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Welcome (RT Unified) 1

Configuring the
visualization of the 2
brewery (RT Unified)

Monitoring and logging

SIMATIC HMI the brewing process (RT 3
WinCC Unified Configuring parameter sets
Getting Started with "WinCC (optional) (RT Unified) 4
Unified" for Advanced Users
Configuring user
administration (RT Unified) 5
System Manual
Configuring screen
navigation (RT Unified) 6

Runtime (RT Unified) 7

Additional functions (RT
Unified) 8

Online documentation

Online documentation
Legal information
Warning notice system
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert
symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are
graded according to the degree of danger.

indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will
be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to
property damage.
Qualified Personnel
The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific
task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions.
Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and
avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
Proper use of Siemens products
Note the following:

Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical
documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended or
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We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software
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information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent

Siemens AG Document order number: Online documentation Copyright © Siemens AG 2023.

Digital Industries Ⓟ 04/2023 Subject to change All rights reserved
Postfach 48 48
Table of contents

1 Welcome (RT Unified) ............................................................................................................................ 5

1.1 Welcome (RT Unified)........................................................................................................... 5
2 Configuring the visualization of the brewery (RT Unified) .................................................................... 7
2.1 Creating a project (RT Unified) .............................................................................................. 7
2.1.1 Projects in WinCC Unified (RT Unified)................................................................................... 7
2.1.2 Creating a project (RT Unified) .............................................................................................. 7
2.2 Creating tags (RT Unified)................................................................................................... 12
2.2.1 Tags (RT Unified) ................................................................................................................ 12
2.2.2 Creating tags (RT Unified)................................................................................................... 12
2.3 Configure the HMI screen (RT Unified) ................................................................................ 16
2.3.1 HMI screens (RT Unified) .................................................................................................... 16
2.3.2 Configuring HMI screens for operating and monitoring (RT Unified) .................................... 17
2.3.3 Configuring screen navigation (RT Unified) ......................................................................... 21
2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)........................................................ 22
2.4.1 Faceplates (RT Unified) ....................................................................................................... 22
2.4.2 Configuring a faceplate type (RT Unified) ............................................................................ 22
2.4.3 Configuring faceplate instances (RT Unified) ....................................................................... 37
2.4.4 Configure the HMI screen (RT Unified) ................................................................................ 42
2.4.5 Configuring a pop-up window for faceplates (RT Unified) .................................................... 47
3 Monitoring and logging the brewing process (RT Unified) ................................................................. 63
3.1 Configuring alarms (RT Unified) .......................................................................................... 63
3.1.1 Alarms (RT Unified) ............................................................................................................ 63
3.1.2 Configuring alarms (RT Unified) .......................................................................................... 63
3.2 Logging alarms and process values (RT Unified) .................................................................. 65
3.2.1 Logging (RT Unified) .......................................................................................................... 65
3.2.2 Logging alarms (RT Unified) ............................................................................................... 66
3.2.3 Logging process values (RT Unified).................................................................................... 68
3.3 Visualizing alarms and process values (RT Unified) .............................................................. 73
3.3.1 Visualizing alarms and process values (RT Unified) .............................................................. 73
3.3.2 Configuring an alarm control (RT Unified) ........................................................................... 74
3.3.3 Visualizing process values as trends (RT Unified) ................................................................. 76
4 Configuring parameter sets (optional) (RT Unified) ............................................................................ 89
4.1 Parameter sets (RT Unified)................................................................................................ 89
4.2 Using parameter sets (RT Unified)....................................................................................... 90
4.3 Configuring a PLC (RT Unified) ............................................................................................ 91
4.3.1 Adding and networking a PLC (RT Unified) .......................................................................... 91
4.3.2 Creating a PLC data type and adding it to the library (RT Unified)......................................... 98
4.3.3 Creating a data block (RT Unified)..................................................................................... 102
4.4 Configuring the HMI device (RT Unified) ........................................................................... 105

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System Manual, 04/2023, Online documentation 3
Table of contents

4.4.1 Link HMI connection with program block (RT Unified) ....................................................... 105
4.4.2 Creating a parameter set type and configuring a parameter control (RT Unified) ................ 108
4.4.3 Inserting and configuring a parameter set control (RT Unified) .......................................... 112
4.5 Setting up a connection with PLCSim (RT Unified) ............................................................. 114
5 Configuring user administration (RT Unified).................................................................................... 125
5.1 User management in WinCC Unified (RT Unified)............................................................... 125
5.2 Configuring local user administration (RT Unified)............................................................. 127
6 Configuring screen navigation (RT Unified)....................................................................................... 135
6.1 Screen navigation (RT Unified).......................................................................................... 135
6.2 Screen window technology (RT Unified)............................................................................ 135
6.3 Configuring screen window for navigation (RT Unified) ..................................................... 136
6.4 Configure the HMI screen to open the navigation window (RT Unified) .............................. 147
6.5 Configuring the HMI screen to open the process screens (RT Unified) ................................ 151
6.6 Configuring a button with access protection (RT Unified)................................................... 161
7 Runtime (RT Unified).......................................................................................................................... 163
7.1 Function test in Runtime (RT Unified)................................................................................ 163
7.2 Installing certificates (RT Unified)...................................................................................... 163
7.3 Testing the configuration in Runtime (RT Unified) ............................................................. 164
8 Additional functions (RT Unified) ...................................................................................................... 175
8.1 SVG graphics (RT Unified) ................................................................................................. 175
8.2 SIMATIC Runtime Manager (RT Unified) ............................................................................ 179
8.2.1 Runtime Manager (RT Unified).......................................................................................... 179
8.2.2 "Autostart" in Runtime Manager (RT Unified)..................................................................... 181
8.3 Unified Collaboration (RT Unified)..................................................................................... 181
8.4 Scripting in WinCC (RT Unified)......................................................................................... 182

Getting Started with "WinCC Unified" for Advanced Users

4 System Manual, 04/2023, Online documentation
Welcome (RT Unified) 1
1.1 Welcome (RT Unified)
Welcome to Getting Started with WinCC Unified. Using a medium-sized brewery as an example,
you will learn the first steps toward digital automation of industrial processes with
WinCC Unified.

For working with this Getting Started, installation of the following software is required:
• TIA Portal V18
• WinCC Unified V18
• S7-PLCSIM V18, referred to hereinafter as PLCSIM
• WinCC Unified Runtime V18, referred to hereinafter as Runtime

Subject of the configuration

The configuration in this Getting Started covers the following process steps from the brewing
process shown below:
• Storage
• Mashing



Getting Started with "WinCC Unified" for Advanced Users

System Manual, 04/2023, Online documentation 5
Welcome (RT Unified)
1.1 Welcome (RT Unified)

Configuration steps
This Getting Started will familiarize you with the following configuration steps:
• Configuring the visualization of the brewing process
• Monitoring and logging the brewing process
• Configuring parameter sets (optional)
• Configuring user management
• Configuring screen navigation
• Carrying out a function test in runtime

Sample project
If you simply want to view the configuration steps and results presented in this Getting Started,
use the "Brewery" project. This project contains the complete, ready-to-run project in which all
the configuration steps described in the Getting Started have already been completed.
The project uses a PLC and an HMI device. The HMI device is connected to the PLC via
Profinet IE. The HMI device is used for operator control and monitoring of the brewing
process. The PLC processes the parameters according to its programming and sends
measurement data acquired by the sensors to the HMI device for the display.




See also
Sample project "Brewery" as download in the SIOS portal (https://

Getting Started with "WinCC Unified" for Advanced Users

6 System Manual, 04/2023, Online documentation
Configuring the visualization of the brewery (RT
Unified) 2
2.1 Creating a project (RT Unified)

2.1.1 Projects in WinCC Unified (RT Unified)

The basis for configuring the user interface is the project. Projects contain data and programs
that result from creating an automation solution.
Project data includes, for example:
• Hardware configuration data and parameterization data for modules
• Configuration data for network communication
• Configuration data for the devices
In the project, you create and configure basic objects that are needed for operator control
and monitoring of a plant, such as:
• Tags for storing data temporarily or transferring data between the HMI device and plant.
• Screens for representing and facilitating operation of a plant.
• Alarms for displaying errors on the HMI device.


