Fatima Jinnah

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also known as mother of nation


She was born at July 31,1893

Her father name was Jinnahbhai poonja

Her mother name was mithibai jinnah

She was a muslim

She was the formal leader of Pakistan

She was pakistani political

She was the leader of the oppositions of Pakistan from 1960 to 1967

She died at 9 july 1967 at the age of 73


In 1919 she enrolled in Dr.Ahmed Dental College at CAlcutta. On her guardating in 1923 She
opened her own dental clinic In Bombay. She became the first female dentist of undivided india


During the transfer of power in 1947, Jinnah formed the Women’s Relief Committee which later
formed the nucleus for all Pakistani women ( APWA)

She also played significant role in the settlement of Muhajirs in the new state of PAK

Fact file made by maroosha Fahad

Hope you like it !

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