IAS 19 - Employee Benefits Supplementary Notes

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This Standard shall be applied by an employer in
accounting for all employee benefits, except
CPA SESSION. those to which IFRS 2 Share-based Payment

Topic: IAS 19-Employee benefits.

Compiled by Godson Leonard Compiled by Godson Leonard

Definitions of employee benefits Definitions of employee benefits

Employee benefits
• Are all forms of consideration given by an entity in exchange Other long-term employee benefits
for service rendered by employees or for the termination of • Are all employee benefits other than short-term employee
employment. benefits, post-employment benefits and termination benefits.
Short-term employee benefits Termination benefits
• Are employee benefits (other than termination benefits) that • Are employee benefits provided in exchange for the
are expected to be settled wholly before twelve months after termination of an employee’s employment as a result of
the end of the annual reporting period in which the either:
employees render the related service. a) an entity’s decision to terminate an employee’s
Post-employment benefits employment before the normal retirement date; or
• Are employee benefits (other than termination benefits and b) an employee’s decision to accept an offer of benefits in
short-term employee benefits) that are payable after the exchange for the termination of employment.
completion of employment.

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Definitions relating to classification of plans

Definitions relating to classification of plans

Post-employment benefit plans Multi-employer plans

• Are formal or informal arrangements under which an entity
provides post-employment benefits for one or more employees. • Are defined contribution plans (other than state plans) or
Defined contribution plans defined benefit plans (other than state plans) that:
• Are post-employment benefit plans under which an entity pays a) pool the assets contributed by various entities that are not
fixed contributions into a separate entity (a fund) and will have no under common control; and
legal or constructive obligation to pay further contributions if the
fund does not hold sufficient assets to pay all employee benefits b) use those assets to provide benefits to employees of more
relating to employee service in the current and prior periods. than one entity, on the basis that contribution and benefit
Defined benefit plans levels are determined without regard to the identity of the
• Are post-employment benefit plans other than defined contribution entity that employs the employees.

Compiled by Godson Leonard Compiled by Godson Leonard

Definitions relating to defined benefit cost Definitions relating to defined benefit cost

Service cost comprises: • Any gain or loss on settlement

• Current service cost , which is the increase in the A settlement is a transaction that eliminates all further
present value of the defined benefit obligation legal or constructive obligations for part or all of the
resulting from employee service in the current period; benefits provided under a defined benefit plan, other
than a payment of benefits to, or on behalf of, employees
• Past service cost , which is the change in the present that is set out in the terms of the plan and included in the
value of the defined benefit obligation for employee actuarial assumptions.
service in prior periods, resulting from a plan
amendment (the introduction or withdrawal of, or Net interest on the net defined benefit liability (asset)
changes to, a defined benefit plan) or a curtailment (a is the change during the period in the net defined benefit
significant reduction by the entity in the number of liability (asset) that arises from the passage of time.
employees covered by a plan);

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Definitions relating to defined benefit cost Definitions relating to defined benefit cost

Re-measurements of the net defined benefit Actuarial gains and losses are changes in the
liability (asset) comprise: present value of the defined benefit obligation
• Actuarial gains and losses; resulting from:
• The return on plan assets, excluding amounts • Experience adjustments (the effects of
included in net interest on the net defined differences between the previous actuarial
benefit liability (asset); and assumptions and what has actually occurred);
• Any change in the effect of the asset ceiling, and
excluding amounts included in net interest on • The effects of changes in actuarial
the net defined benefit liability (asset). assumptions.

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Recognition and measurement short-term employee benefits. Recognition and measurement……

When an employee has rendered service to an entity
during an accounting period, the entity shall recognise the Short-term paid absences
undiscounted amount of short-term employee benefits
expected to be paid in exchange for that service: An entity shall recognise the expected cost of
a) As a liability (accrued expense), after deducting any short-term employee benefits in the form of
amount already paid. paid absences as follows:
b) If the amount already paid exceeds the undiscounted a) In the case of accumulating paid absences,
amount of the benefits, an entity shall recognise that
excess as an asset (prepaid expense) to the extent that when the employees render service that
the prepayment will lead to, for example, a reduction in increases their entitlement to future paid
future payments or a cash refund. absences.
c) As an expense, unless another IFRS requires or permits
the inclusion of the benefits in the cost of an asset (see,
b) In the case of non-accumulating paid
for example, IAS 2 Inventories and IAS 16 Property, absences, when the absences occur.
Plant and Equipment ).
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Recognition and measurement…… Recognition and measurement……..