2.1.2 Creating a project (RT Unified)

A project is to be created for the brewery sample project.

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System Manual, 04/2023, Online documentation 7
Configuring the visualization of the brewery (RT Unified)
2.1 Creating a project (RT Unified)

The TIA Portal is open.

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8 System Manual, 04/2023, Online documentation
Configuring the visualization of the brewery (RT Unified)
2.1 Creating a project (RT Unified)

1. First, create a new project.
– Click "Create new project".
– Name the project "Brewery".
– Enter the desired path and author.
– Confirm your selection.

2. Switch to the project view.

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System Manual, 04/2023, Online documentation 9
Configuring the visualization of the brewery (RT Unified)
2.1 Creating a project (RT Unified)

3. Add a new device.

– Select "PC systems".
– Navigate to "PC systems > SIMATIC HMI Application".
– Select "SIMATIC WinCC Unified PC".
– Confirm your selection.

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10 System Manual, 04/2023, Online documentation
Configuring the visualization of the brewery (RT Unified)
2.1 Creating a project (RT Unified)

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Configuring the visualization of the brewery (RT Unified)
2.2 Creating tags (RT Unified)

2.2 Creating tags (RT Unified)

2.2.1 Tags (RT Unified)

WinCC Unified distinguishes between two types of tags:
• Internal tags
Internal tags have no link to the process. They transport values only within the HMI device
and are available exclusively in Runtime.
• External tags
External tags are the link between WinCC Unified and the automation systems. An external
tag reads the process value of the PLC tag from the memory of an automation system or
writes a new process value back into the memory of an automation system.


2.2.2 Creating tags (RT Unified)

During the brewing process, individual process variables such as the fill levels in the storage
tanks, or the temperature in the mash tun, are to be monitored. A tag must be created for each
of these variables. In the following, the tags shown in the table are to be created and organized
in tag tables.

Name of the tag table Use

filling_levels Fill level of tanks
temperature Temperature of tanks
pressure Pressure of tanks
valve_status Valve status
mash_tun Mash tun states

Tag name Use Data type Tag table

HMI_filling_level_water Fill level of water tank Int filling_levels
HMI_filling_level_hop Fill level of hops tank Int filling_levels

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Configuring the visualization of the brewery (RT Unified)
2.2 Creating tags (RT Unified)

HMI_filling_level_malt Fill level of malt tank Int filling_levels

HMI_valve_status_water Valve status of water tank open/closed Bool valve_status
HMI_valve_status_hop Valve status of hops tank open/closed Bool valve_status
HMI_valve_status_malt Valve status of malt tank open/closed Bool valve_status
HMI_filling_level_mash_tun Fill level of mash tun Int mash_tun
HMI_temperature_mash_tun Temperature of mash tun Int mash_tun
HMI_heating_mash_tun Heater active/inactive Bool mash_tun
HMI_pressure_water Pressure of water tank Int pressure
HMI_pressure_hop Pressure of hops tank Int pressure
HMI_pressure_malt Pressure of malt tank Int pressure
HMI_temperature_water Temperature of water tank Int temperature
HMI_temperature_hop Temperature of hops tank Int temperature
HMI_temperature_malt Temperature of malt tank Int temperature

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Configuring the visualization of the brewery (RT Unified)
2.2 Creating tags (RT Unified)

1. Create a tag table with a tag.
– Locate "HMI tags" under the HMI device in the project tree.
– Add a new tag table.
– Name it "filling_levels".
– Add a tag to this table.


2. Configure the tag for the fill level of the water tank.
– Name the created tag "HMI_filling_level_water".
– Select the data type "Int".

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Configuring the visualization of the brewery (RT Unified)
2.2 Creating tags (RT Unified)

3. Create the other tags listed in the table above in the same way.
– Add four more tag tables.
– Create the associated tags in the individual tag tables.
– Check your result by having all tags displayed.

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Configuring the visualization of the brewery (RT Unified)
2.3 Configure the HMI screen (RT Unified)

2.3 Configure the HMI screen (RT Unified)

2.3.1 HMI screens (RT Unified)

An HMI screen represents the user interface of an HMI device. A plant or process is visualized
with pre-defined screen objects in the HMI screen. The operator interacts with the process via the
HMI screen.
A screen has static and dynamic screen objects:
• Static screen objects do not depend on the process. Static screen objects include, for
example, labels and diagrams.
• Dynamic screen objects change in line with the process. Dynamic screen objects typically
visualize process values such as fill levels. The operator uses dynamic screen objects to
intervene in the process.

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Configuring the visualization of the brewery (RT Unified)
2.3 Configure the HMI screen (RT Unified)

2.3.2 Configuring HMI screens for operating and monitoring (RT Unified)

In the following you create the HMI screens that serve as the basis for the user interface of the
brewery process:

HMI screen name Screen type Use Size in pixels

BreweryOverview Start screen Overview screen for operating and monitoring 1440x900
the brewing process
BreweryProcess Process control Visualization of the brewing process 1440x800
Alarms Process control Overview of alarms from the process
ProcessValues Process control Overview of logged process values
ProductCtrl Process control Production control
Header Navigation Screen for opening the navigation between 1440x100
process control screens
Navigation Navigation Screen for navigating between process control 250x300

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Configuring the visualization of the brewery (RT Unified)
2.3 Configure the HMI screen (RT Unified)

1. Create the start screen.
– Locate "Screens" under the HMI device in the project tree.
– Add a new screen.
– Name it "BreweryOverview".

2. Adjust the size of the HMI screen.

– Click on the background in the work area.
– Navigate in the Inspector window to the property "Size and position".
– Resize the HMI screen according to the above table.

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Configuring the visualization of the brewery (RT Unified)
2.3 Configure the HMI screen (RT Unified)

3. Create the other HMI screens in the same way.

Specify the screen size shown in the table above.

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Configuring the visualization of the brewery (RT Unified)
2.3 Configure the HMI screen (RT Unified)

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20 System Manual, 04/2023, Online documentation
Configuring the visualization of the brewery (RT Unified)
2.3 Configure the HMI screen (RT Unified)

2.3.3 Configuring screen navigation (RT Unified)





You implement the screen navigation using the screen window technology. In an overview
screen, you can insert the following screen windows, which fulfill different tasks:
• Header
A navigation window is shown above the header.
• Navigation
The operator uses the buttons in the navigation window to change the content in the content
The navigation window is hidden by default.
• Content
Information on the system is displayed in the content window. Fill levels of tanks or plant
alarms are displayed, for example.
You can specify the content of the screen windows using HMI screens.

Template Suite
Systems and machines are becoming more and more complex and the demands placed on the
operator of a system are increasing. An intuitive and graphically appealing user interface, which
serves as the interface between human and machine, is therefore becoming increasingly
important. The HMI Template Suite provides you with templates and ideas for configuring your
HMI device in a clear and modern way.
The layout and design are designed for smooth operability, clarity, and expandability. In this
way, you can simplify the operation of your machine and reduce operating errors.
You can learn how to work with the HMI Template Suitein the following application example:
Application example "HMI Template Suite" (

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Configuring the visualization of the brewery (RT Unified)
2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)

2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)

2.4.1 Faceplates (RT Unified)

Faceplates are user-defined groups of display and operating objects that are stored, managed
and edited centrally in the project. Ideally, you should use faceplates for plant objects or plant
units that you use multiple times and that have identical data structures.
In order to support central changeability, faceplates are based on a type-instance model:
• You create properties for faceplate instances centrally in the faceplate type.
• The instances represent local points of use of the faceplate type.
If you make subsequent changes in the faceplate type, they are compiled in all faceplate
instances used.


