Chapter 4+5 - Thermodynamics (With Answers)

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Chapter 4+5:
Le Nhat Tan, M.E
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Applied Science,
Ho Chi Minh University of Technology - Vietnam National University.
Email: 1
1. Laws of Ideal Gas

2. First Law of Thermodynamics

3. Second Law of Thermodynamics

Laws of Ideal Gas
Equation of State for an Ideal Gas

R= 8.31 J/mol.K, ideal gas constant

P: pressure (Pa)
V: volume (m3)
m: mass (kg)
M: molar mass (kg/mole) Isothermal Isobaric
n: number of moles (mole)
T: temperature (K) Isochoric

Laws of Ideal Gas
Equation of State for an Ideal Gas: Example
1. A nitrogen gas sample has the volume of 8.3l at the pressure of 15at and
the temperature of 27oC. Determine:
a) The mass of mentioned gas sample
b) The pressure of the gas after isochoric heating to 127oC

Laws of Ideal Gas
Equation of State for an Ideal Gas: Exercises
1. A room of volume V contains air having equivalent molar mass M (in
g/mol). If the temperature of the room is raised from T1 to T2, what mass of
air will leave the room? Assume that the air pressure in the room is
maintained at P0.

2. One mole of oxygen gas is at a pressure of 6.00 atm and a temperature of

27.0°C. (a) If the gas is heated at constant volume until the pressure triples,
what is the final temperature? (b) If the gas is heated until both the pressure
and volume are doubled, what is the final temperature?

3. 1.0×10−2kg of hydrogen and 6.4×10−2kg of oxygen are contained in

a 10×10−3m3 flask at 473 K. Calculate the total pressure of the mixture.
Laws of Ideal Gas
Equation of State for an Ideal Gas: Homework
1. A bottle of 10g ideal gas is at the pressure of 107Pa. After an isochoric
reduction of gas mass Δm, the pressure decreases to 2x106Pa. Determine
Answer: 7.5 kg.
2. A spherical balloon of mass m = 5 g is filled with hydrogen gas at the
temperature T0 of 27ºC and the pressure p0 of 105 Pa. How much will be
the radius of the balloon so that it can suspend in the air? Given the
molar mass of air is 29 g/mol.
Answer: 0.1 m

Laws of Ideal Gas
Kinetic Theory of Ideal Gas
• Average kinetic energy (J): • The degree of freedom �:
� �
� • � = 3: monoatomic (3 translational degrees)
� = � �� � = � � � • � = 5: diatomic (3 translational & 2 rotational degrees)
� � • � = 9: triatomic (3 translational, 3 rotational, 3 vibrational
• Pressure: • Root mean squared speed (rms speed):

� = �� � = �� � � � ��� � ��� �
� �� = = ( )
�0 : molecule density (molecules/m3) �� � �
�� : Boltzmann constant (1.38x10-23 J/K) • Internal Energy of ideal gas:
�0 : mass of a molecule (kg) ��
�2 : mean squared speed (m2/s2) �= �� (�)
Laws of Ideal Gas
Kinetic Theory of Ideal Gas: Example
1. A vessel of 10 l diatomic ideal gas is at the pressure of 10-11torr and temperature of 10oC.
a) Determine averaged K.E. of gas molecule and molecule density.
b) If the density is double but the pressure remains the same, what will be the gas temperature and
internal energy?

Laws of Ideal Gas
Kinetic Theory of Ideal Gas: Exercises
1. What is the average translational kinetic energy of nitrogen molecules at 1600 K?
2. What is the internal energy of 1.0 mol of an ideal monatomic gas at 273 K?

3. A tank used for filling helium balloons has a volume of 0.300 m3 and contains 2.00 mol of
helium gas at 20.0oC. Assume the helium behaves like an ideal gas.
a) What is the total translational kinetic energy of the gas molecules?
b) What is the average kinetic energy per molecule?
c) What is the pressure inside this helium balloons?

4. Calculate the rms speed of helium atoms at 1000 K. Given the molar mass of helium
atoms 4 g/mol.
5. At what temperature do atoms of helium gas have the same rms speed as molecules of
hydrogen gas at 20°C? 9
Laws of Ideal Gas
Kinetic Theory of Ideal Gas: Exercises
1. What is the average translational kinetic energy of nitrogen molecules at 1600 K? 3.31 x 10^-20 J
2. What is the internal energy of 1.0 mol of an ideal monatomic gas at 273 K? 3370 J

3. A tank used for filling helium balloons has a volume of 0.300 m3 and contains 2.00 mol of helium gas at
20.0oC. Assume the helium behaves like an ideal gas.
a) What is the total translational kinetic energy of the gas molecules? 7.30 x 10^3 J
b) What is the average kinetic energy per molecule? 6.07 x 10^-21 J

