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Final exam for SOCY1000 Introduction to Sociology

1. You should turn on your computer and be ready to access the

exam paper
through UMMoodle at least 15 minutes before the start of the
examination. I
will create an assignment “final examination” on UMMOODLE for
you to
download the exam paper 5 mins before the start of the final
exam (May 26, 9:30
to 12:30).
2. Once the exam questions can be viewed, you should create a
new Word document
and write down your student ID, class code SOCY1000 and all
your answers in a
Word document indicating the number of questions you are
answering following
the following format.
Your Student ID_____________ Your name ___________
Section I Multiple Choice
1. a. 2. a 3. a …….
Section II True or false (T for true and F for false)
1. T 2. T 3. F …..
Section III concept explanations
Please write down the name of the concept first, followed by
your answer.
1. The name of concept 1
2. The name of concept 2
Section IV short essay questions
Please write down the question first, followed by your answers.

3. After the examination, please save all your answers

accordingly and upload
the Word document to UMMOODLE like you did for your
assignments within 10
minutes after the completion of exam. Please email me
( or call
me (8822 8840) if you encounter any problem during your

4. Since it is an open-book exam, you can use any materials

including textbook,
PPTs and other information to help you complete the final exam.
But you can't
copy chunks of text directly from textbooks, PPTs, online sources
or other
sources. You need to digest the information and express them in
your own words
when answering concept explanation and short essay questions.
I will take
points off if I find you copy and paste information strait from
textbook, PPTs
or online sources for concept explanation and short essay

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