2.4.2 Configuring a faceplate type (RT Unified)

The basic ingredients water, hops and malt are stored in 3 identical storage tanks. A valve on
each storage tank controls the transport into the mash tun. Because the same display and
control elements are used for all tanks, use the faceplate technology to implement the
visualization. You define properties on a faceplate type that are parameterized for later use.
You need the following interface tags to configure the faceplate type:

Interface tag Use Data type

filling_level Measured fill level in the tank Int
valve_status Valve status Bool
temperature Measured temperature in the Int
pressure Measured pressure in the tank Int
name Name of the ingredient WString

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Configuring the visualization of the brewery (RT Unified)
2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)

1. Create a new faceplate type in the project library.
– Locate Types under the project library in the "Libraries" task card.
– Add a new type by double-clicking it.

2. Configure the new faceplate type.

– Select the HMI "Faceplate" type.
– Select the device type "Unified Comfort Panel / WinCC Unified PC".
– Name the faceplate type "Tank".
– Confirm your selection.

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Configuring the visualization of the brewery (RT Unified)
2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)

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24 System Manual, 04/2023, Online documentation
Configuring the visualization of the brewery (RT Unified)
2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)

3. Create the interface tag "filling_level".

– Click "Tag interface" in the work area.
– Add an interface tag.
– Name it "filling_level".
– Select the data type "Int".

4. Create the remaining interface tags listed in the table for the faceplate type.

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Configuring the visualization of the brewery (RT Unified)
2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)

5. Insert a bar graph for the fill level.

– Click "Visualization" in the work area.
– Locate "Bar" in the "Toolbox" task card under "Elements".
– Use drag-and-drop to place the element.

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Configuring the visualization of the brewery (RT Unified)
2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)

6. Create a new graphic type for the visualization of the storage tank.
– Follow the same steps as for creating the faceplate type.
– Select the type "Graphics / Dynamic SVG".
– Name the graphic type "tank_graphic".
– Confirm your selection.

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Configuring the visualization of the brewery (RT Unified)
2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)

7. Insert a tank as the default graphic.

– Locate tanks in the "Toolbox" task card under "Graphics > WinCC Graphics folder >
Equipment > Automation [EMF] > Tanks".
– Select the desired tank graphic.
– Assign the default graphic using drag-and-drop.

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Configuring the visualization of the brewery (RT Unified)
2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)

8. Release the graphic type version.

– Click the "!" field in the work area.
– Click on "release the version".
– Name the graphic type "tank_graphic".
– Confirm your selection.

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Configuring the visualization of the brewery (RT Unified)
2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)

9. Insert the graphic type in the visualization of the faceplate type.

– Locate the type in the "Libraries" task card under "Types" in the Project library.
– Place the tank at the desired location using drag-and-drop.

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Configuring the visualization of the brewery (RT Unified)
2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)

10.Create a graphic type for the valve in the same way and insert it into the visualization of the
– Locate the valve in the "Toolbox" task card under "Graphics > WinCC Graphics
folder > Equipment > Automation [EMF] > Valves".

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Configuring the visualization of the brewery (RT Unified)
2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)

11.Link the bar graph of the fill level with the interface tag "filling_level".
– Locate the "Process value" property in the Inspector window under "General".
– Select "Tag" for the dynamization.
– Select the interface tag "filling_level" as the process tag.
– Confirm your selection.

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Configuring the visualization of the brewery (RT Unified)
2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)

12.Insert a text box for the label, as well as a circle.

– Locate the elements in the "Toolbox" task card under "Basic objects".
– Place them at the desired location using drag-and-drop.

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Configuring the visualization of the brewery (RT Unified)
2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)

13.Dynamize the background color property of the circle so that the background color changes
as a function of the tag.
– Click on the created circle.
– In the Inspector window, navigate in the properties to "Appearance".
– Select "Tag" for dynamization of the background color.

Efficiency tip

To make things easier to see, you can hide property options by activating favorites .
You can add and remove properties to and from favorites as required.

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Configuring the visualization of the brewery (RT Unified)
2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)

14.Specify that the background color changes as a function of the interface tag "valve_status".
– Select the interface tag "valve_status" as the process tag.
– Enable the setting "Read only".
– Select the "Single bit" type.
– Define the desired background colors for the associated process values.

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Configuring the visualization of the brewery (RT Unified)
2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)

15.Adjust the size of the faceplate type.

– Click on the background in the faceplate.
– Adapt the size in Properties.

16.Release the faceplate type in the project library.

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Configuring the visualization of the brewery (RT Unified)
2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)

2.4.3 Configuring faceplate instances (RT Unified)

The storage tanks for the beer ingredients should now be visualized on the basis of the created
faceplate type. Insert an instance of the faceplate type for each storage tank and parameterize
the interfaces with the corresponding tags.

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Configuring the visualization of the brewery (RT Unified)
2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)

1. Create the instance for the storage tank containing water from the faceplate type.
– Open the HMI screen "BreweryProcess".
– Place the faceplate type "Tank" from the project library in the screen using drag-and-drop.

2. Connect the interface tag "pressure" of the faceplate instance to the "HMI_pressure_water"
– Click the faceplate instance.
– Navigate to "pressure" in the properties under "Miscellaneous > Interface".
– Link the interface tag with the "HMI_pressure_water" tag.

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Configuring the visualization of the brewery (RT Unified)
2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)

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Configuring the visualization of the brewery (RT Unified)
2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)

3. Connect the remaining interface tags of the faceplate instance in the same way.

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Configuring the visualization of the brewery (RT Unified)
2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)

4. Visualize and connect the storage tank for hops in the same way.

5. Visualize and connect the storage tank for malt in the same way.

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Configuring the visualization of the brewery (RT Unified)
2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)

2.4.4 Configure the HMI screen (RT Unified)

In the following, the previously created process screen "BreweryProcess", which contains the 3
storage tanks for water, hops and malt, is to be expanded to include the remaining components
of the brewing process. A mash tun is inserted and connected to the storage tanks via pipes. A
heat source that heats the mash tun is inserted. In addition to the graphic elements, display
elements for the process values of the mash tun are to be added.

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Configuring the visualization of the brewery (RT Unified)
2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)

1. Insert the displayed tank, which represents the mash tun.
– Locate the tank in the "Toolbox" task card under "Graphics > WinCC Graphics folder >
Equipment > Automation [SVG] > Tanks".
– Place the desired tank using drag-and-drop.

2. Use pipe graphics to complete the HMI screen.

– Locate the pipe graphics in the "Toolbox" task card under "Graphics > WinCC Graphics
folder > Equipment > Automation [SVG] > Pipes".
– Place the required pipe elements.
– Connect the tubes and tanks in the screen by increasing or reducing the size of the pipe

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2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)

Efficiency tip

: Move the selected screen object forward one position within the layer.
: Move the selected screen object backward one position within the layer.
A complete overview of the layers can be found in the "Layout" task card.

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2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)

3. Insert the heat source graphic.

– Locate the heat sources in the "Toolbox" task card under "Graphics > WinCC Graphics
folder > Equipment > Automation [SVG] > Heating & boilers".
– Place the desired heat source using drag-and-drop.

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2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)

4. Insert a value display for the fill level tag "HMI_filling_level_mash_tun" of the tank.
– Click on the "mash_tun" tag table
– Open the "Details view" in the project tree.
– Drag the "HMI_filling_level_mash_tun" tag into the screen using drag-and-drop.
– An IO field connected to the tag is automatically created.

5. Add a text box for labeling the IO field.

– Place a text box above the IO field.
– Double-click the text box.
– Type "filling level" inside the text box.

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2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)

2.4.5 Configuring a pop-up window for faceplates (RT Unified)

In the following a pop-up window for faceplates is to be configured in which additional
information on the fill level, temperature, and pressure of the respective storage tank is
displayed when you click on one of the 3 storage tanks.

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2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)

1. Duplicate the faceplate type "Tank" in the project library. All interface tags of the faceplate
type "Tank" are transferred to the new faceplate.
– Right-click on the faceplate type "Tank" in the project library.
– Select "Duplicate type".

2. Specify the properties of the new faceplate type.

– Name the new faceplate type "Tank_Details".
– Confirm your selection.

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2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)

3. Open the new faceplate type for editing.

– Right-click on the faceplate type "Tank_Details" in the project library.
– Select "Edit type".