4. Calculate the rms speed of helium atoms at 1000 K. Given the molar mass of helium atoms 4 g/mol.
Answer: 2.5 × 10^3 m/s
5. At what temperature do atoms of helium gas have the same rms speed as molecules of hydrogen gas at
Answer: 307°C

First Laws of Thermodynamics
Adiabatic Process

Work done of the adiabatic process:

(�� �� − �� �� )
��� =
First Laws of Thermodynamics
Adiabatic Process: Exercises
1. Suppose 1.00 L of a gas with � = 1.30, initially at 273 K and 1.00 atm, is suddenly
compressed adiabatically to half its initial volume. Find its final (a) pressure and (b)
temperature. (c) If the gas is then cooled to 273 K at constant pressure, what is its
final volume?

2. The volume of an ideal gas is adiabatically reduced from 200 L to 74.3 L. The
initial pressure and temperature are 1.00 atm and 300 K. The final pressure is 4.00
atm. (a) Is the gas monatomic, diatomic, or polyatomic? (b) What is the final
temperature? (c) How many moles are in the gas?

First Laws of Thermodynamics
Adiabatic Process: Exercises
1. Suppose 1.00 L of a gas with � = 1.30, initially at 273 K and 1.00 atm, is suddenly
compressed adiabatically to half its initial volume. Find its final (a) pressure and (b)
temperature. (c) If the gas is then cooled to 273 K at constant pressure, what is its final
Answer: (a) 2.46 atm (b) 336 K (c) 0.406 L

2. The volume of an ideal gas is adiabatically reduced from 200 L to 74.3 L. The initial
pressure and temperature are 1.00 atm and 300 K. The final pressure is 4.00 atm. (a) Is
the gas monatomic, diatomic, or polyatomic? (b) What is the final temperature? (c) How
many moles are in the gas?
Answer: (a) Diatomic (� = 7/5) (b) 446 K (c) 8.1 moles

First Laws of Thermodynamics
Internal Energy, Work, Heat

• Work done on the system:

Mayer’s formula:
• Specific heat for solid of liquid: c (
• Molar specific heat for ideal gas:
γ is the adiabatic index:
- Isochoric: �=

- Isobaric

First Laws of Thermodynamics
Internal Energy, Work, Heat: Summary
Special static thermodynamic processes of ideal gas

(= -p∆�)

First Laws of Thermodynamics
Internal Energy, Work, Heat: Example 1
Example 1: Calculate the heat Q produced during the isobaric
cooling process of ideal gas sample with adiabatic coefficient  of
1.41, if the work W done by the compression is 10 J.

First Laws of Thermodynamics
Internal Energy, Work, Heat: Exercises
1. The temperature of 2.00 mol of an ideal monatomic gas is
raised 15.0 K at constant volume. What are (a) the work W
done by the gas, (b) the energy transferred as heat Q, (c) the
change ∆Eint in the internal energy of the gas, and (d) the
change ∆K in the average kinetic energy per atom?
2. An ideal gas initially at 300 K is compressed at a constant
pressure of 25 N/m2 from a volume of 3.0 m3 to a volume of
1.8 m3 . In the process, 75 J is lost by the gas as heat. What
are (a) the change in internal energy of the gas and (b) the
final temperature of the gas?

First Laws of Thermodynamics
Internal Energy, Work, Heat: Exercises
1. The temperature of 2.00 mol of an ideal monatomic gas is raised 15.0 K at constant volume. What are (a) the
work W done by the gas, (b) the energy transferred as heat Q, (c) the change ∆Eint in the internal energy of
the gas, and (d) the change ∆K in the average kinetic energy per atom?
(a) 0
(b) Q = 374 J
(c) ∆Eint = 374 J
(d) 3.11  10−22 J

2. An ideal gas initially at 300 K is compressed at a constant pressure of 25 N/m2 from a volume of 3.0 m3
to a volume of 1.8 m3 . In the process, 75 J is lost by the gas as heat. What are (a) the change in internal
energy of the gas and (b) the final temperature of the gas?
(a) - 45 J
(b) 180 K 18
First Laws of Thermodynamics
Internal Energy, Work, Heat: Exercises
1. A heat engine makes use of the thermal cycle shown. The working fluid is 7 grams of nitrogen (N2), an ideal
diatomic gas. There are two isobaric and two isochoric processes:

P1 = 1×105 Pa, p2 = 2×105 Pa; V1 = 500 cm3, V2 = 1500 cm3.

