3D. And all other facilities that the company is offering will be enrich with
the latest technology. All kinds of latest technology Equipment to build a movie theater like 3D
supporting projectors, 3D glasses, 3D supported screen, water pump, water boat seat, life jackets
etc. will be used here.
Market plan (7 P’s)
The 7p’s relating to the market plan of “Waterfall” are given below-

The main product “Waterfall” will be serving movies of different region including the movie
 Animated
 3d movies
 Normal movies
We will also have franchised food courts for the refreshment of our consumers.

The movie tickets we will be selling through the venue or the websites will range differently on
different timing
On peak days:-
 Normal & Animated movies 450tk/person
 3d movies 550tk/ person
On off peak days:-
 Normal & Animated movies 350tk/person
 3d movies 450tk/ person

“Waterfall” will be located a little bit inside o Aftabnagar. A multi storey building movie theater
and refreshment center on each floor.

For the promotion of “Waterfall” we will be using-

TVC: a brief view of the ambiance of “Waterfall” and its facilities will be telecasted

Newspaper article: view of ambiance , location and facilities will be provided to attract
the potential customers

Leaflets: It will be given with a map along with an internal view and all product and
pricing detail.

Social Networking sites: In this current time the most effective way to spread news is
the use of social networking sites. So interior view and facilities and the distinctive
features will be provided through the SNS sites.

Waterfall will also include the following promotional tools-

 Posters & Banners

 Celebrity Endorsement
 Guerilla marketing, etc.
As “waterfall” will be a service business the form of packaging will be the ambiance of the place
which will be like the following-

We will position “Waterfall” as an essence of abroad in the country with the unique and
distinctive features, facilities and environment in the customer’s mindset. And bring out the
ultimate demand of spending quality refreshment time only in “Waterfall”.


24/7 website interaction.

Active complaint and inquiry booth on the spot.
Active malfunction support on the spot.
Individual representative on each floor
Social media representative for the personal assistance
of the customers
Organizational plan
Form of Ownership:
We are five members conducting this business and this is a partnership type business.

Identification of partners or principle shareholders:

It is mentioned in the background of entrepreneurs

Authority of principles:
The principles must be maintained significantly. The terms of agreement will be followed
accordingly and as per planned.

Management team background:

We need to hire and build extremely skilled and strong management team, since their
decisions can make or break a business. The management team will be chose very wisely and
the team can work under immense pressure. Building the team demands matching jobs to
people’s strengths and experience. That means the responsibilities will be given according to
the skill level. So that they can work all together at the same place and be efficient at the
same time.

Roles and responsibilities:

The ten roles are:

1. Figurehead.

2. Leader.

3. Liaison.

4. Monitor.

5. Disseminator.

6. Spokesperson.
7. Entrepreneur.

8. Disturbance Handler.

9. Resource Allocator.

10. Negotiator.

Assessment of risk
Evaluate weaknesses of business
A bit high ticket price: As we are using new kind of technology and importing those
technology is costly, so our ticket price is a little bit higher than other normal movie
Competition from Blockbuster and Cineplex: Our main competitors are Blockbuster
and Cineplex which two companies are doing their business for a long time so they are
more experienced and they have existing loyal customer.
Customer segment is limited to socio economic class A and B: For the high priced
tickets our customer segment becomes limited then our competitors.

Contingency plans

More Importance on promotions

Because of our limited customer segmentation we should give more importance in our
promotions so that we can reach out our potential customers.

Communicating a clear message:

We should communicating with our customers with a clear message about how we are going to
give our services and draw a clear picture about the experience about the experience they will
have by getting our services.
Financial plan


Year 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Beginning 500000 396000 1940000 4020000 10970000
Sources of cash
Net income 284000 30500 85500 1,01400 1,13300
Plus 20000 15000 15000 15000 15000
Plus -60000 -60000 -78000 -360000 -120000
changes in
Plus short- 0 0 0 0 0
term debt
Total 524400 381500 1962500 3776400 10978300
sources of
Uses of cash
Less -13000 -78000 -118000 -26000 -26000
changes in
Less 0 0 0 0 0
payment for
fixed assets
Total uses
of cash

Ending 397000 303500 1844500 3750400 10952300


Current assets
Cash and 396000 194000 402000 1,097000 2,151000
Accounts 60000 660000 1,440000 1,800000 1,920000
Total current 456000 854000 1,842000 2,897000 4,071000
Fixed assets
Fixed assets at 25000 25000 25000 25000 25000
Net fixed 24000 21000 18000 15000 12000
Total fixed 24000 21000 18000 15000 12000
Intangible 125000 118000 106000 94000 82000
Total assets 598000 981000 1954000 2994000 4153000
Current liabilities
Short-term 0 0 0 0 0
Accounts 13000 91000 209000 235000 261000
Total current 13000 91000 209000 235000 261000
Long-term liabilities
Long-term 0 0 0 0 0
Total 13000 91000 209000 235000 261000
Equity 585000 890000 1745000 2759000 3892000
Total 598000 981000 1954000 2,994000 4153000
s’ equity Balance Sheet

Price list form suppliers

Item Description $

1. 3D projectors $20,299.00

2. 3D screens $3,999.00

4. Miscellaneous expenses $1,000.00

Total Cost of Goods Sold $25,298.00


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