Grammar Answers Parts of Speech & Articles

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Text Book Pg No: 126, 127 & 128 Workbook Pg No: 37, 38, 39 & 40
1. Farmer- Noun 9. Wind-Noun
2. Grew- Verb 10.From-Preposition
3. Superior-Adjective 11.Swirls-Verb
4. Competition-Noun 12.Poor-Adjective
5. Interviewed-Verb 13.Steadily-Adverb
6. Neighbours-Noun 14.Quality-Noun
7. With-Preposition 15.Help-Verb
8. Produce-Noun
1. Historical- Adjective 6. Alas-Interjection
2. Source- Noun 7. Themselves-Pronoun
3. Honesty-Noun 8. Joyfully-Adverb
4. Learn- Verb 9. Everyone- Pronoun
5. Since-Conjunction 10. Lakhs- Noun
1. Several- Adjective 13. Two- Adjective
2. About- Preposition 14.Treatment- Noun
3. Hungry- Adjective 15.Wounds- Noun
4. Vegetables- Noun 16.Ah! –Interjection
5. World- Noun 17.Since-Conjunction
6. An- Adjective 18.Because-Conjunction
7. Food- Noun 19.Until- Conjunction
8. Life- Noun 20.Eureka! -Interjection
9. Him-Pronoun 21.And- Conjunction
10.Interested- Adjective 22.Congratulations- Noun
11.Whole- Adjective 23.While- Conjunction
12.Beside-Preposition 24.Early- Adverb
i. Very- Adverb vi. And- Conjunction
ii. Habit- Noun vii. of- Preposition
iii. Into- Preposition viii. Atmosphere- Noun
iv. Continually- Adverb ix. Comes- Verb
v. Moody- Adjective x. Ten- Adjective
i. You- Pronoun vi. Adam-Noun
ii. Literacy-Noun vii. And-Conjunction
iii. Harbinger-Noun viii. Tree-Noun
iv. Fear-Noun ix. of-Preposition
v. It-Pronoun x. All-Adverb

Grammar Exercises Key {1}

i. Although-Conjunction vi. Honoured-Verb
ii. Receive- Verb vii. With-Preposition
iii. Formal-Adjective viii. National-Adjective
iv. Her-Pronoun ix. Award-Noun
v. Work-Noun x. of-Preposition
i. Had-Verb vi. Mind-Noun
ii. Moment-Noun vii. It-Pronoun
iii. of-Preposition viii. Well-Adverb
iv. Joy-Noun ix. And-Conjunction
v. When-Conjunction x. Compellingly- Adverb
i. Stop! -Verb vi. Invariably-Adverb
ii. You- Pronoun vii. Encounter-Verb
iii. Inform-Verb viii. Up-Adverb
iv. Who-Pronoun ix. and- Conjunction
v. Individual-Noun x. Upstairs-Adverb
i. Ah! - Interjection vi. of- Preposition
ii. You- Pronoun vii. and- Conjunction
iii. This- Adjective viii. Thinks- Verb
iv. Smoke- Noun ix. Singularity- Noun
v. All- Adverb x. Contrary- Adjective
i. Schooling- Noun xiii. Lack- Noun
ii. Answer-Verb xiv. Alone-Adverb
iii. Wishes-Verb xv. Attempt-Noun
iv. Surely-Adverb xvi. Deserted-Verb
v. What-Pronoun xvii. Above-Preposition
vi. Talk- Noun xviii. Only-Adverb
vii. Ancillary- Adjective xix. Still-Adjective
viii. And-Conjunction xx. That-Pronoun/Conjunction
ix. What-Pronoun xxi. More-Pronoun
x. Where-Adverb xxii. Will- Noun
xi. Quarter-Noun xxiii. Well-Interjection
xii. Fall- Noun
Revision Test-1
i. Teacher-Noun vi. And-Conjunction
ii. About- Preposition vii. I- Pronoun
iii. Every- Adjective viii. Clearly-Adverb
iv. Good- Adjective ix. Answer-Verb
v. Will say- Verb x. Question-Noun
Revision Test-2
i. My- Adjective vi. And- Conjunction
ii. Literate- Adjective vii. Geeta-Noun
iii. Yet- Conjunction viii. Oh! -Interjection
iv. At- Preposition ix. Last-Adjective
v. With-Preposition x. Almost- Adverb