Profit-sharing and bonus plans
An entity has 100 employees, who are each entitled to five working days of
paid sick leave for each year. Unused sick leave may be carried forward for An entity shall recognise the expected cost of profit-
one calendar year. Sick leave is taken first out of the current year’s sharing and bonus payments under paragraph 11
entitlement and then out of any balance brought forward from the previous
year (a LIFO basis). At 31 December 20X1 the average unused entitlement is when, and only when:
two days per employee. The entity expects, on the basis of experience that is a) the entity has a present legal or constructive
expected to continue, that 92 employees will take no more than five days of
paid sick leave in 20X2 and that the remaining eight employees will take an obligation to make such payments as a result of
average of six and a half days each. past events; and
b) a reliable estimate of the obligation can be made.
• The entity expects that it will pay an additional twelve days of sick pay as A present obligation exists when, and only when,
a result of the unused entitlement that has accumulated at 31 December the entity has no realistic alternative but to make the
20X1 (one and a half days each, for eight employees). Therefore, the entity payments.
recognises a liability equal to twelve days of sick pay.
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Recognition and measurement…….. Disclosure

EXAMPLE 2 Although this Standard does not require specific disclosures
A profit-sharing plan requires an entity to pay a about short-term employee benefits, other IFRSs may require
disclosures. For example, IAS 24 requires disclosures about
specified proportion of its profit for the year to employee benefits for key management personnel. IAS 1
employees who serve throughout the year. If no Presentation of Financial Statements requires disclosure of
employees leave during the year, the total profit- employee benefits expense.
sharing payments for the year will be 3 per cent of
profit. The entity estimates that staff turnover will
reduce the payments to 2.5 per cent of profit.
• The entity recognises a liability and an expense of
2.5 per cent of profit.
Compiled by Godson Leonard Compiled by Godson Leonard


Defined contribution plans.

Recognition and measurement:
Defined contribution plans.
When an employee has rendered service to an entity • When contributions to a defined contribution plan are not
during a period, the entity shall recognise the expected to be settled wholly before twelve months after the
contribution payable to a defined contribution plan in end of the annual reporting period in which the employees
exchange for that service: render the related service, they shall be discounted by
a) As a liability (accrued expense), after deducting any reference to market yields at the end of the reporting period
contribution already paid. If the contribution already on high quality corporate bonds.
paid exceeds the contribution due for service before • Disclosure An entity shall disclose the amount recognised as
the end of the reporting period, an entity shall an expense for defined contribution plans.
recognise that excess as an asset (prepaid expense) to
the extent that the prepayment will lead to, for
example, a reduction in future payments or a cash
b) As an expense, unless another IFRS requires or
permits the inclusion of the contribution in the cost of
an asset (see, for example, IAS 2 and IAS 16).
Compiled by Godson Leonard Compiled by Godson Leonard

Defined contribution plans. Defined Benefit plans.

EXAMPLE 3 Recognition and measurement
Accounting by an entity for defined benefit plans involves the following
An entity makes contributions to the pension fund steps:
of employees at a rate of 5% of gross salary. The a) Determining the deficit or surplus. This involves:
contributions made are $10,000 per month for – using an actuarial technique, the projected unit credit method,
convenience with the balance being contributed in to make a reliable estimate of the ultimate cost to the entity of
the first month of the following accounting year. the benefit that employees have earned in return for their
The wages and salaries for 20X6 are $2.7m. service in the current and prior periods
– discounting that benefit in order to determine the present value
Required: of the defined benefit obligation and the current service cost
Calculate the pension expense for 20X6, and the – deducting the fair value of any plan assets from the present
accrual/ prepayment at the end of the year. value of the defined benefit obligation.