What is the temperature, of the gas at point 3 (p1, V2) and

how much work does the gas do in the 4→3 process?


First Laws of Thermodynamics
Internal Energy, Work, Heat: Exercises
1. A heat engine makes use of the thermal cycle shown. The working fluid is 7 grams of nitrogen (N2), an ideal
diatomic gas. There are two isobaric and two isochoric processes:

P1 = 1×105 Pa, p2 = 2×105 Pa; V1 = 500 cm3, V2 = 1500 cm3.

What is the temperature, of the gas at point 3 (p1, V2) and

how much work does the gas do in the 4→3 process? T3= 72.2 K ; W43= 100 J


W = area enclose in the cycle!

First Laws of Thermodynamics
Heat Transformation & Thermal Expansion
Heat Transformation Thermal Expansion

With � is the coefficient of linear expansion

Unit: ℃−1

First Laws of Thermodynamics
Heat Transformation: Example
100g of ice at the temperature of 00C is mixed with 500g of water at the
temperature of 500C in an insulated vessel. Determine: The final state of
the system.
The latent heat of fusion of ice is λ =, the specific heat of
liquid water is c = K-1.

First Laws of Thermodynamics
Heat Transformation: Exercises
1.How much heat is needed to transform 500g of ice at -20oC
into water at 50oC ? The latent heat of melting of ice is λ =
333, the specific heat of water is c = 4.18 and
ice is 2,093

2. a) 4 kg of water (at 25 oC) and 2 kg of ice (at 0 oC) are mixed

inside an isolated container. What is the final temperature ? Is
there any ice left?
b) What happens if there was only 1 kg of ice?

First Laws of Thermodynamics
Heat Transformation: Exercises
1. How much heat is needed to transform 500g of ice at -20oC into water at 50oC ?
The latent heat of fusion of ice is λ =, the specific heat of water is c = K-1.and ice is 2.093 K-1
Answer: 295.58 kJ

2. a) 4 kg of water (at 25 oC) and 2 kg of ice (at 0 oC) are mixed inside an isolated
container. What is the final temperature ? Is there any ice left?
b) What happens if there was only 1 kg of ice?

Answer: a) The mixture will stay at 0 oC.

b) All the ice will be melted, Final temperature 4.1 oC

First Laws of Thermodynamics
Heat Transformation: Exercises
What mass of steam initially at 130°C is needed to warm 200 g of
water in a 100-g glass container from 20.0°C to 50.0°C?
The latent heat of vaporization of steam is λ = 2260, the
specific heat of water is c = 4.18 K-1, steam is 2.01
1. K-1 and glass is 837 K-1

First Laws of Thermodynamics
Heat Transformation: Exercises
What mass of steam initially at 130°C is needed to warm 200 g of
water in a 100-g glass container from 20.0°C to 50.0°C?
The latent heat of vaporization of steam is λ = 2260, the
specific heat of water is c = 4.18 K-1, steam is 2.01
1. K-1 and glass is 837 K-1

Answer: 10.9 g

First Laws of Thermodynamics
Thermal Expansion: Exercises
1. A segment of steel railroad track has a length of 30.000 m when the
temperature is 0.0°C.
What is its length when the temperature is 40.0°C if the coefficient of steel
is 11.10-6 oC-1?
2. A poorly designed electronic device has two bolts almost touch each
other in its interior as in Figure. The steel and brass bolts are at different
electric potentials; if they touch, a short circuit will develop, damaging
the device. The initial gap between the ends of the bolts is d at 27oC.
At what temperature will the bolts touch?
Assume the distance between the walls
of the device is not affected by the
temperature change. The coefficient of
steel and brass is 19.10-6 oC-1 27
First Laws of Thermodynamics
Thermal Expansion: Exercises
1. A segment of steel railroad track has a length of 30.000 m when the
temperature is 0.0°C.
What is its length when the temperature is 40.0°C if the coefficient of steel
is 11.10-6 oC-1? Answer: 30.013 m
2. A poorly designed electronic device has two bolts almost touch each
other in its interior as in Figure. The steel and brass bolts are at different
electric potentials; if they touch, a short circuit will develop, damaging
the device. The initial gap between the ends of the bolts is d at 27oC.
At what temperature will the bolts touch?
Assume the distance between the walls
of the device is not affected by the
temperature change. The coefficient of
brass is 19.10-6 oC-1 Answer: 34 C 28
First Laws of Thermodynamics
1. Calculate the work done by an external agent during an isothermal
compression of 1.00 mol of oxygen from a volume of 22.4 L at 0°C
and 1.00 atm to a volume of 16.8 L.
Answer: 653 J
2. A certain gas occupies a volume of 4.3 L at a pressure of 1.2 atm and
a temperature of 310 K. It is compressed adiabatically to a volume of
0.76 L. Determine (a) the final pressure and (b) the final temperature,
assuming the gas to be an ideal gas for which � = 1.4.
Answer: (a) 13.6 atm (b) 6.2 × 102 K

