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MT Specific:-

1) As per article-7 of ASME sec-V yoke technique method shall only be

applied to detect discontinuities that are
a) just below the surface
b) open to the surface
c) too small to detect by prods
d) none of the avobe.

2) If we increase the number of time the central coductor cables passes

through a bollow part, the magnetice field will:
a) Decrease
b) Same
c) Increase
d) None of the above.

3) The amperage required with three phase ful wave rectified current shall
be verified by measuring the:
a) minimum current
b) average current
c) peack current
d) all of the above.

4) As per article –7 of ASME sec-v the black light intensity shall be

a) every one hour of its use
b) every eight hour of its use
c) whenever the work station is changed
d) both b & c

5) when you are using dry magnetic particle technique the temperature of the
part should not exceed:
a) 216ºC
b) 316ºC
c) 116ºC
d) 416ºC

6) For wet magnetic particle, the PH value of conditioned water shall be

a)6-10 c)5-10
b)6-10.5 d)none of the above.
7) When you are performing fluorecent magnetic perticle examination the
visible background light intensity shall be:
a) 2fc
b) 4fc
c) 3fc
d) none of the above.

8) Prior to magnetic particle examination, the area to be cleaned are:

a) only the interested area
b) no pre-cleaning required at all
c) the interested area & atteast 1” adjacent area
d) the interested area & atteast 3” adjacent area

9) The magnetic particle generally have:

a) high current & low voltage
b) high permeability & low retentivity
c) high colour contrast & low definition
d) high solubility & low graininess.

10) When using prod technique, prod spacing shall be within:

a) 3”– 6”
b) 3”– 8”
c) 4”– 9”
d) 5”– 7”

11) In prod technique, the range of current for section greater than 19mm
thick, shall be:
a) 90 – 110amp/inch of prod spacing
b) 100 – 125 amp/inch of prod spacing
c) 100 – 200 amp/inch of prod spacing
d) none of the above.

12) Tipped prods of lead, aluminium, steel are used to avoid copper deposite
on part being teated when:
a) prods are too big in dimeter
b) prods are too thin in dimeter
c) open circuit voltage of the magnetizing current is greater than 25 volt
d) closed circuit voltage of the current source is greater than 20 volt.
13) As per article-7 of ASME sce-v lifting power of a AC yoke shall be
atteast ----------- lbs at the maximum leg spacing:
a) 10
b) 20
c) 30
d) 40

14) As per article-7 of ASME sce-v the bath concentration of fluorecent wet
magnetic particle shall be:
a) 0.2 – 0.4 ml/100ml
b) 0.1 – 0.4 ml/100ml
c) 0.1 – 0.6 ml/100ml
d) none of the above .

15) To calculate the current in longitudinal magnetization of long parts shall

bl teated for ---------- length at one time:
a) 10”
b) 12”
c) 18”
d) 24”

16) As per article-7 of ASME sce-v prior to fluorescent particle examination

the black light shall be allowed to warm up for a minimum of:
a) 2 minutes
b) 5 minutes
c) 10 minutes
d) none of the abvove .

17) Pie-shaped field indicator is used to verfy:

a) field strength or diriction
b) adequacy or direction
c) lines pf force
d) all of the above

18) In visible magnetic particle examination the visible light intensity of teat
surface shall be:
a) 2000 lux min.
b) 500 lux min.
c) 1000 lux min.
d) none of the above.
19) Visible light intensity is checked by:
a) light meter
b) lux meter
c) U-V meter
d) None

20) fluorescent light intensity is checked by:

a) light meter
b) lux meter
c) U-V meter
d) All of the above

**************The end ***************

MT Specific:-

1) When coating is applied to be tested for contrast enhancement which of

the following sentence is false:
a) Coating should be applied only in amount sufficient to enhance
particle contrast
b) Sensitivity of testing technique should be demonstrated for given
c) Coating thickness is noting to do with testing procedure
d) Coating is permitted in MPI, provided that relevant procedure is

2) Concentration of fluorescent wet medium recommended for magnetic

particle inspection as per HZW/QA/MTF-02 should be:
a) 0.1 to 0.4 ml in 100ml bath sample for non- fluorescent medium
b) 1.2 to 2.4 ml in 100ml bath sample for non- fluorescent medium
c) 0.1 to 0.4 ml in 100ml bath sample for fluorescent medium
d) It should be 100 PPM for fluorescent and 200 PPM for non-
fluorescent medium

3) For magnetic particle testing, which of the following is false:

a) Satisfactory result can be obtained when surface is as welded, as
rolled, as cut or as forged
b) Surface preparation by grinding or machining may be necessary if
surface irregularity could mask indication.
c) Surface with any thickness of painting can be tested satisfactorily.
d) Surface for magnetic particle testing shall be dry and free from dirt.