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2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)

4. Delete the graphic elements of the copied faceplate type. Use multiple selection.
– Hold down the <Shift> key and click all the screen objects in the faceplate.
– Right-click a selected screen object. Alternatively, press <Delete>.
– Delete the selected screen objects.

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2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)

5. Insert the text field for the fill level.

– Locate the text boxes in the "Toolbox" task card under "Basic objects".
– Place a text box using drag-and-drop.
– Label it with "filling level".

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2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)

6. Insert the IO field for the fill level.

– IO fields can be found in the "Toolbox" task card under "Elements".
– Place the IO field using drag-and-drop.

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2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)

7. Connect the IO field to the interface tag "filling_level".

– Click on the IO field.
– Select "Tag" for dynamization of the process value.
– Link the IO field to the interface tag "filling_level".


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2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)

8. Configure the text boxes and IO fields for temperature and pressure.
– Connect the IO fields to the interface tags "temperature" and "pressure".

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2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)

9. Adjust the size of the faceplate type.

– Click on the background of the faceplate type.
– Adjust the size.

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2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)

10.Release the faceplate type for the pop-up window in the project library.

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2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)

11.Open the faceplate type "Tank" in the project library for editing.

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2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)

12.Create an event that is triggered by left-clicking on the tank.

– Click on the tank graphic in the faceplate type.
– Select "Events" in the Inspector window.
– Select "Click left mouse button".
– Click the icon for creating a script.

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2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)

13.Insert the snippet for opening a faceplate as a pop-up window.

– Right-click the displayed row in the script.
– Navigate to "Snippets > Faceplate" and select "Open faceplate in popup".

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2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)

14.Insert the name of the newly created faceplate "Tank_Details_V_0_0_2" and the designation
"Tank status" into the script.


15.Release the faceplate type in the project library and check the "Update instances in the
project" box.
Confirm your selection.

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2.4 Configuring storage tanks with faceplates (RT Unified)

The pop-up window for faceplates has been created and is opened in Runtime when you click
one of the storage tanks.

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Monitoring and logging the brewing process (RT
Unified) 3
3.1 Configuring alarms (RT Unified)

3.1.1 Alarms (RT Unified)

WinCC Unified ensures that all events in the process sequence are recorded chronologically.
Deviations from the process sequence are visualized to the system operator as alarms.
WinCC Unified supports complete traceability for processing the cause of an error.
An alarm contains the traceable status of the error processing with time stamp. An example
of an alarm is when the level of a storage tank falls below the limit value.

3.1.2 Configuring alarms (RT Unified)

In the following, an alarm is to be configured that is triggered when the fill level in one of the
storage tanks falls below a defined limit value.
The following alarms are to be configured for the storage tanks of the ingredients.

Name Alarm text Supervised tag Alarm class Limit

alarm_level_water "filling level water low" HMI_filling_level_water Alarm 50 l
alarm_level_malt "filling level malt low" HMI_filling_level_malt Alarm 50 kg
alarm_level_hop "filling level hop low" HMI_filling_level_hop Alarm 50 kg

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3.1 Configuring alarms (RT Unified)

1. Open the alarm overview.
– Open "HMI alarms" in the project tree.
– Click "Analog alarms" in the work area.

2. Create alarms for limit violations of the fill levels of the water, hops, and malt tanks.
– Add three alarms.
– Configure the alarms as described below.

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3.2 Logging alarms and process values (RT Unified)


3.2 Logging alarms and process values (RT Unified)

3.2.1 Logging (RT Unified)

Logging is a method for analyzing error states and for process documentation. By evaluating
logged data, you can derive measures to optimize maintenance cycles or increase product
In WinCC Unified, the alarm classes and tags to be logged in process mode are selected
during configuration.

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3.2 Logging alarms and process values (RT Unified)

3.2.2 Logging alarms (RT Unified)

The previously configured level alarms with the alarm class "Alarm" are now be logged. An alarm
log is created for the logging and then assigned to the alarm class "Alarm". All alarms of the alarm
class are logged in this alarm log.

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3.2 Logging alarms and process values (RT Unified)

1. Create an alarm log "tank_level_alarms".
– Open "Logs" in the project tree.
– Click "Alarm logs" in the work area.
– Add an alarm log and name it "tank_level_alarms".

2. Assign the alarm log to the alarm class "Alarm".

– Open "HMI alarms" in the project tree.
– Click "Alarm classes" in the work area.
– Link the "Alarm" alarm class with the alarm log "tank_level_alarms".

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3.2.3 Logging process values (RT Unified)

The process values of the fill levels in the storage tanks and the mash tun are to be logged. To do
this, a logging tag must be created for each tag and then assigned to a data log.

Logging tag name Logging of process values from Data type Data log
log_water_level HMI_filling_level_water Int filling_levels
log_hop_level HMI_filling_level_hop Int filling_levels
log_malt_level HMI_filling_level_malt Int filling_levels
log_mash_tun_level HMI_filling_level_mash_tun Int filling_levels
log_status_water HMI_valve_status_water Bool valve_status
log_status_hop HMI_valve_status_hop Bool valve_status
log_status_malt HMI_valve_status_malt Bool valve_status

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3.2 Logging alarms and process values (RT Unified)

1. Create a data log "filling_levels".
– Open "Logs" in the project tree.
– Add a data log.
– Name it "filling_levels".

2. Create logging tags for the data log "filling_levels".

Assign the logging tags to the data log "filling_levels".
– Open the "filling_levels" tag table.
– Click the desired tag.
– Add a logging tag.
– Name it as described in the table above.
– Link the logging tag with the associated alarm log "filling_levels".
– Repeat the procedure for the other two tags.

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3.2 Logging alarms and process values (RT Unified)

3. Repeat the procedure for the "HMI_filling_level_mash_tun" tag.

– Locate the tag in the "mash_tun" tag table in the project tree.


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3.2 Logging alarms and process values (RT Unified)

4. Verify that the data log "filling_levels" was created correctly with the associated logging tags.

5. Create the above-named logging tags in the "valve_status" tag table in the same way.

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3.3 Visualizing alarms and process values (RT Unified)

3.3 Visualizing alarms and process values (RT Unified)

3.3.1 Visualizing alarms and process values (RT Unified)

Visualization of alarms
Recorded alarms can be shown in an alarm control in Runtime. In this way, you can see
immediately whether there are problems or errors in the system. For example, it is indicated if
the fill level of a storage tank falls below a limit value and has to be refilled.

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3.3 Visualizing alarms and process values (RT Unified)

Visualization of process values

Current process values can be shown in a trend control in Runtime. For example, you can display
the fill level of the 3 storage tanks in a separate trend for each. As a result, you can always see
the current fill level clearly and know when new supplies have to be ordered and refilled. You can
also display the valve status in a trend control. In this way, you can see which valve is open and

3.3.2 Configuring an alarm control (RT Unified)

In the following, you will learn how to configure an alarm control to display the logged alarms.

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3.3 Visualizing alarms and process values (RT Unified)

1. Insert an alarm control in the HMI screen "Alarms".
– Open the HMI screen "Alarms" in the project tree.
– Locate the alarm control in the "Toolbox" task card under "Controls".
– Place the alarm control in the screen using drag-and-drop.

2. Configure the alarm control so that the logged alarms are displayed.
– Click on the alarm control.
– Navigate in the properties to "General".
– Select "Logged alarms" as alarm source.

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3.3 Visualizing alarms and process values (RT Unified)

3.3.3 Visualizing process values as trends (RT Unified)

The fill levels of the three tanks and the status of the three valves are to be output on the HMI
device as a trend.

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3.3 Visualizing alarms and process values (RT Unified)

1. Insert a trend control in the HMI screen "ProcessValues".
– Open the HMI screen "ProcessValues".
– Locate the control in the "Toolbox" task card under "Controls".
– Place the trend control in the screen using drag-and-drop.

2. Insert another trend area in the trend control.

– Click the trend control.
– Navigate in the properties to "General > Trend areas".
– Add an additional trend area.

