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SOY iectrie Field Elecirc | { Electric Dipole’ Every dipoles | { Hectic Flax Hectic | fd intensity ata | | associated with dipole moment || Bux over an are in an point distant froma || whose magnitude is equal to | | electric field represents | pointchargeq inairis || theproductafthe mugaitde of || hetwtalnumberaf | 1+ | jeter charge (g)and te distance |! electric field lines | ‘ 2a bemeen thechargessie, || crossingthisarea. | (2a), | Hf [7 Qeaataiion of carpe | total charge ona boy wala an | negra malileofa basic unit of 1 iling aa | from positive | | Twofeld) | chargesand | sic linescan | Ghrgedentalbyeantisgren | || SAM aac oN came | | eachother. | Gonservation a dango Total charge ofan slated yer remain anchanged with time, 1 Blectrostatie fla | | es donot fem | ‘Gauss Theorem “Total normal | electric fx over a closed surface $ | in vacuum is 1/y times the charge | {(Q) contained inside the surface [Additivity ofcharge: “Total charge of system isthe algebraic sum (.e. sum taking into ‘account with proper signs) ofall individual charges inthe system, {The vetorsim | [” Force between wo | || On Equator ine if | offorces would | | chargesisunafecied | | (Broadon postion) | | | give wsthetota| | by thepresenceofthe | | i LE force, | | othercharges. | | {I ‘volume charge density, p= 1g. {Bese dicta wl agin spor hal 7 | ay apn ouside the shelliegr> Ry B= = PR i Ane) Beg" Hecivic fad ductoun intl log thin enitorty | charged sraght wire, 2 “Hlectric field due to uniformly charged onthe wate Infinite thin plane sheet, a Inside the shell tear Callinsre, (cel | > Celinpaale (once) / > Calsinmined grouping = A \ om [0-90 Fon) ¢ (fase — Qeaanatige> > C > = | tage going helt | Fietinfom ene | |eabtiarakeren ng | th thes apt Bj eprencdby he gels A |prenty [chemin eng cere ries? ine | ncoparleandecrt F = [epee] ‘Magotic aceon a Curent Cining Conder | ‘Thane Mapai eld Mage con moving tag ae (est eth ene avery ! | i 1B =tnalntiex | ii Sr re | |remaimananint® || nega | FQ | js Raised ch / [tacntngetctesttndl | LBB | Kogan | =! | | Tagen scene ceri (nina anon mpd ed _ ‘ton te cure ping teh ingsnb= sian ‘rebound pu ~ Sorng Col Gananomet™~ Cares pasing rough he (. Ssteteaton 0 9 1=<, \ ata Rip ehenetn/ SOIT [THE BAR MAGNET | ‘ar Magnet as an Equivalent Solenoid” “orslenid length 2and aca. consiting ssperunitlengh thematic Bdisgivenby ‘Magnetism and Gauss Law + thet mgt Ha raga ue ou Saty BSeS-0 > toning map ax rine) I i 1 The Gauss hw of agneien shows that lated magnetic | als (menopoks) does na {Tere are no sours or nko 1A tiple ot caret Lap the ging marci hx Magnetic Dipole in Magnetic Field | Torqueonmagrede dpe, reMinf Torquconcol orton ‘Magnetic Hyster | Hysteresis the phenomenon oflaging of magnetic induction | (8 or meaty of mngetiacin (I) Behind the magneting. eld (1D. when specimens tan trough a eee of | adr tout rept, coercivity oe ofthe materi The nad | ett characteiss ees unto set sutale mate at | aire porpores. Potnlenerayof magnetic dipole. 0-8 | ‘Magnetisation and Magnetic intensity Raltonbetwsen and! Boyne Bowie) Co t-watis Bows hmdtmutl CT Koti) HH = Hn) B= lo * orm se is PESO pss Sea | arwton f Reus) | act Her Here By Ry Paramagnetic —— Foor mgetintion insane decton | ee Vary are poe ad] | |tSpeauredcpendent f —_ ~ [eam Ai (Curie-Weiss law) im i rr, cored Heal ive i |aersns Sone tronay ik ene | \. tee my wh ep | JK ‘nr ten! (One) | IN, “Magnetic Energy (nage min, a te heal Mot at Induced Electric Field tes produced by change in| smagticildina region. This | ge Reatneon | a © 1 Power reuiced to move the a Irsdisiptaasole et Indocorsnpsrle. eile fir anaythen 0 sats 1, + Landy | inductance |= encudutn dentin 22 uta inde. ae aa Mura instance of wolong cosa sank’ mim | Me ngming = tcp k= Foe pert coping ‘Magnetic Flux and Faraday's Law Magnetics, = B-A~ Bacon 1 Tardays nw Whenever magotc Dink wth cl hangesan isindaceditheca, + Indacetemt, gts qe R ye Indicates, Induced hrgebow, ‘Motional emf : + Onastaghtcondutng vie =D st + Onareeaingcondatng iesboutoneend, or) and ave perpendicular eachother. Application