RWS Reading Strategies Summarizing and Paraphrasing

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Republic of the Philippines


Institute of Education
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan, Philippines 3010

At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
● Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of summarizing and
● Recognize the importance of summarizing and paraphrasing in writing.
● Demonstrate proper summarizing and paraphrasing techniques by effectively
employing strategies.
A. Topic: Different kinds of Reading Strategies
B. Reference:
C.1. for the Teacher - Visual aids, videos, and book
C.2. For the Students - Modules
D. Teaching Strategies: Effective Questioning Techniques,
Collaborative Learning. Reinforcing Effort/Providing Recognition and
Collaborative Learning
A. Preliminary Activities
● Opening Prayer
“Good morning! Okay students, first let us pray. (A student will lead the opening prayer)
Who would like to lead the prayer”

● Greetings “Good morning, ma’am.”

“Good morning class”
“How was your week? Were you able to enjoy the “Yes ma’am, it was fun ma’am”
long weekend?

 Classroom Conditioning
“Before we begin with our lesson kindly arrange (Students will do as the teacher says)
your chairs properly. Pick up those pieces of
papers and put all your bags down.”

● Checking of Attendance
“Okay great, now let us check your attendance, (Students will raise their hand and say present
when I call your name please raise your hand and as the teacher calls their name)
say present.”

● Checking of Assignments
“So last week I remember giving you an
assignment, were you able to do your (Students answer) “Yes ma’am”
(Students will follow the teacher)
“Okay then, I will be collecting your assignments,
please pass your notebooks in front thank you”

B. Review
“Before we dive in to our lesson, let us have a recap of
what we have discussed last meeting.”
(Students answer may vary)
“What was our topic about last time?”
(Students answer may vary)
“Who can tell me the difference between skimming and

“Thank you. Can you tell me some steps or strategies in

(Students answer may vary)
“Very good. How about in scanning?”
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Republic of the Philippines
Institute of Education
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan, Philippines 3010

‘That is correct. Good job class.”

C. Motivation
“Before we go to our lesson, let us first have a short

(The teacher will present a short poem. The students will

pick a line from the poem. The students will then give
their insights on what the line means for them.)

by William Wordsworth

I wandered lonely as a cloud (The students will participate in the said activity.)
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd, A host of golden
Beside the lake, beneath the trees Fluttering and
dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine and twinkle on the

milky way, they stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced, but they Out-did the

sparkling waves in glee: - A poet could not but be gay in
such a jocund company!
I gazed - and gazed - but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought.

For oft, when on my couch I lie in vacant or in pensive

mood, they flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss
of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills and dances with
the daffodils.

D. Lesson Proper

“Today we will be talking about the different types of

Reading strategies.”

Summary is a condensed version of an author’s (The students will read in chorus.)

main ideas, written in your own words. A strong
summary represents an author’s views accurately,
and at the same time emphasizes those aspects of
what the author says that interest you, the writer.

“Summarizing is retelling the main idea in your own

words. A summary should be short and to the point.
Only the most important ideas should be included.”

“Now that we know the definition of summarizing,

let us now read some tips. Let us read altogether.” (The students will read in chorus.)

 A summary is written in your own words.

 A summary is always shorter than the original
text, often about 1/3 as long as the original.
 A summary should contain all the major points of
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Republic of the Philippines
Institute of Education
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan, Philippines 3010

the original text,

 The backbone of any summary is formed by
crucial details
 Put whatever you quote in quotation marks (” “). (A student volunteers to read the paragraph.)
 A summary must contain only the ideas of the
original text.

“Here are some tips on what not to do when

summarizing. Everybody let us read.”
(The students will read in chorus.)
 write down everything
 write down ideas from the text word-for-word
 write down incoherent and irrelevant ideas
 write down ideas that are not stated in the text
 write down a summary that has the same length or is
longer than the original text.

“Let us have an example. Who would like to read

it?” (A student volunteers to read the paragraph.)