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3.3 Visualizing alarms and process values (RT Unified)

3. Specify that the trend is supplied with values by logging tags.

– Navigate in the properties to "General > [0] Trend areas > Trends > [0] Trend > Data source
– Select "Logging tag" as source.

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4. Specify that the first trend is supplied with values by the logging tag


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3.3 Visualizing alarms and process values (RT Unified)

5. Insert two additional trends in the first trend area.

– Navigate in the properties to "General > [0] Trend areas > Trends".
– Add two more trends.

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3.3 Visualizing alarms and process values (RT Unified)

6. Specify that both trends are supplied with values by the logging tags
"HMI_filling_level_malt:log_malt_level" and "HMI_filling_level_water:log_water_level".

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3.3 Visualizing alarms and process values (RT Unified)

7. Assign a line color to the first trend.

– Navigate in the properties to "General > [0] Trend areas > Trends".
– Assign the desired color to the first trend under "Line - Color".

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8. Assign the desired line colors to the other two trends.

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3.3 Visualizing alarms and process values (RT Unified)

9. Configure the trend in the second trend area.

– Navigate in the properties to "General > [1] Trend areas > Trends > [0] Trend > Data source
– Specify that the first trend is supplied with values by the logging tag


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3.3 Visualizing alarms and process values (RT Unified)

10.Specify the trend mode "Stepped" for the trend.

– Navigate in the properties to "General > [1] Trend areas > Trends > [0] Trend > Trend
– Select "Stepped" as the trend mode.

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11.Add two more trends and configure the properties in the same way as before.
– Supply the two trends with the logging tags "HMI_valve_status_malt:log_status_malt"
and "HMI_valve_status_water:log_status_water".
– Specify the trend mode "Stepped" for both trends.

12.Assign the desired line colors to the trends.

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Configuring parameter sets (optional) (RT Unified) 4
4.1 Parameter sets (RT Unified)

Parameter set type

The parameter set type specifies the parameters and their properties according to which a
product is manufactured. A parameter set type is a template for different products with the same
basic ingredients.



No specific parameter values are stored in the parameter set type. Instead, a parameter set
is created based on the parameter set type for each product to be manufactured, e.g. wheat
beer or Pilsner.
Parameter sets should be used when frequently changing between products with similar
composition. In the process, you can quickly switch to another product. Basic changes to the
structure are carried out centrally on the parameter set type.

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Configuring parameter sets (optional) (RT Unified)
4.2 Using parameter sets (RT Unified)

Parameter sets in the brewing process

The brewmaster creates or imports one or more parameter sets. The shift manager selects the
parameter set for the product to be manufactured. The parameter set is transferred from the HMI
device to the PLC and the brewing process starts. The PLC runs the user program and uses the
parameter values of the basic ingredients for production. The individual ingredients are fed into
the mash tun. The brewing process continues according to the user program.

+0, 3/&


4.2 Using parameter sets (RT Unified)

In the following you will add a PLC to the project and network it with the HMI device. Then you
will configure a PLC data type and add it to the project library. Finally, you will also insert a data

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Configuring parameter sets (optional) (RT Unified)
4.3 Configuring a PLC (RT Unified)

This is only possible if the following requirements are met:

• Requirement for configuration
To configure a PLC, you need a "STEP 7" license.
• Requirement for testing the configuration
To test the configuration of the parameter sets with "PLCSim", you need an installed and
configured version of "PLCSim". For information on the installation and configuration, refer
to the "PLCSim" function manual.
If you want to test your configuration afterwards, either download the project to a real PLC or
use "PLCSim" to simulate a PLC.

4.3 Configuring a PLC (RT Unified)

4.3.1 Adding and networking a PLC (RT Unified)

To transfer parameter sets, you first configure a PLC and then configure the connection to the
HMI device.

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4.3 Configuring a PLC (RT Unified)

1. Add a new device in the project tree.

2. Select the controller "1518T-4 PN/DP" and name it "Brewery Control".

– Click "Controller".
– Navigate to "SIMATIC S7-1500 > CPU > CPU 1518T-4 PN/DP" and select the Controller.
– Name it "Brewery Control".
– Confirm your selection.

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4.3 Configuring a PLC (RT Unified)

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4.3 Configuring a PLC (RT Unified)

3. Cancel the PLC security settings. You will return to them in a later step.

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4.3 Configuring a PLC (RT Unified)

4. Add a communications module to the HMI device.

– Click "Network view" in the work area.
– Open the "Hardware catalog" task card.
– Navigate to "PC systems > Communications modules > PROFINET/Ethernet > CP 1612
– Add the module to the HMI device using drag-and-drop.

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4.3 Configuring a PLC (RT Unified)

5. Network a port of the PLC with the new interface of the HMI device using drag-and-drop.

6. Create the HMI connection to the PLC.

– Click "Connections".
– Connect the marked areas using drag-and-drop.

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4.3 Configuring a PLC (RT Unified)

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4.3 Configuring a PLC (RT Unified)

4.3.2 Creating a PLC data type and adding it to the library (RT Unified)

In the following you will create a user data type on the PLC and add it to the project library. The
user data type is later used as the basis for the parameter set type.
The user data type contains the following elements:

Element name Use Data type

water Quantity of water Int
hop Quantity of hops Int
malt Quantity of malt Int

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4.3 Configuring a PLC (RT Unified)

1. Add a new PLC data type.
– Navigate in the PLC "Brewery Control" to "PLC data types".
– Add a new data type.

2. Configure the PLC data type.

– Name the PLC data type "UDT_Beer".
– Add the elements "Water", "Hop" and "Malt".
– Select the "Int" data type for all elements.

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4.3 Configuring a PLC (RT Unified)

3. Add the PLC data type "UDT_Beer" to the project library as a user data type using drag-and-

4. Name the user data type in the project library "UDT_Beer".

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4.3 Configuring a PLC (RT Unified)

4.3.3 Creating a data block (RT Unified)

The values of the elements "Water", "Hop" and "Malt" are stored in the program block. In the
following, you insert a data block and link it to the user data type "UDT_Beer".

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Configuring parameter sets (optional) (RT Unified)
4.3 Configuring a PLC (RT Unified)

1. Create a program block.
– Navigate in the PLC "Brewery Control" to "Program blocks".
– Add a new block.

2. Configure the new program block "DB_Brewery".

– Click "Data block".
– Name it "DB_Brewery".
– Confirm your selection.

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4.3 Configuring a PLC (RT Unified)

3. Fill the program block.

– Add a new element.
– Name it "Beer".
– Select the user data type "UDT_Beer".
– The parameters of the user data type are added automatically.

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4.4 Configuring the HMI device (RT Unified)

4.4 Configuring the HMI device (RT Unified)

4.4.1 Link HMI connection with program block (RT Unified)

In the following, you will configure the data exchange between the PLC and HMI device.

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Configuring parameter sets (optional) (RT Unified)
4.4 Configuring the HMI device (RT Unified)

Link HMI connection with program block

1. Add a new tag table "Recipe" and create the tag "HMI_Beer".

2. Select the HMI connection "HMI_Connection_1".

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Configuring parameter sets (optional) (RT Unified)
4.4 Configuring the HMI device (RT Unified)

3. Select the "Beer" element from the program block "DB_Brewery" as the PLC tag.

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Configuring parameter sets (optional) (RT Unified)
4.4 Configuring the HMI device (RT Unified)

4.4.2 Creating a parameter set type and configuring a parameter control (RT

In the following, you will create a parameter set type for several different beer types. The
parameter set is to receive its structure through the parameter set type "PST_Beer". The
parameter set type consists of the elements "water", "hop" and "malt".

Element name Use Data type Unit of measurement

water Quantity of water Int l
hop Quantity of hops Int kg
malt Quantity of malt Int kg

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Configuring parameter sets (optional) (RT Unified)
4.4 Configuring the HMI device (RT Unified)

1. Create a parameter set type.
– Navigate to "Parameter set types" in the project tree.
– Add a new parameter set type.
– Name it "PST_Beer".

2. Select the user data type "UDT_Beer" from the project library as the data type.
The structure is created automatically based on the selected data type.

