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Buddhist Wong Wan Tin College

Name: ___________________________ ( ) Class: ______ Teacher: Ms Wong ( )

Cinema Etiquette

n. phr v. phr adj / adv

1. cinema etiquette behave well-behaved
2. cinema = multiplex disturb your enjoyment extraordinary
3. distractions annoy unbelievable
4. auditorium munch popcorn
5. surround sound don’t take off your shoes
6. clear digital projection keep your odors to yourself
7. dual screening slurp drinks
8. bad manners break my concentration
9. a code of conduct
10. bugbears = annoying things
11. a special child-friendly
12. chain of cinemas
13. child-free cinema-going
14. a ban on popcorn
A. Background
1. _____________________________(n phr) = the right way to behave when you see a film
2. cinema = ________________________________(n)

B. Distraction 1 – Eating
⚫ e.g. ___________________________(n phr) & _______________________(n phr)
⚫ turn the __________________________(n) into their own dining room
⚫ x appreciate the _______________________(n phr) & ______________________(n phr)

C. Distraction 2 – Dual Screening

⚫ look at _______________(n phr) at the same time
most people a woman
◼ ___________(g) or ________(v) message ◼ use an app to turn the phone into a
◼ use the ______________(n) on her
friend’s phone
◼ use the mirror to do her

D. Distraction 3 – Take off shoes

⚫ keep ___________________(n) to yourself

E. Distraction 4,5,6 – Others

⚫ _________________(g) drinks, _________________(g) late & talking during the film

F. Distraction 7 – Babies
⚫ x _____________________________(adj) screening
→ use the cinema as a ______________________(n)

G. Solutions
1. a _______________________(n phr) = a list of rules on how people should behave at
the cinema

2. special cinema
⚫ offer ____________________(adj) cinema
⚫ a ban on ________________(n)

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