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Jacob Lee

Essay 3 (Draft 2): Process

Writing (2), Spring 2021

How to Overcome Insomnia

In busy society, a lot of people are suffered from insomnia, so there are some processes

you should obey to overcome insomnia. In the following steps, the symptoms of insomnia

will relieve. The processes should maintain for a few days, then you will see the changes after


First step, sleep and wake up at the regular time each day. Controlling your sleep time

can effectively let your body know when to take a rest. And you should avoid to take a nap

and use bed the bed only for sleeping.

Second step, you should not eat or drink right before going to bed. Eating a late dinner or

snacking before going to bed can activate the digestive system and keep you up. In addition,

drinking a lot of liquids can overwhelm the bladder, so you may interrupt the sleep to go to

the bathroom. And it can make you hard to fall asleep again.

The final step, make your sleeping environment comfortable and get all your worrying

over. Keeping the noise out and turn on the air conditioner or heater to make sure the setting

is comfortable enough to make you fall asleep. If you find you always think about tomorrow

or review the day and to make plans for the next day. Trying not do these things while trying
to fall asleep, you can make a list to write down, what you should do or you have not

finished, before going to sleep.

The process may uneasily to maintain, and the result may not appear immediately. So,

the point is you should not give up, and do the processes every day. Even if you overcome

insomnia, you still can make the processes be your habit to let your life become healthier.

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