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Defined Benefit plans. Defined Benefit plans.

Linda who has been recently employed as a secretary would like to
A lump sum benefit is payable on termination of service know on employee benefits. She has read on the internet that there
and equal to 1 per cent of final salary for each year of four main categories of employee benefits according to International
service. The salary in year 1 is TZS 1,000,000 and is Accounting Standards (IAS) 19 employee benefits.
assumed to increase at 7 per cent (compound) each year. a) With examples, explain to her the main categories of employees
The discount rate used is 10 per cent per year. benefits according to (IAS) 19 Employee benefit.
Required b) Evaluate why accounting for a defined benefit plan is much more
difficult than accounting for defined contribution plan.
Show how the obligation builds up for an employee who c) HACO company pays a lump sum benefit to its employees on
is expected to leave at the end of year 5, assuming that termination of service which is 1% of final salary for each year of
there are no changes in actuarial assumptions. service. The following information should be considered:

Compiled by Godson Leonard Compiled by Godson Leonard

Defined Benefit plans.

• The number of employees in HACO in white collar and blue collar jobs is Defined Benefit plans.
100 and 500 respectively.
• The salaries of white collar jobs in year 1 is tshs.6 millions and is assumed
to increase at 9% (compound) each year and those of blue collar b) Determining the amount of the net defined benefit
employees in year 1 is Tshs.0.5 million and assumed to increase at 5% liability (asset) as the amount of the deficit or surplus
(compound) each year. determined in (a), adjusted for any effect of limiting a net
• Based on HACO historical data,5% of employees are expected to leave at defined benefit asset to the asset ceiling.
the end of year 5.
• The discount rate is 10%.
c) Determining amounts to be recognised in profit or loss:
• Assuming there are no changes in actuarial assumptions and non
employee left the entity at earlier or later date. (i) current service cost
REQUIRED: (ii) any past service cost and gain or loss on settlement
i. Determine the present value of the benefit obligation of HACO in year (iii) net interest on the net defined benefit liability (asset)
ii. Show how benefit obligation of HACO accumulates over the year 5.
Compiled by Godson Leonard Compiled by Godson Leonard


Defined Benefit plans.

Defined Benefit plans. EXAMPLE 6.
The following information is provided in relation to a defined benefit plan
operated by Celine. All transactions are assumed to occur at the reporting date
d) Determining the remeasurements of the net of the relevant year. At 1 January 20X4, the present value of the obligation was
$140 million and the fair value of the plan assets amounted to $80 million.
defined benefit liability (asset), to be recognised in
20X4 20X5
other comprehensive income, comprising:
Discount rate at start of year 4% 3%
(i) actuarial gains and losses; Current and past service cost ($m) 30 32
(ii) return on plan assets, excluding amounts Benefits paid ($m) 20 22
included in net interest on the net defined Contributions into plan ($m) 25 30
benefit liability (asset); and Present value of obligation at 31 December ($m) 200 230
(iii) any change in the effect of the asset ceiling, Fair value of plan assets at 31 December ($m) 120 140
excluding amounts included in net interest on Required:
Reconcile the movement for the year in the plan asset and obligation;
the net defined benefit liability (asset). determine the amounts to be taken to profit or loss and other comprehensive
income for the year, togetherCompiled
withbythe net plan obligation or asset at 31
Compiled by Godson Leonard Godson Leonard
December 20X4 and 20X5.

Defined Benefit plans. Defined Benefit plans.

