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WAP which accepts the student roll no and returns the highest percent and Write a SQL that

e a SQL that will take a number as input and calculate sum Create a cursor for the emp table. Produce the output in following
Create a cursor for updating the salary of emp working in deptno 10 by
name of that student to the calling block. of its digits. format: {empname} employee working in department {deptno}
STUDENT(Stud_ID,Stud_name,percent); Delimiter // earns Rs. {salary}. EMP(empno, empname, salary, deptno);
If any rows are affected than display the no of rows affected. Use implicit
create table student(studId integer primary key,studName varchar(25), create procedure sumofdigits(in n int(4)) Drop table emp;
percent decimal); begin declare r integer; create table emp(eno int primary key,ename varchar(35),
select* from emp;
insert into student values(1,'Kumud Mishra',65.25); declare s integer; salary decimal(10,2),deptno int);
Drop procedure salaryUpdate();
insert into student values(2,'Sushant Rajput',72.85); set @s = 0; insert into emp values(1,'Tony Stark',125000.00,10),
insert into student values(3,'Dikvijay Singh',82.74); while @n<>0 do (2,'Peter Parker',25000.00,11),
create procedure salaryUpdate()
select * from student; set @r=@n%10; (3,'Steve Rogers',50000.00,10),(4,'Bruce Banner',35000.00,10);
set @s=@s+@r; select * from emp;
declare count int;
Drop procedure findStudent; Set @n=@n div 10; declare id int;
Delimiter $$ end while; drop procedure showRecord();
declare sal decimal(10,2);
create procedure findStudent(in roll int(4), out sname varchar(25),out per decimal) select @s; delimiter //
declare finished int default 0;
begin end // delimiter ; create procedure showRecord()
declare emp_cursor cursor for select eno,salary from emp where
select studName into sname from student where studId=roll; begin
select percent into per from student where studId=roll; set @n=12345; declare name varchar(255);
declare continue handler for not found set finished=1; open emp_cursor;
end $$ delimiter ; call sumofdigits(@n); declare dno int;
set count =0;
set @r=2; declare sal decimal(10,2);
get_record: loop
set @sn=' '; Write a SQL that will generate the natural series from 1 to 10. declare finished int default 0;
fetch emp_cursor into id,sal;
set @p=1.0; Delimiter // declare msg varchar(255);
if finished=1 then LEAVE
call findStudent(@r,@sn,@p); create procedure Natural_number() declare emp_cursor cursor for select ename,deptno,salary from emp;
select @sn,@p; begin declare continue handler for not found set finished=1;
end if;
Declare n INT; open emp_cursor; set msg='';
update emp set salary=salary*1.2 where eno=id;
Write a procedure which accepts the emp no and returns the associated Declare str VARCHAR(255); get_information: loop
set count=count+1; end loop;
emp name. If emp no does not exist then give proper error message. set n=1; fetch emp_cursor into name,dno,sal;
close emp_cursor;
EMP(Empno, Empname). set str=''; if finished=1 then leave get_information;
select count; end // delimiter ;
Drop table emp; label1: Loop end if;
call salaryUpdate();
create table emp(empno int ,empname varchar(35)); IF n>10 THEN set msg=CONCAT(name," working in department ",dno," earn RS.",sal);
select * from emp;
insert into emp values(01,'Peter Parker'),(02,'Tony Stark'),(03,'Steve Rogers'), LEAVE label1; select msg; end loop;
(04,'Bruce Banner'); END IF; close emp_cursor ;
select * from emp; set str= CONCAT(str,n,','); set end //delimiter ;
n=n+1; call showRecord();
Drop procedure checkId; END LOOP;
delimiter // SELECT str; Write a Trigger that stores the old data table of student table in
create procedure checkId(in eid int(5),out ename varchar(100)) END // Delimiter ; student_backup while updating thestudent table. Student_backup
begin (Stud_ID, Stud_name, Address, Contact_no, Branch, Operation_date)
declare msg varchar(255); call Natural_number; Student (Stud_ID, Stud_name, Address, Contact_no, Branch)
set msg='Employee ID does not exist'; create table student(studId integer primary key,studName varchar(25));
select empname into ename from emp where empno=eid; Write a SQL that will generate the Fibonacci series upto7 terms. insert into student values(1,'gk');
if ename is Null then select msg; drop procedure fibo; insert into student values(2,'rs');
end if; Delimiter // select * from student;
end // delimiter ; create procedure fibo()
set @id=1; begin declare f int; create table studentBackup(studId integer primary key,
set @n=''; declare f1 int; studName varchar(25), opDate date);
call checkId(@id,@n); declare f2 int; insert into studentBackup values(1,'gk','2024-01-21');
select @n; declare n INT; select * from studentBackup;
set @id=5; set @n=''; declare str VARCHAR(255); delete from studentBackup;
call checkId(@id,@n); set @f1=0; drop trigger backupTrigger;
select @n; set @f2=1; delimiter //
Create a cursor for updating the salary of emp working in deptno 10 by 20%. set @n=0; create trigger backupTrigger before update on student for each row
If any rows are affected than display the no of rows affected. Use implicit cursor. set @str='0,1,'; begin
select* from emp; while @n<5 do insert into studentBackup set studId=OLD.studId,
Drop procedure salaryUpdate(); set @f=@f1+@f2; studName=OLD.studName,
Delimiter// set @f1=@f2; opDate=NOW(); end // delimiter ;
create procedure salaryUpdate() set @f2=@f; update student set studName='ratna' where studId=2;
begin set @str=CONCAT(@str,@f,',');
declare count int; set @n=@n+1; Write a trigger which checks the age of employee while inserting the record in emp table. If it is negative then generate the error and display proper
declare id int; end while; message.
declare sal decimal(10,2); select @str; create table employee(empId integer primary key,empName varchar(25),empAge integer);
declare finished int default 0; end // Delimiter; insert into employee values(1,'gk',25);
declare emp_cursor cursor for select eno,salary from emp where deptno=10; call Fibo(); select * from employee;
declare continue handler for not found set finished=1; open emp_cursor; drop trigger checkTrigger;
set count =0; Write a SQL that will accept a string and reverse it. Delimiter //
get_record: loop Drop procedure rString; create trigger checkTrigger before insert on employee for each row
fetch emp_cursor into id,sal; Delimiter // begin
if finished=1 then LEAVE create procedure rString (in str varchar(20), in rstr varchar(20)) declare msg varchar(50);
get_record; begin if NEW.empAge <0 then set NEW.empAge = 0;
end if; select REVERSE(@str) into @rstr; end if;
update emp set salary=salary*1.2 where eno=id; end //delimiter ; end//delimiter ;
set count=count+1; end loop; set @str='MOCK TEST'; insert into employee values(3,'cd',-5);
close emp_cursor; set @rstr=''; select * from employee;
select count; end // delimiter ; call rString(@str,@rstr);
call salaryUpdate(); select @rstr;
select * from emp;

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