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Ministry of Higher Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Sarsen Amanzholov East-Kazakhstan university

Exam questions

1 The best time to write an introduction is often:

1. first
2. last 3
3. after writing the main body
4. sometimes
5. rewriting

2 What is a paragraph?
1. the basic building blocks of academic writing
2. the main reference system
3. the format of text citation
4. an affective introduction explains
5. express the meaning of (something written or spoken) using different
words, especially to achieve greater clarity.

3 The reference is directly related:

1. with a quotation in content, and in form
2. only in form
3. with the author
4.with an epigraph 1
5. with a source
4 What is the first sentence of a paragraph called?
The introduction sentence
The exclusive sentence 3
The topic sentence
The first sentence
Main sentence

5 What is a descriptive paragraph?

1.Text describing a person, animal, place, thing, along with idea
and theme.
2. Tell a story to the reader.
3. Give your opinion to the reader 1
4. Explaining a concept or idea.
5. expressing someone else's ideas in your own voice, while
keeping the same essential meaning

6 The basic paragraph consists of how many parts?

1. 3
2. 2
3. 4 2
4. 8
5. 7
7 What is the main purpose of the persuasive paragraph?
1.Inspire the reader to feel a certain way towards an event, character,
place, etc.
2. Explain a concept in full depth.
3. Make the reader experience whatever is narrated.
4. to convey the meaning of the original message and, in doing so, to 1.
prove that you understand the passage well enough to restate it.
5.expressing someone else's ideas in your own voice, while keeping the
same essential meaning.

8 When do you use supporting details or supporting sentences?

1.Before the first sentence at the introduction
2. After the last sentence because it helps you summarize the paragraph.

3. Never use these in paragraphs because they are for essays only. 4
4. After the topic sentence and before the closing sentence
5. should give the reader an accurate understanding of the author's position
on the topic.

9 How long should a paragraph be?

1.Every paragraph should be at least five sentences long.
2.Good paragraphs must be at least one page long. 3
3.It's okay for paragraphs to vary in length
4.In written dialogue, start a new paragraph with each new speaker.
5.Use short paragraphs when you are analyzing complex ideas or data

10 How many ways of organizing body paragraphs do you know?

1. 2
2. 3
3. 4
4. 5 2
5. 6
11 What are the ways of organizing body paragraphs?
1.Simple order, chronological order, order of importance and spatial order.
2.Spatial order, time order, expanded order
3.Time order, emphatic order, chronological order and spatial order. 4
4.Chronological order, spatial order and emphatic order
5.Time order, emphatic order

12 The time order is used to: tell a story or share an experience explain how to do or to make something write a descriptive essay 1 explain the history of an event or a topic
5.there is no correct answer

13 In the time order we

1. talk about events in the order they happened or will happen
2. talk about the importance of events
3. talk about objects that are around us 1
4. describe about a picture and the reader imagines this picture.
5. there is no correct answer
14 We use spatial order of paragraph organization ...)
1. to help readers visualize something as you want them to see it
2. To explain the history of an event or a topic
3. To write a descriptive essay
4. To persuade and convince 1
5. there is no correct answer

15 Read a short paragraph and identify the type of organization of a

As I was running down the hill, I remembered that I had left my car keys
on the kitchen table. I had to go back and get my keys. When I started the
car, I saw the clock, and I knew I was going to be late. I arrived after the
speaker had begun her presentation.
1. Chronological order 1
2. Emphatic order
3. Spatial order
4. Time order
5. there is no correct answer

16 The emphatic order is used to ...

1. To share an experience;
2. To persuade and convince;
3. To rank items by their significance; 2
4. To write a descriptive essay;
5. there is no correct answer

17 A part of the article at the very beginning that acts as a kind of

summary to enable researchers to decide if it is worth reading the full
1. Summary
2. Main body 4
3. Literature review
4. Abstract
5. References

18 A list of the main chapters or sections:

1. Abstract
2. Index
3. Contents 3
4. References
5. Summary

19 An alphabetical list of all the topics and names mentioned in the text:
1. References
2. Contents
3. Bibliography 5
4. Summary
5. Index

20 The part of the article where the author often explains his/her reasons 1
for writing, and also how the text is organized:
1. Introduction
2. Summary
3. Abstract
4. Main body
5. Literature review

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