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Backend Development in Python (Part 1)


 Client Server Architecture

 Request and Response
 HTTP Request Method
 Response Status Code

1. Client Server Architecture: The notion of client-server architecture can be understood by the analogy of
ordering groceries for delivery. You call the store to order groceries and someone picks up the call, takes your
order, and then delivers it. Simple, right? Yes, this analogy pretty much answers the fundamental principle of
client-server architecture.

Simply put, two factors are involved :

 A server is the one that provides requested services.

 Clients are the ones who request services.

Client-server architecture is a computing model in which the server hosts, delivers, and manages most of the resources and
services requested by the client. It is also known as the networking computing model or client-server network as all
requests and services are delivered over a network. The client-server architecture or model has other systems connected
over a network where resources are shared among the different computers

 The user enters the uniform resource locator (URL) of the website or file and the browser sends a request to the domain
name system (DNS) server.
 The DNS server looks for the address of the web server and the DNS server responds with the IP address of the web
 After the DNS server responds, the browser sends over an HTTP or HTTPS request to the web server’s IP, which was
provided by the DNS server.
 The server then sends over the necessary files for the website.
 Finally, the browser renders the files and the website is displayed.
Let’s First Understand Some Terminology & Topics That we are going to use Further in this blog

 SERVER: A server is a computer program or device that provides a service to another computer program and its
user, also known as the client. In a data center, the physical computer a server program runs on is also frequently
called a server. In simple terminology, the server is another computer that has some data and it takes requests
from the client and shares the appropriate data which the user/client has requested
 A single server can have multiple clients
 Client: A client is a computer hardware device or software that accesses a service made available by a server.
The server is often (but not always) located on a separate physical computer

 Protocol: A communications protocol that provides a structure for requests between client and server in a
network. For example, the Web browser in the user's computer (the client) employs the HTTP protocol to request
information from a website on a server

 Domain Name: A domain name is the address of a website. It's the name you type into a web browser to access
that specific website. For example, the domain name for Innomatics Research Lab is

Domain names are important because they make it easy for people to remember the address of your website.
Imagine what would happen if you had to remember the IP address for every website you wanted to visit. It
would be a real pain to get around the web.

 Sub Domain: A subdomain is an additional part of your main domain name. Subdomains are created to organize
and navigate different sections of your website. You can create multiple subdomains or child domains on your
main domain.

For example:

In this example, ‘online’ is the subdomain, ‘innomatics’ is the primary domain and ‘.in’ is the top-level domain
(TLD). You can use any text as your subdomain, but you want to make sure it’s easy to type and remember.
 Query: A query string is a set of characters tacked onto the end of a URL. The query string begins after the
question mark (?) and can include one or more parameters. Each parameter is represented by a unique key-value
pair or a set of two linked data items. An equals sign (=) separates each key and value
 Parameters: URL parameters or query strings are part of a URL that typically comes after a question mark (?) and are
used to pass data along with the URL.


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