Second Laws of Thermodynamics
Heat Engine
The net work Weng done by a heat
engine is equal to the net energy Qnet
transferred to it:
���� = �� − ��
Thermal efficiency � :
(1) Absorbs energy |Qh| from
���� �� �� hot reservoir
�= =�− ≤�−
�� �� �� (2) Does work W = -Weng
(3) Gives up energy |Qc| to
cold reservoir 30
Second Laws of Thermodynamics
Heat Pumps
The net work Weng done by a heat pump

���� = �� − ��

COP (Coefficient of Performance):

It is impossible to
�� �� �� transfer energy from a
��� = = ≤ colder body to a hotter
� �� − �� �� − �� body without work
Second Laws of Thermodynamics
The net work Weng done by Refrigerator:

���� = �� − ��

�� �� ��
��� = = ≤
� �� − �� �� − ��

Second Laws of Thermodynamics
Carnot Engine
The thermal efficiency of the engine:
�� ��
�=�− ≤�−
�� ��
COP (Coefficient of Performance):
�� ��
���(�������) = ≤
�� − �� �� − ��
�� ��
���(�������) = ≤
�� − �� �� − ��

*= in reversible cycle 33
Second Laws of Thermodynamics
Thermal Engine and Carnot cycle: Summary
Thermal Engine Carnot cycle
• Carnot cycle: 2 isothermal (T1,
Q1) (T2, Q2) and 2 adiabatic
• Carnot law for heat engine:

CW: clockwise
CCW: counter-clockwise

Second Laws of Thermodynamics
Thermal Engine and Carnot cycle: Example
A Carnot heat engine achieves the efficiency of 33.3% when operates with
hot reservoir at temperature T1 and cold reservoir at temperature T2.
a) Determine T1 if given T2 is 270C.
b) If the machine is operating as refrigerator, how much work W must be
done on the machine to take away from the cold reservoir the heat of 01kJ.

Second Laws of Thermodynamics
Thermal Engine and Carnot cycle: Exercises
1. An engine transfers 2.00 x 103 J of energy from a hot reservoir during a cycle and transfers
1.50 x 103 J as exhaust to a cold reservoir.
A) Find the efficiency of the engine.
B) How much work does this engine do in one cycle?

2. A steam engine has a boiler that operates at 500 K. The energy from the burning fuel
changes water to steam, and this steam then drives a piston. The cold reservoir’s temperature is
that of the outside air, approximately 300 K.
a) What is the maximum thermal efficiency of this steam engine?
(A real steam engine does not operate in a Carnot cycle, but, to find the maximum possible
efficiency, imagine a Carnot steam engine)
b) Suppose we wished to increase the theoretical efficiency of this engine. This increase can be
achieved by raising Th by ∆T or by decreasing Tc by the same ∆T . Which would be more

Second Laws of Thermodynamics
Thermal Engine and Carnot cycle: Exercises
1. An engine transfers 2.00 x 103 J of energy from a hot reservoir during a cycle and transfers 1.50
x 103 J as exhaust to a cold reservoir.
A) Find the efficiency of the engine.
B) How much work does this engine do in one cycle?
Answer: a) 25% b) 5.102 J
2. A steam engine has a boiler that operates at 500 K. The energy from the burning fuel changes
water to steam, and this steam then drives a piston. The cold reservoir’s temperature is that of the
outside air, approximately 300 K. a) What is the maximum thermal efficiency of this steam engine?
(A real steam engine does not operate in a Carnot cycle, but, to find the maximum possible efficiency,
imagine a Carnot steam engine)
b) Suppose we wished to increase the theoretical efficiency of this engine. This increase can be
achieved by raising Th by ∆T or by decreasing Tc by the same ∆T . Which would be more effective?

Second Laws of Thermodynamics
■ Entropy
- State thermodynamic function
- For reversible process:

- For isolated system:

S = 0 for reversible process
S > 0 for irreversible process
- Statistical means: S = kbln(W)
■ Entropy change of ideal gas

Second Laws of Thermodynamics
Entropy: Example
A solid that has a latent heat of fusion Lf melts at a
temperature Tm. Calculate the change in entropy of this
substance when a mass m of the substance melts.

Notice that ∆m is positive so that ∆ S is positive, representing that energy is added to the substance.