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Configuring parameter sets (optional) (RT Unified)
4.4 Configuring the HMI device (RT Unified)

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Configuring parameter sets (optional) (RT Unified)
4.4 Configuring the HMI device (RT Unified)

3. Select the "HMI_Beer" tag from the "Recipe" tag table.

4. Specify the units of measurement for the data types.

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Configuring parameter sets (optional) (RT Unified)
4.4 Configuring the HMI device (RT Unified)

4.4.3 Inserting and configuring a parameter set control (RT Unified)

In the following you will configure the parameter set control. The parameter sets are created and
edited in runtime via the parameter set control.

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Configuring parameter sets (optional) (RT Unified)
4.4 Configuring the HMI device (RT Unified)

1. Insert a parameter set control into the HMI screen "ProductCtrl".
– Open the HMI screen "ProductCtrl".
– Locate the control in the "Toolbox" task card under "Controls".
– Insert a parameter set control into the HMI screen using drag-and-drop.

2. Connect a parameter set type to the parameter set control.

– Click on the parameter set control.
– Navigate in the properties to "General > Fixed parameter set type".
– Connect the parameter set type "PST_Beer" to the parameter set control.

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Configuring parameter sets (optional) (RT Unified)
4.5 Setting up a connection with PLCSim (RT Unified)

4.5 Setting up a connection with PLCSim (RT Unified)

PLCSIM is installed.

To establish the connection with PLCSIM, define the access rights for the PLC before setting up
the connection.
When you start the simulation, the PLCSIM control window opens. You can control the
simulation using the "Run" and "Stop" buttons. If you follow the explained procedure, no
operation of the control window is required.
During the procedure, deactivate functions for the protection of confidential data and
restrictions on operation. These functions are deactivated to simplify the simulation. In
the real process environment, this access must be restricted. With automation systems, the
unconditional maintenance of operational safety and the protection of life and limb are

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Configuring parameter sets (optional) (RT Unified)
4.5 Setting up a connection with PLCSim (RT Unified)

paramount. The decisive requirement for this is maintaining the availability of the system
and thus unrestricted control over the process.
To make a final check of the procedure, establish an online connection. A more detailed
explanation is not provided in this Getting Started guide since no PLC functionality has been
created due to the absence of external tags.

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Configuring parameter sets (optional) (RT Unified)
4.5 Setting up a connection with PLCSim (RT Unified)

1. Open the properties of the PLC "Brewery Control".

2. Configure the PLC security settings.

– Select the "Protection & Security" menu.
– Deselect "Protect confidential PLC configuration data".
– Select the access level "Full access".

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Configuring parameter sets (optional) (RT Unified)
4.5 Setting up a connection with PLCSim (RT Unified)

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Configuring parameter sets (optional) (RT Unified)
4.5 Setting up a connection with PLCSim (RT Unified)

3. Start the simulation.

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Configuring parameter sets (optional) (RT Unified)
4.5 Setting up a connection with PLCSim (RT Unified)

4. Start the search for target devices and select a target device.
– Select the type of PG/PC interface "PN/IE".
– Select the connection "PN_IE_1".
– Start the search.
– Select the target device.
– Click "Load".

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Configuring parameter sets (optional) (RT Unified)
4.5 Setting up a connection with PLCSim (RT Unified)

5. Check the settings and load the data.

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Configuring parameter sets (optional) (RT Unified)
4.5 Setting up a connection with PLCSim (RT Unified)

6. Specify that the module should be started after the download, and finish the download.

7. Establish an online connection.

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Configuring parameter sets (optional) (RT Unified)
4.5 Setting up a connection with PLCSim (RT Unified)

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Configuring parameter sets (optional) (RT Unified)
4.5 Setting up a connection with PLCSim (RT Unified)

The connection has been established successfully.

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Configuring parameter sets (optional) (RT Unified)
4.5 Setting up a connection with PLCSim (RT Unified)

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Configuring user administration (RT Unified) 5
5.1 User management in WinCC Unified (RT Unified)
User management in the TIA Portal allows for the system-wide, central administration of users.
User management forms the basis for efficient and integrated administration of personalized
access rights in the system, which significantly reduces security risks. The assignment of roles
and rights on a person-specific basis minimizes maintenance effort and increases transparency.

WinCC user management allows you to limit security-relevant operator actions to certain users.
In this way, you protect data and functions in Runtime from unauthorized access.
• Set up users and assign authorizations to these users. Configure the authorizations required
for operation of safety-related objects.
• Users must prove their identity in Runtime by entering their user name and password. The
requested action is executed provided the user has the required authorization.
When a user is assigned a role, they receive the function rights associated with it. Roles with
associated rights may look like the following for a brewing process:

Brewmaster Shift manager Operator

May monitor the process x x x
May operate the process x x
May edit the recipes x

User management is configured globally or locally.

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Configuring user administration (RT Unified)
5.1 User management in WinCC Unified (RT Unified)

Local and central user management

Local user management is configured directly in the project. You can create users, define roles
and their associated rights, and assign roles to the users. The users, roles and rights are only
available in this project.




Subsequent addition or removal of users changes the project. Local user management is
appropriate if you create and manage only one project. For example, a single brewery.
In the case of global user management, users are managed centrally on an external
server. You create the users centrally on an external server and organize them in groups
corresponding to their later function. You do not create any users in the project. Rather, you
import the groups from the external server and assign the corresponding roles to the groups.




To add users later, they are created on the external server and assigned to an existing group.
Users automatically receive the role assigned to the group in the respective project. It is not
necessary to change the project.

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Configuring user administration (RT Unified)
5.2 Configuring local user administration (RT Unified)

Global user management is particularly well-suited to central maintenance of multiple

projects. This is the case for example, when several different breweries are managed by
the same company, or when new employees are added frequently.

5.2 Configuring local user administration (RT Unified)

In the following, you will learn how to create a local user management. You use roles
predefined in the project for this.

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Configuring user administration (RT Unified)
5.2 Configuring local user administration (RT Unified)

Creating local users

1. Create a local user.
– Navigate to "Security settings" in the project tree.
– Open "Users and roles".
– Add a new local user.


2. Name the new local user and define a password.

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Configuring user administration (RT Unified)
5.2 Configuring local user administration (RT Unified)

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Configuring user administration (RT Unified)
5.2 Configuring local user administration (RT Unified)

3. Create two more users "shift_supervisor" and "worker".

Define a password for each user.

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Configuring user administration (RT Unified)
5.2 Configuring local user administration (RT Unified)

4. Assign the "master_brewer" user the predefined role "HMI Administrator".

You can also define your own user roles in the "Roles" tab.

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Configuring user administration (RT Unified)
5.2 Configuring local user administration (RT Unified)

5. Assign the "shift_supervisor" user the predefined role "HMI Operator".

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Configuring user administration (RT Unified)
5.2 Configuring local user administration (RT Unified)

6. Assign the "worker" user the predefined role "HMI Monitor".

7. Display the rights of a user and check the assigned rights.

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Configuring user administration (RT Unified)
5.2 Configuring local user administration (RT Unified)

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Configuring screen navigation (RT Unified) 6
6.1 Screen navigation (RT Unified)

Process visualization is generally split between multiple screens, for example on the basis of
functional or technological aspects. Changing between screens is referred to as screen

6.2 Screen window technology (RT Unified)

You use the screen window technology to implement the screen navigation. You divide the
overview screen into 3 areas using screen windows and determine which HMI screens are
displayed in the respective screen window.






Information on the system is displayed in the screen window "sw_Content", for example the
brewing process, alarms or process values. The HMI screens that are used for navigation are
displayed in the "sw_Header" and "sw_Navigation" screen windows.

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Configuring screen navigation (RT Unified)
6.3 Configuring screen window for navigation (RT Unified)

You can use the "Open Navigation" button in the HMI screen "Header" to show the HMI screen
"Navigation". Using the buttons in the HMI screen "Navigation", the operator changes the
screens in the screen window "sw_Content" in Runtime.



