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Family Environment Scale

You are to decide which of these statements are true for your family and which are false. There
is no right or wrong answers; all you have to do is answer what is true for your family. If you
think the statement is true or mostly true for your family members, make a (x) on Yes. If you
think the statement is false or mostly false for your family members, mark a (x) on No.

Questions Yes No

Activities in our family are pretty carefully planned.

Someone usually gets upset if you complain in our family.

There is a strong feeling of togetherness in our family.

We tell each about our personal problems without any hesitation.

There is plenty of time and attention for everyone in our family.

My family members almost always rely on themselves when a problem

comes up.

We often seem to be killing time at home.

We fight a lot in our family.

In my family we really help and support one another in everything we


We really get along well with each other in our family.

Adolescents Peer Relations Scale

Bully Physical

Item 1 2 3 4 5 6
1.) Pushed or shoved a student.
2.) Hit or kicked a student hard.
3.) Crashed into a student on purpose as they walked
4.) Got into a physical fight with a student because I
didn’t like them.
5.) Threw something at a student to hit them.
6.) Threatened to physically hurt or harm a student.
Bully Verbal

Bully Social

Target Physical

Target Verbal

Target Social

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