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Evangelized and evangelizing communities where minds and hearts meet.

For Grade School

Story to Read: The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)

Understanding Compassion: What does it mean to be a good neighbor like the Samaritan in the

Identifying Kindness: Can you think of a time when you helped someone who was in need, just
like the Samaritan helped the injured man?

Respecting Differences: Why do you think the priest and the Levite passed by the injured man?
How could they have shown more kindness?

For Junior High School:

Story to Read: The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)

Exploring Empathy: How do you think the Samaritan felt when he saw the injured man on the
road? Can you relate to his feelings?

Examining Prejudice: Why do you think the Samaritan helped the injured man, despite their
cultural and religious differences? What does this teach us about judging others?

Considering Sacrifice: The Samaritan sacrificed his time, resources, and comfort to help the
injured man. Can you think of a time when you had to sacrifice something to help someone

Discussing Compassionate Action: What are some practical ways we can actively practice
kindness and compassion, inspired by the example of the Good Samaritan?

For Senior High School:

Story to Read: The Rich Young Man (Matthew 19:16-30)

Understanding Wealth and Priorities: Why do you think the rich young man was hesitant to give
up his possessions to follow Jesus? What does this reveal about his priorities?

Exploring Materialism: How do you think the pursuit of wealth and possessions can affect a
person's spiritual life, as seen in the rich young man's story?

Diocesan Education Office, Bishop’s Residence, Salong, Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro║(043) 288-1019 ║ 
Evangelized and evangelizing communities where minds and hearts meet.

Considering True Treasure: In this story, Jesus emphasizes the difficulty for the rich to enter the
kingdom of heaven. What do you think Jesus meant by this, and how does it relate to the
concept of spiritual wealth versus material wealth?

Diocesan Education Office, Bishop’s Residence, Salong, Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro║(043) 288-1019 ║ 

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