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Context - The beauty after the storm. My childhood memories dancing and playing in the rain.

Text - As a child, we all have our different types of happiness. The joy of playing in the rain and
bringing out my inner child is the best. The feeling of wet clothes against my body reminded me
of a younger, more carefree version of myself.

Subtext – The rain represents my defeat in life and the rainbow is the new chapter of my life.
Now as an adult listening to pitter patter of the rain on the ground make us feel more relax and
calm, this painting is reminiscing the childhood memories and the feeling of sadness inside me.
The rainbow is the hope that brings us positivity to go on even in our downfall times, there's a
hope to continue the life we have.

“If you want to enjoy the rainbow, be prepared to endure the storm” – Mahatma Gandhi

Abad, Joan Claire A.


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