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Before Getting Started:

Deciding on the Type of Qualitative Research to Apply

Ask Yourself: What type of qualitative research will I apply in a study that I will undertake? Why did I choose
this type of qualitative research? What do I want to study? Is the type of qualitative research that I chose
suitable to the kind of subject that I will study?

Write a Concept Note: A concept note is the shortest project idea that you can make to let your target readers
know about your research plan. There is no required format but you may follow the outline below:

1. An Inquiry on Phenomenon or Occurrence. This section identifies what the subject matter or
occurrence that you want to study is and why you want to study it.
2. The Nature of Inquiry. This section is about the type of qualitative research that you intend to apply in
order to gather the desired answer on the phenomenon that you would like to inquire about. Identify the
type of qualitative research. Define and describe that type of qualitative research. Discuss why you
chose this type.
3. Assessing the Suitability of the Nature of Inquiry. This section contains your assessment about the
appropriateness of the type of research with the phenomenon that you are inquiring about. Will this type
of research provide you with the answers to your questions?
4. Area/Field of Inquiry. This section includes the specific area or field which your study is focused on.
5. Persons involved/Target Beneficiaries. Beneficiaries are those who are likely to be interested in or to
benefit from the proposed research.
6. Variables. Variables are names that are given to the variance you wish to explain.


A phenomenological study was conducted to explore the effect of social media to a child’s
behavior in this time of pandemic.

Type of Qualitative Research

The type of qualitative research that is used is phenomenology that studies the lived
experience of a person existence. That uses methods in collecting data such as interview,
observation, research, focus groups, and document analysis.

The Suitability of the Nature of Inquiry

The Qualitative research methods have made a unique contribution to research about the effect of
social media to a child or a kid’s behavior in this time of pandemic. The research type is suitable in
order to understand the lived experience of a children or a kid when it comes into using and being
exposed for social media for a long period time in this time of pandemic, that identifies the cause and
effect of the change of their behavior and later on, identifies of how it will affect in their development.

Area/Field of Inquiry

In this research we will use social media as an area or field to inquire for the selected or qualified
interviewer from the given standard and/or qualities based on our research and the following
interviewers are:
Students – Students who either have siblings or cousins age ranges to 7 below and 10.
Guardian – Guardians who look over for their nephews/nieces/took over a responsibility for taking
care a child age from 7 below and 10.
Parents – A blood related guardian considered as their parents who have children age ranges from 7
below to 10.
Persons involved/Target Beneficiaries (MAXIMUM OF 3)
PARENTS, STUDENTS, AND GUARDIAN. Because mostly they are the major contributors who use
social media and the behavior of a child starts from the house that is taught by their parents.

Parents – The parents of the child.

Students – The sibling or cousin of the child.
Guardian – A relative who look and took care of their relatives child.

This qualitative research variables will help the research to identify and use the variables as a
basis of the research of finding the reasons of why social media affects the behavior of a child.


Child – the main subject of my topic especially the kids and toddlers.

Parental – It understand and learn about the different parenting and find out the reason of why the different

parenting is harmful or helpful for the child development of using gadget and letting them be exposed to

socmed or internet.

Family – It aims to know about the societal status of different family of how their status affect their parenting

skills and time that is allotted for molding the behavior of their child.

Social Media – It explains the information about social media through each side of the internet world as well as

the disadvantage and advantage of letting the child be exposed to social media or internet.

Behavior – is under the psychological act intended to show their attitudes which helps to study of whys and

how’s and the reason of their behavior.

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