Second Laws of Thermodynamics
Entropy: Exercise
1. 100g of ice at the temperature of 00C is mixed with 500g of water at
the temperature of 500C in an insulated vessel. Determine: The change
of entropy of the mentioned process.
The latent heat of fusion of ice is λ =, the specific heat of
liquid water is c = K-1.

2. Suppose 1 mol of an ideal gas in expands to four times its initial

volume and the initial and final temperatures are the same. Determine
the entropy change for the gas.

Second Laws of Thermodynamics
Entropy: Exercise
1. 100g of ice at the temperature of 00C is mixed with 500g of water at
the temperature of 500C in an insulated vessel. Determine: The change
of entropy of the mentioned process.
The latent heat of fusion of ice is λ =, the specific heat of
liquid water is c = K-1.

Second Laws of Thermodynamics
Entropy: Exercise
2. Suppose 1 mol of an ideal gas in expands to four times its initial
volume and the initial and final temperatures are the same. Determine
the entropy change for the gas.

Second Laws of Thermodynamics
1. A Carnot refrigerator extracts 35 kJ as heat during each cycle, operating with a coefficient
of performance of 4.6. What is the energy per cycle transferred as heat to the room and the
work done on the refrigerator?

2. A Carnot engine whose low-temperature reservoir is at 17°C has an efficiency of 40%. By

how much should the temperature of the high-temperature reservoir be increased to
increase the efficiency to 50%?

3. A Carnot engine absorbs 52 kJ as heat and exhausts 36 kJ as heat in each cycle.

Calculate (a) the engine’s efficiency and (b) the work done per cycle in kilojoules.

Second Laws of Thermodynamics
1. A Carnot refrigerator extracts 35 kJ as heat during each cycle, operating with a coefficient
of performance of 4.6. What is the energy per cycle transferred as heat to the room and the
work done on the refrigerator?
Answers: 42.6 kJ; 7.6 kJ

2. A Carnot engine whose low-temperature reservoir is at 17°C has an efficiency of 40%. By

how much should the temperature of the high-temperature reservoir be increased to
increase the efficiency to 50%?
Answers: 97 K

3. A Carnot engine absorbs 52 kJ as heat and exhausts 36 kJ as heat in each cycle.

Calculate (a) the engine’s efficiency and (b) the work done per cycle in kilojoules.
Answer: (a) 31% (b) 16 kJ
Second Laws of Thermodynamics
1. To make ice, a freezer that is a reverse Carnot engine extracts 42kJ as heat at −15 ∘ C
during each cycle, with a coefficient of performance 5.7. The room temperature is 30.3 ∘ C.
How much(a) energy per cycle is delivered as heat to the room and (b) work per cycle is
required to run the freezer?

2. ( a ) A Carnot engine operates between a hot reservoir at 320K and a cold one at 260K. If
the engine absorbs 500J as heat per cycle at the hot reservoir, how much work per cycle
does it deliver? (b) If the engine working in reverse functions as a refrigerator between the
same two reservoirs, how much work per cycle must be supplied to remove 1000J as heat
from the cold reservoir?

Second Laws of Thermodynamics
1. To make ice, a freezer that is a reverse Carnot engine extracts 42kJ as heat at −15 ∘ C
during each cycle, with a coefficient of performance 5.7. The room temperature is 30.3 ∘ C.
How much(a) energy per cycle is delivered as heat to the room and (b) work per cycle is
required to run the freezer?
Answer: Qhot = 49kJ b) W = 7.4 kJ

2. ( a ) A Carnot engine operates between a hot reservoir at 320K and a cold one at 260K. If
the engine absorbs 500J as heat per cycle at the hot reservoir, how much work per cycle
does it deliver? (b) If the engine working in reverse functions as a refrigerator between the
same two reservoirs, how much work per cycle must be supplied to remove 1000J as heat
from the cold reservoir?
Answer: a) 93.8 J b) 231 J

First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics
1 mole of an ideal gas follows the cycle shown in the figure. 1-2 is isochoric
process, 2-3 is adiabatic process and 3-1 is isobaric process. V1, V2, P1, P2
are given.
a) Molar specific heats Cmv and Cmp of the gas?
b) ΔU, Q, W, ΔS of all processes ?
c) The thermal efficiency of the engine operating with this cycle

First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics
Homework (Solution)

[1] Fundamentals of Physics Extended 9th-HQ-Halliday.

[2] General Physics 1 Exercises Lecture, Ph.D. Nguyen Trung Hau

[3] General Physics 1 Exercises Lecture, ME. Nguyen Nhu Son Thuy.

[4] General Physics 1 Lecture, Ph.D. Pham Tan Thi.


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