Original Text:
The cat named Whiskers explored the garden,
climbing trees and chasing butterflies. After a
playful afternoon, Whiskers curled up on a cozy (The students will read in chorus.)
blanket for a peaceful nap in the sunshine.

Whiskers, the cat, had a fun day in the garden,
“climbing trees and chasing butterflies”. After
playing, Whiskers took a nap on a cozy blanket in
the sunshine.

“Thank you very much. Let us have another example.

Please read it.”
(Students answer may vary)
Original text:
In a quiet town, Sally, a young artist, painted colorful
murals on the walls, bringing life and joy to the
community. Her vibrant artwork, inspired by nature and
dreams, became a source of inspiration for locals and (A student volunteers to read the paragraph.)
visitors alike."

Sally, “a young artist”, brought life and joy to her
quiet town by painting colorful murals on the walls.
“Her vibrant artwork, inspired by nature and
dreams”, served as “a source of inspiration” for both
locals and visitors.

“Thank you so much.”

“Do you have any questions regarding summarizing?”

“If none, let us head on to the last one which is (The students will read in chorus.)

Paraphrasing is often defined as putting into

your own words, texts that are originally from
the author. It will make us use our own ideas
as inspired by other people’ work and it will

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Republic of the Philippines
Institute of Education
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan, Philippines 3010

keep us from plagiarizing other’s work. (A student volunteers to read the paragraph.)

“Paraphrasing is retelling the text in your own

words. Extracting the main point from a quote and
rephrasing it in your own words. Also known as
indirect quotation.”

“Here are some steps to Paraphrasing”

(A student volunteers to read the paragraph.)
1. Reread the original passage.
2. Rewrite each sentence (or point) in your
own words.
3. Use quotation marks to identify any
borrowed words or phrases.
4. Cite the source (including the page).

“Thank you very much. Now let us head on to (A student volunteers to read the paragraph.)
our examples. Please read it.”

Original text:
Most nuclear power plants generate more
energy on average than any other type of
energy source.

Nuclear power plants are one of the highest- (A student volunteers to read the paragraph.)
producing energy sources.

“Thank you very much. Let us have another example.

Please read it.”

Original text:
Common beliefs can change over time. For
example, most people once thought the Sun
orbited around the Earth.

People believed at one time that the Sun (Students answer may vary)
orbited the Earth. Nowadays, people know
the opposite, showing that common beliefs (The students will answer the activity based on their
don’t stay the same. best understanding of the topic.)

“Any questions before we head on to our


E. Generalization
“Let us see if you really have understood our lesson

“For our activity, you task is to assess whether the

sentences provided are examples of Summarizing or
Paraphrasing.” Answer: Paraphrase

Original Sentence: "The diligent student consistently
demonstrated a strong work ethic and achieved
excellent grades throughout the academic year."

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BASC-IED-QSF-01/Rev.00 (02.03.2020)
Republic of the Philippines
Institute of Education
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan, Philippines 3010

"The hardworking student consistently displayed a Answer:

robust commitment to their studies and attained 1. Paraphrase
outstanding grades throughout the school year." 2. Paraphrase
3. Summarized
4. Summarized
1. Original: "The adventurous explorers embarked on a 5. Paraphrased
challenging journey through the dense jungle." 6. Summarized
- "The daring adventurers undertook a difficult 7. Paraphrase
expedition through the thick rainforest." 8. Summarized
9. Summarized
2. Original: "The innovative technology company 10. Paraphrased
introduced a groundbreaking solution to streamline
business operations."
- "The forward-thinking tech firm presented an
innovative solution to enhance efficiency in business

3. Original: "The heartfelt speech delivered by the

passionate activist moved the audience to tears."
- "The passionate activist's speech moved the audience
to tears."

4. Original: "The resilient athlete overcame numerous

obstacles to achieve victory in the challenging
- "A resilient athlete triumphed over obstacles in a
challenging competition."