of Lenz’staw Iagutisnoredtwarsaced, | econ (a ce vers) 2 | ‘town nh fae | Lenz's Law cet ich hat opposes thectangethaasproducedit a caret i indaced by 2 Increasing seeing) fi wal wen (steengthen the ign. isaconsequence ofthe la of ‘AC Generator Mechsateal energy t# converted into electra! ray Oy we of dete trap indtion, Indkcedent Insacedcurent “fieraing cent”. i : Care ——— aaa etna) —- tniperdtalyidieten _-” para + lieny ofa rarer p= tb power _ tle, Taput power Ele Aternating voltage 6 Step-ap transformer, Za | NX | edwin, Appledacses Appladacrossresstor Appledacrse "SFr 1aNINGS Ne apactor ; le ce 4 Purely apacitvecircut / Purelyresistivecrcuit / Purely inductive crcut Corrent lade the vohage by #) Alternating voltage isin} |Currentlogsbehindthevllapeby 3 seanglete2 | phase curren. | pcangleot Telginiotesi2h y= 2 = Cy) | Paci gina! | [tetsinar-x2hly 6%, ead, whewxeauac |) here, Comt it in series. a _Sevesten cet / feeneroerta) |g] ipaemetcenen 2 TOE iru lagram J no = i Tame rR band + Foo odbore Prebiminatyinuse) | | ePhaar dan sits clematis copucirel| | it!( Ns + roecacor ond 1 whe Inpure rites ease=1 Resonant series LCR rei / sity» Vethen + Inpurelyinducteor ‘When =o Z=R.curent ce epactivecreat ‘becomes maxim, i Resoanifeguensy ®, = HE Ve> Yi thon Fondo eaten TIC] + Insets Lote, T | Atreooance X=Xe ily ecto) — l 2 mene of sharps of lhe “7 chetack (cose . ea oe psa ‘S. A ecrtoMaGnentc S, , s, We ‘a dean ent AIS VA NV WW VW WV WWW =—> ews wise puwteturt unio ores wn peers cert Relationbetween abject distance ().image vaceun _€ 2 distance and efractiveindex(x) ‘ols of ight ined at Mone mean se |ealandapparnt depth vw ae real Lenemaker ores sn OPTICAL FIBRES i POWER OF LENSES sewed for tanmiting opie i. | Sena trough long distance Power fens: P= Combination of te” Power: P= Py Py PsP, (a sal separation between th REFRACTION THROUGH PRISM. | Tense Raltionbetween ands, se sfnaimun| Optical fibres bared on the pheneenon of Ti ‘TOTAL INTERNAL REFLECTION | lenses in contact) "Rondon Light el oe dese tre ° Incidentangle>cricalanglee sof’) | Asanti Relationbetween and = or B=(u-1)A. Profane) | Angular dperion | REFRACTION OF LicHT WS laws When ight tvels fem | | By _ tea REFRACTION BY SPHERICAL SURFAC! edamame REFLECTION OF LIGHT taoincntn nae wooetectcenect MEAL anangle 20. INSTRUMENTS > m) ‘Obtaized by doping a alent mpurty tom, = ape semicondactr(r,>> m) sain by doing peels inperty tom, + Hlecical conducts 6 eat mals) Intrinsic Semiconductors The pure vemiconductors_ having ‘generated corent cartes yom =e = Elston deny, ‘4, = Hole density, n, = Densty of Intense ‘ermaly Formation of pn Junction + PAN junction Diode: In layman language when 4 pype semicondustr is brought into contact ‘wh an type setsicoaductor uch that structure emaine eotinaoas at boindary pn jntion dlodels formed. Forward bias characte ‘With of depletion yer decreases ~ fective barrier potemal decreases = Low seatance fered of junction and high corrent Now ofthe oder of m8 + Revere Blas Characteristics Wide of depletion layer increases = fective arierpotemal increases = High esistnceofeed athe junction and low current Now of the oder of 1. ~ Reverse break down accu at high reverse ‘Mase volage where the ordinary dlodes get darnaged Due to high eater concentration diference, hols duses fam [SOOT ee 8] {Characteristic and Symbol of =n Junction Diod Pride tomsie and 3). The mast import characte of « pa Seton ies . function is ai to from de 0 i {Sedat caret in” one PE — Paid, proce i Seton ony diffuston current. ee ‘+ In the reverse direction, it offers very high Dae thar ri anc. pots, ery Reeatos” Rte curva forced move other eof the junction and sich movement produces drift Forward Biased caren (I, at Rectifier JP] + Bflective harrier potential decreases a vo comer gale dig Ja-| [+ Pepsion math ders Mees Sena into de signal ++ Low resistance offered at junction. ali Wave Recor [— FattwaveRecitir —] fa + Output fequency input raqueney + ficiency = Fi = 9.6% im ty wa Gray ane + Opt fequeney 2 Input frequency + Efile Pe -s12m p,

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