Recognition of Past service cost EXAMPLE 7.
• Past service cost is the change in the present value of the defined benefit An entity operates a pension plan that provides a pension of 2% of
obligation resulting from a plan amendment or curtailment. final salary for each year of service. The benefits become vested
• If employees have the right to receive benefits under the plan immediately, after five years of service. On 1 January 20X5, the entity improves
the benefits are said to be ‘vested’ and the cost must be recognised the pension to 2.5% of final salary, for each year of service starting
immediately. from 1 January 20X1. At the date of the improvement, the present
• If employees become entitled to benefits only at some later date, the value of the additional benefits for service from 1 January 20X1 to 1
benefits become vested at that later date, with the costs still recognised January 20X5, is as follows:
immediately $000
An entity shall recognise past service cost as an expense at the earlier of the Employees with more than five years’ service at 1.1.X5 150
following date
Employees with less than five years’ service at 1.1.X5 120
a) when the plan amendment or curtailment occurs; and
(average period until vesting: three years)
b) when the entity recognises related restructuring costs (see IAS 37) or –––––
termination benefits. 270
Explain how the additional benefits are accounted for in the financial statements
Compiled by Godson Leonard of the entity. Compiled by Godson Leonard


Defined Benefit plans.

• A settlement is a transaction that eliminates all further legal or
constructive obligations for part or all of the benefits provided
ANSWER under a defined benefit plan.
• The entity recognises all $270,000 immediately as an increase • A curtailment is a significant reduction in the number of
in the defined benefit obligation following the amendment to employees covered by a pension plan. This may be a
consequence of employees being made redundant.
the plan on 1 January 20X5. This will form part of the service
cost component. Whether or not the benefits have vested by • For example, an employee leaves the entity for a new job
elsewhere, and a payment is made on behalf of the employee
the reporting date is not relevant to their recognition as an into the defined benefit plan of the new employer.
expense in the financial statements. • The gain or loss arising on a curtailment or settlement should be
recognised when the curtailment or settlement occurs.
• The gain or loss comprises the difference between the fair value
of the plan assets paid out and the reduction in the present
value of the defined benefit obligation.

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Defined Benefit plans. Defined Benefit plans.

EXAMPLE 8 The obligation is to be reduced by 10% × $600,000 = $60,000, with
no change in the fair value of the assets as they remain in the plan.
AB decides to close a business segment. The segment’s employees will The reduction in the obligation represents a gain on curtailment
be made redundant and will earn no further pension benefits after being which should be included as part of the service cost component
made redundant. Their plan assets will remain in the scheme so that the and taken to profit or loss for the year.
employees will be paid a pension when they reach retirement age (i.e. The net position of the plan following curtailment will be:
this is a curtailment without settlement). Before On After
Before the curtailment, the scheme assets had a fair value of $500,000, curtailment
and the defined benefit obligation had a present value of $600,000. It is $000 $000 $000
estimated that the curtailment will reduce the present value of the Present value of obligation 600 (60 540
future obligation by 10%, which reflects the fact that employees will Fair value of plan assets (500) – (500)
have fewer years of work and service with AB before retirement, and ––––– ––––– –––––
therefore be entitled to a smaller pension than previously estimated or
Net obligation in SFP 100 (60) 40
accounted for.
––––– ––––– –––––
Required: The gain on curtailment is $60,000 and this will be included as part
What is net gain or loss on curtailment and how will this be treated in of the service cost component in profit or loss for the year
the financial statements? Compiled by Godson Leonard Compiled by Godson Leonard


Defined Benefit plans. Defined Benefit plans.

• Sometimes the deduction of plan assets from the pension
obligation results in a negative amount: i.e. an asset. The f ollowing information relates to a def ined benef it
• IAS 19 states that pension plan assets (surpluses) are plan:
measured at the lower of: $000
– The amount calculated as normal; or Fair value of plan assets 950
– The total of the present value of any economic benefits
available in the form of refunds from the plan or Present value of pension liability 800
reductions in future contributions to the plan. Present value of future refunds and reductions in future
• Applying the ‘asset ceiling’ means that a surplus can only contributions 70
be recognised to the extent that it will be recoverable in Required
the form of refunds or reduced contributions in future
What is the value of the asset that recognised in the
financial statements?

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Defined Benefit plans. Defined Benefit plans.