6.3 Configuring screen window for navigation (RT Unified)

In the following you will learn how to implement the screen navigation using the screen window
concept. The following screen objects are needed for this:

Object Type Label Use

BreweryOverview HMI screen - Overview screen for operating and
monitoring the brewing process
sw_Content Screen window - Screen for displaying the screens for
process control
sw_Header Screen window - Screen for opening the navigation be‐
tween process control screens
sw_Navigation Screen window - Screen for navigating between process
control screens
btn_ShowNavigation Button Open Navigation Shows the screen window "sw_Naviga‐
btn_HideNavigation Button < Hides the screen window "sw_Naviga‐
btn_ProcessBrewery Button Brewery Screen change for the brewing process
btn_ProcessValues Button Process Values Screen change for process values from
the brewing process
btn_Alarms Button Alarms Screen change for alarms from the
brewing process
btn_ProductCtrl Button Production Screen change for production control

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Configuring screen navigation (RT Unified)
6.3 Configuring screen window for navigation (RT Unified)

1. Add a screen window to the HMI screen "BreweryOverview" to display the "Header".
– Open the HMI screen "BreweryOverview".
– Locate the screen window in the "Toolbox" task card under "Controls".
– Place the screen window using drag-and-drop.

2. Specify that the HMI screen "Header" is displayed in the screen window.
– Click on the screen window.
– Navigate in the properties to "General".
– Link the HMI screen "Header" with the screen window.

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Configuring screen navigation (RT Unified)
6.3 Configuring screen window for navigation (RT Unified)

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Configuring screen navigation (RT Unified)
6.3 Configuring screen window for navigation (RT Unified)

3. Configure the window settings for the screen window.

– Navigate in the properties to "Appearance".
– Configure the window settings such that only "Show border" is selected.

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Configuring screen navigation (RT Unified)
6.3 Configuring screen window for navigation (RT Unified)

4. Configure the screen window so that it adapts to the size of the displayed HMI screen.
– Navigate in the properties to "Format".
– Select the option "Fit window to screen".

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Configuring screen navigation (RT Unified)
6.3 Configuring screen window for navigation (RT Unified)

5. Change the name of the screen window.

– Navigate in the properties to "Miscellaneous".
– Name the screen window "sw_Header".

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Configuring screen navigation (RT Unified)
6.3 Configuring screen window for navigation (RT Unified)

6. Configure the screen window "sw_Content":

– Copy the screen window "sw_Header".
– Name the copied screen window "sw_Content".
– Specify that the HMI screen "BreweryProcess" is displayed in the screen window.

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Configuring screen navigation (RT Unified)
6.3 Configuring screen window for navigation (RT Unified)

7. Configure the screen window "sw_Navigation":

– Copy the screen window "sw_Header".
– Name the copied screen window "sw_Navigation".
– Specify that the HMI screen "Navigation" is displayed in the screen window.

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Configuring screen navigation (RT Unified)
6.3 Configuring screen window for navigation (RT Unified)

– Specify that the screen window "sw_Navigation" is always displayed in the foreground.

8. Position the three screen windows in the HMI screen "BreweryOverview":

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Configuring screen navigation (RT Unified)
6.3 Configuring screen window for navigation (RT Unified)

– Specify the position for the screen window "sw_Header".

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Configuring screen navigation (RT Unified)
6.3 Configuring screen window for navigation (RT Unified)

– Specify the position for the screen window "sw_Content".

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Configuring screen navigation (RT Unified)
6.4 Configure the HMI screen to open the navigation window (RT Unified)

– Using the mouse, position the screen window "sw_Navigation" over the other two screen


6.4 Configure the HMI screen to open the navigation window (RT

In the following, you configure the HMI screen "Header" which is displayed in the screen window
"sw_Header". Use the button in the HMI screen "Header" to show the screen window
"sw_Navigation" in which the operator changes the screen in the screen window "sw_Content".

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Configuring screen navigation (RT Unified)
6.4 Configure the HMI screen to open the navigation window (RT Unified)

1. Create a button in the HMI screen "Header" to open the navigation window.
– Open the HMI screen "Header".
– Insert a button in the screen. Locate them in the "Toolbox" task card under "Elements".
– Label the button with "Open Navigation".

2. Add a system function to the "Click left mouse button" event.

– Click on "Events" in the Inspector window.
– Select "Click left mouse button".
– Add a function.

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Configuring screen navigation (RT Unified)
6.4 Configure the HMI screen to open the navigation window (RT Unified)

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Configuring screen navigation (RT Unified)
6.4 Configure the HMI screen to open the navigation window (RT Unified)

3. Select the system function "SetPropertyValue".

4. Specify the parameters of the system function "SetPropertyValue".

– Select "String" as the source for the relative path.
– Enter the relative path "../sw_Navigation".
– Enter "Visible" as the Screen object property name.
– Define the property value as "1".

Upper and lower case
Pay attention to the correct case when setting the parameters.

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Configuring screen navigation (RT Unified)
6.5 Configuring the HMI screen to open the process screens (RT Unified)

6.5 Configuring the HMI screen to open the process screens (RT

In the following, you configure the HMI screen "Navigation" which is displayed in the screen
window "sw_Navigation". Using the buttons in the HMI screen "Navigation", you change the
screen displayed in the screen window "sw_Content".
The screen window "sw_Navigation" is hidden by default and can be shown using the "Open
Navigation" button in the "Header" and hidden again using the "<" button in the HMI screen

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System Manual, 04/2023, Online documentation 151
Configuring screen navigation (RT Unified)
6.5 Configuring the HMI screen to open the process screens (RT Unified)

1. Configure the button for closing the navigation window.
– Open the HMI screen "Navigation".
– Insert a button.
– Label the button with "<".

2. Insert the other buttons in the same way and label them as shown.

Efficiency tip

By dragging an HMI screen from the project tree to the opened screen, a button with the screen name
is automatically configured as the label.

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Configuring screen navigation (RT Unified)
6.5 Configuring the HMI screen to open the process screens (RT Unified)

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Configuring screen navigation (RT Unified)
6.5 Configuring the HMI screen to open the process screens (RT Unified)

3. Configure the button "<" that hides the screen window "sw_Navigation".
– Add the system function "SetPropertyValue" to the "Click left mouse button" event.

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Configuring screen navigation (RT Unified)
6.5 Configuring the HMI screen to open the process screens (RT Unified)

4. Specify the parameters of the system function "SetPropertyValue".

– Enter the relative path "../sw_Navigation" of the screen window.
– Enter the screen object property name "Visible".
– Select the value "0".

Upper and lower case
Pay attention to the correct case when setting the parameters.

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Configuring screen navigation (RT Unified)
6.5 Configuring the HMI screen to open the process screens (RT Unified)

5. Configure the button "Brewery" which shows the brewing process in the screen window
– Add the system function "ChangeScreen" to the "Click left mouse button" event.

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Configuring screen navigation (RT Unified)
6.5 Configuring the HMI screen to open the process screens (RT Unified)

6. Specify that the "BreweryProcess" screen is displayed.

– Select the screen name "BreweryProcess".

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Configuring screen navigation (RT Unified)
6.5 Configuring the HMI screen to open the process screens (RT Unified)

7. Enter the relative path "../sw_Content" of the screen window "sw_Content".

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Configuring screen navigation (RT Unified)
6.5 Configuring the HMI screen to open the process screens (RT Unified)

8. Configure the "Process Values" button in the same way as the "Brewery" button. Specify the
displayed parameters for the "ChangeScreen" system function.

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Configuring screen navigation (RT Unified)
6.5 Configuring the HMI screen to open the process screens (RT Unified)

9. Configure the "Alarms" button in the same way as the "Brewery" button and specify the
displayed parameters for the "ChangeScreen" system function.

10.Configure the "Production" button in the same way as the "Brewery" button and specify the
displayed parameters for the "ChangeScreen" system function.

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Configuring screen navigation (RT Unified)
6.6 Configuring a button with access protection (RT Unified)

6.6 Configuring a button with access protection (RT Unified)

Employees of the "worker" user group should not be able to access the process values. To ensure
this, configure appropriate access protection for the button for calling the process values.