4) Prod type of magnetizing equipment with an ammeter shall calibrated:

a) Once an year only
b) At least once an year or whenever the equipment has been
subjected major electric repairs, periodic overhaul or damage
c) Calibration should be done only when there is doubt about the
functioning of equipment.
d) It must be calibrated daily prior to use.

5) As per ASME Section VIII Division 1, relevant 5 mm rounded indication

a) Acceptable
b) Not – acceptable
c) To be conformed by PT
d) Re-examine

6) As per ASME Section V article-7, part tested by magnetic particle testing:

a) Has to be always demagnetized
b) Need not be demagnetized anytime
c) Should always be partially demagnetized to leav optomum residual
d) Shall be demagnetized where the magnetism could interfere with
subsequent usage or processing

7) As per HZW/QA/MT-01, five rounded relevant indication in a line

separated by 2.0 mm are:
a) Acceptable
b) Not acceptable

8) Whenever necessary, adequacy and direction of field shall be verified by :

a) Use of residual field indicator
b) Magnetic compass
c) By spraying supersensitive magnetic particle
d) All of the above

9) For fluorescent magnetic particle inspection :

a) Examiner should be at least for half an our in darken area prior to
performing the examination.
b) Examination can be done in normal daylight.
c) Examiner shall be in darken area for at least 5 minutes preor to
performing the examination.
d) Examination can be conducted with examiner wearing photosensitive

10) As per MT procedure HZW/QA/MT-02 while carrying out MT with 4

inch prod spacing for 25 mm thick butt weld, current should be adjusted to:
a) 500 to 600 Amp.
b) 400 to 500 Amp.
c) 350 to 450 Amp.
d) 600 to 700 Amp.

11) ASME Section V, Article 7 states that magnetic particle teating:

a) Shall be done by semi-residual method.
b) Shall be done by continue method .
c) Shall be done by residual method.
d) Shall be done either by residual or continuous method as per
requirement of application.

12) A minimum light intensity is required to carry out MT as per magnetic

particle testing procedure HZW/QA/MT-01:
a) 50 fc
b) 100fc
c) 250fc
d) 500 fc

13) Yoke type magnetic particle equipment calibrated for AC supply by

a) 10 lb
b) 15 lb
c) 40 lb
d) 45 lb

14) A long forged bar with diameter of 200 mm and length of 500 mm has to
tested by MPI to detect longitudinal forging lap the current recommended is
a) 4800 amps
b) 6400 amps
c) 4000 amps
d) 1800 amps if the coil has 10 turns and job is near inside edge of coil

15) F or weld seam in 15 mm thick plate with total reinforcement of 3 mm,

to be tested by prod testing with spacing of 300 mm, current shall be:
a) 1200 amps
b) 1500 amps
c) weld seam not be tested with given spacing
d) None of the above

1) For prod magnetization

a) 100 amps / 25 mm prod spacing for material thickness under 20 mm.
b) 125 amps / 25 mm prod spacing for material with 20 mm and more
c) Prod pitch of above 250 mm shall be permitted.

2) Circular magnetism Direst contact testing Recommended current

a) 800 amps / 25 mm  - for diameters upto 125 mm
b) 600 amps / 25 mm  - 125 mm < d < 350 mm
c) 400 amps / 25 mm  - 350 mm < d < 700 mm

3) Coil magnetization for low fill factor

( Part diameter equal to or less than 10% of coil inside diameter)

a) NI= K1/(L/D) ( Part positioned near inside edge of coil)

Where ,
1 = coil current in amperes
N = No. turns in coil
L = Length of part
D = Diameter of part
K1 = 4500
b) K2X (0.4R) / (6L/D)-5

L = Length of part
D = Diameter of part
R = Inside radius of coil
N = No. of turns of coil
K2 = 43000

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