TC has a defined benefit pension plan and prepares financial statements to 31 Savage, a public limited company, operates a funded defined benefit plan for
March each year. The following information is relevant for the year ended 31 its employees. The plan provides a pension of 1% of the final salary for each
March 20X3: year of service. The cost for the year is determined using the projected unit
• The net pension obligation at 31 March 20X3 was $55 million. At 31 March credit method. This reflects service rendered to the dates of valuation of the
20X2, the net obligation was $48 million, comprising the present value of plan and incorporates actuarial assumptions primarily regarding discount
the plan obligation stated at $100 million, together with plan assets stated rates, which are based on the market yields of high quality corporate bonds.
at fair value of $52 million. The directors have provided the following information about the defined
• The discount rate relevant to the net obligation was 6.25% and the actual benefit plan for the current year (year ended 31 October 20X5).
return on plan assets for the year was $4 million. • The actuarial cost of providing benefits in respect of employees' service
• The current service cost was $12 million. for the year to 31 October 20X5 was $40 million. This is the present value
of the pension benefits earned by the employees in the year.
• At 31 March 20X3, TC granted additional benefits to those currently
receiving benefits that are due to vest over the next four years and which • The pension benefits paid to former employees in the year were $42
have a present value of $4 million at that date. They were not allowed for in million.
the original actuarial assumptions. • Savage should have paid contributions to the fund of $28 million. Because
• During the year, TC made pension contributions of $8 million into the of cash flow problems $8 million of this amount had not been paid at the
scheme and the scheme paid pension benefits in the year amounting to $3 financial year end of 31 October 20X5.
million. • The present value of the obligation to provide benefits to current and
Required: former employees was $3,000 million at 31 October 20X4 and $3,375
Explain the accounting treatment of the TC pension scheme for the year to 31 March
million at 31 October 20X5.
20X3, together with supporting calculations
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Defined Benefit plans.

• The fair value of the plan assets was $2,900 million at 31 October
20X4 and $3,170 million (including the contributions owed by Savage)
Defined Benefit plans.
at 31 October 20X5.
• With effect from 1 November 20X4, the company had amended the Required
plan so that the employees were now provided with an increased Show the amounts which will be recognised in the
pension entitlement. The actuaries computed that the present value statement of financial position, in profit or loss and in
of the cost of these benefits at 1 November 20X4 was $125 million.
other comprehensive income' of Savage for the year
ended 31 October 20X5 under IAS 19 Employee benefits
The interest rate on high quality corporate bonds was as follows from (revised 2011), and the movement in the asset and
the following dates: liability in the statement of financial position. (Your
31 October 20X4 31 October 20X5 calculations should show the changes in the present value
Interest rate 6% 7% of the obligation and the fair value of the plan assets
during the year. Ignore any deferred taxation effects and
• The company recognises remeasurement gains and losses in 'other assume that pension benefits and the contributions paid
comprehensive income (items that will not be reclassified to profit or were settled at 31 October 20X5.)
loss)' in accordance with IAS 19, revised 2011.

Compiled by Godson Leonard Compiled by Godson Leonard

Disclosure Disclosure
An entity shall disclose information that: b) Identifies and explains the amounts in its financial statements
arising from its defined benefit plans. An entity shall provide a
a) Explains the characteristics of its defined benefit plans
reconciliation from the opening balance to the closing balance
and risks associated with them; An entity shall
for each of the following, if applicable:
i. The nature of the benefits provided by the plan (eg final • the net defined benefit liability (asset), showing separate
salary defined benefit plan or contribution-based plan reconciliations for:
with guarantee). i. plan assets.
ii. A description of the regulatory framework in which the ii. the present value of the defined benefit obligation.
plan operates, for example the level of any minimum
iii. the effect of the asset ceiling.
funding requirements, and any effect of the regulatory
framework on the plan, such as the asset ceiling. • any reimbursement rights. An entity shall also describe the
iii. A description of any other entity’s responsibilities for the relationship between any reimbursement right and the
governance of the plan, for example responsibilities of related obligation
trustees or of board members of the plan.

