Y4 History - Anglo-Saxons

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Wider Curriculum

Unit Plan for Home learning

Subject: History Unit: Anglo-Saxons Year: 4
Session Lesson tasks
How do we know about the past?
Imagine you are an archaeologist, involved in the dig which uncovered the Staffordshire
Session 1 Hoard. You can watch this short video to find out more.
 Look at the artefacts that were uncovered. What do you think each one is? What
does each one tell you about Anglo-Saxon culture?
 Create a poster using three of your favourite artefacts.
 Draw each artefact and write a description about what they tell you about the Anglo-
Session 2 Who were the Anglo-Saxons and why did they come to Britain?
The Angles, Saxons and Jutes (tribes) came to Britain (migrated) for many different
 Have a look at the push and pull factors below. Can you figure out why the Anglo-
Saxons were pushed towards Britain and pulled away from their homelands?
 When you have made your decision, have a go at drawing and labelling the map
below to show where the different Anglo-Saxon tribes settled.
You can find more information here.
Session 3 What was Anglo-Saxon life and culture like?
 Explore Hild’s village and watch this video to find out what life was like for women,
men and children in an Anglo-Saxon village.
 Imagine you live in the village and contribute to daily life.
 Write a letter to your future self, explaining what life is like. Remember to include
information about the roles you are expected to have within the village.
Session 4 What does Sutton-Hoo tell us about Anglo-Saxons?
The discovery in Sutton Hoo is the greatest archaeological find in British history but who
was buried there?
 Imagine you are a detective investigating the identity of the person.
 Your role is to look at the evidence and think about what it is telling you. Look at the
example below, is it possible to figure out who was buried there?
 Look at each of the artefacts that were uncovered and make notes on what it is
telling you about the person.
Session 5 Who held power in Anglo-Saxon England?
People in Anglo-Saxon societies were not all equal. King Offa is considered one of the
most powerful Anglo-Saxon kings. He is recruiting for Thanes and Ceorls to work for him.
 Click here and scroll down to the Anglo-Saxon feast to find out more about the
different roles.
 Choose one of the roles and write a letter of application to King Offa, offering up your
 Remember to include skills and characteristics that would persuade King Offa to
recruit you.
Session 6 Why were the Anglo-Saxons important?
Using the information you have collected over the course of the unit, create an
information guide to Anglo-Saxon Britain.
 Your information guide should include the following subheadings: Who were the
Anglo-Saxons? Where did the Anglo-Saxons come from? What was Anglo-Saxon life
like? Staffordshire Hoard and Sutton Hoo, Great Kings of Anglo-Saxon Britain.
 See below for further places of information to help you.
Session 1 Resources – Anglo-Saxon Artefacts
Session 2 Resources – Push and Pull Factors and a map of Anglo-Saxon Britain

Push Factors Pull Factors

There was not enough food. Saxon land flooded and They were invited to come to
they could not grow enough Britain to help fight the Picts
food in their own land. who had invaded Ireland and
Scotland after the Roman
troops had withdrawn.

More land for farming, more They thought they could Better climate.
fertile soil. easily win any battle now the
Romans had gone.

Label your map with these


 Northumbria
 Wessex
 East Anglia
 Mercia
 Kent
 Sussex
 Essex
Session 4 Resources – Findings from Sutton Hoo

This helmet would suggest that the person

was a warrior or soldier. They may have
been involved in battles and needed

Anglo-Saxon Helmet




Session 5 Resources – King Offa’s Job Advertisements


King Offa is seeking to recruit a professional and dedicated Thane to work

on his team. The successful applicant will have management experience,
required for manging the village and will be able to work directly under
King Offa, ensuring the rules of the village are followed.


King Offa is seeking to recruit a skilled and dedicated Ceorl to work under
the newly appointed Thane. The successful applicant will have knowledge
and experience of working on the land and ensuring crops are grown and
harvested. In addition, the applicant will have a working knowledge of
weaving, metal work, or other essential trade which shall be used as and
when required. Finally, the applicant must be willing and able to fight for
their Thane. Protection from invaders is offered in return for this skill.
Session 6 Resources – Further research

Find about the Staffordshire Hoard here.

General information about the Anglo-Saxons can be found here.

Information about the discovery in Sutton Hoo can be found here.

Information from the British Museum can be found here.

Find out about Anglo-Saxon houses here.

Anglo-Saxon life at West Howe is a video showing what life was like in the village.

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