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Configuring screen navigation (RT Unified)
6.6 Configuring a button with access protection (RT Unified)

1. Configure access protection for the "Process Values" button.
– Open the "Navigation" screen.
– Select the "Process Values" button.
– Navigate in the properties to "Security".
– Assign the authorization "Operate" to the button.

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162 System Manual, 04/2023, Online documentation
Runtime (RT Unified) 7
7.1 Function test in Runtime (RT Unified)

The environment for operating and monitoring the brewing process is called "Runtime". Runtime
runs in the browser independent of the device.

In this Getting Started, Runtime is run on the PC on which you configured it. For runtime to
be started in the browser, the user logged on to Windows must have local admin rights.

7.2 Installing certificates (RT Unified)

Certificates are used to securely connect end devices to WinCC Unified Runtime. Certificates
fulfill the following tasks:
• Confirm the identity of the communication partner
• Encrypt data exchange

Operating principle
① You use the WinCC Unified Configuration tool to transfer the certificate to the clients that can
access Runtime.
② When the operator enters the URL of the Runtime server, the identity of the client is
checked using the certificate.
③ After the check, the operator authenticates themself with user name and password.
④ Communication between the Runtime server and client is encrypted using the HTTPS

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System Manual, 04/2023, Online documentation 163
Runtime (RT Unified)
7.3 Testing the configuration in Runtime (RT Unified)





Setting up the certificate structure

You can find information on setting up the certificate structure with WinCC Unified
Configuration here:
WinCC Configuration Tool | FAQ (

7.3 Testing the configuration in Runtime (RT Unified)

In the following you will learn how to start the simulation of the HMI device and check the correct
functioning of the configuration in Runtime.

The simulation of the configured PLC "Brewery Control" has been started without errors.
The setting for encrypted communication has been configured or deactivated in the HMI
device under "Runtime settings".

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Runtime (RT Unified)
7.3 Testing the configuration in Runtime (RT Unified)

Starting the simulation

1. Start the simulation for the HMI device.

2. Specify that local user management is used.

– Open the information for "Runtime values".
– Deselect "Keep current user management data in runtime".
– Confirm loading of the configuration data to the HMI device.

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Runtime (RT Unified)
7.3 Testing the configuration in Runtime (RT Unified)

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Runtime (RT Unified)
7.3 Testing the configuration in Runtime (RT Unified)

3. Access Runtime via a browser.

– Open a browser.
– In the address line, enter "" or "https://localhost".

4. Log in to Runtime.
– Use the "master_brewer" user.
– Enter the password.
– Confirm the login.

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Runtime (RT Unified)
7.3 Testing the configuration in Runtime (RT Unified)

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Runtime (RT Unified)
7.3 Testing the configuration in Runtime (RT Unified)

Testing the configuration

1. Check that all screen changes are working as intended.
– Check the visualization of the brewery process.
– Open the Navigation.
– Change the screen using the Navigation.

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Runtime (RT Unified)
7.3 Testing the configuration in Runtime (RT Unified)

2. Navigate to the "Production" screen.

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Runtime (RT Unified)
7.3 Testing the configuration in Runtime (RT Unified)

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Runtime (RT Unified)
7.3 Testing the configuration in Runtime (RT Unified)

3. Create a parameter set for the beer type "Pilsner".

– Click "Create parameter set".
– Name the parameter set "Pilsner".
– Enter "1" as the number.
– Confirm your selection.


4. Configure the values of the ingredients for the parameter set "Pilsner".
– Enter the desired ingredient amounts under Value.
– Save the parameter set "Pilsner".

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Runtime (RT Unified)
7.3 Testing the configuration in Runtime (RT Unified)

You have created your first project with WinCC Unified and successfully tested it in Runtime.

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Runtime (RT Unified)
7.3 Testing the configuration in Runtime (RT Unified)

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8.1 SVG graphics (RT Unified)
WinCC provides large number graphics and symbols for industrial automation. These include
motors, pumps, valves, and tanks, as well as technical components for numerous different
industrial sectors. In addition to static graphics, you can also choose from a selection of dynamic
SVG graphics.
Dynamic SVG graphics have an interface for changing pre-defined properties of the graphic,
such as colors or levels.

In the following section, the static mash tun graphic is replaced with a dynamic SVG graphic and

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8.1 SVG graphics (RT Unified)

1. Open the "BreweryProcess" screen.
Delete the screen elements for the mash tun and the heat source.

2. Insert the dynamic SVG mash tun graphic in the screen.

You can find it in the "Toolbox" task card under "Dynamic widgets > IndustryGraphicLibrary
> Brewery".

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Additional functions (RT Unified)
8.1 SVG graphics (RT Unified)

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8.1 SVG graphics (RT Unified)

3. Change the static value of the "FillLevel" interface.

Specify that a tag is to be used for the dynamization.

4. Link the "FillLevel" interface with the "HMI_filling_level_mash_tun" tag.

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8.2 SIMATIC Runtime Manager (RT Unified)

8.2 SIMATIC Runtime Manager (RT Unified)

8.2.1 Runtime Manager (RT Unified)

To manage compiled projects on a Unified PC, use Runtime Manager. Unlike on Unified Comfort
Panels, multiple Runtime projects can be stored simultaneously on the Unified PC.

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8.2 SIMATIC Runtime Manager (RT Unified)

• Runtime Manager is installed.
• Runtime Manager is open.

Runtime Manager provides the following functions:
• Starting, stopping, and deletion of compiled configurations on the Unified PC
• Autostart of a configuration during device start-up
• Configuration start with specific user accounts
• Display of settings for user management
• Checking the connection to the UMC server
• Certificate management
• Restoring and deleting log segments

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8.3 Unified Collaboration (RT Unified)

8.2.2 "Autostart" in Runtime Manager (RT Unified)

• At least one project has been loaded into Runtime.
• At least one project has a project type other than "Simulation".

Enable the "Autostart" option for one of the projects that has a project type other than

You can select only one project for autostart at a time.

The project is started automatically when the device on which Runtime is installed is booted.

See also
WinCC Unified Runtime | section "SIMATIC Runtime Manager" (https://

8.3 Unified Collaboration (RT Unified)

Unified Collaboration refers to the exchange of data between multiple Unified systems (Unified
PC and Unified Comfort Panel) during runtime.
With Unified Collaboration, process screens of other stations can be displayed and operated in
a screen window. Thus, no double configuration effort is required.



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Additional functions (RT Unified)
8.4 Scripting in WinCC (RT Unified)

To enable the data transfer, the settings for Unified Collaboration must be specified in all
systems. After the configuration, the Unified Comfort Panel is shared for access. In the Unified
PC, access to the Unified Comfort Panel is activated.

8.4 Scripting in WinCC (RT Unified)

In this Getting Started, you have configured functions at events such as "Click left mouse button",
e.g. a function that triggers a screen change in Runtime. With this configuration, you have got
to know a small part of the "scripting". WinCC Runtime Unified has a modern script environment
that supports JavaScript as the programming language.

Programming environment
The programming environment is integrated into the familiar working environment and
supports functions such as syntax highlighting:

When programming in JavaScript, you are supported by an autocomplete function.

Code snippets make programming easier by providing frequently used instruction patterns:

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8.4 Scripting in WinCC (RT Unified)

Scripting supports global and local scripts:
• You program global scripts centrally in the project. You can call global scripts in local scripts,
for example, to convert measurement units.
• You can program local scripts at the respective point of use, e.g. color change at an object.
You can use predefined system functions for frequently required programming tasks, for
example to change values or to exit Runtime.

Typical application examples

In this Getting Started, you have used the following JavaScript functions:
• Code snippets
• System functions
Other typical application examples of JavaScript are:
• Reading and writing of tags
• Changing object properties depending on other properties or values
• Access to alarms

See also
Configuring the HMI screen to open the process screens (Page 151)
Configuring a pop-up window for faceplates (Page 47)
SIMATIC WinCC Unified - Tips and Tricks for Scripting
(JavaScript) (

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Additional functions (RT Unified)
8.4 Scripting in WinCC (RT Unified)

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