Compiled by Godson Leonard Compiled by Godson Leonard


Review Questions
c) Describes how its defined benefit plans may affect the amount, Macaljoy, a public limited company, is a leading support services company
which focuses on the building industry. The company would like advice on
timing and uncertainty of the entity’s future cash. An entity shall how to treat certain items under IAS 19 Employee benefits . The company
disclose: operates the Macaljoy Pension Plan B which commenced on 1 November
20X6 and the Macaljoy Pension Plan A, which was closed to new entrants
i. A sensitivity analysis for each significant actuarial assumption as of from 31 October 20X6, but which was open to future service accrual for the
the end of the reporting period, showing how the defined benefit employees already in the scheme. The assets of the schemes are held
separately from those of the company in funds under the control of trustees.
obligation would have been affected by changes in the relevant The following information relates to the two schemes.
actuarial assumption that were reasonably possible at that date. Macaljoy Pension Plan A
ii. The methods and assumptions used in preparing the sensitivity The terms of the plan are as follows.
analyses required by (i) and the limitations of those methods. (i) Employees contribute 6% of their salaries to the plan.
(ii) Macaljoy contributes, currently, the same amount to the plan for the
iii. changes from the previous period in the methods and benefit of the employees.
assumptions used in preparing the sensitivity analyses, and the (iii) On retirement, employees are guaranteed a pension which is based upon
reasons for such changes. the number of years service with the company and their final salary.

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Review Questions Review Questions

The following details relate to the plan in the year to 31 October 20X7: Macaljoy Pension Plan B
Under the terms of the plan, Macaljoy does not guarantee any
$m return on the contributions paid into the fund. The company’s legal
Present value of obligation at 1 November 20X6 200 and constructive obligation is limited to the amount that is
Present value of obligation at 31 October 20X7 240 contributed to the fund. The following details relate to this scheme:
Fair value of plan assets at 1 November 20X6 190 $m
Fair value of plan assets at 31 October 20X7 21
Fair value of plan assets at 31 October 20X7 225
Contributions paid by company for year to 31 October 20X7 10
Current service cost 20
Contributions paid by employees for year to 31 October 20X7 10
Pension benefits paid 19
Total contributions paid to the scheme for year to 31 October 20X7 17 The interest rate on high quality corporate bonds for the two plans
Remeasurement gains and losses are recognised in accordance with are:
IAS 19 as revised in 2011. 1 November 20X6 31 October 20X7
5% 6%

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Review Questions Review Questions

The company would like advice on how to treat the two Savage, a public limited company, operates a funded defined benefit plan for
pension plans, for the year ended 31 October 20X7, its employees. The plan provides a pension of 1% of the final salary for each
year of service. The cost for the year is determined using the projected unit
together with an explanation of the differences between credit method. This reflects service rendered to the dates of valuation of the
a defined contribution plan and a defined benefit plan. plan and incorporates actuarial assumptions primarily regarding discount
rates, which are based on the market yields of high quality corporate bonds.
Required The directors have provided the following information about the defined
Draft a report suitable for presentation to the directors benefit plan for the current year (year ended 31 October 20X5).
of Macaljoy which: a) The actuarial cost of providing benefits in respect of employees' service
for the year to 31 October 20X5 was $40 million. This is the present value
(a) (i) Discusses the nature of and differences between a of the pension benefits earned by the employees in the year.
defined contribution plan and a defined benefit plan b) The pension benefits paid to former employees in the year were $42
with specific reference to the company’s two schemes. million.
c) Savage should have paid contributions to the fund of $28 million. Because
(ii) Shows the accounting treatment for the two of cash flow problems $8 million of this amount had not been paid at the
Macaljoy pension plans for the year ended 31 October financial year end of 31 October 20X5.
20X7 under IAS 19 Employee benefits (revised 2011).
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Review Questions Review Questions

