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Unit I : Introduction to Machine Learning
1. Explain Supervised learning with example
2. Define classic & adaptive machines.
3. Define machine learning & it’s different approaches.
4. Differentiate between deep learning & machine learning.
5. Describe the role of machine learning in following applications
a. Recommendation System
b. Virtual Personal Assistance
c. Spam Filtering
d. Natural Language Processing
6. Write a short note on PCA.
7. Explain important elements of machine learning.
8. Explain feature selection & filtering.
9. Enlist & explain steps for computing PCA.
10. What do you mean by supervised & unsupervised learning? Explain one example of each
11. What is Linear Discriminant Analysis, when it is used?
12. Differentiate between ML, DS & AI.
13. Define Machine Learning & it’s different approaches.
14. With the help of example explain different types of data.
15. Differentiate between Parametric & Non-Parametric learning.

Q. Bank
Unit II : Regression
1. What is regression? Enlist types of regression
2. Differentiate between correlation & regression
3. Explain the terms Bias & Variance
4. What is bias-variance trade-off
5. Explain the terms overfitting & underfitting.
6. Explain evaluation metrics for linear regression
7. Derive the expression for coefficient of correlation.
8. Explain different regularization techniques used in linear regression.
9. Explain different steps in conducting regression analysis.
10. Explain different methods in calculating regression coefficient.
11. List limitations of linear regression.
12. Write a short note on : Ridge regression.
13. Write a short note on : Lasso regression.
14. Write a short note on : ElasticNet regression.
15. Write a short note on : Polynomial regression.

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