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Gabuat,Laikka Mae



 Setting FINANCIAL goals is the first step to managing ones financial life.Goals maybe
short,medium and long-term.Short term goals can be measured in weeks and can provide
instant gratification and feedback.
 Medium term goal should be accomplished within one to six months.These goals provide
opportunity for reflection and feedback and require discipline and consistency.
 Long term financial goals can take years to achieve.These includes saving money for a down
payment for a home,a child college education and retirement.They may also include paying off a
car,students loan or credit card debit.

Developing a spending plan

 Time and effort are necessary to build a sustainable spending plan.Three easy steps are
proposed below when developing your personal spending time:
1. Record-Keep a record of what you spend.
2. Review-Analyze the information and decide what you do.
3. Take action-Do something about what you have writtend down.

Importance of saving

 Because no one can predict the future with certainty.We need to save money for anything might
1. Emergency bolster
2. Retirement
3. Future events
4. Instability of social security
5. A little goes a long away
Theres two ways to save:
 Save before you spend
 Save after you spend wisely

In order to stick to the savings habit,you should:

Commit to a month
Find an accountability partner

Find a saving role model who successful in her/his money through tried and true savings.

Write your goal down and track it

Avoid tempting situation


What is media?

Media are communication outlets or tools use to store and deliver information and data such as print
media(books,magazines,newspapers)broadcast media(television,music,movies)digital

What is literacy?

Literacy is the ability to identify,understand,interpret,create,communicate,and compute using printed

and written materials associated with carrying contexts.

Five essential concept necessary for any analysis of media messages:

1. Media messages are constructed

2. Media messages are produced within economic,social,political,historical and aesthetic context.
3. The interpretative meaning-making processesinvolved in message reception consist of an
interaction between reader,text and the culture.
4. Media has unique languages characteristics which type of various norms,genresand symbol
system of communication.
5. Media representation play a role in people's understanding of social reality.

My Reflection....
My Reflection about setting FINANCIAL goal is how people manage their financial life if it is a
short term, medium or a ling term.When I reflect it to my personal life,my financial goal I choose
medium term because I think this is suit for me since I was a student it's hard to save
money.Financial goal cannot process without Developing spending plan.So for me developing
spending plan need a patient,effort and time.In overall setting a financial goal is very important
to my life because there's some moment that we are not knowing what happen in our future for
example for emergency,it's very helpful that you have a savings.

My Reflection about the Media Literacy is being literate in media.For me as a student I must be
literate to media not only you know what the Media is but knowing how to use media in a
literate manner.Theres some people are not literate in media so they cant understand what
going on in the world of media.In some cases cyberbullying is an ordinary habit of some people
that are not literate in media so there's a big impact to our life that we are literate because
there's so many advantages we can take and there's disadvantages also in being literate.

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