d) The present value of the obligation to provide benefits to current The company recognises remeasurement gains and losses in 'other
and former employees was $3,000 million at 31 October 20X4 and comprehensive income (items that will not be reclassified to profit or
$3,375 million at 31 October 20X5. loss)' in accordance with IAS 19, revised 2011.
e) The fair value of the plan assets was $2,900 million at 31 October Required
20X4 and $3,170 million (including the contributions owed by Show the amounts which will be recognised in the statement of
Savage) at 31 October 20X5. financial position, in profit or loss and in other comprehensive income'
With effect from 1 November 20X4, the company had amended the of Savage for the year ended 31 October 20X5 under IAS 19 Employee
plan so that the employees were now provided with an increased benefits (revised 2011), and the movement in the asset and liability in
pension entitlement. The actuaries computed that the present value the statement of financial position. (Your calculations should show the
of the cost of these benefits at 1 November 20X4 was $125 million. changes in the present value of the obligation and the fair value of the
The interest rate on high quality corporate bonds was as follows from plan assets during the year. Ignore any deferred taxation effects and
the following dates: assume that pension benefits and the contributions paid were settled
31 October 20X4 31 October 20X5 at 31 October 20X5.)
Interest rate 6% 7% For the sake of simplicity and clarity, all transactions are assumed to
occur at the year end.
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Review Questions Review Questions

QUESTION THREE a) At the end of 2013, a division of the company was sold. As a result of
The following data applies to the post employment defined benefit this, a large number of the employees of that division opted to transfer
compensation scheme of BCD Co. Discount rate: 10% (each year) their accumulated pension entitlement to their new employer’s plan.
Present value of obligation at start of 2012: $1m Assets with a fair value of $48,000 were transferred to the other
Market value of plan assets at start of 2012: $1m company’s plan and the actuary has calculated that the reduction in
BCD’s defined benefit liability is $50,000. The year-end valuations in the
The following figures are relevant. table above were carried out before this transfer was recorded.
2012 2013 2014 b) At the end of 2014, a decision was taken to make a one-off additional
$'000 $'000 $'000 payment to former employees currently receiving pensions from the
Current service cost 140 150 150 plan. This was announced to the former employees before the year end.
Benefits paid out 120 140 150 This payment was not allowed for in the original terms of the scheme.
The actuarial valuation of the obligation in the table above includes the
Contributions paid by entity 110 120 120 additional liability of $40,000 relating to this additional payment.
Present value of obligation at year end 1,200 1,650 1,700
Fair value of plan assets at year end 1,250 1,450 1,610 Required.
Additional information: Show how the reporting entity should account for this defined benefit plan in
each of years 2012, 2013 and 2014.

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Review Questions Review Questions

QUESTION FOUR f) NPV of the pension obligation at:
1.1.2013 – $45 million
Radost, a public limited company, has a defined benefit pension plan for
31.12.2013 – $44 million (as given by the actuary, after adjusting for
its staff. Staff are eligible for an annual pension between the date of their the plan amendment)
retirement and the date of their death equal to: g) Fair value of the plan assets, as valued by the actuary:
Annual pension = Final salary per year x years' service. 1.1.2013 – $52 million
50 31.12.2013 – $64.17 million
You are given the following data relating to the year ended 31 December Required
2013: I. Produce the notes to the statement of financial position and statement
a) Yield on high quality corporate bonds: 10% pa. of profit or loss and other comprehensive income in accordance with IAS
b) Contributions paid by Radost to pension plan: $12 million. II. Explain why the pension plan assets are recognised in the financial
c) Pensions paid to former employees:$8 million. statements of Radost, even though they are held in a separate legal trust
d) Current service cost was $3.75 million for Radost's employees.
Notes: Work to the nearest $1,000 throughout; and You should assume
e) After consultation with employees, an amendment was agreed to the contributions and benefits were paid on the last day of the year.
terms of the plan, reducing the benefits payable. The amendment
takes effect from 31 December 2013 and the actuary has calculated
that the resulting reduction in the pension obligation is $6 million.
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Review Questions Review Questions

