What Does The Story of Adam and Eve Mean in Our Times?

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What Does the Story of Adam and Eve Mean in Our

Posted on January 3rd, 2023 at 7:30 am

Kabbalah & Relationships

Tips on how to build successful relationships based on the spiritual
principles and understanding of our nature
Our ego is the snake that prevents us from being able to love someone else.

The meaning behind the story of Adam, Eve and the snake is actually very simple.
The snake represents the ego that became revealed between Adam and Eve, the
man and the woman. And that’s really all there is to the story.

For example, suppose that a happy, young couple falls in love. They hug, kiss and
laugh together, go to the movies and the beach. Then they get married and begin
living together, and everything is wonderful. They’re in the Garden of Eden.

And suddenly—the snake (the ego) arrives. They suddenly begin arguing. Then
they begin taking advantage of each other and making private calculations, such
as “How can I get him or her to be the way I want them to be?” This happens to
us because the snake (the ego that’s inside us) prevents us from being able to
love someone else, and makes sure that our love is egoistic from the start.

Under these circumstances, the closest we can come to love is to surrender our
egos in day to day life as much as we can. However, this still doesn’t solve the
problem at the root, and does not enable us to experience real, unconditional
love. This is where Kabbalah offers another solution: to correct our soul at the
root, or to correct the snake that separates us from our partners.

To do this, both partners must realize that there is a goal to their lives that’s
above this world. Then they will also realize that they can only attain it by having
a partner in life, someone who will go through the spiritual path together with
them. This is the meaning of the verse, “Man, woman, and the Divine Presence
between them.” It means that in order for us to attain the Divine presence,
spirituality, we must connect with each other correctly.

Then, instead of taking advantage of each other, Adam and Eve will complete
each other. And the snake, instead of driving them apart, will become the driving
force that pushes them to reveal the Upper Force – the Divine Presence, or the

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