5. Original: "The historic monument stands as a symbol

of the nation's struggle for independence."
- "The significant landmark serves as a representation of
the nation's fight for freedom."

6. Original: "The talented artist showcased a diverse

range of artworks in the gallery, demonstrating mastery
in various styles."
- "A talented artist displayed mastery in various styles at
the gallery."

7. Original: "The captivating novel weaves a complex

narrative filled with twists and turns."
- "The intriguing book constructs a intricate story with
unexpected developments."

8. Original: "The diligent employee consistently met tight

deadlines and exceeded performance expectations."
- "A diligent employee consistently met tight deadlines
and exceeded expectations."

9. Original: "The charming seaside town attracts tourists

with its picturesque landscapes and vibrant cultural
- "A charming seaside town attracts tourists with
picturesque landscapes and a vibrant cultural scene."

10. Original: "The educational program incorporates

interactive lessons and hands-on activities to enhance
student engagement."
- "The educational initiative integrates engaging lessons
and practical activities to boost student involvement."

“Very Good class” (The students will answer the activity based on their

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BASC-IED-QSF-01/Rev.00 (02.03.2020)
Republic of the Philippines
Institute of Education
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan, Philippines 3010

F. Application best understanding of the topic.)

Your task is to either summarize or paraphrase the
following paragraph. Analyze the content and provide a (Students answer may vary)
version that captures the key points while expressing
them in your own words. Be mindful of maintaining the (Sample answer)
original meaning and context.
Despite triumphs in battle, the colonists, primarily
Summarizing soldiers and adventurers, endured hardship marked
Read each passage. Highlight or underline by hunger and a yearning for the comforts of
necessary information. Write your summary. England. Disappointed by the absence of
anticipated wealth in gold and silver, Grenville,
weary of the conditions, departed “to plunder
Despite their success in battle, the colonists had a
Spanish treasure fleets”, leading to the colony's
miserable time because they were mainly soldiers eventual abandonment.
and adventurers, not farmers. They were hungry.
They missed the comforts of England, such as soft
feather beds and dainty foods. Also, they had (Students answer may vary)
expected to find gold and silver on the island, and (Sample answer)
were disappointed when they found none. Grenville
soon tired of these conditions and set out on his Data frameworks make it conceivable for
ship to plunder Spanish treasure fleets and return to commerce to embrace compliment, more
England. The colony was gradually abandoned. decentralized structures and more adaptable
courses of action for workers and administration.
Paraphrasing Organizations are attempting to ended up more
Read the original text below and build a paraphrase competitive and effective by changing themselves
intro computerized firms where about all center
from the selection of phrases provided on the next
commerce handle and connections with clients,
page. providers and workers are carefully overseen
(Laudon & Laudon 2002).
Information systems make it possible for business
to adopt flatter, more decentralized structures and
more flexible arrangements for employees and
management. Organizations are trying to become
more competitive and efficient by transforming
themselves intro digital firms where nearly all core
business process and relationships with customers,
suppliers and employees are digitally managed
(Laudon & Laudon 2002).


1. Read each sentence and answer what is

being described 1pt each.
(Students will answer with full understanding of
A. True or False: Write true if the statement is true the topic)
about the strategies and steps in summarizing
and paraphrasing and false if incorrect. Answers:
1. True
1. A summary is written in your own words. 2. False
2. In paraphrasing, use question marks to 3. True
4. True
identify any borrowed words or 5. False
3. A summary is always shorter than the
original text, often about 1/4 as long as the
4. Reread the original passage.
5. Write down ideas from the text word-for-word.


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BASC-IED-QSF-01/Rev.00 (02.03.2020)
Republic of the Philippines
Institute of Education
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan, Philippines 3010

Research on the following techniques in selecting and

organizing information:
1. Brainstorming
2. Graphic Organizers
3. Topic Outline
4. Sentence Outline

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