QUESTION FIVE The actuaries advised that the current service cost for the year ended
Delta prepares its financial statements to 30 September each year. The 30 September 2017 was $6.2 million. On 31 August 2017, the rules of
financial statements for the year ended 30 September 2017 are shortly to be the plan were amended with retrospective effect. These amendments
authorised for issue. The following event is relevant to these financial meant that the present value of the defined benefit obligation was
statements: increased by $1.5 million from that date.
Delta operates a defined benefit retirement benefits plan on behalf of current During the year ended 30 September 2017, Delta was in negotiation
and former employees. Delta receives advice from actuaries regarding with employee representatives regarding planned redundancies. The
contribution levels and overall liabilities of the plan to pay benefits. On 1 negotiations were completed shortly before the year end and
October 2016, the actuaries advised that the present value of the defined redundancy packages were agreed. The impact of these redundancies
benefit obligation was $60 million. On the same date, the fair value of the
was to reduce the present value of the defined benefit obligation by $8
assets of the defined benefit plan was $52 million. On 1 October 2016, the
annual market yield on high quality corporate bonds was 5%.
million. Before 30 September 2017, Delta made payments of $7.5
million to the employees affected by the redundancies in
During the year ended 30 September 2017, Delta made contributions of $7
million into the plan and the plan paid out benefits of $4.2 million to retired
compensation for the curtailment of their benefits. These payments
members. You can assume that both these payments were made on 30 were made out of the assets of the retirement benefits plan.
September 2017.
Compiled by Godson Leonard Compiled by Godson Leonard

Review Questions
Review Questions QUESTION SIX
On 1 July 20X3 Mickleover started a defined benefit pension scheme for its
employees and immediately contributed $4m cash into the scheme. The
On 30 September 2017, the actuaries advised that the present actuary has stated that the net obligation was $0.4m as at 30 June 20X4. The
value of the defined benefit obligation was $68 million. On the interest rate for good quality corporate bonds was 10% at 1 July 20X3 but 12%
same date, the fair value of the assets of the defined benefit by 30 June 20X4. The actual return on the plan assets was 11%. The increased
plan were $56 million. cost from the employee’s service in the year was $4.2m which can be
Required assumed to accrue at the year end.
Explain and show how the event would be reported in the On 30 June 20X4 Mickleover paid $0.3m in settlement of a defined benefit
financial statements of Delta for the year ended 30 September obligation with a present value of $0.2m. This related to staff that were to be
made redundant although, as at 30 June 20X4, they still had an average
remaining employment term of one month. The redundancies were not
foreseen at the start of the year.
Discuss the correct accounting treatment of the above transaction in the
financial statements of Mickleover for the year ended 30 June 20X4.
Compiled by Godson Leonard Compiled by Godson Leonard


Review Questions
The following information relates to the defined benefit plan
operated by Arc for the year ended 30 June 20X4:
Review Questions
Arc has identified that the asset ceiling at 30 June 20X3 and 30
FV of plan assets b/fwd at 30 June 20X3 2,600 June 20X4, based upon the present value of future refunds from
PV of obligation b/fwd at 30 June 20X3 2,000 the plan and/or reductions in future contributions amounts to
Current service cost for the year 100 $200m at 30 June 20X3 and 30 June 20X4.
Benefits paid in the year 80 Required:
Contributions into plan 90 Explain, with supporting calculations, the accounting treatment
of the pension scheme for the year ended 30 June 20X4
FV of plan assets at 30 June 20X4 3,100
PV of plan obligation at 30 June 20X4 2,400

Discount rate for the defined benefit obligation – 10%

Compiled by Godson Leonard Compiled by Godson Leonard

Compiled by Godson Leonard Compiled by Godson Leonard


Compiled by Godson Leonard Compiled by Godson Leonard

Compiled by Godson Leonard Compiled by Godson Leonard


Compiled by Godson Leonard Compiled by Godson Leonard

Compiled by Godson Leonard Compiled by Godson Leonard


Compiled by Godson Leonard Compiled by Godson Leonard

Compiled by Godson Leonard Compiled by Godson Leonard


Compiled by Godson Leonard Compiled by Godson Leonard


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