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Revision Test-3
i. Inspite of-Preposition v. Remains-Verb
ii. Hundreds-Noun vi. And-Conjunction
iii. of-Preposition vii. Modest-Adjective
iv. Thimmakka-Noun viii. Person-Noun
Revision Test-4
i. Fluttered- Verb vi. Through- Preposition
ii. Gently- Adverb vii. At-Preposition
iii. And- Conjunction viii. Desperate-Adjective
iv. Scene- Noun ix. Waited-Verb
v. From-Preposition x. Wind-Noun
Revision Test-5
i. Apartment- Noun vi. of- Preposition
ii. Ha! - Interjection vii. Receipt- Noun
iii. Like- Verb viii. For- Preposition
iv. Here- Adverb ix. Last- Adjective
v. Paper- Noun x. Sir! – Noun
Model Paper
i. Oh! - Interjection vi. What-Pronoun/Conjunction
ii. Last-Adjective vii. To-Preposition
iii. Plant-Noun viii. It-Pronoun
iv. Almost-Adverb ix. And-Conjunction
v. Died-Verb x. Cross-Adjective

Text Book Pg No 131 Workbook Pg No: 45, 46
Exercise & Activities-1
i. An/The. An vi. A xi. A
ii. A vii. A xii. A
iii. An, a viii. An xiii. A
iv. An, a ix. A xiv. A
v. An x. A xv. An
Text Book Pg No 134, 135, 136, 137 Workbook Pg No: 46. 47, 48, 49, 50
Exercise & Activities- 1
i. A iv. The vii. The
ii. A v. The viii. The
iii. A vi. The
Exercise & Activities- 2
i. An iii. A v. The/a
ii. A iv. A
Exercise & Activities- 3
i. A iii. A v. The
ii. The iv. A
vi. The
Exercise & Activities- 4
i. A vii. An xiii. The/a
ii. A viii. An xiv. The/a
iii. An ix. The xv. The
iv. The x. No Article xvi. The
v. The xi. The, the, the, a xvii. The
vi. The/a xii. A xviii. A, a
Grammar Exercises Key {3}
xix. The xx. The
Exercise & Activities- 5
i. The viii. The, the xv. A
ii. The ix. The xvi. The, a/the
iii. The x. An xvii. The, an
iv. An xi. The xviii. An, the
v. An xii. The, the xix. The
vi. The xiii. A, the/a xx. An
vii. An xiv. The/a
Exercise & Activities- 6
1. A, The, The, The 8. The, The, The, The
2. The, A 9. A, The, The, An
3. The 10. The, A, The, A, The
4. A 11. A, A, A, The
5. An, The, The 12. The, The, A,
6. The, A, The, A, The, The 13. The, The, A, The, The, A, The
7. An, A
Revision Test-1
1. A 5. The 9. An
2. A 6. An 10. The
3. The 7. A
4. An 8. The
Revision Test-2
1. The 5. An 9. A
2. A 6. The 10. The
3. A 7. The
4. The 8. A/The
Revision Test-3
1. An 5. The 9. A
2. The 6. An 10. A
3. A 7. The
4. The 8. An
Revision Test-4
1. The 5. An 9. An
2. A 6. A 10. A
3. The 7. A
4. The 8. The
Revision Test-5
1. The 4. The 7. A
2. A 5. The 8. A
3. An 6. The
Model Paper
1. An 5. An 9. An
2. An 6. The 10. A
3. The 7. The
4. The 8. The

Grammar Exercises Key {4}

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